20 resultados para Emprunts (Linguistique)

em Aston University Research Archive


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Il y a plus d'un siècle, Michel Bréal institua l'analyse du sens dans le langage. À partir de là, le développement de la sémantique repose sur des paradigmes, qui constituent de véritables métaphores de la nature générale du langage. Cet ouvrage montre que, hors des modèles logiques, la sémantique s'est historiquement développée à travers quatre paradigmes. Le sens linguistique relève de la vie mentale des individus pour le paradigme psychologiste qui réunit Bréal, Brunot, Damourette et Pichon, Guillaume et Bally. La nature incertaine de cette vie mentale porte le structuralisme de Saussure, Greimas, Rastier et Wierzbicka à envisager le sens comme dérivant de l'équilibre des oppositions internes à la langue. Les déterminismes de cette organisation sont associés aux conditions de sa mise en oeuvre pour le paradigme de l'énonciation élaboré par Benveniste, Ducrot, Anscombre, Nølke et Culioli. Ils sont pour le cognitivisme de Kleiber, de Cadiot, de Fuchs et pour la Grammaire cognitive dérivés d'un esprit au fonctionnement mécaniste. Permettant de délimiter la forme et l'évolution des paradigmes scientifiques, l'analyse des théories donne à voir l'état actuel de la discipline et les questions qu'elle sera appelée à résoudre.


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The different aspects of language are, we know structured by systematic relationships and recent research suggests that the meaning is no exception to this rule. Languages let talking topics to return to their experience of the universe, this reference in is no less the result of the value that characterizes the signs as an integral part of a system of representation. This article contains representations which substantiates the grammatical value of words define in topological terms. This conceptual topology to realise the noun syntax and interpretation. It is therefore suggested that spatialisantes representations intervene as a condition of the Organization referential and structural language sequences.


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In a linguistic context where it seems the entire world is only interested in learning English, it is worth considering the idea of whether French still has a place in Mexico. In spite of the predominance of English, there is nevertheless a feeling that French remains alive in Mexico, and indeed in certain areas has retained its strength and appeal. This hypothesis was to put to the test by exploring the current linguistic environment prevalent in the state of Veracruz. An investigation in the form of questionnaires and interviews of all those connected to the teaching of French (including students, teachers and employees and directors of language schools) shows that the desire of the Mexican government of promoting English for everyone is not necessarily consistent with the desire and expectations of the general populace. This in turn suggest the need of adopting a policy that enables us not only to take into consideration what people seem to be telling us regarding the learning of foreign learning but also of what they are not telling us. If the teaching and learning of French as a foreign language remains strong in Veracruz, it is explained much more by the long and friendly relationship that people in the state have had with French people (and their culture) than it is by any instrumental needs of learning their language. This is seen in the fact that students here consistently describe their motivation for learning French from an emotional or affective standpoint rather than from professional one. It seems that the ties between the Mexican and French people remain solid. Another interesting characteristic of students of French in Veracruz is the positive attitude they seem to have regarding languages in general, which in turn enables them to take further advantage of the benefits made available from globalization. In reality, there exists no rivalry between French and English and therefore it is unnecessary to adopt measures that would address such struggle. It is however a matter of great urgency that authorities in the arenas of politics and academia take a closer look at the policies they design regarding the study of foreign languages in general, and that they consider, specifically, a wholly alternative to the one language model of teaching and learning of foreign language – in this case English-, a model that for all intents and purposes has failed. In the midst of a globalized world, and during this current period of increased linguistic activity, the aforementioned assertions serve not only to support my initial hypothesis, but also to help shake off the dust of some out-dated belief systems and lay down the framework for a new, better informed and well thought-out policy of foreign languages planning.


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Les études typologiques (Hagège 1993, Bybee et al.1994, Dahl 2000, Bourdin 2008 notamment) ont montré de façon consistante que les indications spatiales (notamment les verbes de mouvement) tendaient à se grammaticaliser en expressions temporelles. La forme itive (en français aller) dans les langues romanes a fait l’objet de ce processus linguistique , et avec succès, puisque, en tant qu’auxiliaire d’un verbe à l’infinitif ou au participe présent (et moins fréquemment au participe passé), elle est à même d’offrir, au cours de son histoire, pas moins de onze emplois grammaticalisés (Bres et Labeau à paraître). Nous nous intéresserons dans cet article, qui ne portera que sur le français, à l’emploi que nous nommerons, avec Larreya (2005) et Lansari (2009), narratif: il apparaît en textualité narrative, dont les propositions du premier plan sont régies par la relation de progression (Labov 1972/1978). Cet emploi que le français a connu jusqu’au début du XVIIème (1) tend, sur des bases peut-être différentes, à se répandre aujourd’hui (2): (1) Sur ces propos, feirent leur accord, et, en regardant le lieu le plus propre pour faire ceste belle oeuvre, elle vat dire qu'elle n'en sçavoit poinct de meilleure ne plus loing de tout soupson, que une petite maison qui estoit dedans le parc, où il y avoit chambre et lict tout à propos. Le gentil homme, qui n'eust trouvé nul lieu mauvais, se contenta de cestuy-là. (Navarre M. de, L'Heptaméron, 1550) (2) (…) Teddy Pendergrass est remarqué par Harold Melvin, leader du quintette vocal The Blue Notes. Il rejoint alors la formation, qui va enchaîner une succession de tubes. En 1976, Teddy Pendergrass décide de mener une carrière solo et quitte les Blue Notes . Il va régulièrement occuper les premières places des meilleures ventes de disques aux USA. (Le Monde, Obituaire de T. Pendergrass, 27 .1. 2010)


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This monograph proposes a general model for the analysis of polysemy. The underspecified content of polysemic items produces interpretations in relation with characterised contextual indicators. This ternary set of schematic representations applies to the meaning organisation of French indefinite qui que ce soit ('any'). Universal positive readings, existential and opposition readings are generated by modalised predicate, a modalised proposition and syntactically adjoined functions. "Affective" contexts yield a negative polarity interpretation, the interpretation is generated through concessive reasoning, which explains how scalar values can be evoked by an item representing arbitrary selection. Such contextual reasoning and characterised contextual indicators are the two modes for the calculation of the contextual interpretation of polysemous items.


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The meaning is involved all levels of language analysis. Located in the heart of phenomena such as the polysemy, the grammaticalisation, the role for interpretation of the syntax, the organisation of the metonymy, the structuring of the metaphor. It is subject to synchroniques and historical typological and social variations. These events allow you to reveal when they are considered under the representations that they involve, the Organization of the linguistic meaning report. It is this organisation that attach themselves to identify the contributions in this book. From the empirical study of problems typical semantics and prag-matique offer answers provide the most current approaches to questions the nature of the sense of the patterns they render account representations and constraints that shape.


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This article looks at the conditions under which a construction has an own interpretation. Interpreting the first proposal of the type constructions modalisante I think that P is considered. It is shown that these interpretations can be fully explained by parsing of the sequence I think than a subordinated, resulting in a set of undesirable consequences. The ability to handle this sequence as a construction in the theoretical that gives this constructionnelle grammar concept is envisaged to assess the relationships between form, meaning sense, compositionnalité and invariant. Cet article s'intéresse aux conditions suivant lesquelles une construction possède une interprétation qui lui est propre. L'interprétation modalisante de la première proposition des constructions du type Je crois que P est considérée. Il est montré que ces interprétations ne peuvent être pleinement expliquées par l'analyse syntaxique faisant de la séquence Je crois que une subordonnée, qui entraîne un ensemble de conséquences indésirables. La possibilité de traiter cette séquence comme une construction dans le sens théorique que donne à cette notion la Grammaire constructionnelle est envisagée, permettant d'apprécier les rapports entre forme, sens, compositionnalité et invariant.


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This paper proposes a semantic analysis of the French free-choice indefinite 'n’importe qui'. The semantics of the indefinite is organised as a ternary structure. The (1) abstract meaning underlies all uses of the item and acts as a principle of creative interpretation generation and comprehension. This principle is actualised via (2) discrete contextual features through to (3) contextual interpretations. Thus, the “existential” reading of 'n’importe qui' is derived by a veridical reading of the arbitrary selection of a qualitatively-marked occurrence from the set of human animates. The derivation of contextual readings from the enrichment by contextual cues of an underspecified meaning has a claim to an explanatory model of the semantics of grammatical polysemous items, and is certainly relevant to model-theoretic approaches in as much as formal semantic notions are intricately linked to the contextual interpretation of items. It is not 'n’importe qui' itself, but its contextual interpretations which may be weak or strong, and an homonymous treatment is not possible given the continuity of the quality and free-choice dimensions from one observed reading of n’importe qui to the next.


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This paper looks at the notion of scale through the negative polarity and free-choice interpretations of arbitrary-selection expressions such as any. These interpretations rest on a scalar model, which explains why they often get associated with the same item cross-linguistically. A scalar model does not seem to emerge readily in the problematic imperatives of the type Pick any card, where the arbitrary selection item differs from its other uses by its existential value and absence of qualitative dimensions. These differences come from a choice over non-distinguishable entities left to the interlocutor. Yet, since this choice is exerted against the whole set of contextual entities, a scalar model seems to stand, for this and other problematic imperative uses.


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This paper considers three features of Floating Quantifiers FQ) in French. FQs comprise a larger class of items than is usually recognised; criterial distribution within the verb phrase and adjoined to a relative pronoun apply not only to the equivalents of all and each, but also to only, them both, one another and related items. This extension leads to the question of what properties may be defining the class. The semantic property is that of commenting on the relation between the individual entities and the set of the noun they belong to. Akin to focus particles in this respect, FQs are optional complements. These complements relating semantically to a nominal argument belong to the category of attributive complements. The dissociation between the QF and the noun referred to is the syntactic property of the class. An attributive function with a semantic commentary on the make-up of the nominal set in question defines Floating Quantifiers.


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Les interrogatives partielles peuvent être marquées par un mot en QU en position initiale de la phrase. Cette position est analysée dans différents cadres génératifs comme mettant en jeu le mouvement du mot QU depuis une position intraprédicative. Ce mouvement serait démontré par le fait qu’il peut être interrompu par différents opérateurs, dont la négation. Cette interruption distinguerait le mouvement des arguments et des non-arguments: les QU sous-catégorisés pourraient passer par-dessus la négation parce que leur prédicat licencie leur trace. Cela prédit que comment, combien, où, pourquoi et quand ne peuvent pas introduire de questions négatives (?* Comment ne lui a-t-il pas parlé?), ce que pourraient qui, que, quoi (À qui n’a-t-il pas parlé?). C’est cette prédiction que teste ce travail qui considère le mot QU comment avec des propositions interrogatives niées. Il se fonde sur le recensement des attestations dans Frantext pour le 20ème siècle, parmi lesquelles prédominent les questions rhétoriques (Comment ne pas perdre la tête?). L’identification de ces dernières face aux interrogations réelles demande des critères que formule ce travail. La raison pour laquelle les questions rhétoriques rendent possible les séquences considérées est envisagée, et sont considérées une hypothèse syntaxique sur un prédicat sous-jacent et une hypothèse interprétative sur le rôle des présuppositions. L’intervention des présuppositions reflète la définition même de la question rhétorique, et suggère que la putative impossibilité des questions négatives avec un QU adverbial tiendrait à des facteurs d’informativité.


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This article studies the go periphrasis emerging in Contemporary French narrations and compares it with the narrative go periphrasis found in Middle French.


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Given the diversity of uses of the French imparfait, there is no unanimity about the nature – or even the existence – of a semantic invariant that may characterize it. The present article aims on the one hand at recapitulating the attempted temporal, aspectual and discursive descriptions of the imparfait found in contemporary research. A personal description of that tense based on the concepts of time, aspect and Aktionsart is then proposed ; it is thought such description may account for that tense multiplicity of uses. On the other hand, because of the necessity of a dialogue between theoretical and applied linguistics, this article will also consider the potential contribution of the suggested invariant to the teaching of French as a foreign language.