3 resultados para Equipment failure

em Aston University Research Archive


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The objective of this work was to design, construct and commission a new ablative pyrolysis reactor and a high efficiency product collection system. The reactor was to have a nominal throughput of 10 kg/11r of dry biomass and be inherently scalable up to an industrial scale application of 10 tones/hr. The whole process consists of a bladed ablative pyrolysis reactor, two high efficiency cyclones for char removal and a disk and doughnut quench column combined with a wet walled electrostatic precipitator, which is directly mounted on top, for liquids collection. In order to aid design and scale-up calculations, detailed mathematical modelling was undertaken of the reaction system enabling sizes, efficiencies and operating conditions to be determined. Specifically, a modular approach was taken due to the iterative nature of some of the design methodologies, with the output from one module being the input to the next. Separate modules were developed for the determination of the biomass ablation rate, specification of the reactor capacity, cyclone design, quench column design and electrostatic precipitator design. These models enabled a rigorous design protocol to be developed capable of specifying the required reactor and product collection system size for specified biomass throughputs, operating conditions and collection efficiencies. The reactor proved capable of generating an ablation rate of 0.63 mm/s for pine wood at a temperature of 525 'DC with a relative velocity between the heated surface and reacting biomass particle of 12.1 m/s. The reactor achieved a maximum throughput of 2.3 kg/hr, which was the maximum the biomass feeder could supply. The reactor is capable of being operated at a far higher throughput but this would require a new feeder and drive motor to be purchased. Modelling showed that the reactor is capable of achieving a reactor throughput of approximately 30 kg/hr. This is an area that should be considered for the future as the reactor is currently operating well below its theoretical maximum. Calculations show that the current product collection system could operate efficiently up to a maximum feed rate of 10 kg/Fir, provided the inert gas supply was adjusted accordingly to keep the vapour residence time in the electrostatic precipitator above one second. Operation above 10 kg/hr would require some modifications to the product collection system. Eight experimental runs were documented and considered successful, more were attempted but due to equipment failure had to be abandoned. This does not detract from the fact that the reactor and product collection system design was extremely efficient. The maximum total liquid yield was 64.9 % liquid yields on a dry wood fed basis. It is considered that the liquid yield would have been higher had there been sufficient development time to overcome certain operational difficulties and if longer operating runs had been attempted to offset product losses occurring due to the difficulties in collecting all available product from a large scale collection unit. The liquids collection system was highly efficient and modeling determined a liquid collection efficiency of above 99% on a mass basis. This was validated due to the fact that a dry ice/acetone condenser and a cotton wool filter downstream of the collection unit enabled mass measurements of the amount of condensable product exiting the product collection unit. This showed that the collection efficiency was in excess of 99% on a mass basis.


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The unmitigated transmission of undesirable vibration can result in problems by way of causing human discomfort, machinery and equipment failure, and affecting the quality of a manufacturing process. When identifiable transmission paths are discernible, vibrations from the source can be isolated from the rest of the system and this prevents or minimises the problems. The approach proposed here for vibration isolation is active force cancellation at points close to the vibration source. It uses force feedback for multiple-input and multiple-output control at the mounting locations. This is particularly attractive for rigid mounting of machine on relative flexible base where machine alignment and motions are to be restricted. The force transfer function matrix is used as a disturbance rejection performance specification for the design of MIMO controllers. For machine soft-mounted via flexible isolators, a model for this matrix has been derived. Under certain conditions, a simple multiplicative uncertainty model is obtained that shows the amount of perturbation a flexible base has on the machine-isolator-rigid base transmissibility matrix. Such a model is very suitable for use with robust control design paradigm. A different model is derived for the machine on hard-mounts without the flexible isolators. With this model, the level of force transmitted from a machine to a final mounting structure using the measurements for the machine running on another mounting structure can be determined. The two mounting structures have dissimilar dynamic characteristics. Experiments have verified the usefulness of the expression. The model compares well with other methods in the literature. The disadvantage lies with the large amount of data that has to be collected. Active force cancellation is demonstrated on an experimental rig using an AC industrial motor hard-mounted onto a relative flexible structure. The force transfer function matrix, determined from measurements, is used to design H and Static Output Feedback controllers. Both types of controllers are stable and robust to modelling errors within the identified frequency range. They reduce the RMS of transmitted force by between 30?80% at all mounting locations for machine running at 1340 rpm. At the rated speed of 1440 rpm only the static gain controller is able to provide 30?55% reduction at all locations. The H controllers on the other hand could only give a small reduction at one mount location. This is due in part to the deficient of the model used in the design. Higher frequency dynamics has been ignored in the model. This can be resolved by the use of a higher order model that can result in a high order controller. A low order static gain controller, with some tuning, performs better. But it lacks the analytical framework for analysis and design.


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Proper maintenance of plant items is crucial for the safe and profitable operation of process plants, The relevant maintenance policies fall into the following four categories: (i) preventivejopportunistic/breakdown replacement policies, (ii) inspection/inspection-repair-replacernent policies, (iii) restorative maintenance policies, and (iv) condition based maintenance policies, For correlating failure times of component equipnent and complete systems, the Weibull failure distribution has been used, A new powerful method, SEQLIM, has been proposed for the estimation of the Weibull parameters; particularly, when maintenance records contain very few failures and many successful operation times. When a system consists of a number of replaceable, ageing components, an opporturistic replacernent policy has been found to be cost-effective, A simple opportunistic rrodel has been developed. Inspection models with various objective functions have been investigated, It was found that, on the assumption of a negative exponential failure distribution, all models converge to the same optimal inspection interval; provided the safety components are very reliable and the demand rate is low, When deterioration becomes a contributory factor to same failures, periodic inspections, calculated from above models, are too frequent, A case of safety trip systems has been studied, A highly effective restorative maintenance policy can be developed if the performance of the equipment under this category can be related to some predictive modelling. A novel fouling model has been proposed to determine cleaning strategies of condensers, Condition-based maintenance policies have been investigated. A simple gauge has been designed for condition monitoring of relief valve springs. A typical case of an exothermic inert gas generation plant has been studied, to demonstrate how various policies can be applied to devise overall maintenance actions.