29 resultados para Drug dose comparison

em Aston University Research Archive


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Background - Several antipsychotic agents are known to prolong the QT interval in a dose dependent manner. Corrected QT interval (QTc) exceeding a threshold value of 450 ms may be associated with an increased risk of life threatening arrhythmias. Antipsychotic agents are often given in combination with other psychotropic drugs, such as antidepressants, that may also contribute to QT prolongation. This observational study compares the effects observed on QT interval between antipsychotic monotherapy and psychoactive polytherapy, which included an additional antidepressant or lithium treatment. Method - We examined two groups of hospitalized women with Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder and Schizoaffective Disorder in a naturalistic setting. Group 1 was composed of nineteen hospitalized women treated with antipsychotic monotherapy (either haloperidol, olanzapine, risperidone or clozapine) and Group 2 was composed of nineteen hospitalized women treated with an antipsychotic (either haloperidol, olanzapine, risperidone or quetiapine) with an additional antidepressant (citalopram, escitalopram, sertraline, paroxetine, fluvoxamine, mirtazapine, venlafaxine or clomipramine) or lithium. An Electrocardiogram (ECG) was carried out before the beginning of the treatment for both groups and at a second time after four days of therapy at full dosage, when blood was also drawn for determination of serum levels of the antipsychotic. Statistical analysis included repeated measures ANOVA, Fisher Exact Test and Indipendent T Test. Results - Mean QTc intervals significantly increased in Group 2 (24 ± 21 ms) however this was not the case in Group 1 (-1 ± 30 ms) (Repeated measures ANOVA p < 0,01). Furthermore we found a significant difference in the number of patients who exceeded the threshold of borderline QTc interval value (450 ms) between the two groups, with seven patients in Group 2 (38%) compared to one patient in Group 1 (7%) (Fisher Exact Text, p < 0,05). Conclusions - No significant prolongation of the QT interval was found following monotherapy with an antipsychotic agent, while combination of these drugs with antidepressants caused a significant QT prolongation. Careful monitoring of the QT interval is suggested in patients taking a combined treatment of antipsychotic and antidepressant agents.


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Aims: Many patients with type 2 diabetes are suboptimally managed with currently available therapies. Dapagliflozin, a sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitor, has shown efficacy in reducing diabetic hyperglycaemia. This study assessed efficacy of three lower doses in recently diagnosed patients. Methods: This phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study assigned treatment-naïve patients to placebo or dapagliflozin monotherapy (1, 2.5 or 5 mg) daily for 24 weeks. Patients were antidiabetic drug-naïve with inadequate glycaemic control [haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) =7.0 and =10.0%]. The primary efficacy endpoint was change in HbA1c from baseline. Secondary endpoints included changes in body weight and fasting plasma glucose (FPG), and proportions achieving HbA1c


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Background and Objective: Clozapine has been available since the early 1990s. Studies continue to demonstrate its superior efficacy in treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Despite this, numerous studies show under-utilisation, delayed access and reluctance by psychiatrists to prescribe clozapine. This retrospective cross-sectional study compared the prescribing of clozapine in two adult cohorts under the care of large public mental health services in Auckland (New Zealand) and Birmingham (United Kingdom) on 31 March 2007. Method: Time from first presentation to clozapine initiation, prior antipsychotics trialled and antipsychotic co-prescribing were compared. Data included demographics, psychiatric diagnosis, co-morbid conditions, year of first presentation, admissions and pharmacological treatment (clozapine dose, start date, prior antipsychotics, co-prescribed antipsychotic). Results: Overall, 664 people were prescribed clozapine (402 Auckland; 262 Birmingham); mean daily dose of 384 mg (Auckland) and 429 mg (Birmingham). 53 % presented after 1990 and the average duration of time before starting clozapine was significantly longer in the Birmingham cohort (6.5 vs. 5.3 years) but this reduced in both cohorts to a 1-year mean in those presenting within the last 3 years. The average number of antipsychotics trialled pre-clozapine for those presenting since 1990 was significantly higher in the Birmingham cohort (4.3 vs. 3.1) but in both cohorts this similarly reduced in those presenting within the last 3 years. Antipsychotic co-prescribing was significantly higher in the Birmingham cohort (22.9 vs. 10.7 %). Conclusions: There is evidence that access to clozapine has improved over time in both cohorts, with a reduction in the duration between presentation and initiation of clozapine and number of different antipsychotics trialled pre-clozapine. These are very positive findings in terms of optimising outcomes with clozapine and are possibly due to the impact of guideline recommendations, increasing clinician, consumer and carer knowledge, and experience with clozapine and funding changes. © 2014 Springer International Publishing.


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Measurements of neutron and gamma dose rates in mixed radiation fields, and gamma dose rates from calibrated gamma sources, were performed using a liquid scintillation counter NE213 with a pulse shape discrimination technique based on the charge comparison method. A computer program was used to analyse the experimental data. The radiation field was obtained from a 241Am-9Be source. There was general agreement between measured and calculated neutron and gamma dose rates in the mixed radiation field, but some disagreement in the measurements of gamma dose rates for gamma sources, due to the dark current of the photomultiplier and the effect of the perturbation of the radiation field by the detector. An optical fibre bundle was used to couple an NE213 scintillator to a photomultiplier, in an attempt to minimise these effects. This produced an improvement in the results for gamma sources. However, the optically coupled detector system could not be used for neutron and gamma dose rate measurements in mixed radiation fields. The pulse shape discrimination system became ineffective as a consequence of the slower time response of the detector system.


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Antisense technology is a novel drug discovery method, which provides an essential tool for directly using gene sequence information to rationally design specific inhibitions of mRNA, to treat a wide range of diseases. The efficacy of naked oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) is relatively short lived due to rapid degradation in vivo. The entrapment of ODNs within biodegradable sustained-release delivery systems may improve ODN stability and reduce dose required for efficacy. Biodegradable polymer microspheres were evaluated as delivery devices for ODNs and ribozymes. Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) polymers were used due to their biocompatibility and non toxic degradation products. Microspheres were prepared using a double emulsion-deposition method and the formulations characterised. In vitro release profiles were characterised by an initial burst effect during the first 48 hours of release followed by a more sustained release. The release profiles were influenced by microsphere size, copolymer molecular weight, copolymer ratio, ODN loading, ODN length, and ODN chemistry. The serum stability of ODNs was significantly improved when entrapped within polymer microspheres. The cellular association of ODNs entrapped within small spheres (1-2μm) was improved by approximately 20-fold in A431 carcinoma cells compared with free ODNs. Fluorescence microscopy studies showed a more diffuse subcellular distribution when delivered as a microsphere formulation compared with free ODNs, which exhibited the characteristic punctate periplasmic distribution. For in vivo evaluation, polymer microspheres containing fluorescently-labelled ODNs were stereo-taxically administered to the neostriatum of the rat brain. Free ODN resulted in a punctate cellular distribution after 24 hours. In comparison ODN delivered using polymer microspheres were intensely visible in cells 48 hours post administration, and fluorescence appeared to be diffuse covering both cytosolic and nuclear regions. Whole-body autoradiography was also used to evaluate the biodistribution of free tritium labelled ODN and ODN entrapped microspheres, following subcutaneous administration to Balb-C mice. Polymer entrapped ODN gave a similar biodistribution to free ODN. Free ODN was distributed within 24 hours, whereas polymer released ODN was observed still presented in organs and at the site of administration seven days post administration.


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There is currently, no ideal system for studying nasal drug delivery in vitro. The existing techniques such as the Ussing chamber and cell culture all have major disadvantages. Most importantly, none of the existing techniques accurately represent the interior of the nasal cavity, with its airflow and humidity; neither do they allow the investigation of solid dosage forms.The work in this thesis represents the development of an in vitro model system in which the interior characteristics of the nasal cavity are closely represented, and solid or minimal volume dosage forms can be investigated. The complete nasal chamber consists of two sections: a lower tissue, viability chamber and an upper nasal chamber. The lower tissue viability chamber has been shown, using existing tissue viability monitoring techniques, to maintain the viability of a number of epithelial tissues, including porcine and rabbit nasal tissue, and rat ileal and Payers' patch tissue. The complete chamber including the upper nasal chamber has been shown to provide tissue viability for porcine and rabbit nasal tissue above that available using the existing Ussing chamber techniques. Adaptation of the complete system, and the development of the necessary experimental protocols that allow aerosol particle-sizing, together with videography, has shown that the new factors investigated, humidity and airflow, have a measurable effect on the delivered dose from a typical nasal pump. Similarly, adaptation of the chamber to fit under a confocal microscope, and the development of the necessary protocols has shown the effect of surface and size on the penetration of microparticulate materials into nasal epithelial tissues. The system developed in this thesis has been shown to be flexible, in allowing the development of the confocal and particle-sizing systems. For future nasal drug delivery studies, the ability to measure such factors as the size of the delivered system in the nasal cavity, the depth of penetration of the formulation into the tissue are essential. Additionally, to have access to other data such as that obtained from drug transport in the same system, and to have the tissue available for histological examination represents a significant advance in the usefulness of such an in vitro technique for nasal delivery.


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The in vivo and in vitro characteristics of the I2 binding site were probed using the technique of drug discrimination and receptor autoradiography. Data presented in this thesis indicates the I2 ligand 2-BFI generates a cue in drug discrimination. Further studies indicated agmatine, a proposed endogenous imidazoline ligand, and a number of imidazoline and imidazole analogues of 2-BFI substitute significantly for 2-BFI. In addition to specific I2 ligands the administration of NRl's (noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors), the sympathomimetic d-amphetamine, the α1-adrenoceptor agonist methoxamine, but not the β1 agonist dobutamine or the β2 agonist salbutamol, gave rise to significant levels of substitution for the 2-BFI cue. The administration of the α1-adrenoceptor antagonist WB4101, prior to 2- BFI itself significantly reduced levels of 2-BFI appropriate responding. Administration of the reversible MAO-A inhibitors moclobemide and Ro41-1049, but not the reversible MAO-B inhibitors lazabemide and Ro16-6491, gave rise to potent dose dependent levels of substitution for the 2-BFI cue. Further studies indicated the administration of a number of β-carbolines and the structurally related indole alkaloid ibogaine also gave rise to dose dependent significant levels of substitution. Due to the relationship of indole alkaloids to serotonin the 5-HT releaser fenfluramine and a number of SSRI's (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) were also administered and these compounds gave rise to significant partial (20-80% responses to the 2-BFI lever) levels of substitution. The autoradiographical studies reported here indicate [3H]2-BFI labels I2 sites within the rat arcuate nucleus, area postrema, pineal gland, interpeduncular nucleus and subfornical organ. Subsequent experiments confirmed that the drug discrimination dosing schedule significantly increases levels of [3H]2-BFI 12 binding within two of these nuclei. However, levels of [3H]2-BFI specific binding were significantly reduced within four of these nuclei after chronic treatment with the irreversible MAO inhibitors deprenyl and tranylcypromine but not pargyline, which only reduced levels significantly in two. Further autoradiographical studies indicated that the distribution of [3H]2-BFI within the C57/B mouse compares favourably to that within the rat. Comparison of these levels of binding to those from transgenic mice who over-express MAO-B indicates two possibly distinct populations of [3H]2-BFI 12 sites exist in mouse brain. The data presented here indicates the 2-BFI cue is associated with the selective activation of α1-adrenoceptors and possibly 5-HT receptors. 2-BFI trained rats recognise reversible MAO-A but not MAO-B inhibitors. However, data within this thesis indicates the autoradiographical distribution of I2 sites bears a closer resemblance to that of MAO-B not MAO-A and further studies using transgenic mice that over-express MAO-B suggests a non-MAO-B I2 site exists in mouse brain.


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The term "pharmacogenetics" has been defined as the scientific study of inherited factors that affect the human drug response. Many pharmacogenetie studies have been published since 1995 and have focussed on the principal enzyme family involved in drug metabolism, the cytochrome P450 family, particularly cytochrome P4502C9 and 2C19. In order to investigate the pharmacogenetic aspect of pharmacotherapy, the relevant studies describing the association of pharmacogenetic factor(s) in drug responses must be retrieved from existing literature using a systematic review approach. In addition, the estimation of variant allele prevalence for the gene under study between different ethnic populations is important for pharmacogenetic studies. In this thesis, the prevalence of CYP2C9/2C19 alleles between different ethnicities has been estimated through meta-analysis and the population genetic principle. The clinical outcome of CYP2C9/2C19 allelic variation on the pharmacotherapy of epilepsy has been investigated; although many new antiepileptic drugs have been launched into the market, carbamazepine, phenobarbital and phenytoin are still the major agents in the pharmacotherapy of epilepsy. Therefore, phenytoin was chosen as a model AED and the effect of CYP2C9/2C19 genetic polymorphism on phenytoin metabolism was further examined.An estimation of the allele prevalence was undertaken for three CYP2C9/2C19 alleles respectively using a meta-analysis of studies that fit the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The prevalence of CYP2C9*1 is approximately 81%, 96%, 97% and 94% in Caucasian, Chinese, Japanese, African populations respectively; the pooled prevalence of CYP2C19*1 is about 86%, 57%, 58% and 85% in these ethnic populations respectively. However, the studies of association between CYP2C9/2C19 polymorphism and phenytoin metabolism failed to achieve any qualitative or quantitative conclusion. Therefore, mephenytoin metabolism was examined as a probe drug for association between CYP2C19 polymorphism and mephenytoin metabolic ratio. Similarly, analysis of association between CYP2C9 polymorphism and warfarin dose requirement was undertaken.It was confirmed that subjects carrying two mutated CYP2C19 alleles have higher S/R mephenytoin ratio due to deficient CYP2C19 enzyme activity. The studies of warfarin and CYP2C9 polymorphism did not provide a conclusive result due to poor comparability between studies.The genetic polymorphism of drug metabolism enzymes has been studied extensively, however other genetic factors, such as multiple drug resistance genes (MDR) and genes encoding ion channels, which may contribute to variability in function of drug transporters and targets, require more attention in future pharmacogenetic studies of antiepileptic drugs.


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Topical and transdermal formulations are promising platforms for the delivery of drugs. A unit dose topical or transdermal drug delivery system that optimises the solubility of drugs within the vehicle provides a novel dosage form for efficacious delivery that also offers a simple manufacture technique is desirable. This study used Witepsol® H15 wax as a abase for the delivery system. One aspect of this project involved determination of the solubility of ibuprofen, flurbiprofen and naproxen in the was using microscopy, Higuchi release kinetics, HyperDSC and mathematical modelling techniques. Correlations between the results obtained via these techniques were noted with additional merits such as provision of valuable information on drug release kinetics and possible interactions between the drug and excipients. A second aspect of this project involved the incorporation of additional excipients: Tween 20 (T), Carbopol®971 (C) and menthol (M) to the wax formulation. On in vitro permeation through porcine skin, the preferred formulations were: ibuprofen (5% w/w) within Witepsol®H15 + 1% w/w T; flurbiprofen (10% w/w) within Witepsol®H15 + 1% w/w T; naproxen (5% w/w) within Witepsol®H15 + 1% w/w T + 1% C and sodium diclofenac (10% w/w) within Witepsol®H15 + 1% w/w T + 1% w/w T + 1% w/w C + 5% w/w M. Unit dose transdermal tablets containing ibuprofen and diclofenac were produced with improved flux compared to marketed products; Voltarol Emugel® demonstrated flux of 1.68x10-3 cm/h compared to 123 x 10-3 cm/h for the optimised product as detailed above; Ibugel Forte® demonstrated a permeation coefficient value of 7.65 x 10-3 cm/h compared to 8.69 x 10-3 cm/h for the optimised product as described above.


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In this work we have established the efficient mucosal delivery of vaccines using absorption enhancers and chitosan. In addition, the use of chitosan was shown to enhance the action of other known adjuvants, such as CTB or Quil-A. Collectively, the results presented herein indicate that chitosan has excellent potential as a mucosal adjuvant. We have evaluated a number of absorption enhancers for their adjuvant activity in vivo. Polyornithine was shown to engender high scrum immune reasons to nasally delivered antigens, with higher molecular weight polyornithine facilitating the best results. We have demonstrated for the first time that vitamin E TPGS can act as mucosal adjuvant. Deoxycholic acid, cyclodextrins and acylcarnitines were also identified as effective mucosal adjuvants and showed enhanced immune responses to nasally delivered TT, DT and Yersinia pestis V and F1 antigens. Previously, none of these agents, common in their action as absorption enhancing agents, have been shown to have immunopotentiating activity for mucosal immunisation. We have successfully developed novel surface modified microspheres using chitosan as an emulsion stabiliser during the preparation of PLA microspheres. It was found that immune responses could be substantially increased, effectively exploiting the immunopenetrating characteristics of both chitosan and PLA microspheres in the same delivery vehicle. In the same study, comparison of intranasal and intramuscular routes of administration showed that with these formulations, the nasal route could be as effective as intramuscular delivery, highlighting the potential of mucosal administration for these particulate delivery systems. Chitosan was co-administered with polymer microspheres. It was demonstrated that this strategy facilitates markedly enhanced immune responses in both magnitude and duration following intramuscular administration. We conclude that this combination shows potential for single dose administration of vaccines. In another study, we have shown that the addition of chitosan to alum adsorbed TT was able to enhance immune responses. PLA micro/nanospheres were prepared and characterised with discreet particle size ranges. A smaller particle size was shown to facilitate higher scrum IgG responses following nasal administration. A lower antigen loading was additionally identified as being preferential for the induction of immune responses in combination with the smaller particle size. This may be due to the fact that the number of particles will be increased when antigen loading is low, which may in turn facilitate a more widespread uptake of particles. PLA lamellar particles were prepared and characterised. Adsorbed TT was evaluated for the potential to engender immune responses in vivo. These formulations were shown to generate effective immune responses following intramuscular administration. Positively charged polyethylcyanoacrylate and PLA nanoparticies were designed and characterised and their potential as delivery vehicles for DNA vaccines was investigated. Successful preparation of particles with narrow size distribution and positive surface charge (imparted by the inclusion of chitosan) was achieved. In the evaluation of antibody responses to DNA encoded antigen in the presence of alum administered intranasally, discrimination between the groups was only seen following intramuscular boosting with the corresponding protein. Our study showed that DNA vaccines in the presence of either alum or Quil-A may advantageously influence priming of the immune system by a mucosal route. The potential for the combination of adjuvants, Quil-A and chitosan, to enhance antibody responses to plasmid encoded antigen co-administered with the corresponding protein antigen was shown and this is worthy of further investigation. The findings here have identified novel adjuvants and approaches to vaccine delivery. In particular, chitosan or vitamin E TPGS are shown here to have considerable promise as non-toxic, safe mucosal adjuvants. In addition, biodegradable mucoadhesive delivery systems, surface modified with chitosan in a single step process, may have application for other uses such as drug and gene delivery.


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The activities and function of the West Midlands Adverse Drug Reaction Study Group are described. The impact of the Group on the reporting of adverse drug reactions to the CSM by the yellow card system has been evaluated in several ways including a comparison with the Trent Region. The role of the pharmacist in the Group is highlighted. A nationwide survey of the hospital pharmacist's involvement in adverse drug reaction reporting and monitoring is described, the results are reported and discussed. The available sources of information on adverse drug reactions, both primary and secondary, are critically reviewed. A checklist of necessary details for case reports is developed and examples of problems in the literature are given. The contribution of the drug information pharmacist in answering enquiries and encouraging reporting is examined. A role for the ward pharmacist in identifying, reporting, documenting and following up adverse drug reactions is proposed. Studies conducted to support this role are described and the results discussed. The ward pharmacist's role in preventing adverse drug reactions is also outlined. The reporting of adverse drug reactions in Australia is contrasted with the U.K. and particular attention is drawn to the pharmacist's contribution in the former. The problems in evaluating drug safety are discussed and examples are given where serious reactions have only been recognised after many patients have been exposed. To remedy this situation a case is made for enhancing the CSM yellow card scheme by further devolution of reporting, increasing the involvement of pharmacists and improving arrangements at the CSM. It is proposed that pharmacists should undertake the responsibility for reporting reactions to the CSM in some instances.


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NMF induces the terminal differentiation or acquisition of more benign characteristics in certain malignant cells in vitro and has good antitumour activity against murine tumours in vivo. This study was concerned with a comparison of the mechanism of antitumour activity of NMF in vitro and in vivo against the murine TLX5 lymphoma, which is sensitive to NMF in vivo. TLX5 cells incubated continuously with NMF in vitro showed a concentration and time dependent decrease in cell growth rate, which was associated with an increase in membrane permeability, a decrease in cell size and at the higher NMF concentrations, cell death. Analysis of the cell cycle after incubation with NMF indicated an early G1 phase arrest. TLX5 cells were incubated with NMF and washed free of the drug. Analysis of clonogenicity and tumourigenicity showed that all viable cells retained their proliferative potential and malignancy. Therefore, TLX5 cells exposed to NMF in vitro are not terminally differentiated, but reside in a quiescent substate which was reversed on drug removal. The intracellular GSH levels of TLX5 cells was decreased in a concentration and time dependent fashion by NMF. GSH depletion of TLX5 cells was not however a prerequisite for growth arrest, unlike the reported data for human colon carcinoma cell lines. A single administration of NMF caused a dose dependent regression of the TLX5 lymphoma in tumour bearing mice. Cell death occurred by apoptosis and necrosis. The antitumour activity of NMF was dependent on formyl C-H bond fission, with the parent drug or metabolites reaching all parts of the tumour 4h after dosing. There was a non-dose dependent increase in the S phase population, which was due to an increase in DNA synthesis, 24h after administration of NMF. NMF administration caused a decrease in GSH levels of the TLX5 lymphoma, which did not correlate with the antitumour response. However, the GSH depleting agent, BSO, marginally increased the antitumour activity of NMF.


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1. Phagocytic polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNLs) or neutrophils have a marked avidity for the uptake of particulate material and are the first cell type to respond to inflammatory stimuli in vivo. 2. By harnessing these pathophysiological characteristics the inherent targeting capacity of the PMNL could be exploited to carry drug loaded particles to these sites. 3. In vitro chemotaxis of PMNLs was studied in response to N-formyl-L-methionyl-L-leucyl-L-phenylalanine (FMLP) in the Blindwell chamber assay. 4. After phagocytosis of 1.1m polystyrene latex (PSL) beads at a range of incubation concentrations (5,10,20, and 30 beads/cell) the migration of the PMNL population was not significantly different from control, without beads. 5. The distribution of the beads within the filter showed that a disproportionately large number of PSL (50%) were associated with the cells on the surface of the filter that had not penetrated the filter. Eighty per cent of the PMNL population migrated and despite containing less PSL beads/cell, 50% of the dose was carried into the filter. Between 5 and 10% of these PSL were carried beyond 60m in the assay. 6. These results suggested heterogeneity of the PMNL population and to achieve efficient targeting with these cells preferential selection of the migratory sub-population would be needed. 7. The air-pouch model was then developed to study the focal accumulation of PMNLs in vivo. The PMNL isolated did not survive long enough in the circulation due to the trauma of the isolation procedure used; an alternative method will have to be employed.


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Disturbances in electrolyte homeostasis are a frequent adverse side-effect of the administration of aminoglycoside antibiotics such as gentamicin, and the antineoplastic agent cis-platinum. The aims of this work were to further elucidate the site(s) and mechanism(s) by which these drugs may produce disturbances in the renal reabsorption of calcium and magnesium. These investigations were undertaken using a range of in vivo and in vitro techniques and models. Initially, a series of in vivo studies was conducted to delineate aspects of the acute and chronic effects of both drugs on renal electrolyte handling and to select and evaluate an appropriate animal model: subsequent investigations were focused on gentamicin. In a study of the acute and chronic effects of cis-platinum administration, there were pronounced acute changes in a variety of indices of nephrotoxic injury, including electrolyte excretion. Most effects resolved but there were chronic increases in the urinary excretion of calcium and magnesium. The renal response of three strains of rat (Fischer 344, Sprague-Dawley (SD), and Wistar) to a ranges of doses of gentamicin was also investigated. Drug administration produced substantially different responses between strains, in particular marked differences in calcium and magnesium excretion. The results suggested that the SD rat was an appropriately sensitive strain for use in further investigations. Acute infusion of gentamicin in the anaesthetised SD rat produced rapid, substantial increases in the fractional excretion of calcium and magnesium, while sodium and potassium output were unaffected, confirming previous results of similar experiments using F344 rats. Studies using lithium clearance measurements in the anaesthetised SD rat were undertaken to investigate the effects of gentamicin on proximal tubular calcium reabsorption. Lithium clearance was unaffected by acute gentamicin infusion, suggesting that the site of acute gentamicin-induced hypercalciuria may not be located in the proximal tubule. Inhibition of Ca2+ ATPase activity was investigated as a potential mechanism by which calcium reabsorption could be affected after aminoglycoside administration. In vitro, both Ca2+ ATPase and Na+/K+ ATPase activity could be similarly inhibited by the presence of aminoglycosides, in a dose-related manner. Whilst inhibition of Na+/K+ ATPase could be demonstrated biochemically after in vivo administration of gentamicin, there were no concurrent effects on Ca2+ ATPase activity, suggesting that inhibition of Ca2+ ATPase activity is unlikely to be a primary mechanism of aminoglycoside-induced reductions of calcium reabsorption. Histochemical studies could not discern inhibition of either Na+/K+ ATPase or Ca2+ ATPase activity after in vivo administration of gentamicin. Selection of renal cell lines for further investigative in vitro studies on the mechanisms of altered cation reabsorption was considered using MTT (3-(4,5,-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) and Neutral Red cytotoxicity assays. The ability of LLC-PK1 and LLC-RK1 cell lines to correctly rank a series of nephrotoxic compounds with their known nephrotoxic potency in vivo was studied. Using these cell lines grown on semi-permeable inserts, alterations in the paracellular transport of 45Ca was investigated as a possible mechanism by which gentamicin could alter calcium reabsorption in vivo. Short term exposure (I h) of LLC-RK1 cells to gentamicin, via both cell surfaces, resulted in a reduction in paracellular permeability to both transepithelial 3H-mannitol and 45Ca fluxes. When LLC-RK1 cells were exposed via the apical surface only, similar dose-related reductions were seen to those observed when cells were exposed to the drug from both sides. Short-term basal exposure to gentamicin appeared to contribute less to the observed reductions in 3H-mannitol and 45Ca fluxes. Experiments investigating transepithelial movement of 45Ca and 3H-mannitol on LLC-PK1 cells after acute gentamicin exposure were inconclusive. Longer exposure (48 h) to gentamicin caused an increase in the permeability of the monolayer and a consequent increase in transepithelial 45Ca flux in the LLC-RK1 cell line; increases in permeability of LLC-PK1 cells to 45Ca and 3H-mannitol were not apparent under the same conditions. The site and mechanism at which gentamicin, in particular, alters calcium reabsorption cannot be definitively described from these studies. However, indirect evidence from lithium clearance studies suggests that the site of the lesion is unlikely to be located in the proximal tubule. The mechanism by which gentamicin exposure alters calcium reabsorption may be by reducing paracellular permeability to calcium rather than by altering active calcium transport processes.


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The properties of Caco-2 monolayers were compared on aluminium oxide and nitrocellulose permeable-supports. On nitrocellulose, Caco-2 cells displayed a higher rate of taurocholic acid transport than those cultured on aluminium oxide inserts. In addition, Caco-2 cells grown on these two inserts were not comparable with respect to cell morphology, cell numbers and transepithelial electrical resistance. The low adsorption potential of the aluminium oxide inserts, particularly for high molecular weight or lipophilic ligands, offers a distinct advantage over nitrocellulose inserts for drug transport studies. The carrier-mediated uptake and transport of the imino acid (L-proline) and the acidic amino acids (L-aspartate and L-glutamate) have been studied. At pH7.4, L-proline uptake is mediated via an A-system carrier. Elevated uptake and transport under acidic conditions occurs by activation of a distinct carrier population. Acidic amino acid transport is mediated via a X-AG system. The flux of baclofen, CGP40116 andCGP40117 across Caco-2 monolayers was described by passive transport. The transport of three peptides, thyrotrophin-releasing hormone, SQ29852 and cyclosporin were investigated. Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone transport acrossCaco-2 monolayers was characterised by a minor saturable (carrier-mediated,approximately 25%) pathway, superimposed onto a major non-saturable (diffusional)pathway. SQ29852 uptake into Caco-2 monolayers is described by a major saturable mechanism (Km = 0.91 mM) superimposed onto a minor passive component.However, the initial-rate of SQ29852 transport is consistent with a passive transepithelial transport mechanism. These data highlight the possibility that itsbasolateral efflux is severely retarded such that the passive paracellular transportdictates the overall transepithelial transport characteristics. In addition, modelsuitable for investigating the transepithelial transport of cyclosporin A has been developed. A modification of the conventional Caco-2 model has been developed which has a calcium-free Ap donor-solution and a Bl receiver-solution containing the minimumcalcium concentration required to maintain monolayer integrity (100 μM). The influence of calcium and magnesium on the absorption of [14C]pamidronate was evaluated by comparing its transport across the conventional and minimum calciumCaco-2 models. Ap calcium and magnesium ions retard the Ap-to-Bl flux of pamidronate across Caco-2 monolayers. The effect of self-emulsifying oleic acid-Tween 80 formulations on Caco-2monolayer integrity has been investigated. Oleic acid-Tween 80 (1 0:1) formulations produced a dose-dependent disruption of Caco-2 monolayer integrity. This disruption was related to the oleic acid content of the formulation.