15 resultados para Endosomes

em Aston University Research Archive


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The establishment and maintenance of epithelial cell polarity is essential throughout the development and adult life of all multicellular organisms. A key player in maintaining epithelial polarity is Crumbs (Crb), an evolutionarily conserved type-I transmembrane protein initially identified in Drosophila. Correct Crb levels and apical localization are imperative for its function. However, as is the case for many polarized proteins, the mechanisms of its trafficking and strict apical localization are poorly understood. To address these questions, we developed a liposome-based assay to identify trafficking coats and interaction partners of Crb in a native-like environment. Thereby, we demonstrated that Crb is a cargo for Retromer, a trafficking complex required for transport from endosomes to the trans-Golgi-network. The functional importance of this interaction was revealed by studies in Drosophila epithelia, which established Retromer as a novel regulator of epithelial cell polarity and verified the vast potential of this technique.


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The evolutionarily conserved apical determinant Crumbs (Crb) is essential for maintaining apicobasal polarity and integrity of many epithelial tissues [1]. Crb levels are crucial for cell polarity and homeostasis, yet strikingly little is known about its trafficking or the mechanism of its apical localization. Using a newly established, liposome-based system described here, we determined Crb to be an interaction partner and cargo of the retromer complex. Retromer is essential for the retrograde transport of numerous transmembrane proteins from endosomes to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and is conserved between plants, fungi, and animals [2]. We show that loss of retromer function results in a substantial reduction of Crb in Drosophila larvae, wing discs, and the follicle epithelium. Moreover, loss of retromer phenocopies loss of crb by preventing apical localization of key polarity molecules, such as atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) and Par6 in the follicular epithelium, an effect that can be rescued by overexpression of Crb. Additionally, loss of retromer results in multilayering of the follicular epithelium, indicating that epithelial integrity is severely compromised. Our data reveal a mechanism for Crb trafficking by retromer that is vital for maintaining Crb levels and localization. We also show a novel function for retromer in maintaining epithelial cell polarity.


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The exchange of proteins and lipids between the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and the endosomal system requires multiple cellular machines, whose activities are coordinated in space and time to generate pleomorphic, tubulo-vesicular carriers that deliver their content to their target compartments. These machines and their associated protein networks are recruited and/or activated on specific membrane domains where they select proteins and lipids into carriers, contribute to deform/elongate and partition membrane domains using the mechanical forces generated by actin polymerization or movement along microtubules. The coordinated action of these protein networks contributes to regulate the dynamic state of multiple receptors recycling between the cell surface, endosomes and the TGN, to maintain cell homeostasis as exemplified by the biogenesis of lysosomes and related organelles, and to establish/maintain cell polarity. The dynamic assembly and disassembly of these protein networks mediating the exchange of membrane domains between the TGN and endosomes regulates cell-cell signalling and thus the development of multi-cellular organisms. Somatic mutations in single network components lead to changes in transport dynamics that may contribute to pathological modifications underlying several human diseases such as mental retardation.


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BACKGROUND: Alix/Bro1p family proteins have recently been identified as important components of multivesicular endosomes (MVEs) and are involved in the sorting of endocytosed integral membrane proteins, interacting with components of the ESCRT complex, the unconventional phospholipid LBPA, and other known endocytosis regulators. During infection, Alix can be co-opted by enveloped retroviruses, including HIV, providing an important function during virus budding from the plasma membrane. In addition, Alix is associated with the actin cytoskeleton and might regulate cytoskeletal dynamics. RESULTS: Here we demonstrate a novel physical interaction between the only apparent Alix/Bro1p family protein in C. elegans, ALX-1, and a key regulator of receptor recycling from endosomes to the plasma membrane, called RME-1. The analysis of alx-1 mutants indicates that ALX-1 is required for the endocytic recycling of specific basolateral cargo in the C. elegans intestine, a pathway previously defined by the analysis of rme-1 mutants. The expression of truncated human Alix in HeLa cells disrupts the recycling of major histocompatibility complex class I, a known Ehd1/RME-1-dependent transport step, suggesting the phylogenetic conservation of this function. We show that the interaction of ALX-1 with RME-1 in C. elegans, mediated by RME-1/YPSL and ALX-1/NPF motifs, is required for this recycling process. In the C. elegans intestine, ALX-1 localizes to both recycling endosomes and MVEs, but the ALX-1/RME-1 interaction appears to be dispensable for ALX-1 function in MVEs and/or late endosomes. CONCLUSIONS: This work provides the first demonstration of a requirement for an Alix/Bro1p family member in the endocytic recycling pathway in association with the recycling regulator RME-1.


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In a genome-wide RNA-mediated interference screen for genes required in membrane traffic - including endocytic uptake, recycling from endosomes to the plasma membrane, and secretion - we identified 168 candidate endocytosis regulators and 100 candidate secretion regulators. Many of these candidates are highly conserved among metazoans but have not been previously implicated in these processes. Among the positives from the screen, we identified PAR-3, PAR-6, PKC-3 and CDC-42, proteins that are well known for their importance in the generation of embryonic and epithelial-cell polarity. Further analysis showed that endocytic transport in Caenorhabditis elegans coelomocytes and human HeLa cells was also compromised after perturbation of CDC-42/Cdc42 or PAR-6/Par6 function, indicating a general requirement for these proteins in regulating endocytic traffic. Consistent with these results, we found that tagged CDC-42/Cdc42 is enriched on recycling endosomes in C. elegans and mammalian cells, suggesting a direct function in the regulation of transport.


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Intracellular degradation of genes, most notably within the endo-lysosomal compartment is considered a significant barrier to (non-viral) gene delivery in vivo. Previous reports based on in vitro studies claim that carriers possessing a mixture of primary, secondary and tertiary amines are able to buffer the acidic environment within the endosome, allowing for timely release of their contents, leading to higher transfection rates. In this report, we adopt an atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulation approach, comparing the complexation of 21-bp siRNA with low-generation polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers (G0 and G1) at both neutral and acidic pHs, the latter of which mimics the degradative environment within maturing 'late-endosomes'. Our simulations reveal that the time taken for the dendrimer-gene complex (dendriplex) to reach equilibrium is appreciably longer at low pH and this is accompanied by more compact packaging of the dendriplex, as compared to simulations performed at neutral pH. We also note larger absolute values of calculated binding free energies of the dendriplex at low pH, indicating a higher dendrimer-nucleic acid affinity in comparison with neutral pH. These novel simulations provide a more detailed understanding of low molecular-weight polymer-siRNA behavior, mimicking the endosomal environment and provide input of direct relevance to the "proton sponge theory", thereby advancing the rational design of non-viral gene delivery systems.


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DOCK180 is the archetype of the DOCK180-family guanine nucleotide exchange factor for small GTPases Rac1 and Cdc42. DOCK180-family proteins share two conserved domains, called DOCK homology region (DHR)-1 and -2. Although the function of DHR2 is to activate Rac1, DHR1 is required for binding to phosphoinositides. To better understand the function of DHR1, we searched for its binding partners by direct nanoflow liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry, and we identified sorting nexins (SNX) 1, 2, 5, and 6, which make up a multimeric protein complex mediating endosome-to-trans-Golgi-network (TGN) retrograde transport of the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor (CI-MPR). Among these SNX proteins, SNX5 was coimmunoprecipitated with DOCK180 most efficiently. In agreement with this observation, DOCK180 colocalized with SNX5 at endosomes. The RNA interference-mediated knockdowns of SNX5 and DOCK180, but not Rac1, resulted in the redistribution of CI-MPR from TGN to endosomes. Furthermore, expression of the DOCK180 DHR1 domain was sufficient to restore the perturbed CI-MPR distribution in DOCK180 knockdown cells. These data suggest that DOCK180 regulates CI-MPR trafficking via SNX5 and that this function is independent of its guanine nucleotide exchange factor activity toward Rac1.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: The transferrin receptor (CD71) is up-regulated in duodenal biopsy samples from patients with active celiac disease and promotes retrotransport of secretory immunolglobulin A (SIgA)-gliadin complexes. We studied intestinal epithelial cell lines that overexpress CD71 to determine how interactions between SIgA and CD71 promote transepithelial transport of gliadin peptides. METHODS: We analyzed duodenal biopsy specimens from 8 adults and 1 child with active celiac disease. Caco-2 and HT29-19A epithelial cell lines were transfected with fluorescence-labeled small interfering RNAs against CD71. Interactions among IgA, CD71, and transglutaminase 2 (Tgase2) were analyzed by flow cytometry, immunoprecipitation, and confocal microscopy. Transcytosis of SIgACD71 complexes and intestinal permeability to the gliadin 3H-p3149 peptide were analyzed in polarized monolayers of Caco-2 cells. RESULTS: Using fluorescence resonance energy transfer and in situ proximity ligation assays, we observed physical interactions between SIgA and CD71 or CD71 and Tgase2 at the apical surface of enterocytes in biopsy samples and monolayers of Caco-2 cells. CD71 and Tgase2 were co-precipitated with SIgA, bound to the surface of Caco-2 cells. SIgACD71 complexes were internalized and localized in early endosomes and recycling compartments but not in lysosomes. In the presence of celiac IgA or SIgA against p3149, transport of intact 3H-p3149 increased significantly across Caco-2 monolayers; this transport was inhibited by soluble CD71 or Tgase2 inhibitors. CONCLUSIONS: Upon binding to apical CD71, SIgA (with or without gliadin peptides) enters a recycling pathway and avoids lysosomal degradation; this process allows apicalbasal transcytosis of bound peptides. This mechanism is facilitated by Tgase2 and might be involved in the pathogenesis of celiac disease.


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Colloidal nanosized folate-conjugated hydrogels for targeted chemotherapy were prepared via a versatile and efficient postsynthetic modification pathway starting from P(NPA-co-NIPAM). The modifications included the introduction of 4-methylpyridine as pH-sensitive pendant groups and the conjugation of folic acid to the microgel network. The microgels showed a specific swelling at pH?endosomes) as judged by DLS studies varying the external pH. The relative composition of the microgels shows a clear influence on the pH volume transition shifting. The potential of the microgels for anticancer drug release at pH?=?5.0 was confirmed. Therefore, they are a promising targeting carrier for improved anticancer chemotherapy.


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The mammalian retromer is a multimeric protein complex involved in mediating endosome-to-trans-Golgi-network retrograde transport of the cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor. The retromer is composed of two subcomplexes, one containing SNX1 and forming a membrane-bound coat, the other comprising VPS26, VPS29 and VPS35 and being cargo-selective. In yeast, an additional sorting nexin--Vps17p--is a component of the membrane bound coat. It remains unclear whether the mammalian retromer requires a functional equivalent of Vps17p. Here, we have used an RNAi loss-of-function screen to examine whether any of the other 30 mammalian sorting nexins are required for retromer-mediated endosome-to-trans-Golgi-network retrieval of the cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor. Using this screen, we identified two proteins, SNX5 and SNX6, that, when suppressed, induced a phenotype similar to that observed upon suppression of known retromer components. Whereas SNX5 and SNX6 colocalised with SNX1 on early endosomes, in immunoprecipitation experiments only SNX6 appeared to exist in a complex with SNX1. Interestingly, suppression of SNX5 and/or SNX6 resulted in a significant loss of SNX1, an effect that seemed to result from post-translational regulation of the SNX1 level. Such data suggest that SNX1 and SNX6 exist in a stable, endosomally associated complex that is required for retromer-mediated retrieval of the cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor. SNX5 and SNX6 may therefore constitute functional equivalents of Vps17p in mammals.


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SNX-BAR proteins are a sub-family of sorting nexins implicated in endosomal sorting. Here, we establish that through its phox homology (PX) and Bin-Amphiphysin-Rvs (BAR) domains, sorting nexin-4 (SNX4) is associated with tubular and vesicular elements of a compartment that overlaps with peripheral early endosomes and the juxtanuclear endocytic recycling compartment (ERC). Suppression of SNX4 perturbs transport between these compartments and causes lysosomal degradation of the transferrin receptor (TfnR). Through an interaction with KIBRA, a protein previously shown to bind dynein light chain 1, we establish that SNX4 associates with the minus end-directed microtubule motor dynein. Although suppression of KIBRA and dynein perturbs early endosome-to-ERC transport, TfnR sorting is maintained. We propose that by driving membrane tubulation, SNX4 coordinates iterative, geometric-based sorting of the TfnR with the long-range transport of carriers from early endosomes to the ERC. Finally, these data suggest that by associating with molecular motors, SNX-BAR proteins may coordinate sorting with carrier transport between donor and recipient membranes.


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Discovering the function of an unknown protein, particularly one with neither structural nor functional correlates, is a daunting task. Interaction analyses determine binding partners, whereas DNA transfection, either transient or stable, leads to intracellular expression, though not necessarily at physiologically relevant levels. In theory, direct intracellular protein delivery (protein transduction) provides a conceptually simpler alternative, but in practice the approach is problematic. Domains such as HIV TAT protein are valuable, but their effectiveness is protein specific. Similarly, the delivery of intact proteins via endocytic pathways (e.g. using liposomes) is problematic for functional analysis because of the potential for protein degradation in the endosomes/lysosomes. Consequently, recent reports that microspheres can deliver bio-cargoes into cells via a non-endocytic, energy-independent pathway offer an exciting and promising alternative for in vitro delivery of functional protein. In order for such promise to be fully exploited, microspheres are required that (i) are stably linked to proteins, (ii) can deliver those proteins with good efficiency, (iii) release functional protein once inside the cells, and (iv) permit concomitant tracking. Herein, we report the application of microspheres to successfully address all of these criteria simultaneously, for the first time. After cellular uptake, protein release was autocatalyzed by the reducing cytoplasmic environment. Outside of cells, the covalent microsphere-protein linkage was stable for ≥90 h at 37°C. Using conservative methods of estimation, 74.3% ± 5.6% of cells were shown to take up these microspheres after 24 h of incubation, with the whole process of delivery and intracellular protein release occurring within 36 h. Intended for in vitro functional protein research, this approach will enable study of the consequences of protein delivery at physiologically relevant levels, without recourse to nucleic acids, and offers a useful alternative to commercial protein transfection reagents such as Chariot™. We also provide clear immunostaining evidence to resolve residual controversy surrounding FACS-based assessment of microsphere uptake. © 2014 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Inc.


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Septins (SEPTs) form a family of GTP-binding proteins implicated in cytoskeleton and membrane organization, cell division and host/pathogen interactions. The precise function of many family members remains elusive. We show that SEPT6 and SEPT7 complexes bound to F-actin regulate protein sorting during multivesicular body (MVB) biogenesis. These complexes bind AP-3, an adapter complex sorting cargos destined to remain in outer membranes of maturing endosomes, modulate AP-3 membrane interactions and the motility of AP-3-positive endosomes. These SEPT-AP interactions also influence the membrane interaction of ESCRT (endosomal-sorting complex required for transport)-I, which selects ubiquitinated cargos for degradation inside MVBs. Whereas our findings demonstrate that SEPT6 and SEPT7 function in the spatial, temporal organization of AP-3- and ESCRT-coated membrane domains, they uncover an unsuspected coordination of these sorting machineries during MVB biogenesis. This requires the E3 ubiquitin ligase LRSAM1, an AP-3 interactor regulating ESCRT-I sorting activity and whose mutations are linked with Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathies.


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Hydrogen bonds play important roles in maintaining the structure of proteins and in the formation of most biomolecular protein-ligand complexes. All amino acids can act as hydrogen bond donors and acceptors. Among amino acids, Histidine is unique, as it can exist in neutral or positively charged forms within the physiological pH range of 5.0 to 7.0. Histidine can thus interact with other aromatic residues as well as forming hydrogen bonds with polar and charged residues. The ability of His to exchange a proton lies at the heart of many important functional biomolecular interactions, including immunological ones. By using molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation, we examine the influence of His protonation/deprotonation on peptide binding affinity to MHC class II proteins from locus HLA-DP. Peptide-MHC interaction underlies the adaptive cellular immune response, upon which the next generation of commercially-important vaccines will depend. Consistent with experiment, we find that peptides containing protonated His residues bind better to HLA-DP proteins than those with unprotonated His. Enhanced binding at pH 5.0 is due, in part, to additional hydrogen bonds formed between peptide His+ and DP proteins. In acidic endosomes, protein His79β is predominantly protonated. As a result, the peptide binding cleft narrows in the vicinity of His79β, which stabilizes the peptide - HLA-DP protein complex. © 2014 Bentham Science Publishers.


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Background: HLA-DPs are class II MHC proteins mediating immune responses to many diseases. Peptides bind MHC class II proteins in the acidic environment within endosomes. Acidic pH markedly elevates association rate constants but dissociation rates are almost unchanged in the pH range 5.0 - 7.0. This pH-driven effect can be explained by the protonation/deprotonation states of Histidine, whose imidazole has a pKa of 6.0. At pH 5.0, imidazole ring is protonated, making Histidine positively charged and very hydrophilic, while at pH 7.0 imidazole is unprotonated, making Histidine less hydrophilic. We develop here a method to predict peptide binding to the four most frequent HLA-DP proteins: DP1, DP41, DP42 and DP5, using a molecular docking protocol. Dockings to virtual combinatorial peptide libraries were performed at pH 5.0 and pH 7.0. Results: The X-ray structure of the peptide - HLA-DP2 protein complex was used as a starting template to model by homology the structure of the four DP proteins. The resulting models were used to produce virtual combinatorial peptide libraries constructed using the single amino acid substitution (SAAS) principle. Peptides were docked into the DP binding site using AutoDock at pH 5.0 and pH 7.0. The resulting scores were normalized and used to generate Docking Score-based Quantitative Matrices (DS-QMs). The predictive ability of these QMs was tested using an external test set of 484 known DP binders. They were also compared to existing servers for DP binding prediction. The models derived at pH 5.0 predict better than those derived at pH 7.0 and showed significantly improved predictions for three of the four DP proteins, when compared to the existing servers. They are able to recognize 50% of the known binders in the top 5% of predicted peptides. Conclusions: The higher predictive ability of DS-QMs derived at pH 5.0 may be rationalised by the additional hydrogen bond formed between the backbone carbonyl oxygen belonging to the peptide position before p1 (p-1) and the protonated ε-nitrogen of His 79β. Additionally, protonated His residues are well accepted at most of the peptide binding core positions which is in a good agreement with the overall negatively charged peptide binding site of most MHC proteins. © 2012 Patronov et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.