13 resultados para Equilibrium Flux Method
em Aston University Research Archive
A periodic density functional theory method using the B3LYP hybrid exchange-correlation potential is applied to the Prussian blue analogue RbMn[Fe(CN)6] to evaluate the suitability of the method for studying, and predicting, the photomagnetic behavior of Prussian blue analogues and related materials. The method allows correct description of the equilibrium structures of the different electronic configurations with regard to the cell parameters and bond distances. In agreement with the experimental data, the calculations have shown that the low-temperature phase (LT; Fe(2+)(t(6)2g, S = 0)-CN-Mn(3+)(t(3)2g e(1)g, S = 2)) is the stable phase at low temperature instead of the high-temperature phase (HT; Fe(3+)(t(5)2g, S = 1/2)-CN-Mn(2+)(t(3)2g e(2)g, S = 5/2)). Additionally, the method gives an estimation for the enthalpy difference (HT LT) with a value of 143 J mol(-1) K(-1). The comparison of our calculations with experimental data from the literature and from our calorimetric and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements on the Rb0.97Mn[Fe(CN)6]0.98 x 1.03 H2O compound is analyzed, and in general, a satisfactory agreement is obtained. The method also predicts the metastable nature of the electronic configuration of the high-temperature phase, a necessary condition to photoinduce that phase at low temperatures. It gives a photoactivation energy of 2.36 eV, which is in agreement with photoinduced demagnetization produced by a green laser.
Methods for understanding classical disordered spin systems with interactions conforming to some idealized graphical structure are well developed. The equilibrium properties of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model, which has a densely connected structure, have become well understood. Many features generalize to sparse Erdös- Rényi graph structures above the percolation threshold and to Bethe lattices when appropriate boundary conditions apply. In this paper, we consider spin states subject to a combination of sparse strong interactions with weak dense interactions, which we term a composite model. The equilibrium properties are examined through the replica method, with exact analysis of the high-temperature paramagnetic, spin-glass, and ferromagnetic phases by perturbative schemes. We present results of replica symmetric variational approximations, where perturbative approaches fail at lower temperature. Results demonstrate re-entrant behaviors from spin glass to ferromagnetic phases as temperature is lowered, including transitions from replica symmetry broken to replica symmetric phases. The nature of high-temperature transitions is found to be sensitive to the connectivity profile in the sparse subgraph, with regular connectivity a discontinuous transition from the paramagnetic to ferromagnetic phases is apparent.
A total pressure apparatus has been developed to measure vapour-liquid equilibrium data on binary mixtures at atmospheric and sub-atmospheric pressures. The method gives isothermal data which can be obtained rapidly. Only measurements of total pressure are made as a direct function of composition of synthetic liquid phase composition, the vapour phase composition being deduced through the Gibbs-Duhem relationship. The need to analyse either of the phases is eliminated. As such the errors introduced by sampling and analysis are removed. The essential requirements are that the pure components be degassed completely since any deficiency in degassing would introduce errors into the measured pressures. A similarly essential requirement was that the central apparatus would have to be absolutely leak-tight as any leakage of air either in or out of the apparatus would introduce erroneous pressure readings. The apparatus was commissioned by measuring the saturated vapour pressures of both degassed water and ethanol as a function of temperature. The pressure-temperature data on degassed water measured were directly compared with data in the literature, with good agreement. Similarly the pressure-temperature data were measured for ethanol, methanol and cyclohexane and where possible a direct comparison made with the literature data. Good agreement between the pure component data of this work and those available in the literature demonstrates firstly that a satisfactory degassing procedure has been achieved and that secondly the measurements of pressure-temperature are consistent for any one component; since this is true for a number of components, the measurements of both temperature and pressure are both self-consistent and of sufficient accuracy, with an observed compatibility between the precision/accuracy of the separate means of measuring pressure and temperature. The liquid mixtures studied were of ethanol-water, methanol-water and ethanol-cyclohexane. The total pressure was measured as the composition inside the equilibrium cell was varied at a set temperature. This gave P-T-x data sets for each mixture at a range of temperatures. A standard fitting-package from the literature was used to reduce the raw data to yield y-values to complete the x-y-P-T data sets. A consistency test could not be applied to the P-T-x data set as no y-values were obtained during the experimental measurements. In general satisfactory agreement was found between the data of this work and those available in the literature. For some runs discrepancies were observed, and further work recommended to eliminate the problems identified.
The further development of the use of NMR relaxation times in chemical, biological and medical research has perhaps been curtailed by the length of time these measurements often take. The DESPOT (Driven Equilibrium Single Pulse Observation of T1) method has been developed, which reduces the time required to make a T1 measurement by a factor of up to 100. The technique has been studied extensively herein and the thesis contains recommendations for its successful experimental application. Modified DESPOT type equations for use when T2 relaxation is incomplete or where off-resonance effects are thought to be significant are also presented. A recently reported application of the DESPOT technique to MR imaging gave good initial results but suffered from the fact that the images were derived from spin systems that were not driven to equilibrium. An approach which allows equilibrium to be obtained with only one non-acquisition sequence is presented herein and should prove invaluable in variable contrast imaging. A DESPOT type approach has also been successfully applied to the measurement of T1. T_1's can be measured, using this approach significantly faster than by the use of the classical method. The new method also provides a value for T1 simultaneously and therefore the technique should prove valuable in intermediate energy barrier chemical exchange studies. The method also gives rise to the possibility of obtaining simultaneous T1 and T1 MR images. The DESPOT technique depends on rapid multipulsing at nutation angles, normally less than 90^o. Work in this area has highlighted the possible time saving for spectral acquisition over the classical technique (90^o-5T_1)_n. A new method based on these principles has been developed which permits the rapid multipulsing of samples to give T_1 and M_0 ratio information. The time needed, however, is only slightly longer than would be required to determine the M_0 ratio alone using the classical technique. In ^1H decoupled ^13C spectroscopy the method also gives nOe ratio information for the individual absorptions in the spectrum.
The theory of vapour-liquid equilibria is reviewed, as is the present status or prediction methods in this field. After discussion of the experimental methods available, development of a recirculating equilibrium still based on a previously successful design (the modified Raal, Code and Best still of O'Donnell and Jenkins) is described. This novel still is designed to work at pressures up to 35 bar and for the measurement of both isothermal and isobaric vapour-liquid equilibrium data. The equilibrium still was first commissioned by measuring the saturated vapour pressures of pure ethanol and cyclohexane in the temperature range 77-124°C and 80-142°C respectively. The data obtained were compared with available literature experimental values and with values derived from an extended form of the Antoine equation for which parameters were given in the literature. Commissioning continued with the study of the phase behaviour of mixtures of the two pure components as such mixtures are strongly non-ideal, showing azeotopic behaviour. Existing data did not exist above one atmosphere pressure. Isothermal measurements were made at 83.29°C and 106.54°C, whilst isobaric measurements were made at pressures of 1 bar, 3 bar and 5 bar respectively. The experimental vapour-liquid equilibrium data obtained are assessed by a standard literature method incorporating a themodynamic consistency test that minimises the errors in all the measured variables. This assessment showed that reasonable x-P-T data-sets had been measured, from which y-values could be deduced, but that the experimental y-values indicated the need for improvements in the design of the still. The final discussion sets out the improvements required and outlines how they might be attained.
The literature available on submerged arc welding of copper and copper alloys, submerged arc welding with strip electrodes, and related areas has been reviewed in depth. Copper cladding of mild steel substrates by deposition from strip electrodes using the submerged arc welding process has been successful. A wide range of parameters, and several fluxes have been investigated. The range of deposit compositions is 66.4% Cu to 95.7% Cu. The weld beads have been metallographically examined using optical and electron microscopy. Equating weld beads to a thermodynamical equivalent of iron has proven to be an accurate and simplified means of handling quantitative data for multicomponent welds. Empirical equations derived using theoretical considerations characterize the weld bead dimensions as functions of the welding parameters and hence composition. The melting rate for strip electrodes is dependent upon the current-voltage product. Weld nugget size is increased by increased thermal transfer efficiencies resulting from stirring which is current dependent. The presence of Fe2O3 in a flux has been demonstrated to diminish electrode melting rate and drastically increase penetration, making flux choice the prime consideration in cladding operations. A theoretical model for welding with strip electrodes and the submerged arc process is presented.
In this paper, free surface problems of Stefan-type for the parabolic heat equation are investigated using the method of fundamental solutions. The additional measurement necessary to determine the free surface could be a boundary temperature, a heat flux or an energy measurement. Both one- and two-phase flows are investigated. Numerical results are presented and discussed.
In this study, we investigate the problem of reconstruction of a stationary temperature field from given temperature and heat flux on a part of the boundary of a semi-infinite region containing an inclusion. This situation can be modelled as a Cauchy problem for the Laplace operator and it is an ill-posed problem in the sense of Hadamard. We propose and investigate a Landweber-Fridman type iterative method, which preserve the (stationary) heat operator, for the stable reconstruction of the temperature field on the boundary of the inclusion. In each iteration step, mixed boundary value problems for the Laplace operator are solved in the semi-infinite region. Well-posedness of these problems is investigated and convergence of the procedures is discussed. For the numerical implementation of these mixed problems an efficient boundary integral method is proposed which is based on the indirect variant of the boundary integral approach. Using this approach the mixed problems are reduced to integral equations over the (bounded) boundary of the inclusion. Numerical examples are included showing that stable and accurate reconstructions of the temperature field on the boundary of the inclusion can be obtained also in the case of noisy data. These results are compared with those obtained with the alternating iterative method.
We consider a Cauchy problem for the heat equation, where the temperature field is to be reconstructed from the temperature and heat flux given on a part of the boundary of the solution domain. We employ a Landweber type method proposed in [2], where a sequence of mixed well-posed problems are solved at each iteration step to obtain a stable approximation to the original Cauchy problem. We develop an efficient boundary integral equation method for the numerical solution of these mixed problems, based on the method of Rothe. Numerical examples are presented both with exact and noisy data, showing the efficiency and stability of the proposed procedure and approximations.
We study waveguide fabrication in lithium-niobo-phosphate glass, aiming at a practical method of single-stage fabrication of nonlinear integrated-optics devices. We observed chemical transformations or material redistribution during the course of high repetition rate femtosecond laser inscription. We believe that the laser-induced ultrafast heating and cooling followed by elements diffusion on a microscopic scale opens the way toward the engineering non-equilibrium sates of matter and thus can further enhance Refractive Index (RI) contrasts by virtue of changing glass composition in and around the fs tracks. © 2014 Optical Society of America.
A new 3D implementation of a hybrid model based on the analogy with two-phase hydrodynamics has been developed for the simulation of liquids at microscale. The idea of the method is to smoothly combine the atomistic description in the molecular dynamics zone with the Landau-Lifshitz fluctuating hydrodynamics representation in the rest of the system in the framework of macroscopic conservation laws through the use of a single "zoom-in" user-defined function s that has the meaning of a partial concentration in the two-phase analogy model. In comparison with our previous works, the implementation has been extended to full 3D simulations for a range of atomistic models in GROMACS from argon to water in equilibrium conditions with a constant or a spatially variable function s. Preliminary results of simulating the diffusion of a small peptide in water are also reported.
Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) provide a competitive technology for EV traction drives owing to their high power density and high efficiency. In this paper, three types of interior PMSMs with different PM arrangements are modeled by the finite element method (FEM). For a given amount of permanent magnet materials, the V shape interior PMSM is found better than the U-shape and the conventional rotor topologies for EV traction drives. Then the V shape interior PMSM is further analyzed with the effects of stator slot opening and the permanent magnet pole chamfering on cogging torque and output torque performance. A vector-controlled flux-weakening method is developed and simulated in matlab to expand the motor speed range for EV drive system. The results show good dynamic and steady-state performance with a capability of expanding speed up to 4 times of the rated. A prototype of the V shape interior PMSM is also manufactured and tested to validate the numerical models built by the finite element method.
Non-intrusive monitoring of health state of induction machines within industrial process and harsh environments poses a technical challenge. In the field, winding failures are a major fault accounting for over 45% of total machine failures. In the literature, many condition monitoring techniques based on different failure mechanisms and fault indicators have been developed where the machine current signature analysis (MCSA) is a very popular and effective method at this stage. However, it is extremely difficult to distinguish different types of failures and hard to obtain local information if a non-intrusive method is adopted. Typically, some sensors need to be installed inside the machines for collecting key information, which leads to disruption to the machine operation and additional costs. This paper presents a new non-invasive monitoring method based on GMRs to measure stray flux leaked from the machines. It is focused on the influence of potential winding failures on the stray magnetic flux in induction machines. Finite element analysis and experimental tests on a 1.5-kW machine are presented to validate the proposed method. With time-frequency spectrogram analysis, it is proven to be effective to detect several winding faults by referencing stray flux information. The novelty lies in the implement of GMR sensing and analysis of machine faults.