57 resultados para Fatigue crack growth
em Aston University Research Archive
The effect of residual stresses, induced by cold water quenching, on the morphology of fatigue crack fronts has been investigated in a powder metallurgy 8090 aluminium alloy, with and without reinforcement in the form of 20 wt-%SiC particles. Residual stress measurements reveal that the surface compressive stresses developed in these materials are significantly greater than in conventional metallurgy ingot 8090, because surface yielding occurs on quenching. The yield stresses of the powder route materials are greater than those of ingot produced 8090 and hence greater surface stresses can be maintained. In fatigue, severe crack front bowing is observed in the powder formed materials as a result of the reduction of the R ratio (minimum load/maximum load) by the compressive residual stresses at the sides of the specimen, causing premature crack closure and hence reducing the local driving force for fatigue crack growth Keff. This distortion of the crack fronts introduces large errors into measurements of crack growth rate and threshold values of K.
Fatigue crack initiation and subsequent short crack growth behaviour of 2014-5wt%SiC aluminium alloy composites has been examined in 4-point bend loading using smooth bar specimens. The growth rates of long fatigue cracks have also been measured at different stress ratios using pre-cracked specimens. The distributions of SiC particles and of coarse constituent particles in the matrix (which arise as a result of the molten-metal processing and relatively slow cooling rate) have been investigated. Preferential crack initiation sites were found to be SiC-matrix interfaces, SiC particles associated with constituent particles and the coarse constituent particles themselves. For microstructurally short cracks the dispersed SiC particles also act as temporary crack arresters. In the long crack growth tests, higher fatigue crack growth rates were obtained than for monolithic alloys. This effect is attributed to the contribution of void formation, due to the decohesion of SiC particles, to the fatigue crack growth process in the composite. Above crack depths of about 200 m 'short' crack growth rates were in good agreement with the long crack data, showing a Pris exponent, m = 4 in both cases. For the long crack and short crack growth tests little effect of specimen orientation and grain size was observed on fatigue crack growth rates, but, specimen orientation affected the toughness. No effect of stress ratio in the range R = 0.2-0.5 was seen for long crack data in the Paris region.
A study of the influence of SiC-particulate reinforcement on ageing and subsequent fatigue crack growth resistance in a powder metallurgy 8090 aluminium alloy-SiC composite has been made. Macroscopic hardness measurements revealed that ageing at 170C in the composite is accelerated with respect to the unreinforced alloy, though TEM studies indicate that this is not due to the enhanced precipitation of S. Fatigue crack growth rates in the naturally aged condition of the composite and unreinforced matrix are similar at low to medium values of K, but diverge above 8 MPam owing to the lower fracture toughness of the composite. As a result of the presence of the reinforcement, planar slip in the composite is suppressed and facetted crack growth is not observed. Ageing at or above 170C has a deleterious effect on fatigue crack growth. Increased ageing time decreases the roughness of the fracture path at higher growth rates. These effect are though to be due to microstructural changes occurring at or near to the SiC/matrix interfaces, providing sites for static mode failure mechanisms to operate. This suggestion is supported by the observation that as K increases, crack growth rates become Kmax dependent, implying the crack growth rate is strongly influenced by static modes.
Fatigue crack growth tests have been carried out in a number of gaseous environments in order to assess their effects on the crack propagation resistance of BS 4360 grade 50EE, a weldable structural steel. Crack growth rates at 25 C are up to 20 times higher in hydrogen than in air, but there is no effect when hydrogen is present as a 30% constituent of a simplified product gas (SPG). Indeed, crack growth rates in such a mixture are slightly lower than those measured in air, being comparable with those observed in an inert environment. The other gases present in the SPG are CO, CO2 and CH4, and it is probable that the carbon monoxide is responsible for nullifying the embrittling effects of hydrogen, by preferentially adsorbing on to the surface of the steel and thus blocking hydrogen entry. Experimental observations suggest that oxygen has the same effect when small quantities are allowed to diffuse into a non-flowing hydrogen environment around a propagating crack. The results are encouraging in terms of the suitability of conventional structural steels such as BS 4360 for gas plant applications. The gas mixtures present in such an environment would not have the severe detrimental effects on fatigue crack growth resistance which result from the presence of 'pure' hydrogen. 1993.
The detrimental effects of a hydrogen atmosphere on the fatigue resistance of BS 4360 steel have been assessed by a comparison of crack growth rates in air and hydrogen at a low cycling frequency (0.1Hz), and at a number of temperature (25, 50 and 80 C). The crack propagation rates in air are almost independent of temperature over this range, but those measured in hydrogen differ by more than an order of magnitude between 25 and 80 C. The greatest enhancement is seen at 25 C and at high values of K, the maximum occurring between 4045 MPa m at each temperature. There is little hydrogen contribution to crack growth at values of K below 20 MPa m for R = 0.1. The enhancement of crack growth rates is reflected by the presence of quasi-cleavage facets on the fatigue fracture surfaces of specimens tested in hydrogen. These are most apparent where the greatest increases in growth rate are recorded. The facets show linear markings, which run both parallel and perpendicular to the direction of crack growth. The former are analogous to the river lines noted on brittle cleavage facets, and reflect the propagation direction. The latter are more unusual, and indicate that facet formation by hydrogen embrittlement during fatigue is a step-wise process.
Consideration of the influence of test technique and data analysis method is important for data comparison and design purposes. The paper highlights the effects of replication interval, crack growth rate averaging and curve-fitting procedures on crack growth rate results for a Ni-base alloy. It is shown that an upper bound crack growth rate line is not appropriate for use in fatigue design, and that the derivative of a quadratic fit to the a vs N data looks promising. However, this type of averaging, or curve fitting, is not useful in developing an understanding of microstructure/crack tip interactions. For this purpose, simple replica-to-replica growth rate calculations are preferable. 1988.
The fatigue crack propagation behaviour of a low alloy, boron-containing steel has been examined after austenitizing at 900C or 1250C and tempering at a range of temperatures up to 400C. Fatigue threshold values were found to vary with austenitizing and tempering treatment in a range between 3.3 to 6 MPa m when tested at a stress ratio (R) of 0.2. Crack propagation rates in the Paris regime were insensitive to heat treatment variations. The crack propagation path was essentially transgranular in all conditions with small regions of intergranular facets appearing at growth rates around the knee of the da/dN vs K curve. The crack front shape showed marked retardation in the centre of the specimen at low tempering temperatures. Experimental determinations and computer predictions of residual stress levels in the specimens indicated that this was due to a central residual compressive stress resulting from differential cooling rates and the volume change associated with the martensite transformation. The results are discussed in terms of microstructural and residual stress effects on fatigue behaviour. 1987.
Fatigue crack growth behaviour in a 15 wt% SiC particulate reinforced 6061 aluminium alloy has been examined using pre-cracked specimens. Crack initiation and early growth of fatigue cracks in smooth specimens has also been investigated using the technique of periodic replication. The composite contained a bimodal distribution of SiC particle sizes, and detailed attention was paid to interactions between the SiC particles and the growing fatigue-crack tip. At low stress intensity levels, the proportion of coarse SiC particles on the fatigue surfaces was much smaller than that on the metallographic sections, indicating that the fatigue crack tends to run through the matrix avoiding SiC particles. As the stress intensity level increases, the SiC particles ahead of the growing fatigue crack tip are fractured and the fatigue crack then links the fractured particles. The contribution of this monotonic fracture mode resulted in a higher growth rate for the composite than for the unreinforced alloy. An increase in the proportion of cracked, coarse SiC particles on the fatigue surface was observed for specimens tested at a higher stress ratio.
Fatigue crack growth rate tests have been performed on Nimonic AP1, a powder formed Ni-base superalloy, in air and vacuum at room temperature. These show that threshold values are higher, and near-threshold (faceted) crack growth rates are lower, in vacuum than in air, although at high growth rates, in the structure-insensitive regime, R-ratio and a dilute environment have little effect. Changing the R-ratio from 0.1 to 0.5 in vacuum does not alter near-threshold crack growth rates very much, despite more extensive secondary cracking being noticeable at R= 0.5. In vacuum, rewelding occurs at contact points across the crack as K falls. This leads to the production of extensive fracture surface damage and bulky fretting debris, and is thought to be a significant contributory factor to the observed increase in threshold values.
Recently a controversy has developed over whether crystallographic crack growth near threshold in nickel-base superalloys occurs along right brace 111 left brace slip planes or right brace 100 left brace planes at room temperature. In this work crack propagation is shown to occur on both right brace 100 left brace and right brace 111 left brace planes. The most common facet plane is right brace 111 left brace and this is the only orientation observed at the lowest stress intensities, but at higher stress intensities occasional right brace 100 left brace facets are also produced. This behavior is compared with similar results in aluminum alloys.
Mechanisms of fatigue crack growth have been studied for a range of PM steels at relative densities of 0.90 and 1.0, for which strength, fracture toughness, and microstructural information was also available. It is shown that the Paris exponents for steady state crack growth are between 8 and 18 when r is approximately 0.9 but when r is approximately 1.0 the exponents are between 2.6 and 4.0, i.e in the range typical of wrought steels (2-4). At both densities, threshold stress intensities are between 5.5 and 10.8 MPa m1/2 when R = 0.1. Combinations of these thresholds and yield strengths are comparable with those for wrought steels. When R = 0.8, reductions in threshold to between 2.7 and 5 MPa m1/2 are attributed to crack closure effects. At r = 0.90, Fe-0.5C fails by progressive rupture of sinter necks. Astaloy A, with 0.2%C and 0.6%C, and Distaloy AB-0.6C have smaller plastic zone sizes and the cracks follow more difficult paths through particles as well as necks. When r is approximately 1.0, fracture is partially by true fatigue modes and partly by cleavage, the bursts of cleavage being more noticeable when Kmax is high.
Fatigue crack growth in high strength aluminium alloy 7150 commercial plate material has been studied in both laboratory air and acidified aqueous salt solution. The aggressive aqueous environment enhanced fatigue crack growth rates by up to an order in magnitude compared to laboratory air. The enhancement in fatigue crack growth rate was accompanied by evidence of embrittlement in the crack path, involving both brittle intergranular and transgranular failure modes. Both the enhancement of fatigue crack growth rates and the extent of intergranular growth modes are dependent on cyclic frequency which, along with the absence of a similar frequency effect in a spray-formed version of the material with a significantly different grain structure, supports a mechanism of grain boundary hydrogen diffusion for intergranular corrosion fatigue crack growth. The convergence of corrosion fatigue crack growth rates at high K in both spray-formed and conventional plate materials coincides with the operation of identical transgranular corrosion fatigue modes dependent on strain-controlled hydrogen diffusion ahead of the crack tip. 1997 Acta Metallurgica Inc.
The effects of a thermal residual stress field on fatigue crack growth in a silicon carbide particle-reinforced aluminum alloy have been measured. Stress fields were introduced into plates of material by means of a quench from a solution heat-treatment temperature. Measurements using neutron diffraction have shown that this introduces an approximately parabolic stress field into the plates, varying from compressive at the surfaces to tensile in the center. Long fatigue cracks were grown in specimens cut from as-quenched plates and in specimens which were given a stress-relieving overaging heat treatment prior to testing. Crack closure levels for these cracks were determined as a function of the position of the crack tip in the residual stress field, and these are shown to differ between as-quenched and stress-relieved samples. By monitoring the compliance of the specimens during fatigue cycling, the degree to which the residual stresses close the crack has been evaluated. 1995 The Minerals, Metals & Material Society.
A study has been made of the influence of the reinforcement/matrix interfacial strength on fatigue crack propagation in a powder metallurgy aluminum alloy 8090-SiC particulate composite. The interfacial region has been altered by two separate routes, the first involving aging of the 8090 matrix, with the subsequent formation of precipitate free zones at the boundaries, and the second consisting of oxidizing the surface of the SiC particles before their incorporation into the composite. In the naturally aged condition, oxidation of the SiC leads to a reduction in fatigue crack growth resistance at higher values of stress intensity range K. This is due to a proportion of the crack growth occurring through voids formed in association with many of the weak SiC interfaces which have retained a layer of thick surface oxide after processing. On overaging no difference in crack growth rate is discernible between the oxidized and unoxidized SiC composites. It is proposed that this is due to similar levels of interfacial weakening having occurred in both composites, indicating that this is an important factor in the reduction of the high K crack growth resistance of the unoxidized SiC composite on aging.
Fatigue crack initiation and propagation in duplex stainless steels are strongly affected by microstructure in both inert and aggressive environments. Fatigue crack growth rates in wrought Zeron 100 duplex stainless steel in air were found to vary with orientation depending on the frequency of crack tip retardation at ferrite/austenite grain boundaries. Fatigue crack propagation rates in 3.5% NaCl solution and high purity water are increased by hydrogen assisted transgranular cyclic cleavage of the ferrite. The corrosion fatigue results are interpreted using a model for the cyclic cleavage mechanism.