12 resultados para Digestive system - Cancer

em Aston University Research Archive


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Loss of skeletal muscle in cancer cachexia has a negative effect on both morbidity and mortality. The role of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) in regulating muscle protein degradation and expression of the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway in response to a tumour cachectic factor, proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF), has been studied by creating stable, transdominant-negative, muscle cell lines. Murine C2C12 myoblasts were transfected with plasmids with a CMV promoter that had mutations at the serine phosphorylation sites required for degradation of I-κBα, an NF-κB inhibitory protein, and allowed to differentiate into myotubes. Proteolysis-inducing factor induced degradation of I-κBα, nuclear accumulation of NF-κB and an increase in luciferase reporter gene activity in myotubes containing wild-type, but not mutant, I-κBα, proteins. Proteolysis-inducing factor also induced total protein degradation and loss of the myofibrillar protein myosin in myotubes containing wild-type, but not mutant, plasmids at the same concentrations as those causing activation of NF-κB. Proteolysis-inducing factor also induced increased expression of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, as determined by 'chymotrypsin-like' enzyme activity, the predominant proteolytic activity of the β-subunits of the proteasome, protein expression of 20S α-subunits and the 19S subunits MSSI and p42, as well as the ubiquitin conjugating enzyme, E214k, in cells containing wild-type, but not mutant, I-κBα. The ability of mutant I-κBα to inhibit PIF-induced protein degradation, as well as expression of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, confirms that both of these responses depend on initiation of transcription by NF-κB. © 2005 Cancer Research UK.


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Bis-cyclic butenolides, 5-arylated 2(5H)-furanones 6a-c, 7a, b and the 3(2H)-pyridazones 9a-d were prepared by using the aldehyde form of muco halogen acids in electrophilic substitution reactions and in an aldol-like condensation reaction. The cytotoxicity of these simple and bis-cyclic butenolides have been evaluated in tissue culture studies on MAC 13 and MAC 16 murine colon cancer cell lines. The butyl furanone 3 displayed the highest cytotoxicity of 3 μM, as one selected example of a series of dichlorinated pseudoesters. The 5-arylated 2(5H)-furanones 6 and 7 did not show a structure-activity relationship (SAR) depending on the substitution pattern of the aromatic system. An IC50 (concentration inhibiting growth by 50%) was found within a range of 30-50 and 40-50 μM for the MAC 13 and MAC 16 cell lines, respectively. The pyridazine series 9 showed a maximum in-vitro activity for the p-methoxydrivative 9b, having an IC50 of 17 in MAC 13 and 11 μM in MAC 16 cell lines. Selected examples of each series and further novel 2(5H)-furanones such as the hydrazone 5 and the hydantoin 8 have been screened in-vivo in mice and the data are presented. For the pyridazines 9a-d, the in-vitro cytotoxicity correlated with an in-vivo inhibition of tumour growth. The ring expansion of the 5-membered 2(5H)-furanone ring system such as 6a into the 6-membered 3(2H)-pyridazone 9b led to an agent with improved antineoplastic properties. On the resistant MAC 16 cell line the pyridazone 9b displayed 52% tumour inhibition in mice at a dose of 50 mg kg-1 compared with 27% for the 5-FU standard.


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The mechanism of muscle protein catabolism induced by proteolysis-inducing factor, produced by cachexia-inducing murine and human tumours has been studied in vitro using C2C12 myoblasts and myotubes. In both myoblasts and myotubes protein degradation was enhanced by proteolysis-inducing factor after 24 h incubation. In myoblasts this followed a bell-shaped dose-response curve with maximal effects at a proteolysis-inducing factor concentration between 2 and 4 nM, while in myotubes increased protein degradation was seen at all concentrations of proteolysis-inducing factor up to 10 nM, again with a maximum of 4 nM proteolysis-inducing factor. Protein degradation induced by proteolysis-inducing factor was completely attenuated in the presence of cycloheximide (1 μM), suggesting a requirement for new protein synthesis. In both myoblasts and myotubes protein degradation was accompanied by an increased expression of the α-type subunits of the 20S proteasome as well as functional activity of the proteasome, as determined by the 'chymotrypsin-like' enzyme activity. There was also an increased expression of the 19S regulatory complex as well as the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E214k), and in myotubes a decrease in myosin expression was seen with increasing concentrations of proteolysis-inducing factor. These results show that proteolysis-inducing factor co-ordinately upregulates both ubiquitin conjugation and proteasome activity in both myoblasts and myotubes and may play an important role in the muscle wasting seen in cancer cachexia. © 2002 Cancer Research UK.


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Cancer cachexia is characterised by selective depletion of skeletal muscle protein reserves. The ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway has been shown to be responsible for muscle wasting in a range of cachectic conditions including cancer cachexia. To establish the importance of this pathway in muscle wasting during cancer (and sepsis), a quantitative competitive RT-PCR (QcRT-PCR) method was developed to measure the mRNA levels of the proteasome sub units C2a and C5ß and the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E214k. Western blotting was also used to measure the 20S proteasome and E214k protein expression. In vivo studies in mice bearing a cachexia inducing murine colon adenocarcinoma (MAC16) demonstrated the effect of progressive weight loss on the mRNA and protein expression for 20S proteasome subunits, as well as the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, E214k, in gastrocnemius and pectoral muscles. QcRT-PCR measurements showed a good correlation between expression of the proteasome subunits (C2 and CS) and the E214k enzyme mRNA and weight loss in gastrocnemius muscle, where expression increased with increasing weight loss followed by a decrease in expression at higher weight losses (25-27%). Similar results were obtained in pectoral muscles, but with the expression being several fold lower in comparison to that in gastrocnemius muscle, reflecting the different degrees of protein degradation in the two muscles during the process of cancer cachexia. Western blot analysis of 20S and E214k protein expression followed a similar pattern with respect to weight loss as that found with mRNA. In addition, mRNA and protein expression of the 20S proteasome subunits and E214k enzyme was measured in biopsies from cachectic cancer patients, which also showed a good correlation between weight loss and proteasome expression, demonstrating a progressive increase in expression of the proteasome subunits and E214k mRNA and protein in cachectic patients with progressively increasing weight loss.The effect of the cachexia-inducing tumour product PIF (proteolysis inducing factor) and 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (15-HETE), the arachidoinic acid metabolite (thought to be the intracellular transducer of PIF action) has also been determined. Using a surrogate model system for skeletal muscle, C2C12 myotubes in vitro, it was shown that both PIF and 15-HETE increased proteasome subunit expression (C2a and C5ß) as well as the E214k enzyme. This increase gene expression was attenuated by preincubation with EPA or the 15-lipoxygenase inhibitor CV-6504; immunoblotting also confirmed these findings. Similarly, in sepsis-induced cachexia in NMRI mice there was increased mRNA and protein expression of the 20S proteasome subunits and the E214k enzyme, which was inhibited by EPA treatment. These results suggest that 15-HETE is the intracellular mediator for PIF induced protein degradation in skeletal muscle, and that elevated muscle catabolism is accomplished through upregulation of the ubiquitin-proteasome-proteolytic pathway. Furthermore, both EPA and CV -6504 have shown anti-cachectic properties, which could be used in the future for the treatment of cancer cachexia and other similar catabolic conditions.


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A protein-mobilising factor of estimated molecular weight 24 KDa (p24) was purified both from the cachexia-inducing MAC 16 tumour and the urine of cachectic cancer patients by a combination of ammonium sulphate precipitation and affinity chromatography using a monoclonal antibody developed against the murine material. Administration of p24 to non tumour-bearing mice caused a decrease in body weight 24 h after the first injection, which was attenuated by prior treatment with the monoclonal antibody. Loss of body weight was accompanied by an accelerated loss of skeletal muscle protein, as determined by the release of tyrosine from this tissue. This was associated with an increased release of PGE2 and both protein degradation and PGE2 release were attenuated by the monoclonal antibody. Loss of protein mass arose from both a decrease in the rate of protein synthesis and an elevation of protein breakdown; the latter due to an activation of the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic system. In isolated muscle, p24 was capable of promoting protein breakdown and this was also associated with increased PGE2 levels. Both tyrosine and PGE2 release, were inhibited by PGE2 inhibitors and a specific inhibitor of cPLA2. When added to muscle cells in culture, p24 caused an elevation in the rates of total and myofibrillar protein breakdown and a depression in the rate of protein synthesis which was inhabitable by short-term incubation in insulin, suggesting that p24 may inhibit protein synthesis by causing an arrest in the translational process.


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Background - Carbon monoxide, the gaseous product of heme oxygenase, is a signalling molecule with a broad spectrum of biological activities. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of carbon monoxide on proliferation of human pancreatic cancer. Methods - In vitro studies were performed on human pancreatic cancer cells (CAPAN-2, BxPc3, and PaTu-8902) treated with a carbon monoxide-releasing molecule or its inactive counterpart, or exposed to carbon monoxide gas (500 ppm/24 h). For in vivo studies, pancreatic cancer cells (CAPAN-2/PaTu-8902) were xenotransplanted subcutaneously into athymic mice, subsequently treated with carbon monoxide-releasing molecule (35 mg/kg b.w. i.p./day), or exposed to safe doses of carbon monoxide (500 ppm 1 h/day; n = 6 in each group). Results - Both carbon monoxide-releasing molecule and carbon monoxide exposure significantly inhibited proliferation of human pancreatic cancer cells (p < 0.05). A substantial decrease in Akt phosphorylation was observed in carbon monoxide-releasing molecule compared with inactive carbon monoxide-releasing molecule treated cancer cells (by 30–50%, p < 0.05). Simultaneously, carbon monoxide-releasing molecule and carbon monoxide exposure inhibited tumour proliferation and microvascular density of xenotransplanted tumours (p < 0.01), and doubled the survival rates (p < 0.005). Exposure of mice to carbon monoxide led to an almost 3-fold increase in carbon monoxide content in tumour tissues (p = 0.006). Conclusion - These data suggest a new biological function for carbon monoxide in carcinogenesis, and point to the potential chemotherapeutic/chemoadjuvant use of carbon monoxide in pancreatic cancer.


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Background: Carbon monoxide, the gaseous product of heme oxygenase, is a signalling molecule with a broad spectrum of biological activities. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of carbon monoxide on proliferation of human pancreatic cancer. Methods: In vitro studies were performed on human pancreatic cancer cells (CAPAN-2, BxPc3, and PaTu-8902) treated with a carbon monoxide-releasing molecule or its inactive counterpart, or exposed to carbon monoxide gas (500. ppm/24. h). For in vivo studies, pancreatic cancer cells (CAPAN-2/PaTu-8902) were xenotransplanted subcutaneously into athymic mice, subsequently treated with carbon monoxide-releasing molecule (35. mg/kg b.w. i.p./day), or exposed to safe doses of carbon monoxide (500. ppm 1. h/day; n=. 6 in each group). Results: Both carbon monoxide-releasing molecule and carbon monoxide exposure significantly inhibited proliferation of human pancreatic cancer cells (p<0.05). A substantial decrease in Akt phosphorylation was observed in carbon monoxide-releasing molecule compared with inactive carbon monoxide-releasing molecule treated cancer cells (by 30-50%, p<. 0.05). Simultaneously, carbon monoxide-releasing molecule and carbon monoxide exposure inhibited tumour proliferation and microvascular density of xenotransplanted tumours (p<0.01), and doubled the survival rates (p<0.005). Exposure of mice to carbon monoxide led to an almost 3-fold increase in carbon monoxide content in tumour tissues (p=0.006). Conclusion: These data suggest a new biological function for carbon monoxide in carcinogenesis, and point to the potential chemotherapeutic/chemoadjuvant use of carbon monoxide in pancreatic cancer. © 2013 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l.


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In health care, as in much of the public sphere, the voluntary sector is playing an increasingly large role in the funding, provision and delivery of services and nowhere is this more apparent than in cancer care. Simultaneously the growth of privatisation, marketisation and consumerism has engendered a rise in the promotion of 'user involvement' in health care. These changes in the organisation and delivery of health care, in part inspired by the 'Third Way' and the promotion of public and citizen participation, are particularly apparent in the British National Health Service. This paper presents initial findings from a three-year study of user involvement in cancer services. Using both case study and survey data, we explore the variation in the definition, aims, usefulness and mechanisms for involving users in the evaluation and development of cancer services across three Health Authorities in South West England. The findings have important implications for understanding shifts in power, autonomy and responsibility between patients, carers, clinicians and health service managers. The absence of any common definition of user involvement or its purpose underlines the limited trust between the different actors in the system and highlights the potentially negative impact of a Third Way health service.


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This book provides a clear approach to establishing a user involvement system in a healthcare organisation and its potential impact on cancer services. Using a tool kit style approach, drawing on examples of successful past projects and case studies to provide evidence of good practice, it describes how to plan and implement different stages of user involvement, enabling organisations to draw on user experience and expertise to evaluate, develop and improve the quality of service that they provide. Members of regional cancer networks, multidisciplinary cancer care teams, and all those involved in the NHS cancer services will find this toolkit interesting reading.


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The optical redox ratio as a measure of cellular metabolism is determined by an altered ratio between endogenous fluorophores NADH and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD). Although reported for other cancer sites, differences in optical redox ratio between cancerous and normal urothelial cells have not previously been reported. Here, we report a method for the detection of cellular metabolic states using flow cytometry based on autofluorescence, and a statistically significant increase in the redox ratio of bladder cancer cells compared to healthy controls. Urinary bladder cancer and normal healthy urothelial cell lines were cultured and redox overview was assessed using flow cytometry. Further localisation of fluorescence in the same cells was carried out using confocal microscopy. Multiple experiments show correlation between cell type and redox ratio, clearly differentiating between healthy cells and cancer cells. Based on our preliminary results, therefore, we believe that this data contributes to current understanding of bladder tissue fluorescence and can inform the design of endoscopic probes. This approach also has significant potential as a diagnostic tool for discrimination of cancer cells among shed urothelial cells in voided urine, and could lay the groundwork for an automated system for population screening for bladder cancer.


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Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are initiating cells in colorectal cancer (CRC). Colorectal tumours undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)-like processes at the invasive front, enabling invasion and metastasis, and recent studies have linked this process to the acquisition of stem cell-like properties. It is of fundamental importance to understand the molecular events leading to the establishment of cancer initiating cells and how these mechanisms relate to cellular transitions during tumourigenesis. We use an in vitro system to recapitulate changes in CRC cells at the invasive front (mesenchymal-like cells) and central mass (epithelial-like cells) of tumours. We show that the mesoderm inducer BRACHYURY is expressed in a subpopulation of CRC cells that resemble invasive front mesenchymal-like cells, where it acts to impose characteristics of CSCs in a fully reversible manner, suggesting reversible formation and modulation of such cells. BRACHYURY, itself regulated by the oncogene β-catenin, influences NANOG and other 'stemness' markers including a panel of markers defining CRC-CSC whose presence has been linked to poor patient prognosis. Similar regulation of NANOG through BRACHYURY was observed in other cells lines, suggesting this might be a pathway common to cancer cells undergoing mesenchymal transition. We suggest that BRACHYURY may regulate NANOG in mesenchymal-like CRC cells to impose a 'plastic-state', allowing competence of cells to respond to signals prompting invasion or metastasis. Copyright © 2011 UICC.


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Bladder cancer is among the most common cancers in the UK and conventional detection techniques suffer from low sensitivity, low specificity, or both. Recent attempts to address the disparity have led to progress in the field of autofluorescence as a means to diagnose the disease with high efficiency, however there is still a lot not known about autofluorescence profiles in the disease. The multi-functional diagnostic system "LAKK-M" was used to assess autofluorescence profiles of healthy and cancerous bladder tissue to identify novel biomarkers of the disease. Statistically significant differences were observed in the optical redox ratio (a measure of tissue metabolic activity), the amplitude of endogenous porphyrins and the NADH/porphyrin ratio between tissue types. These findings could advance understanding of bladder cancer and aid in the development of new techniques for detection and surveillance.