em Aston University Research Archive
A periodic density functional theory method using the B3LYP hybrid exchange-correlation potential is applied to the Prussian blue analogue RbMn[Fe(CN)6] to evaluate the suitability of the method for studying, and predicting, the photomagnetic behavior of Prussian blue analogues and related materials. The method allows correct description of the equilibrium structures of the different electronic configurations with regard to the cell parameters and bond distances. In agreement with the experimental data, the calculations have shown that the low-temperature phase (LT; Fe(2+)(t(6)2g, S = 0)-CN-Mn(3+)(t(3)2g e(1)g, S = 2)) is the stable phase at low temperature instead of the high-temperature phase (HT; Fe(3+)(t(5)2g, S = 1/2)-CN-Mn(2+)(t(3)2g e(2)g, S = 5/2)). Additionally, the method gives an estimation for the enthalpy difference (HT LT) with a value of 143 J mol(-1) K(-1). The comparison of our calculations with experimental data from the literature and from our calorimetric and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements on the Rb0.97Mn[Fe(CN)6]0.98 x 1.03 H2O compound is analyzed, and in general, a satisfactory agreement is obtained. The method also predicts the metastable nature of the electronic configuration of the high-temperature phase, a necessary condition to photoinduce that phase at low temperatures. It gives a photoactivation energy of 2.36 eV, which is in agreement with photoinduced demagnetization produced by a green laser.
The P2 visual evoked response in man has a cholinergic component while the P100 response has not. The P100 latency is significantly decreased after an oral dose of phenylalanine in man while the P2 signal is unaffected. Analyses of the P100 decrease shows no correlation with tyrosine levels but a significant positive correlation with plasma ane urine levels. A small group shows a P100 delay which correlated with increased neopterin levels only. Increased plasma total biopterins in man following a phenylalanine dose are due to rapidly increased tetrahydrobiopterin synthesis in the liver.
The Octopus Automated Perimeter was validated in a comparative study and found to offer many advantages in the assessment of the visual field. The visual evoked potential was investigated in an extensive study using a variety of stimulus parameters to simulate hemianopia and central visual field defects. The scalp topography was recorded topographically and a technique to compute the source derivation of the scalp potential was developed. This enabled clarification of the expected scalp distribution to half field stimulation using different electrode montages. The visual evoked potential following full field stimulation was found to be asymmetrical around the midline with a bias over the left occiput particularly when the foveal polar projections of the occipital cortex were preferentially stimulated. The half field response reflected the distribution asymmetry. Masking of the central 3° resulted in a response which was approximately symmetrical around the midline but there was no evidence of the PNP-complex. A method for visual field quantification was developed based on the neural representation of visual space (Drasdo and Peaston 1982) in an attempt to relate visual field depravation with the resultant visual evoked potentials. There was no form of simple, diffuse summation between the scalp potential and the cortical generators. It was, however, possible to quantify the degree of scalp potential attenuation for M-scaled full field stimuli. The results obtained from patients exhibiting pre-chiasmal lesions suggested that the PNP-complex is not scotomatous in nature but confirmed that it is most likely to be related to specific diseases (Harding and Crews 1982). There was a strong correlation between the percentage information loss of the visual field and the diagnostic value of the visual evoked potential in patients exhibiting chiasmal lesions.
The question of what to provide employees in order that they reciprocate with desirable behaviors in the work place has resulted in a great amount of work in the area of social exchange. Although offering fair compensation, including salary or wages and employee benefits, has been extensively studied, the effects of offering specific types of benefits, such as work-life balance benefits, and the intangible rewards that such an offering inadvertently offers, has only been minimally explored. Utilizing past literature, this current research examined the offering of work-life balance benefits, the value employees place on those benefits, the communication of the benefits by the organization to employees, and their effect on employee attitudes and behaviors. The goal was to identify the effect on desirable outcomes when work-life balance benefits are offered to determine the usefulness to the organization of offering such benefits. To test these effects, a study of an organization known to offer a strong work-life balance benefits package was undertaken. This was accomplished through the distribution of questionnaires to identify the possible relationships involving 408 employee respondents and their 79 supervisors. This was followed with interviews of 12 individuals to ascertain the true reasons for links observed through analysis. Analysis of the data was accomplished through correlation analysis, multilevel analysis and regression analysis generated by SPSS. The results of the quantitative analysis showed support for a relationship between the offering of work-life balance benefits and perceived organizational support, perceived distributive justice, job satisfaction and OCBO. The analysis also showed a lack of support for a relationship between the offering of work-life balance benefits and organizational commitment, OCBI and IRB. The interviews offered possible reasons for the lack of support regarding the relationship between the offering of work-life balance benefits and organizational commitment as well as organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBI and IRB). The implications of these findings on future research, theory and practice in the offering of work-life balance benefits are discussed.