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em Aston University Research Archive
The theory of planned behaviour (TPB) has been used successfully in the past to account for pedestrians' intentions to cross the road in risky situations. However, accident statistics show age and gender differences in the likelihood of adult pedestrian accidents. This study extends earlier work by examining the relative importance of the model components as predictors of intention to cross for four different adult age groups, men, women, drivers and nondrivers. The groups did not differ in the extent to which they differentiated between two situations of varying perceived risk. The model fit was good, but accounted for less of the variance in intention for the youngest group (17-24) than for other age groups. Differences between the age groups in intention to cross seemed to be due to differences in perceived value of crossing rather than differences in perceived risk. Women were less likely to intend to cross than men and perceived more risk, and there were important age, gender and driver status differences in the importance of the TPB variables as predictors of intention. A key implication of these findings is that road safety interventions need to be designed differently for different groups. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The overall objective of this work was to compare the effect of pre-treatment and catalysts on the quality of liquid products from fast pyrolysis of biomass. This study investigated the upgrading of bio-oil in terms of its quality as a bio-fuel and/or source of chemicals. Bio-oil used directly as a biofuel for heat or power needs to be improved particularly in terms of temperature sensitivity, oxygen content, chemical instability, solid content, and heating values. Chemicals produced from bio-oil need to be able to meet product specifications for market acceptability. There were two main objectives in this research. The first was to examine the influence of pre-treatment of biomass on the fast pyrolysis process and liquid quality. The relationship between the method of pre-treatment of biomass feedstock to fast pyrolysis oil quality was studied. The thermal decomposition behaviour of untreated and pretreated feedstocks was studied by using a TGA (thermogravimetric analysis) and a Py-GC/MS (pyroprobe-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry). Laboratory scale reactors (100g/h, 300g/h, 1kg/h) were used to process untreated and pretreated feedstocks by fast pyrolysis. The second objective was to study the influence of numerous catalysts on fast pyrolysis liquids from wheat straw. The first step applied analytical pyrolysis (Py-GC/MS) to determine which catalysts had an effect on fast pyrolysis liquid, in order to select catalysts for further laboratory fast pyrolysis. The effect of activation, temperature, and biomass pre-treatment on catalysts were also investigated. Laboratory experiments were also conducted using the existing 300g/h fluidised bed reactor system with a secondary catalytic fixed bed reactor. The screening of catalysts showed that CoMo was a highly active catalyst, which particularly reduced the higher molecular weight products of fast pyrolysis. From these screening tests, CoMo catalyst was selected for larger scale laboratory experiments. With reference to the effect of pre-treatment work on fast pyrolysis process, a significant effect occurred on the thermal decomposition of biomass, as well as the pyrolysis products composition, and the proportion of key components in bio-oil. Torrefaction proved to have a mild influence on pyrolysis products, when compared to aquathermolysis and steam pre-treatment.
INTRODUCTION: Dynamic retinal vessel analysis represents a well-established method for the assessment of vascular reactivity during both normal conditions and after various provocations. We present a case where the subject showed abnormal retinal vessel reactivity after fasting voluntarily for 20 hours. CASE PRESENTATION: A healthy, 21-year-old man who fasted voluntarily for 20 hours exhibited abnormal retinal vascular reactivity (dilation and constriction) after flicker provocation as measured using the Dynamic Retinal Vessel Analyser (Imedos, Jena, Germany). CONCLUSION: The abnormal vascular reactivity induced by fasting was significant; abnormal levels of important nutrients due to fasting and dehydration could play a role through altering the concentration of vasoactive substances such as nitric oxide. This hypothesis needs further investigation.
This article investigates the relationship between simultaneity in decisions regarding business strategies and human resource management (HRM) policies and their impact on organizational performance. The research is based on a sample of 178 organizations operating in the Greek manufacturing sector. The results of this study support the hypothesis that when business strategies and HRM policies are developed simultaneously, they positively affect organizational performance. This is more valid for decisions taken simultaneously with respect to quality and employee development, innovation and employee rewards and relations, and cost and employee resourcing. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of corneal topography and thickness on intraocular pressure (IOP) and pulse amplitude (PA) as measured using the Ocular Blood Flow Analyzer (OBFA) pneumatonometer (Paradigm Medical Industries, Utah, USA). Methods. 47 university students volunteered for this cross-sectional study: mean age 20.4 yrs, range 18 to 28 yrs; 23 male, 24 female. Only the measurements from the right eye of each participant were used. Central corneal thickness and mean corneal radius were measured using Scheimpflug biometry and corneal topographic imaging respectively. IOP and PA measurements were made with the OBFA pneumatonometer. Axial length was measured using A-scan ultrasound, due to its known correlation with these corneal parameters. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was used to identify those components that contributed significant variance to the independent variables of IOP and PA. Results. The mean IOP and PA measurements were 13.1 (SD 3.3) mmHg and 3.0 (SD 1.2) mmHg respectively. IOP measurements made with the OBFA pneumatonometer correlated significantly with central corneal thickness (r = +0.374, p = 0.010), such that a 10 mm change in CCT was equivalent to a 0.30 mmHg change in measured IOP. PA measurements correlated significantly with axial length (part correlate = -0.651, p < 0.001) and mean corneal radius (part correlate = +0.459, p < 0.001) but not corneal thickness. Conclusions. IOP measurements taken with the OBFA pneumatonometer are correlated with corneal thickness, but not axial length or corneal curvature. Conversely, PA measurements are unaffected by corneal thickness, but correlated with axial length and corneal radius. These parameters should be taken into consideration when interpreting IOP and PA measurements made with the OBFA pneumatonometer.
Aim: N-3 fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), may possess anticachectic properties. This trial compared a protein and energy dense supplement enriched with n-3 fatty acids and antioxidants (experimental: E) with an isocaloric isonitrogenous control supplement (C) for their effects on weight, lean body mass (LBM), dietary intake, and quality of life in cachectic patients with advanced pancreatic cancer. Methods: A total of 200 patients (95 E; 105 C) were randomised to consume two cans/day of the E or C supplement (480 ml, 620 kcal, 32 g protein ± 2.2 g EPA) for eight weeks in a multicentre, randomised, double blind trial. Results: At enrolment, patients' mean rate of weight loss was 3.3 kg/month. Intake of the supplements (E or C) was below the recommended dose (2 cans/day) and averaged 1.4 cans/day. Over eight weeks, patients in both groups stopped losing weight (Δweight E: -0.25 kg/month versus C: -0.37 kg/month; p=0.74) and LBM (ΔLBM E: +0.27 kg/month versus C: +0.12 kg/month; p=0.88) to an equal degree (change from baseline E and C, p<0.001). In view of evident non-compliance in both E and C groups, correlation analyses were undertaken to examine for potential dose-response relationships. E patients demonstrated significant correlations between their supplement intake and weight gain (r=0.50, p<0.001) and increase in LBM (r=0.33, p=0.036). Such correlations were not statistically significant in C patients. The relationship of supplement intake with change in LBM was significantly different between E and C patients (p=0.043). Increased plasma EPA levels in the E group were associated with weight and LBM gain (r=0.50, p<0.001; r=0.51, p=0.001). Weight gain was associated with improved quality of life (p<0.01) only in the E group. Conclusion: Intention to treat group comparisons indicated that at the mean dose taken, enrichment with n-3 fatty acids did not provide a therapeutic advantage and that both supplements were equally effective in arresting weight loss. Post hoc dose-response analysis suggests that if taken in sufficient quantity, only the n-3 fatty acid enriched energy and protein dense supplement results in net gain of weight, lean tissue, and improved quality of life. Further trials are required to examine the potential role of n-3 enriched supplements in the treatment of cancer cachexia.
Since much knowledge is tacit, eliciting knowledge is a common bottleneck during the development of knowledge-based systems. Visual interactive simulation (VIS) has been proposed as a means for eliciting experts’ decision-making by getting them to interact with a visual simulation of the real system in which they work. In order to explore the effectiveness and efficiency of VIS based knowledge elicitation, an experiment has been carried out with decision-makers in a Ford Motor Company engine assembly plant. The model properties under investigation were the level of visual representation (2-dimensional, 2½-dimensional and 3-dimensional) and the model parameter settings (unadjusted and adjusted to represent more uncommon and extreme situations). The conclusion from the experiment is that using a 2-dimensional representation with adjusted parameter settings provides the better simulation-based means for eliciting knowledge, at least for the case modelled.
We study the effect of fibre base and grating profile on the efficiency of ultra-long Raman lasers. We show that for the studied parameters, FBG profile does not affect the performance when operating away from the zero-dispersion wavelength.
The effects of haem limitation and iron restriction on cells of non typable Haemophilus influenzae were investigated. Haem limitation was achieved by adding concentrations of haem to growth media which resulted in substantial decreases in final cell yields. Iron restriction was achieved by substituting protoporphyrin IX (PPIX) for haem in the growth medium and adding an iron chelator to the system. The effect of these nutrient limitations on a) outer membrane composition, and b) respiratory systems of non typable H.influenzae was investigated. Several of the strains examined produced new PPIX-specific outer membrane proteins when cultured utilising PPIX as a porphyrin source. The immune response of patients with bronchiectasis to outer membrane antigens of H.influenzae cultured under iron-restricted conditions was analysed by ELISA and immunoblotting techniques. ELISA analysis revealed that individuals with severe bronchiectasis had high titres of antibodies directed against H.influenzae OMs in both serum and sputum. Immunoblotting with homologous serum showed that where PPIX-specific OMPs were produced they were antigenic and were recognised by patients' serum. This suggested that these H.influenzae OMPs may be expressed in vivo. Additionally, the development of the immune responses to non typable H.influenzae outer membrane antigens was investigated using a rat lung model. Bacteria encased in agar beads were inoculated intratracheally into rat lungs, infection was established, and the immune response monitored for 6 weeks. The animals developed antibodies to PPIX-specific OMPs during the course of infection, providing further evidence that H.influenzae express these novel OMP antigens when growing in vivo. Studies in vitro on respiratory systems of phenotypically altered H.influenzae showed that bacteria grown utilising PPIX as a porphyrin source, or under conditions of iron-restriction produced ten fold fewer cytochromes than cells grown in nutrient excess, while haem limited H.influenzae produced no detectable cytochromes. Respiration of various substrates was depressed in haem limited and in PPIX-grown cultures as compared with cells grown in nutrient excess.
We investigate the policies of (1) restricting social influence and (2) imposing curfews upon interacting citizens in a community. We compare and contrast their effects on the social order and the emerging levels of civil violence. Influence models have been used in the past in the context of decision making in a variety of application domains. The policy of curfews has been utilised with the aim of curbing social violence but little research has been done on its effectiveness. We develop a multi-agent-based model that is used to simulate a community of citizens and the police force that guards it. We find that restricting social influence does indeed pacify rebellious societies, but has the opposite effect on peaceful ones. On the other hand, our simple model indicates that restricting mobility through curfews has a pacifying effect across all types of society.
This thesis analyses the impact of workplace stressors and mood on innovation activities. Based on three competitive frameworks offered by cognitive spreading activation theory, mood repair perspective, and mood-as-information theory, different sets of predictions are developed. These hypotheses are tested in a field study involving 41 R&D teams and 123 individual R&D workers, and in an experimental study involving 54 teams of students. Results of the field study suggest that stressors and mood interact to predict innovation activities in such a way that with increasing stressors a high positive ( or negative) mood is more detrimental to innovation activities than a low positive (or negative) mood, lending support to the mood repair perspective. These effects are found for both individuals and teams. In the experimental study this effect is replicated and potential boundary conditions and mediators are tested. In addition, this thesis includes the development of an instrument to assess creativity and implementation activities within the realm of task-related innovative performance.
The influence of ionic strength and of the chemical nature of cations on the protein-protein interactions in ovalbumin solution was studied using small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering (SAXS/SANS). The globular protein ovalbumin is found in dimeric form in solutions as suggested by SANS/SAXS experiments. Due to the negative charge of the proteins at neutral pH, the protein-protein interactions without any salt addition are dominated by electrostatic repulsion. A structure factor related to screened Coulombic interactions together with an ellipsoid form factor was used to fit the scattering intensity. A monovalent salt (NaCl) and a trivalent salt (YCl3) were used to study the effect of the chemical nature of cations on the interaction in protein solutions. Upon addition of NaCl, with ionic strength below that of physiological conditions (150 mM), the effective interactions are still dominated by the surface charge of the proteins and the scattering data can be understood using the same model. When yttrium chloride was used, a reentrant condensation behavior, i.e., aggregation and subsequent redissolution of proteins with increasing salt concentration, was observed. SAXS measurements reveal a transition from effective repulsion to attraction with increasing salt concentration. The solutions in the reentrant regime become unstable after long times (several days). The results are discussed and compared with those from bovine serum albumin (BSA) in solutions.