20 resultados para Eigenvalue of a graph

em Aston University Research Archive


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Softeam has over 20 years of experience providing UML-based modelling solutions, such as its Modelio modelling tool, and its Constellation enterprise model management and collaboration environment. Due to the increasing number and size of the models used by Softeam’s clients, Softeam joined the MONDO FP7 EU research project, which worked on solutions for these scalability challenges and produced the Hawk model indexer among other results. This paper presents the technical details and several case studies on the integration of Hawk into Softeam’s toolset. The first case study measured the performance of Hawk’s Modelio support using varying amounts of memory for the Neo4j backend. In another case study, Hawk was integrated into Constellation to provide scalable global querying of model repositories. Finally, the combination of Hawk and the Epsilon Generation Language was compared against Modelio for document generation: for the largest model, Hawk was two orders of magnitude faster.


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A number of recent studies have investigated the introduction of decoherence in quantum walks and the resulting transition to classical random walks. Interestingly,it has been shown that algorithmic properties of quantum walks with decoherence such as the spreading rate are sometimes better than their purely quantum counterparts. Not only quantum walks with decoherence provide a generalization of quantum walks that naturally encompasses both the quantum and classical case, but they also give rise to new and different probability distribution. The application of quantum walks with decoherence to large graphs is limited by the necessity of evolving state vector whose sizes quadratic in the number of nodes of the graph, as opposed to the linear state vector of the purely quantum (or classical) case. In this technical report,we show how to use perturbation theory to reduce the computational complexity of evolving a continuous-time quantum walk subject to decoherence. More specifically, given a graph over n nodes, we show how to approximate the eigendecomposition of the n2×n2 Lindblad super-operator from the eigendecomposition of the n×n graph Hamiltonian.


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The impact of third-order dispersion (TOD) on optical rogue wave phenomenon is investigated numerically. We validate the TOD coefficient by utilizing the eigenvalue of the associated equation of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE). © 2014 OSA.


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The problem of vertex coloring in random graphs is studied using methods of statistical physics and probability. Our analytical results are compared to those obtained by exact enumeration and Monte Carlo simulations. We critically discuss the merits and shortcomings of the various methods, and interpret the results obtained. We present an exact analytical expression for the two-coloring problem as well as general replica symmetric approximated solutions for the thermodynamics of the graph coloring problem with p colors and K-body edges. ©2002 The American Physical Society.


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In this paper, we investigate the use of manifold learning techniques to enhance the separation properties of standard graph kernels. The idea stems from the observation that when we perform multidimensional scaling on the distance matrices extracted from the kernels, the resulting data tends to be clustered along a curve that wraps around the embedding space, a behavior that suggests that long range distances are not estimated accurately, resulting in an increased curvature of the embedding space. Hence, we propose to use a number of manifold learning techniques to compute a low-dimensional embedding of the graphs in an attempt to unfold the embedding manifold, and increase the class separation. We perform an extensive experimental evaluation on a number of standard graph datasets using the shortest-path (Borgwardt and Kriegel, 2005), graphlet (Shervashidze et al., 2009), random walk (Kashima et al., 2003) and Weisfeiler-Lehman (Shervashidze et al., 2011) kernels. We observe the most significant improvement in the case of the graphlet kernel, which fits with the observation that neglecting the locational information of the substructures leads to a stronger curvature of the embedding manifold. On the other hand, the Weisfeiler-Lehman kernel partially mitigates the locality problem by using the node labels information, and thus does not clearly benefit from the manifold learning. Interestingly, our experiments also show that the unfolding of the space seems to reduce the performance gap between the examined kernels.


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The popularity of online social media platforms provides an unprecedented opportunity to study real-world complex networks of interactions. However, releasing this data to researchers and the public comes at the cost of potentially exposing private and sensitive user information. It has been shown that a naive anonymization of a network by removing the identity of the nodes is not sufficient to preserve users’ privacy. In order to deal with malicious attacks, k -anonymity solutions have been proposed to partially obfuscate topological information that can be used to infer nodes’ identity. In this paper, we study the problem of ensuring k anonymity in time-varying graphs, i.e., graphs with a structure that changes over time, and multi-layer graphs, i.e., graphs with multiple types of links. More specifically, we examine the case in which the attacker has access to the degree of the nodes. The goal is to generate a new graph where, given the degree of a node in each (temporal) layer of the graph, such a node remains indistinguishable from other k-1 nodes in the graph. In order to achieve this, we find the optimal partitioning of the graph nodes such that the cost of anonymizing the degree information within each group is minimum. We show that this reduces to a special case of a Generalized Assignment Problem, and we propose a simple yet effective algorithm to solve it. Finally, we introduce an iterated linear programming approach to enforce the realizability of the anonymized degree sequences. The efficacy of the method is assessed through an extensive set of experiments on synthetic and real-world graphs.


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We propose a family of attributed graph kernels based on mutual information measures, i.e., the Jensen-Tsallis (JT) q-differences (for q  ∈ [1,2]) between probability distributions over the graphs. To this end, we first assign a probability to each vertex of the graph through a continuous-time quantum walk (CTQW). We then adopt the tree-index approach [1] to strengthen the original vertex labels, and we show how the CTQW can induce a probability distribution over these strengthened labels. We show that our JT kernel (for q  = 1) overcomes the shortcoming of discarding non-isomorphic substructures arising in the R-convolution kernels. Moreover, we prove that the proposed JT kernels generalize the Jensen-Shannon graph kernel [2] (for q = 1) and the classical subtree kernel [3] (for q = 2), respectively. Experimental evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the JT kernels.


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In this paper we investigate the connection between quantum walks and graph symmetries. We begin by designing an experiment that allows us to analyze the behavior of the quantum walks on the graph without causing the wave function collapse. To achieve this, we base our analysis on the recently introduced quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence. In particular, we show that the quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence between the evolution of two quantum walks with suitably defined initial states is maximum when the graph presents symmetries. Hence, we assign to each pair of nodes of the graph a value of the divergence, and we average over all pairs of nodes to characterize the degree of symmetry possessed by a graph. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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We study a variation of the graph coloring problem on random graphs of finite average connectivity. Given the number of colors, we aim to maximize the number of different colors at neighboring vertices (i.e. one edge distance) of any vertex. Two efficient algorithms, belief propagation and Walksat are adapted to carry out this task. We present experimental results based on two types of random graphs for different system sizes and identify the critical value of the connectivity for the algorithms to find a perfect solution. The problem and the suggested algorithms have practical relevance since various applications, such as distributed storage, can be mapped onto this problem.


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We propose a simple model that captures the salient properties of distribution networks, and study the possible occurrence of blackouts, i.e., sudden failings of large portions of such networks. The model is defined on a random graph of finite connectivity. The nodes of the graph represent hubs of the network, while the edges of the graph represent the links of the distribution network. Both, the nodes and the edges carry dynamical two state variables representing the functioning or dysfunctional state of the node or link in question. We describe a dynamical process in which the breakdown of a link or node is triggered when the level of maintenance it receives falls below a given threshold. This form of dynamics can lead to situations of catastrophic breakdown, if levels of maintenance are themselves dependent on the functioning of the net, once maintenance levels locally fall below a critical threshold due to fluctuations. We formulate conditions under which such systems can be analyzed in terms of thermodynamic equilibrium techniques, and under these conditions derive a phase diagram characterizing the collective behavior of the system, given its model parameters. The phase diagram is confirmed qualitatively and quantitatively by simulations on explicit realizations of the graph, thus confirming the validity of our approach. © 2007 The American Physical Society.


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We consider a variation of the prototype combinatorial optimization problem known as graph colouring. Our optimization goal is to colour the vertices of a graph with a fixed number of colours, in a way to maximize the number of different colours present in the set of nearest neighbours of each given vertex. This problem, which we pictorially call palette-colouring, has been recently addressed as a basic example of a problem arising in the context of distributed data storage. Even though it has not been proved to be NP-complete, random search algorithms find the problem hard to solve. Heuristics based on a naive belief propagation algorithm are observed to work quite well in certain conditions. In this paper, we build upon the mentioned result, working out the correct belief propagation algorithm, which needs to take into account the many-body nature of the constraints present in this problem. This method improves the naive belief propagation approach at the cost of increased computational effort. We also investigate the emergence of a satisfiable-to-unsatisfiable 'phase transition' as a function of the vertex mean degree, for different ensembles of sparse random graphs in the large size ('thermodynamic') limit.


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The analysis of complex networks is usually based on key properties such as small-worldness and vertex degree distribution. The presence of symmetric motifs on the other hand has been related to redundancy and thus robustness of the networks. In this paper we propose a method for detecting approximate axial symmetries in networks. For each pair of nodes, we define a continuous-time quantum walk which is evolved through time. By measuring the probability that the quantum walker to visits each node of the network in this time frame, we are able to determine whether the two vertices are symmetrical with respect to any axis of the graph. Moreover, we show that we are able to successfully detect approximate axial symmetries too. We show the efficacy of our approach by analysing both synthetic and real-world data. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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In the study of complex networks, vertex centrality measures are used to identify the most important vertices within a graph. A related problem is that of measuring the centrality of an edge. In this paper, we propose a novel edge centrality index rooted in quantum information. More specifically, we measure the importance of an edge in terms of the contribution that it gives to the Von Neumann entropy of the graph. We show that this can be computed in terms of the Holevo quantity, a well known quantum information theoretical measure. While computing the Von Neumann entropy and hence the Holevo quantity requires computing the spectrum of the graph Laplacian, we show how to obtain a simplified measure through a quadratic approximation of the Shannon entropy. This in turns shows that the proposed centrality measure is strongly correlated with the negative degree centrality on the line graph. We evaluate our centrality measure through an extensive set of experiments on real-world as well as synthetic networks, and we compare it against commonly used alternative measures.


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Laplacian-based descriptors, such as the Heat Kernel Signature and the Wave Kernel Signature, allow one to embed the vertices of a graph onto a vectorial space, and have been successfully used to find the optimal matching between a pair of input graphs. While the HKS uses a heat di↵usion process to probe the local structure of a graph, the WKS attempts to do the same through wave propagation. In this paper, we propose an alternative structural descriptor that is based on continuoustime quantum walks. More specifically, we characterise the structure of a graph using its average mixing matrix. The average mixing matrix is a doubly-stochastic matrix that encodes the time-averaged behaviour of a continuous-time quantum walk on the graph. We propose to use the rows of the average mixing matrix for increasing stopping times to develop a novel signature, the Average Mixing Matrix Signature (AMMS). We perform an extensive range of experiments and we show that the proposed signature is robust under structural perturbations of the original graphs and it outperforms both the HKS and WKS when used as a node descriptor in a graph matching task.


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In this paper, we develop a new family of graph kernels where the graph structure is probed by means of a discrete-time quantum walk. Given a pair of graphs, we let a quantum walk evolve on each graph and compute a density matrix with each walk. With the density matrices for the pair of graphs to hand, the kernel between the graphs is defined as the negative exponential of the quantum Jensen–Shannon divergence between their density matrices. In order to cope with large graph structures, we propose to construct a sparser version of the original graphs using the simplification method introduced in Qiu and Hancock (2007). To this end, we compute the minimum spanning tree over the commute time matrix of a graph. This spanning tree representation minimizes the number of edges of the original graph while preserving most of its structural information. The kernel between two graphs is then computed on their respective minimum spanning trees. We evaluate the performance of the proposed kernels on several standard graph datasets and we demonstrate their effectiveness and efficiency.