em Aston University Research Archive


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The preparation and characterisation of collagen: PCL, gelatin: PCL and gelatin/collagen:PCL biocomposites for manufacture of tissue engineered skin substitutes are reported. Films of collagen: PLC, gelatin: PCL (1:4, 1:8 and 1:20 w/w) and gelatin/collagen:PCL (1:8 and 1:20 w/w) biocomposites were prepared by impregnation of lyophilised collagen and/or gelatin mats by PCL solutions followed by solvent evaporation. In vitro assays of total protein release of collagen:PCL and gelatin: PCL biocomposite films revealed an expected inverse relationship between the collagen release rate and the content of synthetic polymer in the biocomposite samples that may be exploited for controlled presentation and release of biopharmaceuticals such as growth factors. Good compatibility of all biocomposite groups was proven by interaction with 3T3 fibroblasts, normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK), and primary human epidermal keratinocytes (PHEK) and dermal fibroblasts (PHDF) in vitro respectively. The 1:20 collagen: PCL materials exhibiting good cell growth curves and mechanical characteristics were selected for engineering of skin substitutes in this work. The tissue-engineered skin model based on single-donor PHEK and PHDF with differentiated confluent epidermal layer and fibrous porous dermal layer was then developed successfully in vitro proven by SEM and immunohistochemistry assay. The following in vivo animal study on athymic mice revealed early complete wound healing in 10 days and good integration of co-cultured skin substitutes with adjacent mice skin structures. Thus the co-cultured skin substitutes based on 1:20 collagen: PCL biocomposite membranes was proven in principle. The approach to skin modelling reported here may find application in wound treatment, gene therapy and screening of new pharmaceuticals.


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Apoptosis is a highly regulated process that removes damaged or unwanted cells in vivo and defective clearance of apoptotic cells by macrophages has significant immunological implications. Tissue transglutaminase 2 (TG2) is a Ca2+-dependent protein cross linking enzyme known to play an important role in cell proliferation, differentiation, carcinogenesis, programmed death, and aging. TG2 as a guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-binding or GTP- hydrolyzing protein for mediating signal transduction and as a cell cycle regulator emphasized the importance of this enzyme in aging process. The ubiquitous presence of TG2 compared to the other organ-specific TGases has attracted special attention as a cellular aging device. TG2 activity and expression are known to increase in aging humans suggesting possible involvement in several age-related processes such as decrease in vascular compliance and increased stiffening of conduit arteries, cataract formation, Alzheimer's disease and senescent epidermal keratinocytes. Our work aims to characterize the role of TG2 and its partners (e.g. syndecan-4 and ß3 integrin) in macrophage function. THP-1 cell derived macrophage-like cells and primary human macrophages were analyzed for the expression and function of TG2. Macrophage-apoptotic cell interaction studies in the presence of TG2 inhibitors resulted in significant inhibition of interaction. Macrophage cell surface TG2 and, in particular, its cell surface cross linking activity was found to be crucial in apoptotic cell clearance. Syndecan-4 association with TG2 implies possible cooperation of these proteins and knockdown studies of syndecan-4 reveal its importance in apoptotic cell clearance. Our current findings suggest that TG2 has a crucial but yet to be fully defined role in apoptotic cell clearance.


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The overexpression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFr) has been implicated as a causative factor and a poor prognostic marker in a number of carcinomas. Therefore, strategies that down-regulate EGFr expression may be therapeutically useful. We designed antisense ODNs complementary to the initiation codon region of the EGFr mRNA and evaluated their efficacy in several tumor-derived cells, including the A431 cell line that express amplified levels of EGFr. A 15-mer phosphorothioate (PS) antisense ODN (erbB1AS15) induced a concentration-dependent reduction in proliferation that was accompanied by a change in the morphology of A431 cells into more tightly clustered and discrete colonies. A 15-mer sense (PS) control oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) and a phosphodiester (PO) version of erbB1AS15 had little or no effect on cell number of morphology, and erbB1AS15 (PS) did not induce these effects in control cell lines expressing lower levels of EGFr. The effects of erbB1AS15 (PS) on A431 cells were not mediated by a true antisense mechanism in that there was no reduction in the level of EGFr mRNA or protein over a 24-hr period, as determined by Northern and Western blotting, respectively. However, autophosphorylation of the receptor was significantly reduced by erbB1AS15 (PS) and not by control ODNs. The results of further studies suggested that this effect was mediated by a direct, dose-dependent inhibition of the EGFr tyrosine kinase enzyme and was not due to impairment of either ligand-binding or receptor dimerization. These data suggest that erbB1AS15 (PS) can inhibit proliferation and alter the morphology of A431 cells by a sequence-selective, but nonantisense mechanism affecting receptor tyrosine kinase activity.


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The development and characterization of an enhanced composite skin substitute based on collagen and poly(e-caprolactone) are reported. Considering the features of excellent biocompatibility, easy-manipulated property and exempt from cross-linking related toxicity observed in the 1:20 biocomposites, skin substitutes were developed by seeding human single-donor keratinocytes and fibroblasts alone on both sides of the 1:20 biocomposite to allow for separation of two cell types and preserving cell signals transmission via micro-pores with a porosity of 28.8 ± 16.1 µm. The bi-layered skin substitute exhibited both differentiated epidermis and fibrous dermis in vitro. Less Keratinocyte Growth Factor production was measured in the co-cultured skin model compared to fibroblast alone condition indicating a favorable microenvironment for epidermal homeostasis. Moreover, fast wound closure, epidermal differentiation, and abundant dermal collagen deposition were observed in composite skin in vivo. In summary, the beneficial characteristics of the new skin substitutes exploited the potential for pharmaceutical screening and clinical application.


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Phosphatidylserine (PS) is preferentially located in the inner leaflet of the cell membrane, and translocation of PS oxidized in fatty acyl chains to the outside of membrane has been reported as signaling to macrophage receptors to clear apoptotic cells. It was recently shown that PS can be oxidized in serine moiety of polar head-group. In the present work, a targeted lipidomic approach was applied to detecting OxPS modified at the polar head-group in keratinocytes that were exposed to the radical generator AAPH. Glycerophosphoacetic acid derivatives (GPAA) were found to be the major oxidation products of OxPS modified at the polar head-group during oxidation induced by AAPH-generated radicals, similarly to previous observations for the oxidation induced by OH radical. The neutral loss scan of 58Da and a novel precursor ion scan of m/z 137.1 (HOPO3CH2COOH) allowed the recognition of GPAA derivatives in the total lipid extracts obtained from HaCaT cells treated with AAPH. The positive identification of serine head group oxidation products in cells under controlled oxidative conditions opens new perspectives and justifies further studies in other cellular environments in order to understand fully the role of PS polar head-group oxidation in cell homeostasis and disease.


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The preparation and characterisation of collagen:PCL composites for manufacture of tissue engineered skin substitutes and models are reported. Films having collagen:PCL (w/w) ratios of 1:4, 1:8 and 1:20 were prepared by impregnation of lyophilised collagen mats by PCL solutions followed by solvent evaporation. In vitro assays of collagen release and residual collagen content revealed an expected inverse relationship between the collagen release rate and the content of synthetic polymer in the composite that may be exploited for controlled presentation and release of biopharmaceuticals such as growth factors. DSC analysis revealed the characteristic melting point of PCL at around 60°C and a tendency for the collagen component, at high loading, to impede crystallinity development within the PCL phase. The preparation of fibroblast/composite constructs was investigated using cell culture as a first stage in mimicking the dermal/epidermal structure of skin. Fibroblasts were found to attach and proliferate on all the composites investigated reaching a maximum of 2×105/cm2 on 1:20 collagen:PCL materials at day 8 with cell numbers declining thereafter. Keratinocyte growth rates were similar on all types of collagen:PCL materials investigated reaching a maximum of 6.6×104/cm2 at day 6. The results revealed that composite films of collagen and PCL are favourable substrates for growth of fibroblasts and keratinocytes and may find utility for skin repair. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tissue engineering of skin based on collagen:PCL biocomposites using a designed co-culture system is reported. The collagen:PCL biocomposites having collagen:PCL (w/w) ratios of 1:4, 1:8, and 1:20 have been proven to be biocompatible materials to support both adult normal human epidermal Keratinocyte (NHEK) and mouse 3T3 fibroblast growth in cell culture, respectively, by Dai, Coombes, et al. in 2004. Films of collagen:PCL biocomposites were prepared using non-crosslinking method by impregnation of lyophilized collagen mats with PCL/dichloromethane solutions followed by solvent evaporation. To mimic the dermal/epidermal structure of skin, the 1:20 collagen:PCL biocomposites were selected for a feasibility study of a designed co-culture technique that would subsequently be used for preparing fibroblast/biocomposite/keratinocyte skin models. A 55.3% increase in cell number was measured in the designed co-culture system when fibroblasts were seeded on both sides of a biocomposite film compared with cell culture on one surface of the biocomposite in the feasibility study. The co-culture of human keratinocytes and 3T3 fibroblasts on each side of the membrane was therefore studied using the same co-culture system by growing keratinocytes on the top surface of membrane for 3 days and 3T3 fibroblasts underneath the membrane for 6 days. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and immunohistochemistry assay revealed good cell attachment and proliferation of both human keratinocytes and 3T3 fibroblasts with these two types of cells isolated well on each side of the membrane. Using a modified co-culture technique, a co-cultured skin model presenting a confluent epidermal sheet on one side of the biocomposite film and fibroblasts populated on the other side of the film was developed successfully in co-culture system for 28 days under investigations by SEM and immunohistochemistry assay. Thus, the design of a co-culture system based on 1:20 (w/w) collagen:PCL biocomposite membranes for preparation of a bi-layered skin model with differentiated epidermal sheet was proven in principle. The approach to skin modeling reported here may find application in tissue engineering and screening of new pharmaceuticals. © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR-2) expression is increased in endothelial cells derived from women with preeclampsia, characterized by widespread maternal endothelial damage, which occurs as a consequence of elevated soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 (sVEGFR-1; commonly known as sFlt-1) in the maternal circulation. Because PAR-2 is upregulated by proinflammatory cytokines and activated by blood coagulation serine proteinases, we investigated whether activation of PAR-2 contributed to sVEGFR-1 release. PAR-2–activating peptides (SLIGRL-NH2 and 2-furoyl-LIGRLO-NH2) and factor Xa increased the expression and release of sVEGFR-1 from human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Enzyme-specific, dominant-negative mutants and small interfering RNA were used to demonstrate that PAR-2–mediated sVEGFR-1 release depended on protein kinase C-ß1 and protein kinase C-e, which required intracellular transactivation of epidermal growth factor receptor 1, leading to mitogen-activated protein kinase activation. Overexpression of heme oxygenase 1 and its gaseous product, carbon monoxide, decreased PAR-2–stimulated sVEGFR-1 release from human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Simvastatin, which upregulates heme oxygenase 1, also suppressed PAR-2–mediated sVEGFR-1 release. These results show that endothelial PAR-2 activation leading to increased sVEGFR-1 release may contribute to the maternal vascular dysfunction observed in preeclampsia and highlights the PAR-2 pathway as a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of preeclampsia.


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Background: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) cause significant morbidity and mortality and account for around 6.5% of hospital admissions. Patient experiences of serious ADRs and their long-term impact on patients' lives, including their influence on current attitudes towards medicines, have not been previously explored. Objective: The aim of the study was to explore the experiences, beliefs, and attitudes of survivors of serious ADRs, using drug-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) as a paradigm. Methods: A retrospective, qualitative study was undertaken using detailed semi-structured interviews. Fourteen adult survivors of SJS and TEN, admitted to two teaching hospitals in the UK, one the location of a tertiary burns centre, were interviewed. Interview transcripts were independently analysed by three different researchers and themes emerging from the text identified. Results: All 14 patients were aware that their condition was drug induced, and all but one knew the specific drug(s) implicated. Several expressed surprise at the perceived lack of awareness of the ADR amongst healthcare professionals, and described how the ADR was mistaken for another condition. Survivors believed that causes of the ADR included (i) being given too high a dose of the drug; (ii) medical staff ignoring existing allergies; and (iii) failure to monitor blood tests. Only two believed that the reaction was unavoidable. Those who believed that the condition could have been avoided had less trust in healthcare professionals. The ADR had a persisting impact on their current lives physically and psychologically. Many now avoided medicines altogether and were fearful of becoming ill enough to need them. © 2011 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Conclusions: Life-threatening ADRs continued to affect patients’ lives long after the event. Patients’ beliefs regarding the cause of the ADR differed, and may have influenced their trust in healthcare professionals and medicines. We propose that clear communication during the acute phase of a serious ADR may therefore be important.