6 resultados para Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (Dppc)

em Aston University Research Archive


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Cationic liposomes of dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide (DDA) incorporating the glycolipid trehalose 6,6-dibehenate (TDB) forms a promising liposomal vaccine adjuvant. To be exploited as effective subunit vaccine delivery systems, the physicochemical characteristics of liposomes were studied in detail and correlated with their effectiveness in vivo, in an attempt to elucidate key aspects controlling their efficacy. This research took the previously optimised DDA-TDB system as a foundation for a range of formulations incorporating additional lipids of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) or 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC), by incrementally replacing the cationic content within DDA-TDB or reducing the total DDA-TDB dose upon its substitution, to ascertain the role of DDA and the effect of DDA-TDB concentration in influencing the resultant immunological performance upon delivery of the novel subunit TB vaccine, Ag85B–ESAT-6-Rv2660c (H56 vaccine). With the aim of using the DPPC based systems for pulmonary vaccine delivery and the DSPC systems for application via the intramuscular route, initial work focused on physicochemical characterisation of the systems with incorporation of DPPC or DSPC displaying comparable physical stability, morphological structure and levels of antigen retention to that of DDA-TDB. Thermodynamic analysis was also conducted to detect main phase transition temperatures and subsequent in vitro cell culture studies demonstrated a favourable reduction in cytotoxicity, stimulation of phagocytic activity and macrophage activation in response to the proposed liposomal immunoadjuvants. Immunisation of mice with H56 vaccine via the proposed liposomal adjuvants showed that DDA was an important factor in mediating resultant immune responses, with partial replacement or substitution of DDA-TDB stimulating Th1 type cellular immunity characterised by elevated levels of IgG2b antibodies and IFN-? and IL-2 cytokines, essential for providing protective efficacy against TB. Upon increased DSPC content within the formulation, either by DDA replacement or reduction of DDA and TDB, responses were skewed towards Th2 type immunity with reduced IgG2b antibody levels and elevated IL-5 and IL-10 cytokine production, as resultant immunological responses were independent of liposomal zeta potential. The role of the cationic DDA lipid and the effect of DDA-TDB concentration were appreciated as the proposed liposomal formulations elicited antigen specific antibody and cellular immune responses, demonstrating the potential of cationic liposomes to be utilised as adjuvants for subunit vaccine delivery. Furthermore, the promising capability of the novel H56 vaccine candidate in eliciting protection against TB was apparent in a mouse model.


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Although well known for delivering various pharmaceutical agents, liposomes can be prepared to entrap gas rather than aqueous media and have the potential to be used as pressure probes in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Using these gas-filled liposomes (GFL) as tracers, MRI imaging of pressure regions of a fluid flowing through a porous medium could be established. This knowledge can be exploited to enhance recovery of oil from the porous rock regions within oil fields. In the preliminary studies, we have optimized the lipid composition of GFL prepared using a simple homogenization technique and investigated key physico-chemical characteristics (size and the physical stability) and their efficacy as pressure probes. In contrast to the liposomes possessing an aqueous core which are prepared at temperatures above their phase transition temperature (Tc), homogenization of the phospholipids such as 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3- phosphocholine (DPPC) or 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocoline (DSPC) in aqueous medium below their Tc was found to be crucial in formation of stable GFL. DSPC based preparations yielded a GFL volume of more than five times compared to their DPPC counter part. Although the initial vesicle sizes of both DSPC and DPPC based GFL were about 10 μm, after 7 days storage at 25°C, the vesicle sizes of both formulations significantly (p < 0.05) increased to 28.3 ± 0.3 μm and 12.3 ± 1.0 μm, respectively. When the DPPC preparation was supplemented with cholesterol at a 1:0.5 or 1:1 molar ratio, significantly (p < 0.05) larger vesicles were formed (12-13 μm), however, compared to DPPC only vesicles, both cholesterol supplemented formulations displayed enhanced stability on storage indicating a stabilizing effect of cholesterol on these gas-filled vesicles. In order to induce surface charge on the GFL, DPPC and cholesterol (1: 0.5 molar ratio) liposomes were supplemented with a cationic surfactant, stearylamine, at a molar ratio of 0.25 or 0.125. Interestingly, the ζ potential values remained around neutrality at both stearylamine ratios suggesting the cationic surfactant was not incorporated within the bilayers of the GFL. Microscopic analysis of GFL confirmed the presence of spherical structures with a size distribution between 1-8 μm. This study has identified that DSPC based GFL in aqueous medium dispersed in 2% w/v methyl cellulose although yielded higher vesicle sizes over time were most stable under high pressures exerted in MRI. Copyright © Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.


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Whether to assess the functionality of equipment or as a determinate for the accuracy of assays, reference standards are essential for the purposes of standardisation and validation. The ELISPOT assay, developed over thirty years ago, has emerged as a leading immunological assay in the development of novel vaccines for the assessment of efficacy. However, with its widespread use, there is a growing demand for a greater level of standardisation across different laboratories. One of the major difficulties in achieving this goal has been the lack of definitive reference standards. This is partly due to the ex vivo nature of the assay, which relies on cells being placed directly into the wells. Thus, the aim of this thesis was to produce an artificial reference standard using liposomes, for use within the assay. Liposomes are spherical bilayer vesicles with an enclosed aqueous compartment and therefore are models for biological membranes. Initial work examined pre-design considerations in order to produce an optimal formulation that would closely mimic the action of the cells ordinarily placed on the assay. Recognition of the structural differences between liposomes and cells led to the formulation of liposomes with increased density. This was achieved by using a synthesised cholesterol analogue. By incorporating this cholesterol analogue in liposomes, increased sedimentation rates were observed within the first few hours. The optimal liposome formulation from these studies was composed of 2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC), cholesterol (Chol) and brominated cholesterol (Brchol) at a 16:4:12 µMol ratio, based on a significantly higher (p<0.01) sedimentation (as determined by a percentage transmission of 59 ± 5.9 % compared to the control formulation at 29 ± 12 % after four hours). By considering a range of liposome formulations ‘proof of principle’ for using liposomes as ELISPOT reference standards was shown; recombinant IFN? cytokine was successfully entrapped within vesicles of different lipid compositions, which were able to promote spot formation within the ELISPOT assay. Using optimised liposome formulations composed of phosphatidylcholine with or without cholesterol (16 µMol total lipid) further development was undertaken to produce an optimised, scalable protocol for the production of liposomes as reference standards. A linear increase in spot number by the manipulation of cytokine concentration and/or lipid concentrations was not possible, potentially due to the saturation that occurred within the base of wells. Investigations into storage of the formulations demonstrated the feasibility of freezing and lyophilisation with disaccharide cryoprotectants, but also highlighted the need for further protocol optimisation to achieve a robust reference standard upon storage. Finally, the transfer of small-scale production to a medium lab-scale batch (40 mL) demonstrated this was feasible within the laboratory using the optimised protocol.


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Phagocytic cells produce a variety of oxidants as part of the immune defence, which react readily both with proteins and lipids, and could contribute to the oxidation of low density lipoprotein in atherosclerosis. We have investigated the oxidation of phospholipid vesicles by isolated human polymorphonuclear and mononuclear leukocytes, to provide a model of lipid oxidation in the absence of competing protein. PMA-stimulated cells were incubated with phospholipid vesicles contammg dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), palmitoyl-arachidonoyl phosphatidylcholine (PAPC), and stearoyl-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine (SOPC), before extraction of the lipids for analysis by HPLC coupled to electrospray mass spectrometry. In this system, oxidized phosphatidylcholines elute earlier than the native lipids owing to their decreased hydrophobicity, and can be identified according to their molecular mass. The formation of monohydroperoxides of P APC was observed routinely, together with low levels of hydroxides, but no chlorohydrin derivatives of P APC or SOPC were detected. However, the major oxidized product occurred at 828 m/z, and was identified as I-palmitoyl-2-(5,6-epoxyisoprostane E2)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. These results show that phagocytes triggered by PMA cause oxidative damage to lipids predominantly by free radical mechanisms, and that electrophilic addition involving HOCl is not a major mechanism of attack. The contribution of myeloperoxidase and metal ions to the oxidation process is currently being investigated, and preliminary data suggest that myeloperoxidase-derived oxidants are responsible for the epoxyisoprostane phospholipid formation. The identification of an epoxyisoprostane phospholipid as the major product following phagocyte-induced phospholipid oxidation is novel and has implications for phagocyte involvement in atherogenesis.


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Poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride) (PSMA) based copolymers are known to undergo conformational transition in response to environmental stimuli. This smart behaviour makes it possible to mimic the behaviour of native apoproteins. The primary aim of this study was to develop a better understanding of the structure-property relationships of various PSMA-based copolymers sought. The work undertaken in this thesis has revealed that the responsive behaviour of PSMA-based copolymers can be tailored by varying the molecular weight, hydrophobic (styrene) and hydrophilic (maleic acid) balance, and more so in the presence of additional hydrophobic, mono-partial ester moieties. Novel hydrophilic and hydrophobic synthetic surfactant protein analogues have successfully been prepared. These novel lipid solubilising agents possess a broad range of HLB (hydrophilic-lipophilic balance) values that have been estimated. NMR spectroscopy was utilised to confirm the structures for PSMA-based copolymers sought and proved useful in furthering understanding of the structure-property relationships of PSMA-based copolymers. The association of PSMA with the polar phospholipid, 2-dilauryl-sn-glycero-3- phosphocholine (DLPC) produces polymer-lipid complexes analogous to lipoprotein assemblies present in the blood plasma. NMR analysis reveals that the PSMA-based copolymers are not perfectly alternating. Regio-irregular structures, atactic and random monomer sequence distribution have been identified for all materials studied. Novel lipid solubilising agents (polyanionic surfactants) have successfully been synthesised from a broad range of PSMA-based copolymers with desired estimated HLB values that interact with polar phospholipids (DLPC/DPPC) uniquely. Very low static and dynamic surface tensions have been observed via the du Noϋy ring method and Langmuir techniques and correlate well with the estimated HLB values. Synthetic protein-lipid analogues have been successfully synthesised, that mimic the unique surface properties of native biological lubricants without the use of solvents. The novel PSMA-DLPC complexes have successfully been combined with hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid, HA). Today, the employment of HA is economically feasible, because it is readily available from bacterial fermentation processes in a thermally stable form - HyaCare®. The work undertaken in this thesis highlights the usage of HA in biolubrication applications and how this can be optimised and thus justified by carefully selecting the biological source, concentration, molecular weight, purity and most importantly by combining it with compatible boundary lubricating agents (polar phospholipids). Experimental evidence supports the belief that the combined HA and PSMA-DLPC complexes provide a balance of rheological, biotribological and surface properties that are composition dependent, and show competitive advantage as novel synthetic biological lubricants (biosurfactants).


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The facility to controlled triggered release from a “cage” system remains a key requirement for novel drug delivery. Earlier studies have shown that Bis-Azo PC based photosensitive liposomes are beneficial for drug delivery. Thus, the aim of this project was to develop photosensitive liposomes that can be used for the controlled release of drugs through UV irradiation, particularly therapeutic agents for the treatment of psoriasis. Bis-Azo PC was successfully synthesized and incorporated into a range of liposomal formulations, and these liposomes were applied for the controlled release of BSA-FITC. Bis-Azo PC sensitized liposomes were prepared via interdigitation fusion method. IFV containing optimum cholesterol amount in terms of protein loading, stability and photo-trigger release of protein was investigated. Further studies investigated the stability and triggered release of the HMT from IFV. Finally, permeation behavior of HMT and HMT-entrapped IFV through rat skin was examined using Franz cell. Results from protein study indicated that the stable entrapment of the model protein was feasible as shown through fluorescence spectroscopy and maximum of 84% protein release from IFV after 12 min of UV irradiation. Moreover, stability studies indicated that IFV were more stable at 4 0C as compared to 25 0C. Hence, DPPC:Chol:Bis-Azo PC (16:2:1) based IFV was chosen for the controlled release of HMT and these studies exhibited that photo-trigger release and stability data of HMT-entrapped IFV are in line with the protein results. Franz cell work inferred that HMT-entrapped IFV attributed to slower skin permeation as compared to HMT. CLSM also demonstrated that HMT can be used as a fluorescent label for the in vitro skin study. Overall, the work highlighted in this thesis has given useful insight into the potentials of Bis-Azo PC based IFV as a promising carrier for the treatment of psoriasis.