29 resultados para Epidermal growth factor (EGF)

em Aston University Research Archive


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The overexpression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFr) has been implicated as a causative factor and a poor prognostic marker in a number of carcinomas. Therefore, strategies that down-regulate EGFr expression may be therapeutically useful. We designed antisense ODNs complementary to the initiation codon region of the EGFr mRNA and evaluated their efficacy in several tumor-derived cells, including the A431 cell line that express amplified levels of EGFr. A 15-mer phosphorothioate (PS) antisense ODN (erbB1AS15) induced a concentration-dependent reduction in proliferation that was accompanied by a change in the morphology of A431 cells into more tightly clustered and discrete colonies. A 15-mer sense (PS) control oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) and a phosphodiester (PO) version of erbB1AS15 had little or no effect on cell number of morphology, and erbB1AS15 (PS) did not induce these effects in control cell lines expressing lower levels of EGFr. The effects of erbB1AS15 (PS) on A431 cells were not mediated by a true antisense mechanism in that there was no reduction in the level of EGFr mRNA or protein over a 24-hr period, as determined by Northern and Western blotting, respectively. However, autophosphorylation of the receptor was significantly reduced by erbB1AS15 (PS) and not by control ODNs. The results of further studies suggested that this effect was mediated by a direct, dose-dependent inhibition of the EGFr tyrosine kinase enzyme and was not due to impairment of either ligand-binding or receptor dimerization. These data suggest that erbB1AS15 (PS) can inhibit proliferation and alter the morphology of A431 cells by a sequence-selective, but nonantisense mechanism affecting receptor tyrosine kinase activity.


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The proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR-2) expression is increased in endothelial cells derived from women with preeclampsia, characterized by widespread maternal endothelial damage, which occurs as a consequence of elevated soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 (sVEGFR-1; commonly known as sFlt-1) in the maternal circulation. Because PAR-2 is upregulated by proinflammatory cytokines and activated by blood coagulation serine proteinases, we investigated whether activation of PAR-2 contributed to sVEGFR-1 release. PAR-2–activating peptides (SLIGRL-NH2 and 2-furoyl-LIGRLO-NH2) and factor Xa increased the expression and release of sVEGFR-1 from human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Enzyme-specific, dominant-negative mutants and small interfering RNA were used to demonstrate that PAR-2–mediated sVEGFR-1 release depended on protein kinase C-ß1 and protein kinase C-e, which required intracellular transactivation of epidermal growth factor receptor 1, leading to mitogen-activated protein kinase activation. Overexpression of heme oxygenase 1 and its gaseous product, carbon monoxide, decreased PAR-2–stimulated sVEGFR-1 release from human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Simvastatin, which upregulates heme oxygenase 1, also suppressed PAR-2–mediated sVEGFR-1 release. These results show that endothelial PAR-2 activation leading to increased sVEGFR-1 release may contribute to the maternal vascular dysfunction observed in preeclampsia and highlights the PAR-2 pathway as a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of preeclampsia.


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The extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway participates in the control of numerous cellular processes, including cell proliferation. Since its activation kinetics are critical for to its biological effects, they are tightly regulated. We report that the protein translation factor, eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit a (eIF3a), binds to SHC and Raf-1, two components of the ERK pathway. The interaction of eIF3a with Raf-1 is increased by ß-arrestin2 expression and transiently decreased by epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulation in a concentration-dependent manner. The EGF-induced decrease in Raf-1-eIF3a association kinetically correlates with the time course of ERK activation. eIF3a interferes with Raf-1 activation and eIF3a downregulation by small interfering RNA enhances ERK activation, early gene expression, DNA synthesis, expression of neuronal differentiation markers in PC12 cells, and Ras-induced focus formation in NIH 3T3 cells. Thus, eIF3a is a negative modulator of ERK pathway activation and its biological effects.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF) is critical for angiogenesis but fails to induce neovascularization in ischemic tissue lesions in mice lacking endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR-2) is critical for angiogenesis, although little is known about the precise role of endothelial VEGFR-1 and its downstream effectors in this process. Here we have used a chimeric receptor approach in which the extracellular domain of the epidermal growth factor receptor was substituted for that of VEGFR-1 (EGLT) or VEGFR-2 (EGDR) and transduced into primary cultures of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) using a retroviral system. Activation of HUVECs expressing EGLT or EGDR induced rapid phosphorylation of eNOS at Ser1177, release of NO, and formation of capillary networks, similar to VEGF. Activation of eNOS by VEGFR-1 was dependent on Tyr794 and was mediated via phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, whereas VEGFR-2 Tyr951 was involved in eNOS activation via phospholipase Cgamma1. Consistent with these findings, the VEGFR-1-specific ligand placenta growth factor-1 activated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and VEGF-E, which is selective for VEGFR-2-activated phospholipase Cgamma1. Both VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 signal pathways converged on Akt, as dominant-negative Akt inhibited the NO release and in vitro tube formation induced following activation of EGLT and EGDR. The identification Tyr794 of VEGFR-1 as a key residue in this process provides direct evidence of endothelial VEGFR-1 in NO-driven in vitro angiogenesis. These studies provide new sites of modulation in VEGF-mediated vascular morphogenesis and highlight new therapeutic targets for management of vascular diseases.


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The overall aim of this study was to further understanding of themechanisms by which inhibitors of secretory activity mediate their action inisolated stomach cells. One objective was to determine whether a G-proteinsensitive to inactivation by pertussis toxin was involved in the action of thefollowing inhibitors of histamine-stimulated acid secretion: prostaglandin E2(PGE2), somatostatin, epidermal growth factor (EGF) and 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA), an activator of protein kinase C.The site and mechanism by which EGF inhibited acid secretion and itseffects on pepsinogen secretion were also of interest. Further objectiveswere to determine whether TPA could induce down-regulation of proteinkinase C in parietal cells and to examine the inhibitory action of cyclic GMPon acid secretion. Acid secretion was estimated by the accumulation of theweak base aminopyrine in parietal cells. Experiments in which cells were preincubated with pertussis toxinindicated that PGE2, somatostatin and EGF mediated their inhibitory actionagainst histamine-stimulation via an inhibitory G-protein of the "Gi·like"family. Stimulation of PGE2 production by EGF also involved a pertussistoxin-sensitive G-protein. EGF inhibited acid secretion stimulated byforskolin, but only in the absence of the phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX). This action of EGF was sensitive toinactivation by pertussis toxin. It is suggested that the effect of EGF was dueto an increase in low Km cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase activity, rather thanan effect on the histamine (H2) receptor. EGF did not inhibit pepsinogensecretion. TPA exerted only a small part of its inhibitory action by a mechanismsensitive to pertussis toxin. TPA was unable to induce detectable down-regulationof protein kinase C. Acid secretion stimulated by near-maximallyeffective concentrations of h1stamme plus IBMX, dibutyryl cyclic AMP(dbcAMP) and K+ was inhibited by dibutyryl cyclic GMP (dbcGMP).


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The work presented in this thesis was undertaken to increase understanding of the intracellular mechanisms regulating acid secretion by gastric parietal cells. Investigation of the effects of protein kinase C on secretory activity induced by a variety of agents was a major objective. A further aim was to establish the sites at which epidermal growth factor (EGF) acts to stimulate prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production and to inhibit acid secretion. These investigations were carried out by using the HGT-1 human gastric cancer cell line and freshly isolated rat parietal cells. In HGT-1 cells, the cyclic AMP response to histamine and to truncated glucagon-like peptide 1 (TGLP-1) was reduced when protein kinase C was activated by 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA). Receptor-binding studies and experiments in which cyclic AMP production in HGT-1 cells was stimulated by gastric inhibitory polypeptide, cholera toxin and forskolin suggested that the effect of TPA was mediated by uncoupling of the histamine H2 receptor from the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein Gs, possibly by phosphorylation of the receptor. An involvement of protein kinase C α in this effect was suggested because an antibody to this isoform specifically prevented the inhibitory effects of TPA on histamine-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in a membrane fraction prepared from HGT-1 cells. Carbachol-stimulated secretory activity in parietal cells was specifically inhibited by Ro 31-8220, a bisindolylmaleimide inhibitor of protein kinase C. Thus protein kinase C may play a role in the activation of the secretory response to carbachol. In parietal cells prelabelled with [3H]-arachidonic acid or [3H]myristic acid, EGF did not affect [3H]-fatty acid or [3H] - diacylglycerol content. No evidence for effects of EGF on phosphatidylinositol glycan-specific phospholipase C, phospholipase A2 or on low Km cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase activities were found.


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It is well established that adenosine receptors are involved in cardioprotection and that protein kinase B (PKB) is associated with cell survival. Therefore, in this study we have investigated whether adenosine receptors (A1, A2A and A3) activate PKB by Western blotting and determined the involvement of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI-3K)/PKB in adenosine-induced preconditioning in cultured newborn rat cardiomyocytes. Adenosine (non-selective agonist), CPA (A1 selective agonist) and Cl-IB-MECA (A(3) selective agonist) all increased PKB phosphorylation in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. The combined maximal response to CPA and Cl-IB-MECA was similar to the increase in PKB phosphorylation induced by adenosine alone. CGS 21680 (A2A selective agonist) did not stimulate an increase in PKB phosphorylation. Adenosine, CPA and Cl-IB-MECA-mediated PKB phosphorylation were inhibited by pertussis toxin (PTX blocks G(i)/G(o)-protein), genistein (tyrosine kinase inhibitor), PP2 (Src tyrosine kinase inhibitor) and by the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor AG 1478. The PI-3K inhibitors wortmannin and LY 294002 blocked A(1) and A(3) receptor-mediated PKB phosphorylation. The role of PI-3K/PKB in adenosine-induced preconditioning was assessed by monitoring Caspase 3 activity and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release induced by exposure of cardiomyocytes to 4 h hypoxia (0.5% O2) followed by 18 h reoxygenation (HX4/R). Pre-treatment with wortmannin had no significant effect on the ability of adenosine-induced preconditioning to reduce the release of LDH or Caspase 3 activation following HX4/R. In conclusion, we have shown for the first time that adenosine A1 and A3 receptors trigger increases in PKB phosphorylation in rat cardiomyocytes via a G1/G0-protein and tyrosine kinase-dependent pathway. However, the PI-3K/PKB pathway does not appear to be involved in adenosine-induced cardioprotection by preconditioning Adenosine A1 receptor .


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We have previously identified a phosphorothioate oligonucleotide (PS-ODN) that inhibited epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase (TK) activity both in cell fractions and in intact A431 cells. Since ODN-based TK inhibitors may have anti-cancer applications and may also help understand the non-antisense mediated effects of PS-ODNs, we have further studied the sequence and chemistry requirements of the parent PS-ODN (sequence: 5′-GGA GGG TCG CAT CGC-3′) as a sequence-dependent TK inhibitor. Sequence deletion and substitution studies revealed that the 5′-terminal GGA GGG hexamer sequence in the parent compound was essential for anti-TK activity in A431 cells. Site-specific substitution of any G with a T in this 5′-terminal motif within the parent compound caused a significant loss in anti-TK activity. The fully PS-modified hexameric motif alone exhibited equipotent activity as the parent 15-mer whereas phosphodiester (PO) or 2′-O-methyl-modified versions of this motif had significantly reduced anti-TK activity. Further, T substitutions within the two 5′-terminal G residues of the hexameric PS-ODN to produce a sequence, TTA GGG, representing the telomeric repeats in human chromosomes, also did not exhibit a significant anti-TK activity. Multiple repeats of the active hexameric motif in PS-ODNs resulted in more potent inhibitors of TK activity than the parent ODN. These results suggested that PS-ODNs, but not PO or 2′-O-methyl modified ODNs, containing the GGA GGG motif can exert potent anti-TK activity which may be desirable in some anti-tumor applications. Additionally, the presence of this previously unidentified motif in antisense PS-ODN constructs may contribute to their biological effects in vitro and in vivo and should be accounted for in the design of the PS-modified antisense ODNs. © 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Inc.


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The activation of phosphoinositide 3-hydroxykinase (P13K) is currently believed to represent the critical regulatory event which leads to the production of a novel intracellular signal. We have examined the control of this pathway by a number of cell-surface receptors in NG115-401L-C3 neuronal cells. Insulin-like growth factor-I stimulated the accumulation of 3-phosphorylated inositol lipids in intact cells and the appearance of P13K in antiphosphotyrosine-antibody-directed immunoprecipitates prepared from lysed cells, suggesting that P13K had been activated by a mechanism involving a protein tyrosine kinase. In contrast, P13K in these cells was not regulated by a variety of G-protein-coupled receptors, nerve growth factor acting via a low affinity receptor, or receptors for transforming growth factor-beta and interleukin-1. The receptor-specificity of P13K activation in these cells places significant constraints on the possible physiological function(s) of this pathway.


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Several studies show that membrane transport mechanisms are regulated by signalling molecules. Recently, genome-wide screen analyses in C.elegans have enabled scientists to identify novel regulators in membrane trafficking and also signalling molecules which are found to couple with this machinery. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) via binding to fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) mediate signals which are essential in the development of an organism, patterning, cell migration and tissue homeostasis. Impaired FGFR-mediated signalling has been associated with various developmental, neoplastic, metabolic and neurological diseases and cancer. In this study, the potential role of FGFR-mediated signalling pathway as a regulator of membrane trafficking was investigated. The GFP-tagged yolk protein YP170-GFP trafficking was analysed in worms where 1) FGFR signalling cascade components were depleted by RNAi and 2) in mutant animals. From these results, it was found that the disruption of the genes egl-15 (FGFR), egl-17(FGF), let-756(FGF), sem-5, let-60, lin-45, mek-2, mpk-1 and plc-3 lead to abnormal localization of YP170-GFP, suggesting that signalling downstream of FGFR via activation of MAPK and PLC-γ pathway is regulating membrane transport. The route of trafficking was further investigated, to pinpoint which membrane step is regulated by worm FGFR, by analysing a number of GFP-tagged intracellular membrane markers in the intestine of Wild Type (WT) and FGFR mutant worms. FGFR mutant worms showed a significant difference in the localisation of several endosomal membrane markers, suggesting its regulatory role in early and recycling steps of endocytosis. Finally, the trafficking of transferrin in a mammalian NIH/3T3 cell line was investigated to identify the conservation of these membrane trafficking regulatory mechanisms between organisms. Results showed no significant changes in transferrin trafficking upon FGFR stimulation or inhibition.


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Signal integration determines cell fate on the cellular level, affects cognitive processes and affective responses on the behavioural level, and is likely to be involved in psychoneurobiological processes underlying mood disorders. Interactions between stimuli may subjected to time effects. Time-dependencies of interactions between stimuli typically lead to complex cell responses and complex responses on the behavioural level. We show that both three-factor models and time series models can be used to uncover such time-dependencies. However, we argue that for short longitudinal data the three factor modelling approach is more suitable. In order to illustrate both approaches, we re-analysed previously published short longitudinal data sets. We found that in human embryonic kidney 293 cells cells the interaction effect in the regulation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1 signalling activation by insulin and epidermal growth factor is subjected to a time effect and dramatically decays at peak values of ERK activation. In contrast, we found that the interaction effect induced by hypoxia and tumour necrosis factor-alpha for the transcriptional activity of the human cyclo-oxygenase-2 promoter in HEK293 cells is time invariant at least in the first 12-h time window after stimulation. Furthermore, we applied the three-factor model to previously reported animal studies. In these studies, memory storage was found to be subjected to an interaction effect of the beta-adrenoceptor agonist clenbuterol and certain antagonists acting on the alpha-1-adrenoceptor / glucocorticoid-receptor system. Our model-based analysis suggests that only if the antagonist drug is administer in a critical time window, then the interaction effect is relevant.


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In fibrotic conditions increases in TG2 activity has been linked to an increase in the deposition of extracellular matrix proteins. Using TG2 transfected Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts expressing TG2 under the control of the tetracycline-regulated inducible promoter, we demonstrate that induction of TG2 not only stimulates an increase in collagen and fibronectin deposition but also an increase in the expression of these proteins. Increased TG2 expression in these fibroblasts led to NF-kappaB activation, resulting in the increased expression of transforming growth factor (TGF) beta(1). In addition, cells overexpressing TG2 demonstrated an increase in biologically active TGFbeta(1) in the extracellular environment. A specific site-directed inhibitor of TG abolished the NF-kappaB and TGFbeta1 activation and the subsequent elevation in the synthesis and deposition of extracellular matrix proteins, confirming that this process depends on the induction of transglutaminase activity. Treatment of TG2-induced fibroblasts with nontoxic doses of nitric oxide donor S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine resulted in decreased TG2 activity and apprehension of the inactive enzyme on the cell surface. This was paralleled by a reduction in activation of NF-kappaB and TGFbeta(1) production with a subsequent decrease in collagen expression and deposition. These findings support a role for NO in the regulation of TG2 function in the extracellular environment.


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Background. Diabetic nephropathy is the leading cause of end-stage kidney failure worldwide. It is characterized by excessive extracellular matrix accumulation. Transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-ß1) is a fibrogenic cytokine playing a major role in the healing process and scarring by regulating extracellular matrix turnover, cell proliferation and epithelial mesanchymal transdifferentiation. Newly synthesized TGF-ß is released as a latent, biologically inactive complex. The cross-linking of the large latent TGF-ß to the extracellular matrix by transglutaminase 2 (TG2) is one of the key mechanisms of recruitment and activation of this cytokine. TG2 is an enzyme catalyzing an acyl transfer reaction leading to the formation of a stable e(?-glutamyl)-lysine cross-link between peptides.Methods. To investigate if changes in TG activity can modulate TGF-ß1 activation, we used the mink lung cell bioassay to assess TGF-ß activity in the streptozotocin model of diabetic nephropathy treated with TG inhibitor NTU281 and in TG2 overexpressing opossum kidney (OK) proximal tubular epithelial cells.Results. Application of the site-directed TG inhibitor NTU281 caused a 25% reduction in kidney levels of active TGF-ß1. Specific upregulation of TG2 in OK proximal tubular epithelial cells increased latent TGF-ß recruitment and activation by 20.7% and 19.7%, respectively, in co-cultures with latent TGF-ß binding protein producing fibroblasts.Conclusions. Regulation of TG2 directly influences the level of active TGF-ß1, and thus, TG inhibition may exert a renoprotective effect by targeting not only a direct extracellular matrix deposition but also TGF-ß1 activation and recruitment.


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Increased vascular permeability is an early event characteristic of tissue ischemia and angiogenesis. Although VEGF family members are potent promoters of endothelial permeability the role of placental growth factor (PlGF) is hotly debated. Here we investigated PlGF isoforms 1 and 2 and present in vitro and in vivo evidence that PlGF-1, but not PlGF-2, can inhibit VEGF-induced permeability but only during a critical window post-VEGF exposure. PlGF-1 promotes VE-cadherin expression via the trans-activating Sp1 and Sp3 interaction with the VE-cadherin promoter and subsequently stabilizes transendothelial junctions, but only after activation of endothelial cells by VEGF. PlGF-1 regulates vascular permeability associated with the rapid localization of VE-cadherin to the plasma membrane and dephosphorylation of tyrosine residues that precedes changes observed in claudin 5 tyrosine phosphorylation and membrane localization. The critical window during which PlGF-1 exerts its effect on VEGF-induced permeability highlights the importance of the translational significance of this work in that PLGF-1 likely serves as an endogenous anti-permeability factor whose effectiveness is limited to a precise time point following vascular injury. Clinical approaches that would pattern nature's approach would thus limit treatments to precise intervals following injury and bring attention to use of agents only during therapeutic windows.