13 resultados para Disability athletics
em Aston University Research Archive
The object of the study was to investigate, establish and quantify the relationship between contrast sensitivity, intraocular light scatter and glare. The aim was to establish the effects on vision, in an effort to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the visual world of subjects prone to increased light scatter in the eye. Disability glare refers to the reduction in visual performance produced by a glare source. The reduction in visual performance can be explained by intraocular scattered light producing a veiling luminance which is superimposed upon the retinal image. This veiling luminance lowers contrast thus sensitivity to the stimulus declines. The effect of glare of luminance and colour contrast sensitivity for young and elderly subjects was examined. For both age groups, disability glare was greatest for the red-green stimulus and least for the blue-yellow. The precise effect of a glare source on colour discrimination depends upon the interaction between the chromaticity of the glare source and that of the stimulus. The effect of a long wavelength pass (red) and a short wavelength pass filter (blue) on disability glare was examined. Disability glare was not significantly different with the red and blue filters, even in the presence of wavelength dependent scatter. An equation was derived which allowed an intrinsic Light Scatter Factor (LSF) to be determined for any given glare angle (Paulsson and Sjöstrand, 1980). Corrections to the formula to account for factors such as pupil size changes are unnecessary. The results confirm the suitability of measuring the LSF using contrast threshold with and without glare, provided that appropriate methods are used. Using this formula an investigation into the amount of wavelength dependent scatter indicated that wavelength dependent scatter in normal young, elderly or cataractous eyes is of little or no significance. Finally, it seemed desirable to investigate the effect ultraviolet (UV) radiation has on intraocular light scatter and subsequently visual performance. Overall the results indicated that the presence or absence of UV radiation has relatively little effect on visual function for the young, elderly or cataract patient.
This study investigated whether Negative Affectivity (NA) causes bias in self-report measures of activity limitations or whether NA has a real, non-artifactual association with activity limitations. The Symptom Perception Hypothesis (NA negatively biases self-reporting), Disability Hypothesis (activity limitations cause NA) and Psychosomatic Hypothesis (NA causes activity limitations) were examined longitudinally using both self-report and objective activity limitations measures. Participants were 101 stroke patients and their caregivers interviewed within two weeks of discharge, six weeks later and six months post-discharge. NA and self-report, proxy-report and observed performance activity (walking) limitations were assessed at each interview. NA was associated with activity limitations across measures. Both the Disability and Psychosomatic Hypotheses were supported: initial NA predicted objective activity limitations at six weeks but, additionally, activity limitations at six weeks predicted NA at six months. These results suggest that NA both affects and is affected by activity limitations and does not simply influence reporting.
As a result of exclusionary tactics, social, cultural or economic disadvantage or disability, vast numbers of pupils have poor educational experiences and are either marginalised or demonised due to 'difficult differences'. In the context of Martha Nussbaum's capabilities approach, where she suggests that we ought to be who we want to be, this paper addresses intellectual disability, inclusion and inclusive education. It proposes that care, compassion, creativity and ethics are critical in understanding the education for all children and young people, rather than necessarily pedagogical process. In addition, it suggests that learning should take place within and through relationships and that these relationships are important in developing a healthy sense of self. Therefore politically, rather than following a path of blame whether it is the dysfunctional family, the deficit child or the economically deprived nation, this paper says that we require socially just practices, compassion and care as fundamental to human development, social inclusion and inclusive education. Ultimately, education is failing a large sum of children and young people and therefore needs to be radically reconsidered.
This paper is about mothering an intellectually disabled child identified with special educational needs. It specifically looks at the parent partnership rhetoric that has dominated UK government policy and directives for nearly three decades and yet research suggests parents and more often mothers have to battle to be recognised as legitimate experts. This paper engages with sociological analysis as it highlights via qualitative narratives that mothers are weighed down by the sheer number of professionals involved in their day-to-day life. Moreover, mothers whose children are not identified in the early years are often blamed in the first instance for playing a part in their child’s difficult behaviour. This research ultimately suggests that partnership work is important and necessary for practice within health, education and social work professions, not least of all because the emotional roller-coaster that mothers experience during the assessment and statementing process is disabling.
Primary objective: To assess the relationship between disability, length of stay (LOS) and anticholinergic burden (ACB) with people following acquired brain or spinal cord injury. Research design: A retrospective case note review assessed total rehabilitation unit admission. Methods and procedures: Assessment of 52 consecutive patients with acquired brain/spinal injury and neuropathy in an in-patient neuro-rehabilitation unit of a UK university hospital. Data analysed included: Northwick Park Dependency Score (NPDS), Rehabilitation complexity Scale (RCS), Functional Independence Measure and Functional Assessment Measure FIM-FAM (UK version 2.2), LOS and ACB. Outcome was different in RCS, NPDS and FIM-FAM between admission and discharge. Main outcomes and results: A positive change was reported in ACB results in a positive change in NPDS, with no significant effect on FIM-FAM, either Motor or Cognitive, or on the RCS. Change in ACB correlated to the length of hospital stay (regression correlation = −6.64; SE = 3.89). There was a significant harmful impact of increase in ACB score during hospital stay, from low to high ACB on NPDS (OR = 9.65; 95% CI = 1.36–68.64) and FIM-FAM Total scores (OR = 0.03; 95% CI = 0.002–0.35). Conclusions: There was a statistically significant correlation of ACB and neuro-disability measures and LOS amongst this patient cohort.
OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to study the impact of depressive disorders on work disability to discover the determinants of depression for work disability in the European countries. DESIGN: The sample was composed of 31,126 individuals from 29 countries included in the 2002 World Health Survey of the World Health Organization. National representative samples of countries from all regions of Europe and with different levels of economic development and health coverage were selected. RESULTS: Estimates of people not working because of ill health did not differ among European countries in relation to levels of economic development or health coverage. Significant determinants of people with diagnosis of depression not working because of ill health (reference category) versus working were age (odds ratio = 0.97), female sex (odds ratio = 1.71), education (odds ratio = 1.11), marital status (being unmarried indicating less probability), lowest income level, and comorbidity with angina pectoris (odds ratio = 0.51). Moreover, according to previous studies, we found some determinants (comorbidity with other diseases, young age, and unemployment) impacting on health status. CONCLUSIONS: Depression is a substantial cause of work disability and it is a complex phenomenon that involves many variables. Investigation into this relationship should improve, focusing on the role of determinants.
For this paper, emotional and socio-political questions lie at the heart of relationships in understanding intellectual disability and what it is to be a human. While the sexual and intimate is more often than not based on a private and personal relationship with the self and (an)other, the sexual and intimate life of intellectually disabled people is more often a ‘public’ affair governed by parents and/or carers, destabilizing what we might consider ethical and caring practices. In the socio-political sphere, as an all-encompassing ‘care space’, social intolerance and aversion to difficult differences are played out, impacting upon the intimate lives of intellectually disabled people. As co-researchers (one intellectually disabled and one ‘non-disabled’), we discuss narratives from a small scale research project and our personal reflections. In sociological research and more specifically within disability research it is clear that we need to keep sex and intimacy on the agenda, yet also find ways of doing research in a meaningful, caring and co-constructed way.
This pioneering book, in considering intellectually disabled people's lives, sets out a care ethics model of disability that outlines the emotional caring sphere, where love and care are psycho-socially questioned, the practical caring sphere, where day-to-day care is carried out, and the socio-political caring sphere, where social intolerance and aversion to difficult differences are addressed. This book draws from an understanding of how intellectual disability is represented in all forms of media, a feminist ethics of care, and capabilities, as well as other theories, to provide a critique and alternative to the social model of disability.
Background: Anticholinergic medications may be associated with adverse clinical outcomes, including acute impairments in cognition and anticholinergic side effects, the risk of adverse outcomes increasing with increasing anticholinergic exposure. Older people with intellectual disability may be at increased risk of exposure to anticholinergic medicines due to their higher prevalence of comorbidities. We sought to determine anticholinergic burden in ageing people with intellectual disability. Methods: Medication data (self-report/proxy-report) was drawn from Wave 1 of the Intellectual Disability Supplement to the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (IDS-TILDA), a study on the ageing of 753nationally representative people with an IDC40 years randomly selected from the National Intellectual Disability Database. Each individual’s cumulative exposure to anticholinergic medications was calculated using the Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden Scale (ACB) amended by a multi-disciplinary group with independent advice to account for the range of medicines in use in this population. Results: Overall, 70.1 % (527) reported taking medications with possible or definite anticholinergic properties (ACBC1), with a mean (±SD) ACB score of 4.5 (±3.0) (maximum 16). Of those reporting anticholinergic exposure (n=527), 41.3 % (217) reported an ACB score o fC5. Antipsychotics accounted for 36.4 % of the total cumulative ACB score followed by anticholinergics (16 %) and antidepressants (10.8 %). The most frequently reported medicine with anticholinergic activity was carbamazepine 16.8 % (127). The most frequently reported medicine with high anticholinergic activity (ACB 3) was olanzapine13.4 % (101). There was a significant association between higher anti-cholinergic exposure and multimorbidity, particularly mental health morbidity, and some anticholinergic adverse effects such as constipation and day-time drowsiness but not self-rated health. Conclusion: Using simple cumulative measures proved an effective means to capture total burden and helped establish that anticholinergic exposure in the study population was high. The finding highlights the need for comprehensive reviews of medications.
Bilateral Perisylvian Syndrome (BPS) often presents with epilepsy and significant behavioral impairments that can include mental retardation, dysarthria, delayed speech development, and delayed fine motor development (Graff-Radford et al., 1986 and Kuzniecky et al., 1993). While a small subset of BPS cases have been described as having relatively isolated language delays (Leventer et al., 2010), BPS is not expected in children with dyslexia. As part of a Medical University of South Carolina, IRB approved multi-site study involving retrospective and de-identified dyslexia data, we unexpectedly identified a 14.05 year old male with evidence of BPS whose father had been diagnosed with dyslexia and dysgraphia. This child had been recruited for a neuroimaging study on dyslexia from a school specializing in educating children with dyslexia. The T1-weighted MRI scan from this child demonstrated a highly unusual perisylvian sulcal/gyral patterning that is a defining feature of BPS (Fig. 1). BPS cases exhibit bilateral dysgenesis of the Sylvian fissure and surrounding gyri, which appears to occur because of a limited or absent arcuate fasciculus (Kilinc, Ekinci, Demirkol, & Agan, 2015). This BPS case also had a relatively enlarged atrium of the lateral ventricle that is consistent with the BPS anatomical presentation and reduction of parietal white matter (Graff-Radford et al., 1986, Kilinc et al., 2015 and Toldo et al., 2011).