30 resultados para Ebre (Riu)
em Aston University Research Archive
The distinct behaviour of femtosecond laser inscribed long period gratings, with a non-uniform index perturbation within the optical fibre core, has been studied experimentally. The non-uniform laser-induced perturbation results in light coupling from the core mode to a greater number of cladding modes than is the case with their UV laser inscribed counterparts, and this is made evident from the surrounding refractive index (SRI) grating response. Femtosecond inscribed long period gratings are shown to simultaneously couple to multiple sets of cladding modes. A 400μm LPG is shown to result in attenuation peaks that have both blue and red wavelength shifts over a 1250nm to 1700nm wavelength range. This gives rise to SRI sensitivities far greater than anything achievable by monitoring a single attenuation peak. The maximum sensitivity produced by monitoring a single attenuation peak was 1106nm/RIU, whereas monitoring opposing wavelength shifts resulted in a significantly improved sensitivity of 1680nm/RIU. © 2011 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).
A series of surface plasmonic fibre devices were fabricated using multiple coatings deposited on a lapped section of a single mode fibre. Coupling from the guided mode to surface plasmons was promoted following UV laser irradiation of the coated region through a phase mask, which generated a surface relief grating structure. The devices showed high spectral sensitivities and strong coupling for low refractive indices as compared to other grating-type fibre devices. The plasmonic devices were used to detect the variation in the refractive indices of alkane gases with measured wavelength and coupling sensitivity to index of 3400 nm RIU-1 and 8300 dB RIU-1, respectively. As a demonstration of the performance of these gas sensors, a minimum concentration of 2% by volume of butane in ethane was achieved.
Different types of microstructures including microchannels and microslots were made in optical fibers using femtosecond laser inscription and chemical etching. Integrated with UV-inscribed fiber Bragg gratings, these microstructures have miniature, robustness and high sensitivity features and have been used to implement novel devices for various sensing applications. The fiber microchannels were used to detect the refractive index change of liquid presenting sensitivities up to 7.4 nm/refractive index unit (RIU) and 166.7 dB/RIU based on wavelength and power detection, respectively. A microslot-in-fiber based liquid core waveguide as a refractometer has been proposed and the device was used to measure refractive index, and a sensitivity up to 945 nm/RIU (10-6/pm) was obtained. By filling epoxy in the microslot and subsequent UV light curing, a hybrid waveguide grating structure with polymer core and glass cladding was fabricated. The obtained device was highly thermal responsive, demonstrating a linear coefficient of 211 pm/°C.
We present experimental results on the performance of a series of coated, D-shaped optical fiber sensors that display high spectral sensitivities to external refractive index. Sensitivity to the chosen index regime and coupling of the fiber core mode to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is enhanced by using specific materials as part of a multi-layered coating. We present strong evidence that this effect is enhanced by post ultraviolet radiation of the lamellar coating that results in the formation of a nano-scale surface relief corrugation structure, which generates an index perturbation within the fiber core that in turn enhances the coupling. We have found reasonable agreement when we modeling the fiber device. It was found that the SPR devices operate in air with high coupling efficiency in excess of 40 dB with spectral sensitivities that outperform a typical long period grating, with one device yielding a wavelength spectral sensitivity of 12000 nm/RIU in the important aqueous index regime. The devices generate SPRs over a very large wavelength range, (visible to 2 mu m) by alternating the polarization state of the illuminating light.
A series of surface plasmonic fibre devices were fabricated using multiple coatings deposited on a lapped section of a single mode fibre and post-fabrication UV laser irradiation processing with a phase mask, producing a surface relief grating structure. These devices showed high spectral sensitivity in the aqueous index regime ranging up to 4000 nm/RIU for wavelength and 800 dB/RIU for intensity. The devices were then coated with human thrombin binding aptamer. Several concentrations of thrombin in buffer solution were made, ranging from 1nM to 1µM. All the concentrations were detectable by the devices demonstrating that sub-nM concentrations may be monitored.
Different types of microstructures including microchannels and microslots were made in optical fibers using femtosecond laser inscription and chemical etching. Integrated with UV-inscribed fiber Bragg gratings, these microstructures have miniature, robustness and high sensitivity features and have been used to implement novel devices for various sensing applications. The fiber microchannels were used to detect the refractive index change of liquid presenting sensitivities up to 7.4 nm/refractive index unit (RIU) and 166.7 dB/RIU based on wavelength and power detection, respectively. A microslot-in-fiber based liquid core waveguide as a refractometer has been proposed and the device was used to measure refractive index, and a sensitivity up to 945 nm/RIU (10-6/pm) was obtained. By filling epoxy in the microslot and subsequent UV light curing, a hybrid waveguide grating structure with polymer core and glass cladding was fabricated. The obtained device was highly thermal responsive, demonstrating a linear coefficient of 211 pm/°C.
A new generation of surface plasmonic optical fibre sensors is fabricated using multiple coatings deposited on a lapped section of a single mode fibre. Post-deposition UV laser irradiation using a phase mask produces a nano-scaled surface relief grating structure, resembling nano-wires. The overall length of the individual corrugations is approximately 14 μm with an average full width half maximum of 100 nm. Evidence is presented to show that these surface structures result from material compaction created by the silicon dioxide and germanium layers in the multi-layered coating and the surface topology is capable of supporting localised surface plasmons. The coating compaction induces a strain gradient into the D-shaped optical fibre that generates an asymmetric periodic refractive index profile which enhances the coupling of the light from the core of the fibre to plasmons on the surface of the coating. Experimental data are presented that show changes in spectral characteristics after UV processing and that the performance of the sensors increases from that of their pre-UV irradiation state. The enhanced performance is illustrated with regards to change in external refractive index and demonstrates high spectral sensitivities in gaseous and aqueous index regimes ranging up to 4000 nm/RIU for wavelength and 800 dB/RIU for intensity. The devices generate surface plasmons over a very large wavelength range, (visible to 2 μm) depending on the polarization state of the illuminating light. © 2013 SPIE.
Novel surface plasmonic optical fiber sensors have been fabricated using multiple coatings deposited on a lapped section of a single mode fiber. UV laser irradiation processing with a phase mask produces a nano-scaled surface relief grating structure resembling nano-wires. The resulting individual corrugations produced by material compaction are approximately 20 μm long with an average width at half maximum of 100 nm and generate localized surface plasmons. Experimental data are presented that show changes in the spectral characteristics after UV processing, coupled with an overall increase in the sensitivity of the devices to surrounding refractive index. Evidence is presented that there is an optimum UV dosage (48 joules) over which no significant additional optical change is observed. The devices are characterized with regards to change in refractive index, where significantly high spectral sensitivities in the aqueous index regime are found, ranging up to 4000 nm/RIU for wavelength and 800 dB/RIU for intensity. © 2013 Optical Society of America.
We demonstrate a bi-metal coating (platinum and gold or silver) localised surface plasmon resonance fibre device that produces an index spectral sensitivity of over 11,000 nm/RIU, yielding an index resolution of 5×10-6in the aqueous index regime, consisting of a structured multi-layered thin film on D-shaped fibre. © 2014 SPIE.
The turning point of the refractive index (RI) sensitivity based on the multimode microfiber (MMMF) in-line Mach–Zehnder interferometer (MZI) is observed. By tracking the resonant wavelength shift of the MZI generated between the HE11 and HE12 modes in the MMMF, the surrounding RI (SRI) could be detected. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that the RI sensitivity will reach ±∞ on either side of the turning point due to the group effective RI difference (퐺) approaching zero. Significantly, the positive sensitivity exists in a very wide fiber diameter range, while the negative sensitivity can be achieved in a narrow diameter range of only 0.3 μm. Meanwhile, the experimental sensitivities and variation trend at different diameters exhibit high consistency with the theoretical results. High RI sensitivity of 10777.8 nm/RIU (RI unit) at the fiber diameter of 4.6 μm and the RI around 1.3334 is realized. The discovery of the sensitivity turning points has great significance on trace detection due to the possibility of ultrahigh RI sensitivity.
In-fiber microchannels were fabricated directly in standard single mode fiber using the femtosecond laser inscribe and etch technique. This method of creating in-fiber microchannels offers great versatility since it allows complex three dimensional structures to be inscribed and then etched with hydrofluoric acid. Four in-fiber microchannel designs were experimentally investigated using this technique. Device characteristics were evaluated through monitoring the spectral change while inserting index matching oils into each microchannel - a R.I. sensitivity up to 1.55 dB/RIU was achieved. Furthermore, a simple Fabry-Pérot based refractometer with a R.I. sensitivity of 2.75 nm/RIU was also demonstrated. © 2014 SPIE.
This thesis presents a detailed numerical analysis, fabrication method and experimental investigation on 45º tilted fiber gratings (45º-TFGs) and excessively tilted fiber gratings (Ex-TFGs), and their applications in fiber laser and sensing systems. The one of the most significant contributions of the work reported in this thesis is that the 45º-TFGs with high polarization extinction ratio (PER) have been fabricated in single mode telecom and polarization maintaining (PM) fibers with spectral response covering three prominent optic communication and central wavelength ranges at 1060nm, 1310nm and 1550nm. The most achieved PERs for the 45º-TFGs are up to and greater than 35-50dB, which have reached and even exceeded many commercial in-fiber polarizers. It has been proposed that the 45º-TFGs of high PER can be used as ideal in-fiber polarizers for a wide range of fiber systems and applications. In addition, in-depth detailed theoretical models and analysis have been developed and systematic experimental evaluation has been conducted producing results in excellent agreement with theoretical modeling. Another important outcome of the research work is the proposal and demonstration of all fiber Lyot filters (AFLFs) implemented by utilizing two (for a single stage type) and more (for multi-stage) 45º-TFGs in PM fiber cavity structure. The detailed theoretical analysis and modelling of such AFLFs have also been carried out giving design guidance for the practical implementation. The unique function advantages of 45º-TFG based AFLFs have been revealed, showing high finesse multi-wavelength transmission of single polarization and wide range of tuneability. The temperature tuning results of AFLFs have shown that the AFLFs have 60 times higher thermal sensitivity than the normal FBGs, thus permitting thermal tuning rate of ~8nm/10ºC. By using an intra-cavity AFLF, an all fiber soliton mode locking laser with almost total suppression of siliton sidebands, single polarization output and single/multi-wavelength switchable operation has been demonstrated. The final significant contribution is the theoretical analysis and experimental verification on the design, fabrication and sensing application of Ex-TFGs. The Ex-TFG sensitivity model to the surrounding medium refractive index (SRI) has been developed for the first time, and the factors that affect the thermal and SRI sensitivity in relation to the wavelength range, tilt angle, and the size of cladding have been investigated. As a practical SRI sensor, an 81º-TFG UV-inscribed in the fiber with small (40μm) cladding radius has shown an SRI sensitivity up to 1180nm/RIU in the index of 1.345 range. Finally, to ensure single polarization detection in such an SRI sensor, a hybrid configuration by UV-inscribing a 45º-TFG and an 81º-TFG closely on the same piece of fiber has been demonstrated as a more advanced SRI sensing system.
An approach to realizing simultaneous measurement of refractive index (RI) and temperature based on a microfiber-based dual inline Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) is proposed and demonstrated. Due to different interference mechanisms, as one interference between the core mode and the lower order cladding mode in the sensing single-mode fiber and the other interference between the fundamental mode and the high-order mode in the multimode microfiber, the former interferometer achieves RI sensitivity of -23.67 nm/RIU and temperature sensitivity of 81.2 pm/oC, whereas those of the latter are 3820.23 nm/RIU, and -465.7 pm/oC, respectively. The large sensitivity differences can provide a more accurate demodulation of RI and temperature. The sensor is featured with multiparameters measurement, compact structure, high sensitivity, low cost, and easy fabrication.
We demonstrate a bi-metal coated (platinum and gold or silver), localized surface plasmon resonance fiber sensor with an index sensitivity exceeding 11,900 nm/RIU, yielding an index resolution of 2 × 10-5 in the aqueous index regime. This is one of the highest index sensitivities achieved with an optical fiber sensor. The coatings consist of arrays of bi-metal nano-wires (typically 36 nm in radius and 20 μm in length), supported by a silicon dioxide thin film on a thin substrate of germanium, the nano-wires being perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the D-shaped fiber.
We report a refractive index (RI) and liquid level sensing system based on a hybrid grating structure comprising of a 45° and an 81° tilted fiber gratings (TFGs) that have been inscribed into a single mode fiber in series. In this structure, the 45°-TFG is used as a polarizer to filter out the transverse electric (TE) component and enable the 81°-TFG operating at single polarization for RI and level sensing. The experiment results show a lower temperature cross-sensitivity, only about 7.33 pm/°C, and a higher RI sensitivity, being around 180 nm/RIU at RI=1.345 and 926 nm/RIU at RI=1.412 region, which are significantly improved in comparison with long period fiber gratings. The hybrid grating structure has also been applied as a liquid level sensor, showing 3.06 dB/mm linear peak ratio sensitivity.