18 resultados para Diesel Exhaust

em Aston University Research Archive


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De-inking sludge can be converted into useful forms of energy to provide economic and environmental benefits. In this study, pyrolysis oil produced from de-inking sludge through an intermediate pyrolysis technique was blended with biodiesel derived from waste cooking oil, and tested in a multi-cylinder indirect injection type CI engine. The physical and chemical properties of pyrolysis oil and its blends (20 and 30 vol.%) were measured and compared with those of fossil diesel and pure biodiesel (B100). Full engine power was achieved with both blends, and very little difference in engine performance and emission results were observed between 20% and 30% blends. At full engine load, the brake specific fuel consumption on a volume basis was around 6% higher for the blends when compared to fossil diesel. The brake thermal efficiencies were about 3-6% lower than biodiesel and were similar to fossil diesel. Exhaust gas emissions of the blends contained 4% higher CO2 and 6-12% lower NOx, as compared to fossil diesel. At full load, CO emissions of the blends were decreased by 5-10 times. The cylinder gas pressure diagram showed stable engine operation with the 20% blend, but indicated minor knocking with 30% blend. Peak cylinder pressure of the 30% blend was about 5-6% higher compared to fossil diesel. At full load, the peak burn rate of combustion from the 30% blend was about 26% and 12% higher than fossil diesel and biodiesel respectively. In comparison to fossil diesel the combustion duration was decreased for both blends; for 30% blend at full load, the duration was almost 12% lower. The study concludes that up to 20% blend of de-inking sludge pyrolysis oil with biodiesel can be used in an indirect injection CI engine without adding any ignition additives or surfactants.


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The replacement of diesel fuel by ultra-carbofluids was perceived to offer the potential to decrease the emissions of environmental pollutants such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons (HC's) and smoke. Such ultracarbofluids consist of a suspension of coal in fuel oil and water generally in the ratio of 5: 3: 2 plus a small amount of stabilising additive. The literature relating to the economies of coal and fuel oil production, and the production and properties of charcoal and vegetable oils has been critically reviewed. The potential use of charcoal and vegetable oils as replacements for coal and fuel oil are discussed. An experimental investigation was undertaken using novel bio-ultracarbofluid formulations. These differed from an ultracarbofluid by having bio-renewable charcoal and vegetable oil in place of coal and fuel oil. Tests were made with a Lister-Petter 600cc 2-cylinder, 4-stroke diesel engine fitted with a Heenan-Froude DPX 1 water brake dynamometer to measure brake power output, and Mexa-321E and Mexa-211E analysers to measure exhaust pollutants. Measurements were made of engine brake power output, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and smoke emissions over the speed range 1000 to 3000 rpm at 200 rpm intervals. The results were compared with those obtained with a standard diesel reference fuel. All the bio-ultracarbofluid formulations produced lower brake power outputs (i.e. 5.6% to 20.7% less brake power) but substantially improved exhaust emissions of CO2, CO, HC's and smoke. The major factor in the formulation was found to be the type and amount of charcoal; charcoal with a high volatile content (27.2%) and present at 30% by mass yielded the best results, i.e. only slightly lower brake power output and significantly lower exhaust pollutants.


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Renewable alternatives such as biofuels and optimisation of the engine operating parameters can enhance engine performance and reduce emissions. The temperature of the engine coolant is known to have significant influence on engine performance and emissions. Whereas much existing literature describes the effects of coolant temperature in engines using fossil derived fuels, very few studies have investigated these effects when biofuel is used as an alternative fuel. Jatropha oil is a non-edible biofuel which can substitute fossil diesel for compression ignition (CI) engine use. However, due to the high viscosity of Jatropha oil, technique such as transesterification, preheating the oil, mixing with other fuel is recommended for improved combustion and reduced emissions. In this study, Jatropha oil was blended separately with ethanol and butanol, at ratios of 80:20 and 70:30. The fuel properties of all four blends were measured and compared with diesel and jatropha oil. It was found that the 80% jatropha oil + 20% butanol blend was the most suitable alternative, as its properties were closest to that of diesel. A 2 cylinder Yanmar engine was used; the cooling water temperature was varied between 50°C and 95°C. In general, it was found that when the temperature of the cooling water was increased, the combustion process enhanced for both diesel and Jatropha-Butanol blend. The CO2 emissions for both diesel and biofuel blend were observed to increase with temperature. As a result CO, O2 and lambda values were observed to decrease when cooling water temperature increased. When the engine was operated using diesel, NOX emissions correlated in an opposite manner to smoke opacity; however, when the biofuel blend was used, NOX emissions and smoke opacity correlated in an identical manner. The brake thermal efficiencies were found to increase slightly as the temperature was increased. In contrast, for all fuels, the volumetric efficiency was observed to decrease as the coolant temperature was increased. Brake specific fuel consumption was observed to decrease as the temperature was increased and was higher on average when the biofuel was used, in comparison to diesel. The study concludes that the effects of engine coolant temperature on engine performance and emission characteristics differ between biofuel blend and fossil diesel operation. The coolant temperature needs to be optimised depending on the type of biofuel for optimum engine performance and reduced emissions.


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This paper studies the characteristics of blends of biodiesel and a new type of SSPO (sewage sludge derived intermediate pyrolysis oil) in various ratios, and evaluates the application of such blends in an unmodified Lister diesel engine. The engine performance and exhaust emissions were investigated and compared to those of diesel and biodiesel. The engine injectors were inspected and tested after the experiment. The SSPO-biodiesel blends were found to have comparable heating values to biodiesel, but relatively high acidity and carbon residue. The diesel engine has operated with a 30/70 SSPO-biodiesel blend and a 50/50 blend for up to 10h and there was no apparent deterioration in operation observed. It is concluded that with 30% SSPO, the engine gives better overall performance and fuel consumption than with 50% SSPO. The exhaust temperatures of 30% SSPO and 50% SSPO are similar, but 30% SSPO gives relatively lower NO emission than 50% SSPO. The CO and smoke emissions are lower with 50% SSPO than with 30% SSPO. The injectors of the engine operated with SSPO blends were found to have heavy carbon deposition and noticeably reduced opening pressure, which may lead to deteriorated engine performance and exhaust emissions in extended operation. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The twin goals of low and efficient fuel use and minimum emissions are increasingly being addressed by research in both the motor and the catalyst industries of the world. This study was designed to attempt to investigate these goals. For diesel engine vehicles, this can be achieved by improving the efficiency of the fuel combustion in the combustion chamber. By having a suitable oxidation catalyst in the fuel one would expect the efficiency of the fuel combustion to be increased and fewer partial oxidation products to be formed. Also by placing a catalyst converter in the exhaust system partial oxidation products may be converted to more desirable final products. Finally, in this research the net catalytic effect of using an additive treated fuel and a blank ceramic monolith to trap the metal in the exhaust gases for potential use as catalytic converter was investigated. Suitable metal additives must yield a stable solution in the fuel tank. That is, they should not react with the air, water and rust that are always present. The research was targeted on the synthesis of hydrocarbon-soluble complexes that might exhibit unusually slow rates of ligand substitution. For materials containing metal ions, these properties are best met by using multi-dentate ligands that form neutral complexes. Metal complexes have been synthesised using acetylacetone derivatives, schiff base ligands and macrocyclic polyamine ligands, as potential pro-oxidant additives. Their thermal stabilities were also investigated using a differential thermal analysis instrument. The complexes were then investigated as potential additives for use in diesel fuel. The tests were conducted under controlled conditions using a diesel combustion bomb simulating the combustion process in the D.I. diesel engine, a test bed engine, and a vehicle engine.


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The research objectives were:- 1.To review the literature to establish the factors which have traditionally been regarded as most crucial to the design of effectlve exhaust ventilation systems. 2. To design, construct, install and calibrate a wind tunnel. 3. To develop procedures for air velocity measurement followed by a comprehensive programme of aerodvnamic data collection and data analysis for a variety of conditions. The major research findings were:- a) The literature in the subject is inadequate. There is a particular need for a much greater understanding of the aerodynamics of the suction flow field. b) The discrepancies between the experimentally observed centre-line velocities and those predicted by conventional formulae are unacceptably large. c) There was little agreement between theoretically calculated and observed velocities in the suction zone of captor hoods. d) Improved empirical formulae for the prediction of centre-line velocity applicable to the classical geometrically shaped suction openings and the flanged condition could be (and were) derived. Further analysis of data revealed that: - i) Point velocity is directly proportional to the suction. flow rate and the ratio of the point velocity to the average face velocity is constant. ii) Both shape, and size of the suction opening are significant factors as the coordinates of their points govern the extent of the effect of the suction flow field. iii) The hypothetical ellipsoidal potential function and hyperbolic streamlines were found experimentally to be correct. iv) The effect of guide plates depends on the size, shape and the angle of fitting. The effect was to very approximately double the suction velocity but the exact effect is difficult to predict. v) The axially symmetric openings produce practically symmetric flow fields. Similarity of connection pieces between the suction opening and the main duct in each case is essential in order to induce a similar suction flow field. Additionally a pilot study was made in which an artificial extraneous air flow was created, measured and its interaction with the suction flow field measured and represented graphically.


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A comprehensive survey of industrial sites and heat recovery products revealed gaps between equipment that was required and that which was available. Two heat recovery products were developed to fill those gaps: a gas-to-gas modular heat recovery unit; a gas-to-liquid exhaust gas heat exchanger. The former provided an entire heat recovery system in one unit. It was specifically designed to overcome the problems associated with existing component system of large design commitment, extensive installation and incompatibility between parts. The unit was intended to recover heat from multiple waste gas sources and, in particular, from baking ovens. A survey of the baking industry defined typical waste gas temperatures and flow rates, around which the unit was designed. The second unit was designed to recover heat from the exhaust gases of small diesel engines. The developed unit differed from existing designs by having a negligible effect on engine performance. In marketing terms these products are conceptual opposites. The first, a 'product-push' product generated from site and product surveys, required marketing following design. The second, a 'market-pull' product, resulted from a specific user need; this had a captive market and did not require marketing. Here marketing was replaced by commercial aspects including the protection of ideas, contracting, tendering and insurance requirements. These two product development routes are compared and contrasted. As a general conclusion this work suggests that it can be beneficial for small companies (as was the sponsor of this project) to undertake projects of the market-pull type. Generally they have a higher probability of success and are less capital intensive than their product-push counterparts. Development revealed shortcomings in three other fields: British Standards governing heat exchangers; financial assessment of energy saving schemes; degree day procedure of calculating energy savings. Methods are proposed to overcome these shortcomings.


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As an alternative fuel for compression ignition engines, plant oils are in principle renewable and carbon-neutral. However, their use raises technical, economic and environmental issues. A comprehensive and up-to-date technical review of using both edible and non-edible plant oils (either pure or as blends with fossil diesel) in CI engines, based on comparisons with standard diesel fuel, has been carried out. The properties of several plant oils, and the results of engine tests using them, are reviewed based on the literature. Findings regarding engine performance, exhaust emissions and engine durability are collated. The causes of technical problems arising from the use of various oils are discussed, as are the modifications to oil and engine employed to alleviate these problems. The review shows that a number of plant oils can be used satisfactorily in CI engines, without transesterification, by preheating the oil and/or modifying the engine parameters and the maintenance schedule. As regards life-cycle energy and greenhouse gas emission analyses, these reveal considerable advantages of raw plant oils over fossil diesel and biodiesel. Typical results show that the life-cycle output-to-input energy ratio of raw plant oil is around 6 times higher than fossil diesel. Depending on either primary energy or fossil energy requirements, the life-cycle energy ratio of raw plant oil is in the range of 2–6 times higher than corresponding biodiesel. Moreover, raw plant oil has the highest potential of reducing life-cycle GHG emissions as compared to biodiesel and fossil diesel.


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This paper studies the characteristics of intermediate pyrolysis oils derived from sewage sludge and de-inking sludge (a paper industry residue), with a view to their use as fuels in a diesel engine. The feedstocks were dried and pelletised, then pyrolysed in the Pyroformer intermediate pyrolysis system. The organic fraction of the oils was separated from the aqueous phase and characterised. This included elemental and compositional analysis, heating value, cetane index, density, viscosity, surface tension, flash point, total acid number, lubricity, copper corrosion, water, carbon residue and ash content. Most of these results are compared with commercial diesel and biodiesel. Both pyrolysis oils have high carbon and hydrogen contents and their higher heating values compare well with biodiesel. The water content of the pyrolysis oils is reasonable and the flash point is found to be high. Both pyrolysis oils have good lubricity, but show some corrosiveness. Cetane index is reduced, which may influence ignition. Also viscosity is increased, which may influence atomisation quality. Carbon residue and ash content are both high, indicating potential deposition problems. Compared with de-inking sludge pyrolysis oil (DSPO), sewage sludge pyrolysis oil (SSPO) has a higher heating value, but higher corrosiveness and viscosity. The conclusions are that both intermediate pyrolysis oils will be able to provide sufficient heat when used in diesel engine; however poor combustion and carbon deposition may be encountered. Blending of these pyrolysis oils with diesel or biodiesel could overcome these problems and is recommended for further investigation.


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Liquids and gases produced through biomass pyrolysis have potential as renewable fuels to replace fossil fuels in conventional internal combustion engines. This review compares the properties of pyrolysis fuels, produced from a variety of feedstocks and using different pyrolysis techniques, against those of fossil fuels. High acidity, the presence of solid particles, high water content, high viscosity, storage and thermal instability, and low energy content are typical characteristics of pyrolysis liquids. A survey of combustion, performance and exhaust emission results from the use of pyrolysis liquids (both crude and up-graded) in compression ignition engines is presented. With only a few exceptions, most authors have reported difficulties associated with the adverse properties of pyrolysis liquids, including: corrosion and clogging of the injectors, long ignition delay and short combustion duration, difficulty in engine start-up, unstable operation, coking of the piston and cylinders and subsequent engine seizure. Pyrolysis gas can be used more readily, either in spark ignition or compression ignition engines; however, NO reduction techniques are desirable. Various approaches to improve the properties of pyrolysis liquids are discussed and a comparison of the properties of up-graded vs. crude pyrolysis liquid is included. Further developments in up-gradation techniques, such as hydrocracking and bio-refinery approaches, could lead to the production of green diesel and green gasoline. Modifications required to engines for use with pyrolysis liquids, for example in the fuel supply and injection systems, are discussed. Storage stability and economic issues are also reviewed. Our study presents recent progress and important R&D areas for successful future use of pyrolysis fuels in internal combustion engines.


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We describe a polygeneration system that can run on neat plant oils, such as Jatropha and Pongamia, or standard diesel fuel. A prototype has been constructed using a compression ignition engine of 9.9 kW shaft output. It consumes 3 L/h of fuel and will produce 40 kg/h of ice by means of an adsorption refrigerator powered from the engine jacket heat. Steaming of rice, deep and shallow frying, and other types of food preparation heated by the exhaust gas have been demonstrated. In addition, the feasibility of producing distilled water by means of multiple-effect distillation powered by the engine waste heat is shown. Overall plant efficiency and potential savings in greenhouse gas emissions are discussed. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Digestate from the anaerobic digestion conversion process is widely used as a farm land fertiliser. This study proposes an alternative use as a source of energy. Dried digestate was pyrolysed and the resulting oil was blended with waste cooking oil and butanol (10, 20 and 30 vol.%). The physical and chemical properties of the pyrolysis oil blends were measured and compared with pure fossil diesel and waste cooking oil. The blends were tested in a multi-cylinder indirect injection compression ignition engine.Engine combustion, exhaust gas emissions and performance parameters were measured and compared with pure fossil diesel operation. The ASTM copper corrosion values for 20% and 30% pyrolysis blends were 2c, compared to 1b for fossil diesel. The kinematic viscosities of the blends at 40 C were 5–7 times higher than that of fossil diesel. Digested pyrolysis oil blends produced lower in-cylinder peak pressures than fossil diesel and waste cooking oil operation. The maximum heat release rates of the blends were approximately 8% higher than with fossil diesel. The ignition delay periods of the blends were higher; pyrolysis oil blends started to combust late and once combustion started burnt quicker than fossil diesel. The total burning duration of the 20% and 30% blends were decreased by 12% and 3% compared to fossil diesel. At full engine load, the brake thermal efficiencies of the blends were decreased by about 3–7% when compared to fossil diesel. The pyrolysis blends gave lower smoke levels; at full engine load, smoke level of the 20% blend was 44% lower than fossil diesel. In comparison to fossil diesel and at full load, the brake specific fuel consumption (wt.) of the 30% and 20% blends were approximately 32% and 15% higher. At full engine load, the CO emission of the 20% and 30% blends were decreased by 39% and 66% with respect to the fossil diesel. Blends CO2 emissions were similar to that of fossil diesel; at full engine load, 30% blend produced approximately 5% higher CO2 emission than fossil diesel. The study concludes that on the basis of short term engine experiment up to 30% blend of pyrolysis oil from digestate of arable crops can be used in a compression ignition engine.