60 resultados para Frontal lobe

em Aston University Research Archive


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To determine whether genetic factors influence frontal lobe degeneration in Alzheimer's disease (AD), the laminar distributions of diffuse, primitive, and classic β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide deposits were compared in early-onset familial AD (EO-FAD) linked to mutations of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) or presenilin 1 (PSEN1) gene, late-onset familial AD (LO-FAD), and sporadic AD (SAD). The influence of apolipoprotein E (Apo E) genotype on laminar distribution was also studied. In the majority of FAD and SAD cases, maximum density of the diffuse and primitive Aβ deposits occurred in the upper cortical layers, whereas the distribution of the classic Aβ deposits was more variable, either occurring in the lower layers, or a double-peaked (bimodal) distribution was present, density peaks occurring in upper and lower layers. The cortical layer at which maximum density of Aβ deposits occurred and maximum density were similar in EO-FAD, LO-FAD and SAD. In addition, there were no significant differences in distributions in cases expressing Apo E ε4 alleles compared with cases expressing the ε2 or ε3 alleles. These results suggest that gene expression had relatively little effect on the laminar distribution of Aβ deposits in the frontal lobe of the AD cases studied. Hence, the pattern of frontal lobe degeneration in AD is similar regardless of whether it is associated with APP and PSEN1, mutation, allelic variation in Apo E, or with SAD.


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Ten cases of neuronal intermediate filament inclusion disease (NIFID) were studied quantitatively. The α-internexin positive neurofilament inclusions (NI) were most abundant in the motor cortex and CA sectors of the hippocampus. The densities of the NI and the swollen achromatic neurons (SN) were similar in laminae II/III and V/VI but glial cell density was greater in V/VI. The density of the NI was positively correlated with the SN and the glial cells. Principal components analysis (PCA) suggested that PC1 was associated with variation in neuronal loss in the frontal/temporal lobes and PC2 with neuronal loss in the frontal lobe and NI density in the parahippocampal gyrus. The data suggest: 1) frontal and temporal lobe degeneration in NIFID is associated with the widespread formation of NI and SN, 2) NI and SN affect cortical laminae II/III and V/VI, 3) the NI and SN affect closely related neuronal populations, and 4) variations in neuronal loss and in the density of NI were the most important sources of pathological heterogeneity. © Springer-Verlag 2005.


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We have studied the spatial distribution of plaques in coronal and tangential sections of the parahippocampal gyrus (PHG), the hippocampus, the frontal lobe and the temporal lobe of five SDAT patients. Sections were stained with cresyl violet and examined at two magnifications (x100 and x400). in all cases (and at both magnifications) statistical analysis using the Poisson distribution showed that the plaques were arranged in clumps (x100: V/M = 1.48 - 4.49; x400 V/M = 1.17 - 1.95). this indicates that both large scale and small scale clumping occurs. Application of the statistical techniques of pattern analysis to coronal sections of frontal and temporal cortex and PHG showed. furthermore, that both large (3200-6400 micron) and small scale (100 - 400 micron) clumps were arranged with a high degree of regularity in the tissue. This suggests that the clumps of plaques reflect underlying neural structure.


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Numerous senile plaques are one of the most characteristic histological findings in SDAT brains. Large classical plaques may develop from smaller uncored forms. There is no strong evidence that, once formed, plaques disappear from the tissue. We have examined cresyl-violet stained sections of the parahippocampal gyrus (PHG), hippocampus, frontal lobe and temporal lobe of five SDAT patients. The frequency of various sizes of plaques were determined in each of these brain regions. Statistical analysis showed that the ratio of large plaques to small plaques was greater in the hippocampal formation (especially the PHG) than in the neocortex. One explanation of these results is that plaques grow more rapidly in the hippocampal formation than elsewhere. Alternatively, if the rate of plaque growth is much the same in different brain regions, the data suggest that plaques develop first in the hippocampal formation (especially the PHG) and only later spread to the neocortex. This interpretation is also consistent with the theory that the neuropathology of SDAT spreads from the olfactory cortex via the hippocampal formation to the neocortex. Further development of this technique may help identify the site of the primary lesion in SDAT.


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The spatial patterns of diffuse, primitive, classic (cored) and compact (burnt-out) subtypes of beta/A4 deposits were studied in coronal sections of the frontal lobe and hippocampus, including the adjacent gyri, in nine cases of Alzheimer's disease (AD). If the more mature deposits were derived from the diffuse deposits then there should be a close association between their spatial patterns in a brain region. In the majority of tissues examined, all deposit subtypes occurred in clusters which varied in dimension from 200 to 6400 microns. In many tissues, the clusters appeared to be regularly spaced parallel to the pia or alveus. The mean dimension of the primitive deposit clusters was greater than those of the diffuse, classic and compact types. In about 60% of cortical tissues examined, the clusters of primitive and diffuse deposits were not in phase, i.e. they alternated along the cortical strip. Clusters of classic deposits appeared to be distributed independently of the diffuse deposit clusters. Cluster size of the primitive deposits was positively correlated with the density of the primitive deposits in a tissue but no such relationship could be detected for the diffuse deposits. This study suggested that there was a complex relationship between the clusters of the different subtypes of beta/A4 deposits. If the diffuse deposits do give rise to the primitive and classic varieties then factors unrelated to the initial deposition of beta/A4 in the form of diffuse plaques were important in the formation of the mature deposits.


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Factors associated with duration of dementia in a consecutive series of 103 Alzheimer's disease (AD) cases were studied using the Kaplan-Meier estimator and Cox regression analysis (proportional hazard model). Mean disease duration was 7.1 years (range: 6 weeks-30 years, standard deviation = 5.18); 25% of cases died within four years, 50% within 6.9 years, and 75% within 10 years. Familial AD cases (FAD) had a longer duration than sporadic cases (SAD), especially cases linked to presenilin (PSEN) genes. No significant differences in duration were associated with age, sex, or apolipoprotein E (Apo E) genotype. Duration was reduced in cases with arterial hypertension. Cox regression analysis suggested longer duration was associated with an earlier disease onset and increased senile plaque (SP) and neurofibrillary tangle (NFT) pathology in the orbital gyrus (OrG), CA1 sector of the hippocampus, and nucleus basalis of Meynert (NBM). The data suggest shorter disease duration in SAD and in cases with hypertensive comorbidity. In addition, degree of neuropathology did not influence survival, but spread of SP/NFT pathology into the frontal lobe, hippocampus, and basal forebrain was associated with longer disease duration. © 2014 R. A. Armstrong.


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The densities of Pick bodies (PB), Pick cells (PC), senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) in the frontal and temporal lobe were determined in ten patients diagnosed with Pick's disease (PD). The density of PB was significantly higher in the dentate gyrus granule cells compared with the cortex and the CA sectors of the hippocampus. Within the hippocampus, the highest densities of PB were observed in sector CA1. PC were absent in the dentate gyrus and no significant differences in PC density were observed in the remaining brain regions. With the exception of two patients, the densities of SP and NFT were low with no significant differences in mean densities between cortical regions. In the hippocampus, the density of NFT was greatest in sector CA1. PB and PC densities were positively correlated in the frontal cortex but no correlations were observed between the PD and AD lesions. A principal components analysis (PCA) of the neuropathological variables suggested that variations in the densities of SP in the frontal cortex, temporal cortex and hippocampus were the most important sources of heterogeneity within the patient group. Variations in the densities of PB and NFT in the temporal cortex and hippocampus were of secondary importance. In addition, the PCA suggested that two of the ten patients were atypical. One patient had a higher than average density of SP and one familial patient had a higher density of NFT but few SP.


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Objective: To determine the laminar distribution of the pathological changes in the frontal and temporal lobe in neuronal intermediate filament inclusion disease (NIFID). Method: The distribution of the alpha-intenexin-positive neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI), surviving neurons, swollen achromatic neurons (SN) and glial cell nuclei was studied across the cortex in gyri of the frontal and temporal lobe in 10 cases of NIFID. Results: The distribution of the NCI was highly variable within different gyri, a peak in the upper cortex, a bimodal distribution with peaks of density in the upper and lower laminae, or no significant variation in density across the cortex. The surviving neurons were either bimodally distributed or exhibited no significant change in density across the cortex. The SN and glial cell nuclei were most abundant in the lower cortical laminae. In half of the gyri, variations in density of the NCI across the cortex were positively correlated with the SN. In some gyri, the surviving neurons were positively correlated with the SN and negatively correlated with the glial cell nuclei. In addition, the SN and glial cell nuclei were positively correlated in over half the gyri studied. Conclusion: The data suggest that frontal and temporal lobe degeneration in NIFID characterized by NCI, SN, neuronal loss and gliosis extends across the cortical laminae with considerable variation between cases and gyri. alpha-internexin-positive neurons in the upper laminae appear to be particularly vulnerable. The gliosis appears to be largely correlated with the appearance of SN and with neuronal loss and not related to the NCI.


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Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a method of non-invasive brain stimulation widely used to modulate cognitive functions. Recent studies, however, suggests that effects are unreliable, small and often non-significant at least when stimulation is applied in a single session to healthy individuals. We examined the effects of frontal and temporal lobe anodal tDCS on naming and reading tasks and considered possible interactions with linguistic activation and selection mechanisms as well possible interactions with item difficulty and participant individual variability. Across four separate experiments (N, Exp 1A = 18; 1B = 20; 1C = 18; 2 = 17), we failed to find any difference between real and sham stimulation. Moreover, we found no evidence of significant effects limited to particular conditions (i.e., those requiring suppression of semantic interference), to a subset of participants or to longer RTs. Our findings sound a cautionary note on using tDCS as a means to modulate cognitive performance. Consistent effects of tDCS may be difficult to demonstrate in healthy participants in reading and naming tasks, and be limited to cases of pathological neurophysiology and/or to the use of learning paradigms.


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The density of diffuse, primitive and classic beta/A4 protein deposits was estimated in sulci and gyri in the frontal cortex and parahippocampal gyrus (PHG) in 8 cases of Alzheimer's disease. Total beta/A4 deposit density was similar in the frontal cortex and PHG but the ratio of primitive and classic deposits to the total was greater in the PHG compared with the frontal cortex. Total beta/A4 deposit density was greater in the depths of the sulci, but the proportions of the various beta/A4 subtypes were similar in sulci and gyri. Hence, increased density of primitive and classic deposits in the PHG could reflect enhanced conversion of diffuse to mature deposits whereas increased density of mature beta/A4 subtypes in sulci versus gyri may reflect increased beta/A4 deposition in the sulci.


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A Bayesian procedure for the retrieval of wind vectors over the ocean using satellite borne scatterometers requires realistic prior near-surface wind field models over the oceans. We have implemented carefully chosen vector Gaussian Process models; however in some cases these models are too smooth to reproduce real atmospheric features, such as fronts. At the scale of the scatterometer observations, fronts appear as discontinuities in wind direction. Due to the nature of the retrieval problem a simple discontinuity model is not feasible, and hence we have developed a constrained discontinuity vector Gaussian Process model which ensures realistic fronts. We describe the generative model and show how to compute the data likelihood given the model. We show the results of inference using the model with Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods on both synthetic and real data.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the laminar distribution of the pathological changes in the cerebral cortex in progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). METHOD: The distribution of the abnormally enlarged neurons (EN), surviving neurons, neurofibrillary tangles (NFT), glial inclusions (GI), tufted astrocytes (TA), and neuritic plaques (NP) were studied across the cortex in tau immunolabeled sections of frontal and temporal cortex in 8 cases of PSP. RESULTS: The distribution of the NFT was highly variable with no consistent pattern of laminar distribution. The GI were distributed either in the lower laminae or uniformly across the cortex. Surviving neurons exhibited either a density peak in the upper laminae or a bimodal distribution was present with density peaks in the upper and lower laminae. The EN and glial cell nuclei were distributed primarily in the lower cortical laminae. There were positive correlations between the densities of the EN and glial cell nuclei and negative correlations between the surviving neurons and glial cells. No correlations were present between the densities of the NFT and GI. CONCLUSION: Cortical pathology in PSP predominantly affects the lower laminae but may spread to affect the upper laminae in some cases. The NFT and GI may have different laminar distributions and gliosis occurs concurrently with neuronal enlargement.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the distribution of the pathological changes in the neocortex in multiple-system atrophy (MSA). METHOD: The vertical distribution of the abnormal neurons (neurons with enlarged or atrophic perikarya), surviving neurons, glial cytoplasmic inclusions (GCI) and neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NI) were studied in alpha-synuclein-stained material of frontal and temporal cortex in ten cases of MSA. RESULTS: Abnormal neurons exhibited two common patterns of distribution, viz., density was either maximal in the upper cortex or a bimodal distribution was present with a density peak in the upper and lower cortex. The NI were either located in the lower cortex or were more uniformly distributed down the cortical profile. The distribution of the GCI varied considerably between gyri and cases. The density of the glial cell nuclei was maximal in the lower cortex in the majority of gyri. In a number of gyri, there was a positive correlation between the vertical densities of the abnormal neurons, the total number of surviving neurons, and the glial cell nuclei. The vertical densities of the GCI were not correlated with those of the surviving neurons or glial cells but the GCI and NI were positively correlated in a small number of gyri. CONCLUSION: The data suggest that there is significant degeneration of the frontal and temporal lobes in MSA, the lower laminae being affected more significantly than the upper laminae. Cortical degeneration in MSA is likely to be secondary to pathological changes occurring within subcortical areas.


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This study determined whether the radial growth of lobes of the foliose lichen Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex Ach.)Ach. was influenced by the radial growth and morphology of their closest neighbours and whether such interactions influence thallus symmetry. The radial growth and morphology of a sample of adjacent lobes from six thalli was measured. Positive correlations were observed between radial growth and lobe width in three thalli and with the degree of bifurcation of the lobe in two thalli. Negative correlations between the radial growth of adjacent lobes were observed in four thalli suggesting that faster growing lobes may inhibit the growth of their neighbours.Lobes glued next to individual lobes had no signifiacnt effect on the radial growth of wide or narrow lobes. Lobes glued 1-2 mm in front of their neighbours exhibited an intital phase of increased radial growth and then a phase of slower growth. Radial growth decreased when the lobes were glued 2 mm behind their neighbours and these lobes were essentially eliminated by the growth of the adjacent lobes. The data suggest that lobe interactions may incresae lobe growth variation within a thallus. However, the decrease in radial growth of lobes which protrude from the margin and the elimination of slower growing lobes may help to maintain thallus symmetry.


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β-Amyloid (Aβ) deposition in regions of the temporal lobe in patients with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) was compared with elderly, non-demented (ND) cases and with Alzheimer's disease (AD). The distribution, density and clustering patterns of diffuse, primitive and classic Aβ deposits were similar in 'pure' DLB and ND cases. The distribution of Aβ deposits and the densities of the diffuse and primitive deposits were similar in 'mixed' DLB/AD cases compared with AD. However, the density of the classic deposits was significantly lower in DLB/AD compared with AD. In addition, the primitive Aβ deposits occurred more often in small, regularly spaced clusters in the tissue and less often in a single large cluster in DLB/AD compared with 'pure' AD. These results suggest that pure DLB and AD are distinct disorders which can coexist in some patients. However, the Aβ pathology of DLB/AD cases is not identical to that observed in patients with AD alone. (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel.