14 resultados para Environmental effect

em Aston University Research Archive


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Rhizocarpon geographicum is a crustose lichen found frequently on rock surfaces of southern aspect and less frequently on rock surfaces of northern aspect in Gwynedd, North Wales. This study tested the hypothesis that the radial growth of R. geographicum thalli predicts aspect distribution. Thalli of all sizes, however, exhibited significantly greater radial growth over 18 months on northwest compared with southeast facing surfaces. The hypothesis that a more intense competitive environment on northwest facing surfaces may explain the aspect distribution of R. geographicum was then tested. The size frequency distributions of thalli revealed a higher proportion of thalli in the smallest size class and a more restricted thallus size range on the northwest facing surfaces. In addition, thallus mortality appeared to be greater on northwest facing surfaces. Significantly more associated lichen species were present on rock surfaces of northern aspect at sites where R. geographicum was present. The mean frequency of the associated lichen species, however, was significantly lower on surfaces of northern aspect where R. geographicum was present. In addition, two common foliose species at these sites were demonstrated experimentally to overgrow thalli of R. geographicum. It is concluded that the growth of R. geographicum over the study period did not predict aspect distribution and that differences in the competitive environments on northwest and southeast surfaces may be an important factor determining aspect distribution. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The following investigation characterises the interaction between temperature and growth in psychrophilic, mesophilic and thermophilic fungi in order to gain further insight into the physiological mechanisms underlying fungal growth at extreme temperatures. In the first part of the investigation, the effect of environmental temperature on the growth of vegetative mycelium and sporangiospore production and germination was considered in order to determine the cardinal temperatures of these activities in different thermal groups. Subsequent investigations of plasma membrane permeability suggested that plasma membrane structure and function may be significant in establishing both the upper and lower growth temperature limits characteristic of psychrophiles, mesophiles and thermophiles. Analysis of the plasma membrane fractions revealed significant differences in membrane phospholipid composition between these thermal groups and it is suggested that the differing cardinal growth temperatures characteristic of psychrophilic, mesophilic and thermophilic fungi reflect the temperature ranges over which these organisms exhibit levels of plasma membrane fluidity sufficient to maintain membrane-associated growth processes. In contrast, the membrane protein components appear uniform in both character and thermostability and are therefore unlikely to contribute to this phenomenon.


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An investigation was made into the nature and control of the annual reproductive cycle of the dace, Leuciscus leuciscus. It includes 1) a study of the natural reproductive cycle, 2) the use of Carp Pituitary Extract (CPE) to induce final maturation and ovulation in captive fish, 3) the effect of artificial light treatments on ovarian development and 4) the measurement of serum melatonin levels under different photoperiod regimes. Ovarian development was monitored by endocrinological data, notably serum cycles of 17-oestradiol (E2), testosterone (T), and calcium (as an index of vitellogenin), oocyte diameter, the gonadosomatic index and histological studies of the ovary. Under natural conditions, ovarian development can broadly be divided into 4 stages: 1) oogenesis which occurs immediately after spawning; 2) a primary growth phase (previtellogenic growth) prevalent between spawning and June; 3) a secondary growth phase (yolk vesicle plus vitellogenic growth) occurring between June and December and 4) final maturation and ovulation which occurs in mid-March. During the annual ovarian cycle, the sex steroids E2 and T showed two clear elevations. The first occurred initially in April followed by a rise in serum calcium levels. This subsequently initiated the appearance of yolk granules in the oocytes in June. The second rise occurred in September and levels were maintained until December, after which there was a decline in serum E2 levels. It is proposed that in the dace, high serum E2 levels between September and December were required to maintain vitellogenin production and therefore its uptake into the developing oocytes which occurred during this time, albeit at a slower rate than in the summer months. After December, prior to final maturation, whereas serum E2 and calcium levels declined, serum T levels remained elevated. In captivity, final maturation beyond the germinal vesicle migration stage failed to occur suggesting that the stimuli required for these events were absent. However ovulation could be induced by a single injection of CPE, which induced ovulation between 6 and 14 hours after treatment. Endocrine events associated with the artificial induction of spawning included a rise in serum levels of E2, T and the maturation inducing steroid 1720-dihydroxy progesterone. Photoperiodic manipulation demonstrated that whereas short or increasing daylengths were stimulatory to ovarian development, long days delayed development. Changes from long to short and constant short daylengths early in the reproductive cycle advanced maturation (up to 5 months), suggesting that the stimulus for ovarian development and maturation was a short day. However, experiments conducted later in the reproductive cycle demonstrated that only a simulated ambient photoperiod could induce final maturation. It is proposed therefore that under natural conditions the environmental stimulus for ovarian development and final maturation are short and increasing daylengths respectively. Further support that photoperiod is the dominant timing cue in this species was provided by the pattern of serum melatonin levels. Under different photoperiod treatments, serum melatonin, which is believed to be the chemical transducer of photoperiodic information (similar to other photoperiodic species) was elevated for the duration of the dark phase, indicating that the dace at least has the ability to `measure' changes in daylength.


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The central argument to this thesis is that the nature and purpose of corporate reporting has changed over time to become a more outward looking and forward looking document designed to promote the company and its performance to a wide range of shareholders, rather than merely to report to its owners upon past performance. it is argued that the discourse of environmental accounting and reporting is one driver for this change but that this discourse has been set up as in conflicting with the discourse of traditional accounting and performance measurement. The effect of this opposition between the discourses is that the two have been interpreted to be different and incompatible dimensions of performance with good performance along one dimension only being achievable through a sacrifice of performance along the other dimension. Thus a perceived dialectic in performance is believed to exist. One of the principal purposes of this thesis is to explore this perceived dialectic and, through analysis, to show that it does not exist and that there is not incompatibility. This exploration and analysis is based upon an investigation of the inherent inconsistencies in such corporate reports and the analysis makes use of both a statistical analysis and a semiotic analysis of corporate reports and the reported performance of companies along these dimensions. Thus the development of a semiology of corporate reporting is one of the significant outcomes of this thesis. A further outcome is a consideration of the implications of the analysis for corporate performance and its measurement. The thesis concludes with a consideration of the way in which the advent of electronic reporting may affect the ability of organisations to maintain the dialectic and the implications for corporate reporting.


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An investigation was undertaken to study the effect of poor curing simulating hot climatic conditions and remedies on the durability of steel in concrete. Three different curing environments were used i.e. (1) Saturated Ca(OH)2 solution at 20°C, (2) Saturated Ca(OH)2 solution at 50°C and (3) Air at 50°C at 30% relative humidity. The third curing condition corresponding to the temperature and relative humidity typical of Middle Eastern Countries. The nature of the hardened cement paste matrix, cured under the above conditions was studied by means of Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry for measuring pore size distribution. The results were represented as total pore volume and initial pore entry diameter. The Scanning Electron Microscope was used to look at morphological changes during hydration, which were compared to the Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry results. X-ray defraction and Differential Thermal Analysis techniques were also employed for looking at any phase transformations. Polymer impregnation was used to reduce the porosity of the hardened cement pastes, especially in the case of the poorly cured samples. Carbonation rates of unimpregnated and impregnated cements were determined. Chloride diffusion studies were also undertaken to establish the effect of polymer impregnation and blending of the cements. Finally the corrosion behaviour of embedded steel bars was determined by the technique of Linear Polarisation. The steel was embedded in both untreated and polymer impregnated hardened cement pastes placed in either a solution containing NaCl or an environmental cabinet which provided carbonation at 40°C and 50% relative humidity.


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Silicone spacers have been in use as replacement joints in the human hand for over 30 years. Since they were first used there has been a number of designs all of which have had problems with fracture. This may be due to a defect in the material caused during implantation, or by bony intrusions within the arthritic hand after implantation. The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of the environment on the mechanical properties of medical grade silicones used for human implantation. The materials were subjected to static tensile testing after various forms of ageing. The environmental conditions included temperatures of 37 and 80°C and the environments of Ringer's solution, distilled water, and air. The environmental conditions employed resulted in reduced mechanical strength with ageing time of the silicones. This research supports the view that failure of silicone implants in the hand could be partly attributed to the effects of environmental ageing of the material.


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Vesicular adjuvant systems composing dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DDA) can promote both cell-mediated and humoral immune responses to the tuberculosis vaccine fusion protein in mice. However, these DDA preparations were found to be physically unstable, forming aggregates under ambient storage conditions. Therefore there is a need to improve the stability of such systems without undermining their potent adjuvanticity. To this end, the effect of incorporating non-ionic surfactants, such as 1-monopalmitoyl glycerol (MP), in addition to cholesterol (Chol) and trehalose 6,6′-dibehenate (TDB), on the stability and efficacy of these vaccine delivery systems was investigated. Differential scanning calorimetry revealed a reduction in the phase transition temperature (T c) of DDA-based vesicles by ∼12°C when MP and cholesterol (1:1 molar ratio) were incorporated into the DDA system. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed the addition of MP to DDA vesicles resulted in the formation of multi-lamellar vesicles. Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) of MP-Chol-DDA-TDB (16:16:4:0.5 μmol) indicated that incorporation of antigen led to increased stability of the vesicles, perhaps as a result of the antigen embedding within the vesicle bilayers. At 4°C DDA liposomes showed significant vesicle aggregation after 28 days, although addition of MP-Chol or TDB was shown to inhibit this instability. Alternatively, at 25°C only the MP-based systems retained their original size. The presence of MP within the vesicle formulation was also shown to promote a sustained release of antigen in-vitro. The adjuvant activity of various systems was tested in mice against three subunit antigens, including mycobacterial fusion protein Ag85b-ESAT-6, and two malarial antigens (Merozoite surface protein 1, MSP1, and the glutamate rich protein, GLURP). The MP- and DDA-based systems induced antibody responses at comparable levels whereas the DDA-based systems induced more powerful cell-mediated immune responses. © 2006 The Authors.


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The last decade has witnessed a renewed interest in the relationship between environmental regulations and international capital flows. However, empirical studies have so far failed to find conclusive evidence for this so-called pollution haven or race to the bottom effect where foreign direct investment (FDI) is assumed to be attracted to low regulation countries, regions or states. In this paper we present a simple theoretical framework to demonstrate that greater stringency in environmental standards can lead to a strategic increase in capital inflows which we refer to as environmental regulation induced FDI. Our result reveals a possible explanation for the mixed results in the empirical literature and provides an illustration of the conditions under which environmental regulations in the host country can affect the location decision of foreign firms.


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Many passengers experience discomfort during flight because of the effect of low humidity on the skin, eyes, throat, and nose. In this physiological study, we have investigated whether flight and low humidity also affect the tympanic membrane. From previous studies, a decrease in admittance of the tympanic membrane through drying might be expected to affect the buffering capacity of the middle ear and to disrupt automatic pressure regulation. This investigation involved an observational study onboard an aircraft combined with experiments in an environmental chamber, where the humidity could be controlled but could not be made to be as low as during flight. For the flight study, there was a linear relationship between the peak compensated static admittance of the tympanic membrane and relative humidity with a constant of proportionality of 0.00315 mmho/% relative humidity. The low humidity at cruise altitude (minimum 22.7 %) was associated with a mean decrease in admittance of about 20 % compared with measures in the airport. From the chamber study, we further found that a mean decrease in relative humidity of 23.4 % led to a significant decrease in mean admittance by 0.11 mmho [F(1,8) = 18.95, P = 0.002], a decrease of 9.4 %. The order of magnitude for the effect of humidity was similar for the flight and environmental chamber studies. We conclude that admittance changes during flight were likely to have been caused by the low humidity in the aircraft cabin and that these changes may affect the automatic pressure regulation of the middle ear during descent. © 2013 Association for Research in Otolaryngology.


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In this article we envision factors and trends that shape the next generation of environmental monitoring systems. One key factor in this respect is the combined effect of end-user needs and the general development of IT services and their availability. Currently, an environmental (monitoring) system is assumed to be reactive. It delivers measurement data and computational results only if the user explicitly asks for it either by query or subscription. There is a temptation to automate this by simply pushing data to end-users. This, however, leads easily to an "advertisement strategy", where data is pushed to end-users regardless of users' needs. Under this strategy, the mere amount of received data obfuscates the individual messages; any "automatic" service, regardless of its fitness, overruns a system that requires the user's initiative. The foreseeable problem is that, unless there is no overall management, each new environmental service is going to compete for end-users' attention and, thus, inadvertently hinder the use of existing services. As the main contribution we investigate the nature of proactive environmental systems, and how they should be designed to avoid the aforementioned problem. We also discuss how semantics, participatory sensing, uncertainty management, and situational awareness link to proactive environmental systems. We illustrate our proposals with some real-life examples.


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Activated sludge basins (ASBs) are a key-step in wastewater treatment processes that are used to eliminate biodegradable pollution from the water discharged to the natural environment. Bacteria found in the activated sludge consume and assimilate nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous under specific environmental conditions. However, applying the appropriate agitation and aeration regimes to supply the environmental conditions to promote the growth of the bacteria is not easy. The agitation and aeration regimes that are applied to activated sludge basins have a strong influence on the efficacy of wastewater treatment processes. The major aims of agitation by submersible mixers are to improve the contact between biomass and wastewater and the prevention of biomass settling. They induce a horizontal flow in the oxidation ditch, which can be quantified by the mean horizontal velocity. Mean values of 0.3-0.35 m s-1 are recommended as a design criteria to ensure best conditions for mixing and aeration (Da Silva, 1994). To give circulation velocities of this order of magnitude, the positioning and types of mixers are chosen from the plant constructors' experience and the suppliers' data for the impellers. Some case studies of existing plants have shown that measured velocities were not in the range that was specified in the plant design. This illustrates that there is still a need for design and diagnosis approach to improve process reliability by eliminating or reducing the number of short circuits, dead zones, zones of inefficient mixing and poor aeration. The objective of the aeration is to facilitate the quick degradation of pollutants by bacterial growth. To achieve these objectives a wastewater treatment plant must be adequately aerated; thus resulting in 60-80% of all energetic consummation being dedicated to the aeration alone (Juspin and Vasel, 2000). An earlier study (Gillot et al., 1997) has illustrated the influence that hydrodynamics have on the aeration performance as measure by the oxygen transfer coefficient. Therefore, optimising the agitation and aeration systems can enhance the oxygen transfer coefficient and consequently reduce the operating costs of the wastewater treatment plant. It is critically important to correctly estimate the mass transfer coefficient as any errors could result in the simulations of biological activity not being physically representative. Therefore, the transfer process was rigorously examined in several different types of process equipment to determine the impact that different hydrodynamic regimes and liquid-side film transfer coefficients have on the gas phase and the mass transfer of oxygen. To model the biological activity occurring in ASBs, several generic biochemical reaction models have been developed to characterise different biochemical reaction processes that are known as Activated Sludge Models, ASM (Henze et al., 2000). The ASM1 protocol was selected to characterise the impact of aeration on the bacteria consuming and assimilating ammonia and nitrate in the wastewater. However, one drawback of ASM protocols is that the hydrodynamics are assumed to be uniform by the use of perfectly mixed, plug flow reactors or as a number of perfectly mixed reactors in series. This makes it very difficult to identify the influence of mixing and aeration on oxygen mass transfer and biological activity. Therefore, to account for the impact of local gas-liquid mixing regime on the biochemical activity Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) was used by applying the individual ASM1 reaction equations as the source terms to a number of scalar equations. Thus, the application of ASM1 to CFD (FLUENT) enabled the investigation of the oxygen transfer efficiency and the carbon & nitrogen biological removal in pilot (7.5 cubic metres) and plant scale (6000 cubic metres) ASBs. Both studies have been used to validate the effect that the hydrodynamic regime has on oxygen mass transfer (the circulation velocity and mass transfer coefficient) and the effect that this had on the biological activity on pollutants such as ammonia and nitrate (Cartland Glover et al., 2005). The work presented here is one part to of an overall approach for improving the understanding of ASBs and the impact that they have in terms of the hydraulic and biological performance on the overall wastewater treatment process. References CARTLAND GLOVER G., PRINTEMPS C., ESSEMIANI K., MEINHOLD J., (2005) Modelling of wastewater treatment plants ? How far shall we go with sophisticated modelling tools? 3rd IWA Leading-Edge Conference & Exhibition on Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies, 6-8 June 2005, Sapporo, Japan DA SILVA G. (1994). Eléments d'optimisation du transfert d'oxygène par fines bulles et agitateur séparé en chenal d'oxydation. PhD Thesis. CEMAGREF Antony ? France. GILLOT S., DERONZIER G., HEDUIT A. (1997). Oxygen transfer under process conditions in an oxidation ditch equipped with fine bubble diffusers and slow speed mixers. WEFTEC, Chicago, USA. HENZE M., GUJER W., MINO T., van LOOSDRECHT M., (2000). Activated Sludge Models ASM1, ASM2, ASM2D and ASM3, Scientific and Technical Report No. 9. IWA Publishing, London, UK. JUSPIN H., VASEL J.-L. (2000). Influence of hydrodynamics on oxygen transfer in the activated sludge process. IWA, Paris - France.


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Retailers increasingly recognize that environmental responsibility is a strategic imperative. However, little research has investigated or identified the factors that facilitate the successful implementation of environmentally responsible strategies across a network of customer-facing sales units (stores). We propose that a store manager’s ability to lead by example facilitates this process by fostering a supportive climate for store environmental stewardship (SENS-climate). By examining the influence of store managers’ actions on sales associates’ perceptions of the SENS-climate, as well as the subsequent impact on their performance—measured by margins, as well as sales of green and regular products—this study demonstrates that store managers can foster a SENS-climate by articulating their prioritization of environmental responsibility in their operational decisions. These positive effects are sustained by relational factors, such as the moderating effect of the store manager–sales associate dyadic tenure. In contrast, when store managers display high variability in their environmental orientation, it hinders the development of SENS-climate perceptions among sales associates. If sales associates perceive an enabling SENS-climate, they achieve higher margins and more green but fewer regular sales.


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Imagining a familiar environment is different from imagining an environmental map and clinical evidence demonstrated the existence of double dissociations in brain-damaged patients due to the contents of mental images. Here, we assessed a large sample of young and old participants by considering their ability to generate different kinds of mental images, namely, buildings or common objects. As buildings are environmental stimuli that have an important role in human navigation, we expected that elderly participants would have greater difficulty in generating images of buildings than common objects. We found that young and older participants differed in generating both buildings and common objects. For young participants there were no differences between buildings and common objects, but older participants found easier to generate common objects than buildings. Buildings are a special type of visual stimuli because in urban environments they are commonly used as landmarks for navigational purposes. Considering that topographical orientation is one of the abilities mostly affected in normal and pathological aging, the present data throw some light on the impaired processes underlying human navigation.


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The ability of Cu and Sn to promote the performance of a 20% Ni/Al2O3 catalyst in the deoxygenation of lipids to fuel-like hydrocarbons was investigated using model triglyceride and fatty acid feeds, as well as algal lipids. In the semi-batch deoxygenation of tristearin at 260 °C a pronounced promotional effect was observed, a 20% Ni-5% Cu/Al2O3 catalyst affording both higher conversion (97%) and selectivity to C10-C17 alkanes (99%) in comparison with unpromoted 20% Ni/Al2O3 (27% conversion and 87% selectivity to C10-C17). In the same reaction at 350 °C, a 20% Ni-1% Sn/Al2O3 catalyst afforded the best results, giving yields of C10-C17 and C17 of 97% and 55%, respectively, which contrasts with the corresponding values of 87 and 21% obtained over 20% Ni/Al2O3. Equally encouraging results were obtained in the semi-batch deoxygenation of stearic acid at 300 °C, in which the 20% Ni-5% Cu/Al2O3 catalyst afforded the highest yields of C10-C17 and C17. Experiments were also conducted at 260 °C in a fixed bed reactor using triolein − a model unsaturated triglyceride − as the feed. While both 20% Ni/Al2O3 and 20% Ni-5% Cu/Al2O3 achieved quantitative yields of diesel-like hydrocarbons at all reaction times sampled, the Cu-promoted catalyst exhibited higher selectivity to longer chain hydrocarbons, a phenomenon which was also observed in experiments involving algal lipids as the feed. Characterization of fresh and spent catalysts indicates that Cu enhances the reducibility of Ni and suppresses both cracking reactions and coke-induced deactivation.