12 resultados para Early Islamic Period
em Aston University Research Archive
Soil erosion is one of the most pressing issues facing developing countries. The need for soil erosion assessment is paramount as a successful and productive agricultural base is necessary for economic growth and stability. In Ghana, a country with an expanding population and high potential for economic growth, agriculture is an important resource; however, most of the crop production is restricted to low technology shifting cultivation agriculture. The high intensity seasonal rainfall coincides with the early growing period of many of the crops meaning that plots are very susceptible to erosion, especially on steep sided valleys in the region south of Lake Volta. This research investigated the processes of soil erosion by rainfall with the aim of producing a sediment yield model for a small semi-agricultural catchment in rural Ghana. Various types of modelling techniques were considered to discover those most applicable to the sub-tropical environment of Southern Ghana. Once an appropriate model had been developed and calibrated, the aim was to look at how to enable the scaling up of the model using sub-catchments to calculate sedimentation rates of Lake Volta. An experimental catchment was located in Ghana, south west of Lake Volta, where data on rainstorms and the associated streamflow, sediment loads and soil data (moisture content, classification and particle size distribution) was collected to calibrate the model. Additional data was obtained from the Soil Research Institute in Ghana to explore calibration of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE, Wischmeier and Smith, 1978) for Ghanaian soils and environment. It was shown that the USLE could be successfully converted to provide meaningful soil loss estimates in the Ghanaian environment. However, due to experimental difficulties, the proposed theory and methodology of the sediment yield model could only be tested in principle. Future work may include validation of the model and subsequent scaling up to estimate sedimentation rates in Lake Volta.
Distortion or deprivation of vision during an early `critical' period of visual development can result in permanent visual impairment which indicates the need to identify and treat visually at-risk individuals early. A significant difficulty in this respect is that conventional, subjective methods of visual acuity determination are ineffective before approximately three years of age. In laboratory studies, infant visual function has been quantified precisely, using objective methods based on visual evoked potentials (VEP), preferential looking (PL) and optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) but clinical assessment of infant vision has presented a particular difficulty. An initial aim of this study was to evaluate the relative clinical merits of the three techniques. Clinical derivatives were devised, the OKN method proved unsuitable but the PL and VEP methods were evaluated in a pilot study. Most infants participating in the study had known ocular and/or neurological abnormalities but a few normals were included for comparison. The study suggested that the PL method was more clinically appropriate for the objective assessment of infant acuity. A study of normal visual development from birth to one year was subsequently conducted. Observations included cycloplegic refraction, ophthalmoscopy and preferential looking visual acuity assessment using horizontally and vertically oriented square wave gratings. The aims of the work were to investigate the efficiency and sensitivity of the technique and to study possible correlates of visual development. The success rate of the PL method varied with age; 87% of newborns and 98% of infants attending follow-up successfully completed at least one acuity test. Below two months monocular acuities were difficult to secure; infants were most testable around six months. The results produced were similar to published data using the acuity card procedure and slightly lower than, but comparable with acuity data derived using extended PL methods. Acuity development was not impaired in infants found to have retinal haemorrhages as newborns. A significant relationship was found between newborn binocular acuity and anisometropia but not with other refractive findings. No strong or consistent correlations between grating acuity and refraction were found for three, six or twelve months olds. Improvements in acuity and decreases in levels of hyperopia over the first week of life were suggestive of recovery from minor birth trauma. The refractive data was analysed separately to investigate the natural history of refraction in normal infants. Most newborns (80%) were hyperopic, significant astigmatism was found in 86% and significant anisometropia in 22%. No significant alteration in spherical equivalent refraction was noted between birth and three months, a significant reduction in hyperopia was evident by six months and this trend continued until one year. Observations on the astigmatic component of the refractive error revealed a rather erratic series of changes which would be worthy of further investigation since a repeat refraction study suggested difficulties in obtaining stable measurements in newborns. Astigmatism tended to decrease between birth and three months, increased significantly from three to six months and decreased significantly from six to twelve months. A constant decrease in the degree of anisometropia was evident throughout the first year. These findings have implications for the correction of infantile refractive error.
Using panel data pertaining to large Polish (non-financial) firms this paper examines the determinants of employment change during the period 1996-2002. Paying particular attention to the asymmetry hypothesis we investigate the impact of own wages, outside wages, output growth, regional characteristics and sectoral affiliation on the evolution of employment. In keeping with the 'right to manage' model we find that employment dynamics are not affected negatively by alternative wages. Furthermore, in contrast to the early transition period, we find evidence that employment levels respond to positive sales growth (in all but state firms). The early literature, (e.g. Kollo, 1998) found that labour hoarding lowered employment elasticities in the presence of positive demand shocks. Our findings suggest that inherited labour hoarding may no longer be a factor. We argue that the present pattern of employment adjustment is better explained by the role of insiders. This tentative conclusion is hinged on the contrasting behaviour of state and privatised companies and the similar behaviour of privatised and new private companies. We conclude that lower responsiveness of employment to both positive and negative changes in revenue in state firms is consistent with the proposition that rent sharing by insiders is stronger in the state sector.
Background. The precise mechanisms underlying the development of chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN) and the associated renal fibrosis remain uncertain. The protein-crosslinking enzyme, tissue transglutaminase (tTg), has recently been implicated in renal fibrosis. Methods. We investigated the involvement of tTg and its crosslink product, [epsilon]-([gamma]-glutamyl) lysine, in 23 human kidney allografts during the early posttransplantation period and related these to changes of CAN that developed in 8 of them. Sequential biopsies were investigated using immunohistochemical, immunofluorescence, and in situ enzyme activity techniques. Results. From implantation, tTg (+266%) and [epsilon]-([gamma]-glutamyl) lysine crosslink (+256.3%) staining increased significantly (P <0.001) in a first renal biopsy performed within 3 months from transplantation. This was paralleled by elevated tTg in situ activity. The eight patients who developed CAN had further increases in immunostainable tTg (+197.2%, P <0.001) and [epsilon]-([gamma]-glutamyl) lysine bonds (+465%, P <0.01) that correlated with interstitial fibrosis (r=0.843, P =0.009 and r=0.622, P =0.05, respectively). The staining for both was predominantly located within the mesangium and the renal interstitium. Both implantation and first biopsies showed tTg and [epsilon]-([gamma]-glutamyl) lysine crosslinking levels in patients who developed CAN to be twice the levels of those with stable renal function. Cox regression analysis suggested the intensity of the early tTg staining was a better predictor of inferior allograft survival that other histologic markers (hazard ratio=4.48, P =0.04). Conclusions. tTg and [epsilon]-([gamma]-glutamyl) lysine crosslink correlated with the initiation and progression of scarring on sequential biopsies from renal-allograft recipients who experienced CAN. Elevated tTg may offer an early predictor of the development of CAN, whereas tTg manipulation may be an attractive therapeutic target
This introduction has four purposes. It first of all gives a working definition of the refugee. It then outlines the main groups of refugees which have moved to Britain since the early modern period, focusing, more particularly, upon the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which form the main focus of this volume. The article then introduces the reader to concepts of cultural transfer, especially as applied to migration and refugees, as well as outlining the main issues under consideration in the British case study, which forms the basis of this volume. Finally, the study introduces the main essays which follow and explains the structure adopted. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Development of the cerebral cortex is influenced by sensory experience during distinct phases of postnatal development known as critical periods. Disruption of experience during a critical period produces neurons that lack specificity for particular stimulus features, such as location in the somatosensory system. Synaptic plasticity is the agent by which sensory experience affects cortical development. Here, we describe, in mice, a developmental critical period that affects plasticity itself. Transient neonatal disruption of signaling via the C-terminal domain of "disrupted in schizophrenia 1" (DISC1)-a molecule implicated in psychiatric disorders-resulted in a lack of long-term potentiation (LTP) (persistent strengthening of synapses) and experience-dependent potentiation in adulthood. Long-term depression (LTD) (selective weakening of specific sets of synapses) and reversal of LTD were present, although impaired, in adolescence and absent in adulthood. These changes may form the basis for the cognitive deficits associated with mutations in DISC1 and the delayed onset of a range of psychiatric symptoms in late adolescence.
The paper investigates the efficiency of a sample of Islamic and conventional banks in 10 countries that operate Islamic banking for the period 1996–2002, using an output distance function approach. We obtain measures of efficiency after allowing for environmental influences such as country macroeconomic conditions, accessibility of banking services and bank type. While these factors are assumed to directly influence the shape of the technology, we assume that country dummies and bank size directly influence technical inefficiency. The parameter estimates highlight that during the sample period, Islamic banking appears to be associated with higher input usage. Furthermore, by allowing for bank size and international differences in the underlying inefficiency distributions, we are also able to demonstrate statistically significant differences in inefficiency related to these factors even after controlling for specific environmental characteristics and Islamic banking. Thus, for example, our results suggest that Sudan and Yemen have relatively higher inefficiency while Bahrain and Bangladesh have lower estimated inefficiency. Except for Sudan, where banks exhibits relatively strong returns to scale, most sample banks exhibit very slight returns to scale, although Islamic banks are found to have moderately higher returns to scale than conventional banks. While this suggests that Islamic banks may benefit from increased scale, we would emphasize that our results suggest that identifying and overcoming the factors that cause Islamic banks to have relatively low potential outputs for given input usage levels will be the key challenge for Islamic banking in the coming decades.
The paper investigates the efficiency of a sample of Islamic and conventional banks in 10 countries that operate Islamic banking for the period 1996 to 2002, using an output distance function approach. We obtain measures of efficiency after allowing for environmental influences such as country macroeconomic conditions, accessibility of banking services and bank type. While these factors are assumed to directly influence the shape of the technology, we assume that country dummies directly influence technical inefficiency. The parameter estimates highlight that during the sample period, Islamic banking appear to be associated with higher input usage. Furthermore, by allowing for international differences in the underlying inefficiency distributions, we are also able to demonstrate statistically significant differences in efficiency across countries even after controlling for specific environmental characteristics and Islamic banking. Thus, for example, our results suggest that Sudan and Yemen have relatively higher inefficiency while Iran and Malaysia have lower estimated inefficiency. Except for Sudan, where banks exhibits relatively strong returns to scale, most sample banks exhibit very slight returns to scale, although Islamic banks are found to have moderately higher returns to scale than conventional banks. However while this suggests that Islamic banks may benefit from increased scale, we would emphasize that our results suggest that identifying and overcoming the factors that cause Islamic banks to have relatively high input requirements will be the key challenge for Islamic banking in the coming decades.
Although considerable effort has been invested in the measurement of banking efficiency using Data Envelopment Analysis, hardly any empirical research has focused on comparison of banks in Gulf States Countries This paper employs data on Gulf States banking sector for the period 2000-2002 to develop efficiency scores and rankings for both Islamic and conventional banks. We then investigate the productivity change using Malmquist Index and decompose the productivity into technical change and efficiency change. Further, hypothesis testing and statistical precision in the context of nonparametric efficiency and productivity measurement have been used. Specially, cross-country analysis of efficiency and comparisons of efficiencies between Islamic banks and conventional banks have been investigated using Mann-Whitney test.
Previously, we have shown that a maternal low protein diet, fed exclusively during the preimplantation period of mouse development (Emb-LPD), is sufficient to induce by the blastocyst stage a compensatory growth phenotype in late gestation and postnatally, correlating with increased risk of adult onset cardiovascular disease and behavioural dysfunction. Here, we examine mechanisms of induction of maternal Emb-LPD programming and early compensatory responses by the embryo. Emb-LPD induced changes in maternal serum metabolites at the time of blastocyst formation (E3.5), notably reduced insulin and increased glucose, together with reduced levels of free amino acids (AAs) including branched chain AAs leucine, isoleucine and valine. Emb-LPD also caused reduction in the branched chain AAs within uterine fluid at the blastocyst stage. These maternal changes coincided with an altered content of blastocyst AAs and reduced mTORC1 signalling within blastocysts evident in reduced phosphorylation of effector S6 ribosomal protein and its ratio to total S6 protein but no change in effector 4E-BP1 phosphorylated and total pools. These changes were accompanied by increased proliferation of blastocyst trophectoderm and total cells and subsequent increased spreading of trophoblast cells in blastocyst outgrowths. We propose that induction of metabolic programming following Emb-LPD is achieved through mTORC1signalling which acts as a sensor for preimplantation embryos to detect maternal nutrient levels via branched chain AAs and/or insulin availability. Moreover, this induction step associates with changes in extra-embryonic trophectoderm behaviour occurring as early compensatory responses leading to later nutrient recovery. © 2012 Fleming et al.
Poor maternal nutrition during pregnancy can alter postnatal phenotype and increase susceptibility to adult cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. However, underlying mechanisms are largely unknown. Here, we show that maternal low protein diet (LPD), fed exclusively during mouse preimplantation development, leads to offspring with increased weight from birth, sustained hypertension, and abnormal anxiety-related behavior, especially in females. These adverse outcomes were interrelated with increased perinatal weight being predictive of later adult overweight and hypertension. Embryo transfer experiments revealed that the increase in perinatal weight was induced within blastocysts responding to preimplantation LPD, independent of subsequent maternal environment during later pregnancy. We further identified the embryo-derived visceral yolk sac endoderm (VYSE) as one mediator of this response. VYSE contributes to fetal growth through endocytosis of maternal proteins, mainly via the multiligand megalin (LRP2) receptor and supply of liberated amino acids. Thus, LPD maintained throughout gestation stimulated VYSE nutrient transport capacity and megalin expression in late pregnancy, with enhanced megalin expression evident even when LPD was limited to the preimplantation period. Our results demonstrate that in a nutrient-restricted environment, the preimplantation embryo activates physiological mechanisms of developmental plasticity to stablize conceptus growth and enhance postnatal fitness. However, activation of such responses may also lead to adult excess growth and cardiovascular and behavioral diseases. © 2008 by the Society for the Study of Reproduction, Inc.
In 1934, Arthur Lindo Patterson showed that a map of interatomic vectors is obtainable from measured X-ray diffraction data without phase information. Such maps were interpretable for simple crystal structures, but proliferation and overlapping of peaks caused confusion as the number of atoms increased. Since the peak height of a vector between two particular atoms is related to the product of their atomic numbers, a complicated structure could effectively be reduced to a simple one by including just a few heavy atoms (of high atomic number) since their interatomic vectors would stand out from the general clutter. Once located, these atoms provide approximate phases for Fourier syntheses that reveal the locations of additional atoms. Surveys of small-molecule structures in the Cambridge Structural Database during the periods 1936-1969, when Patterson methods were commonly used, and 1980-2013, dominated by direct methods, demonstrate large differences in the abundance of certain elements. The moderately heavy elements K, Rb, As and Br are the heaviest elements in the structure more than 3 times as often in the early period than in the recent period. Examples are given of three triumphs of the heavy atom method and two initial failures that had to be overcome. © 2014 © 2014 Taylor & Francis.