4 resultados para ETU - Eläinten Terveydenhuolto
em Aston University Research Archive
Based on the rate equations describing the operation of the Er3+, Pr3+ -codoped ZBLAN fiber lasers with different pump configurations, theoretical calculations that relate to the population characteristics and optimization of CW operation of high power Er3+, Pr3+ :ZBLAN double-clad fiber lasers are presented. Using the measured ET (energy-transfer), ETU (energy-transfer-upconversion) and CR (cross-relaxation) parameters relevant to Er3+, Pr3+ -codoped ZBLAN, a good agreement between the theoretical results from the model and recently reported experimental measurements is obtained. The effects on the slope efficiency of a number of laser parameters including fiber length, reflectance of the output mirror and pumping configuration are quantitatively analyzed and used for the design and optimization of high power Er3+, Pr3+ -codoped ZBLAN fiber lasers.
Based on the rate equations describing the operation of the Er3+, Pr3+ -codoped ZBLAN fiber lasers with different pump configurations, theoretical calculations that relate to the population characteristics and optimization of CW operation of high power Er3+, Pr3+ :ZBLAN double-clad fiber lasers are presented. Using the measured ET (energy-transfer), ETU (energy-transfer-upconversion) and CR (cross-relaxation) parameters relevant to Er3+, Pr3+ -codoped ZBLAN, a good agreement between the theoretical results from the model and recently reported experimental measurements is obtained. The effects on the slope efficiency of a number of laser parameters including fiber length, reflectance of the output mirror and pumping configuration are quantitatively analyzed and used for the design and optimization of high power Er3+, Pr3+ -codoped ZBLAN fiber lasers.
An investigation into the mechanism by which ethylene thiourea (ETU) cross-links polychloroprene (CR) in combination with zinc oxide (ZnO) was undertaken. This was achieved through an examination of the mechanisms of crosslinking CR with ETU and ZnO separately and in unison. Spectroscopic and physical characterization techniques were employed to probe the cross-linking mechanisms of CRusing other standard rubber accelerators and model compounds with analogous structures and functionalities to ETU. These investigations have resulted in the proposal of a new mechanism by which ETU and ZnO can synergistically cross-link CR, in addition to providing new evidence to support concomitant mechanisms already published for cross-linking CR.
Es wurde eine Untersuchung zum Mechanismus der Vernetzung von Polychloropren durch Ethylenthioharnstoff in Kombination mit Zinkoxid durchgeführt. Dies wurde mit einer Überprüfung der Vernetzungsmechanismen von Polychloroprenkautschuk mit Ethylenthioharnstoff und Zinkoxid getrennt bzw. gemeinsam erreicht. Dabei kamen spektroskopische und physikalische Charakterisierungsverfahren zum Einsatz, um die Vernetzungsmechanismen von CR mit anderen Standardvulkanisationsbeschleunigern und Modellverbindungen – mit ETU-analogen Strukturen und Funktionalitäten – zu erforschen. Aus den Untersuchungen resultierte der Vorschlag zu einem neuen Mechanismus, nach dem ETU und ZnO Polychloropren synergistisch vernetzen. Zusätzlich wurden neue Hinweise gewonnen, die gleichzeitig bestehende Mechanismen, die schon zur Vernetzung von Polychloropren veröffentlicht wurden, untermauern. An investigation into the mechanism by which ethylene thiourea crosslinks polychloroprene in combination with zinc oxide was undertaken. This was achieved through an examination of the mechanisms of crosslinking polychloroprene rubber with ETU and ZnO separately and in unison. Spectroscopic and physical characterisation techniques were employed to probe the crosslinking mechanisms of CR using other standard rubber accelerators and model compounds with analogous structures and functionalities to ETU. These investigations have resulted in the proposal of a new mechanism by which ETU and ZnO can synergistically crosslink polychloroprene, in addition to providing new evidence to support concomitant mechanisms already published for crosslinking polychloroprene.