7 resultados para Distribution Of Number Of Invasions

em Aston University Research Archive


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the distribution of the pathological changes in the neocortex in multiple-system atrophy (MSA). METHOD: The vertical distribution of the abnormal neurons (neurons with enlarged or atrophic perikarya), surviving neurons, glial cytoplasmic inclusions (GCI) and neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NI) were studied in alpha-synuclein-stained material of frontal and temporal cortex in ten cases of MSA. RESULTS: Abnormal neurons exhibited two common patterns of distribution, viz., density was either maximal in the upper cortex or a bimodal distribution was present with a density peak in the upper and lower cortex. The NI were either located in the lower cortex or were more uniformly distributed down the cortical profile. The distribution of the GCI varied considerably between gyri and cases. The density of the glial cell nuclei was maximal in the lower cortex in the majority of gyri. In a number of gyri, there was a positive correlation between the vertical densities of the abnormal neurons, the total number of surviving neurons, and the glial cell nuclei. The vertical densities of the GCI were not correlated with those of the surviving neurons or glial cells but the GCI and NI were positively correlated in a small number of gyri. CONCLUSION: The data suggest that there is significant degeneration of the frontal and temporal lobes in MSA, the lower laminae being affected more significantly than the upper laminae. Cortical degeneration in MSA is likely to be secondary to pathological changes occurring within subcortical areas.


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The frequency distribution of aggregate size of the diffuse and florid-type prion protein (PrP) plaques was studied in various brain regions in cases of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). The size distributions were unimodal and positively skewed and resembled those of β-amyloid (Aβ) deposits in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Down's syndrome (DS). The frequency distributions of the PrP aggregates were log-normal in shape, but there were deviations from the expected number of plaques in specific size classes. More diffuse plaques were observed in the modal size class and fewer in the larger size classes than expected and more florid plaques were present in the larger size classes compared with the log-normal model. It was concluded that the growth of the PrP aggregates in vCJD does not strictly follow a log-normal model, diffuse plaques growing to within a more restricted size range and florid plaques to larger sizes than predicted. © Springer-Verlag 2005.


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A framework that connects computational mechanics and molecular dynamics has been developed and described. As the key parts of the framework, the problem of symbolising molecular trajectory and the associated interrelation between microscopic phase space variables and macroscopic observables of the molecular system are considered. Following Shalizi and Moore, it is shown that causal states, the constituent parts of the main construct of computational mechanics, the e-machine, define areas of the phase space that are optimal in the sense of transferring information from the micro-variables to the macro-observables. We have demonstrated that, based on the decay of their Poincare´ return times, these areas can be divided into two classes that characterise the separation of the phase space into resonant and chaotic areas. The first class is characterised by predominantly short time returns, typical to quasi-periodic or periodic trajectories. This class includes a countable number of areas corresponding to resonances. The second class includes trajectories with chaotic behaviour characterised by the exponential decay of return times in accordance with the Poincare´ theorem.


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The size class frequency distribution of a sample of senile plaques (SP) was determined in a total of 20 brain regions from 5 elderly cases of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The purpose of the study was to determine whether a comparison of the frequency distributions could be used to determine the chronology of SP development in the AD brain. SP from 10 microns to a maximum diameter of 160 microns were present in the tissue and the size class frequency distributions were positively skewed. The frequency distributions varied between brain regions in: (1) the size class containing the mode, (2) the degree of positive skew, and (3) the ratio of large to small SP. In most patients the ratio of large to small SP was higher in the hippocampus or adjacent gyrus compared with temporal, parietal and frontal neocortex. If the diameter of a SP reflects its age in the tissue than the data suggest that SP formed earlier either in the hippocampus or adjacent gyrus compared with the other neocortical tissues. However, this conclusion rests on a number of assumptions including: (1) that SP diameter is directly related to age, (2) that SP development occurs at similar rates in different brain regions and (3) that, once formed, SP are not removed from the tissue by astrocytes.


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Significant amyloid-beta (Abeta) deposition in cases of dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) may represent concurrent Alzheimer's disease (AD). To test this hypothesis, the laminar distribution of the diffuse, primitive, and classic Abeta deposits was studied in the frontal and temporal cortex in cases of DLB and were compared with AD. In DLB, the diffuse and primitive deposits exhibited two common patterns of distribution; either maximum density occurred in the upper cortical laminae or a bimodal distribution was present with density peaks in the upper and lower laminae. In addition, a bimodal distribution of the classic deposits was observed in approximately half of the cortical areas analysed. A number of differences in the laminar distributions of Abeta deposits were observed in DLB and AD. First, the proportion of the primitive relative to the diffuse and classic deposits present was lower in DLB compared with AD. Second, the primitive deposits were more frequently bimodally distributed in DLB. Third, the density of the diffuse deposits reached a maximum lower in the cortical profile in AD. These data suggest differences in the pattern of cortical degeneration in the two disorders and therefore, DLB cases with significant Abeta pathology may not represent the coexistence of DLB and AD.


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The factors determining the size of individual β-amyloid (A,8) deposits and their size frequency distribution in tissue from Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients have not been established. In 23/25 cortical tissues from 10 AD patients, the frequency of Aβ deposits declined exponentially with increasing size. In a random sample of 400 Aβ deposits, 88% were closely associated with one or more neuronal cell bodies. The frequency distribution of (Aβ) deposits which were associated with 0,1,2,...,n neuronal cell bodies deviated significantly from a Poisson distribution, suggesting a degree of clustering of the neuronal cell bodies. In addition, the frequency of Aβ deposits declined exponentially as the number of associated neuronal cell bodies increased. Aβ deposit area was positively correlated with the frequency of associated neuronal cell bodies, the degree of correlation being greater for pyramidal cells than smaller neurons. These data suggested: (1) the number of closely adjacent neuronal cell bodies which simultaneously secrete Aβ was an important factor determining the size of an Aβ deposit and (2) the exponential decline in larger Aβ deposits reflects the low probability that larger numbers of adjacent neurons will secrete Aβ simultaneously to form a deposit. © 1995.


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The current research draws from ambivalent sexism theory to examine potential gender differences in the quantity and quality of developmental work experiences. In a sample of managers in the energy industry, men and women reported participating in a similar number of developmental experiences (with comparable levels of support), but men rated these experiences as more challenging and received more negative feedback than did women. Similarly, a sample of female managers in the health care industry reported comparable amounts, but less challenging types, of developmental experiences than their male counterparts'. The results of three complementary experiments suggest that benevolent sexism is negatively related to men's assignment of challenging experiences to female targets but that men and women were equally likely to express interest in challenging experiences. Taken together, these results suggest that stereotype-based beliefs that women should be protected may limit women's exposure to challenging assignments, which in turn may partially explain the underrepresentation of women at the highest levels of organizations. © The Author(s) 2012.