12 resultados para Diagonal cumulation
em Aston University Research Archive
Spectral and coherence methodologies are ubiquitous for the analysis of multiple time series. Partial coherence analysis may be used to try to determine graphical models for brain functional connectivity. The outcome of such an analysis may be considerably influenced by factors such as the degree of spectral smoothing, line and interference removal, matrix inversion stabilization and the suppression of effects caused by side-lobe leakage, the combination of results from different epochs and people, and multiple hypothesis testing. This paper examines each of these steps in turn and provides a possible path which produces relatively ‘clean’ connectivity plots. In particular we show how spectral matrix diagonal up-weighting can simultaneously stabilize spectral matrix inversion and reduce effects caused by side-lobe leakage, and use the stepdown multiple hypothesis test procedure to help formulate an interaction strength.
The convergence on the Big Five in personality theory has produced a demand for efficient yet psychometrically sound measures. Therefore, five single-item measures, using bipolar response scales, were constructed to measure the Big Five and evaluated in terms of their convergent and off-diagonal divergent properties, their pattern of criterion correlations and their reliability when compared with four longer Big Five measures. In a combined sample (N?=?791) the Single-Item Measures of Personality (SIMP) demonstrated a mean convergence of r?=?0.61 with the longer scales. The SIMP also demonstrated acceptable reliability, self–other accuracy, and divergent correlations, and a closely similar pattern of criterion correlations when compared with the longer scales. It is concluded that the SIMP offer a reasonable alternative to longer scales, balancing the demands of brevity versus reliability and validity.
The wire drive pulse-echo system has been extensively used to excite and measure modes of vibration of thin rectangular plates. The frequency spectra of different modes have been investigated as a function of the material elastic moduli and the plate geometry. Most of the work was carried out on isotropic materials. For square plates a wide selection of materials were used. These were made isotropic in their in-plane dimensions where the displacements are taking place. The range of rnaterials enabled the dependence on Poisson's ratio to be investigated. A method of determining the value of Poisson's ratio resulted from this investigation. Certain modes are controlled principally by the shear modulus. Of these the fundamental has two nodal lines across the plate surface. One of them, which has nodes at the corners, (the Lame mode) is uniquely a pure shear mode where the diagonal is a full wave length. One controlled by the Young's modulus has been found. The precise harmonic relationship of the Lame mode series in square and rectangular plates was established. Use of the Rayleigh-Lamb equation has extended the theoretical support. The low order modes were followed over a wide range of sides ratios. Two fundamental types of modes have been recognised; These are the longitudinal modes where the frequency is controlled by the length of the plate only and the 2~f product has an asymptotic value approaching the rod velocity. The other type is the in-plane flexural modes (in effect a flexurally vibrating bar where the -2/w is the geometrical parameter). Where possible the experimental work was related to theory. Other modes controlled by the width dimension of the plate were followed. Anisotropic materials having rolled sheet elastic symmetry were investigated in terms of the appropriate theory. The work has been extended to examine materials from welds in steel plates.
This thesis is concerned with the measurement of the characteristics of nonlinear systems by crosscorrelation, using pseudorandom input signals based on m sequences. The systems are characterised by Volterra series, and analytical expressions relating the rth order Volterra kernel to r-dimensional crosscorrelation measurements are derived. It is shown that the two-dimensional crosscorrelation measurements are related to the corresponding second order kernel values by a set of equations which may be structured into a number of independent subsets. The m sequence properties determine how the maximum order of the subsets for off-diagonal values is related to the upper bound of the arguments for nonzero kernel values. The upper bound of the arguments is used as a performance index, and the performance of antisymmetric pseudorandom binary, ternary and quinary signals is investigated. The performance indices obtained above are small in relation to the periods of the corresponding signals. To achieve higher performance with ternary signals, a method is proposed for combining the estimates of the second order kernel values so that the effects of some of the undesirable nonzero values in the fourth order autocorrelation function of the input signal are removed. The identification of the dynamics of two-input, single-output systems with multiplicative nonlinearity is investigated. It is shown that the characteristics of such a system may be determined by crosscorrelation experiments using phase-shifted versions of a common signal as inputs. The effects of nonlinearities on the estimates of system weighting functions obtained by crosscorrelation are also investigated. Results obtained by correlation testing of an industrial process are presented, and the differences between theoretical and experimental results discussed for this case;
The assessment of the reliability of systems which learn from data is a key issue to investigate thoroughly before the actual application of information processing techniques to real-world problems. Over the recent years Gaussian processes and Bayesian neural networks have come to the fore and in this thesis their generalisation capabilities are analysed from theoretical and empirical perspectives. Upper and lower bounds on the learning curve of Gaussian processes are investigated in order to estimate the amount of data required to guarantee a certain level of generalisation performance. In this thesis we analyse the effects on the bounds and the learning curve induced by the smoothness of stochastic processes described by four different covariance functions. We also explain the early, linearly-decreasing behaviour of the curves and we investigate the asymptotic behaviour of the upper bounds. The effect of the noise and the characteristic lengthscale of the stochastic process on the tightness of the bounds are also discussed. The analysis is supported by several numerical simulations. The generalisation error of a Gaussian process is affected by the dimension of the input vector and may be decreased by input-variable reduction techniques. In conventional approaches to Gaussian process regression, the positive definite matrix estimating the distance between input points is often taken diagonal. In this thesis we show that a general distance matrix is able to estimate the effective dimensionality of the regression problem as well as to discover the linear transformation from the manifest variables to the hidden-feature space, with a significant reduction of the input dimension. Numerical simulations confirm the significant superiority of the general distance matrix with respect to the diagonal one.In the thesis we also present an empirical investigation of the generalisation errors of neural networks trained by two Bayesian algorithms, the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method and the evidence framework; the neural networks have been trained on the task of labelling segmented outdoor images.
Methods of dynamic modelling and analysis of structures, for example the finite element method, are well developed. However, it is generally agreed that accurate modelling of complex structures is difficult and for critical applications it is necessary to validate or update the theoretical models using data measured from actual structures. The techniques of identifying the parameters of linear dynamic models using Vibration test data have attracted considerable interest recently. However, no method has received a general acceptance due to a number of difficulties. These difficulties are mainly due to (i) Incomplete number of Vibration modes that can be excited and measured, (ii) Incomplete number of coordinates that can be measured, (iii) Inaccuracy in the experimental data (iv) Inaccuracy in the model structure. This thesis reports on a new approach to update the parameters of a finite element model as well as a lumped parameter model with a diagonal mass matrix. The structure and its theoretical model are equally perturbed by adding mass or stiffness and the incomplete number of eigen-data is measured. The parameters are then identified by an iterative updating of the initial estimates, by sensitivity analysis, using eigenvalues or both eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the structure before and after perturbation. It is shown that with a suitable choice of the perturbing coordinates exact parameters can be identified if the data and the model structure are exact. The theoretical basis of the technique is presented. To cope with measurement errors and possible inaccuracies in the model structure, a well known Bayesian approach is used to minimize the least squares difference between the updated and the initial parameters. The eigen-data of the structure with added mass or stiffness is also determined using the frequency response data of the unmodified structure by a structural modification technique. Thus, mass or stiffness do not have to be added physically. The mass-stiffness addition technique is demonstrated by simulation examples and Laboratory experiments on beams and an H-frame.
This thesis is concerned with exact solutions of Einstein's field equations of general relativity, in particular, when the source of the gravitational field is a perfect fluid with a purely electric Weyl tensor. General relativity, cosmology and computer algebra are discussed briefly. A mathematical introduction to Riemannian geometry and the tetrad formalism is then given. This is followed by a review of some previous results and known solutions concerning purely electric perfect fluids. In addition, some orthonormal and null tetrad equations of the Ricci and Bianchi identities are displayed in a form suitable for investigating these space-times. Conformally flat perfect fluids are characterised by the vanishing of the Weyl tensor and form a sub-class of the purely electric fields in which all solutions are known (Stephani 1967). The number of Killing vectors in these space-times is investigated and results presented for the non-expanding space-times. The existence of stationary fields that may also admit 0, 1 or 3 spacelike Killing vectors is demonstrated. Shear-free fluids in the class under consideration are shown to be either non-expanding or irrotational (Collins 1984) using both orthonormal and null tetrads. A discrepancy between Collins (1984) and Wolf (1986) is resolved by explicitly solving the field equations to prove that the only purely electric, shear-free, geodesic but rotating perfect fluid is the Godel (1949) solution. The irrotational fluids with shear are then studied and solutions due to Szafron (1977) and Allnutt (1982) are characterised. The metric is simplified in several cases where new solutions may be found. The geodesic space-times in this class and all Bianchi type 1 perfect fluid metrics are shown to have a metric expressible in a diagonal form. The position of spherically symmetric and Bianchi type 1 space-times in relation to the general case is also illustrated.
PURPOSE. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential of the portable Grand Seiko FR-5000 autorefractor to allow objective, continuous, open-field measurement of accommodation and pupil size for the investigation of the visual response to real-world environments and changes in the optical components of the eye. METHODS. The FR-5000 projects a pair of infrared horizontal and vertical lines on either side of fixation, analyzing the separation of the bars in the reflected image. The measurement bars were turned on permanently and the video output of the FR-5000 fed into a PC for real-time analysis. The calibration between infrared bar separation and the refractive error was assessed over a range of 10.0 D with a model eye. Tolerance to longitudinal instrument head shift was investigated over a ±15 mm range and to eye alignment away from the visual axis over eccentricities up to 25.0°. The minimum pupil size for measurement was determined with a model eye. RESULTS. The separation of the measurement bars changed linearly (r = 0.99), allowing continuous online analysis of the refractive state at 60 Hz temporal and approximately 0.01 D system resolution with pupils >2 mm. The pupil edge could be analyzed on the diagonal axes at the same rate with a system resolution of approximately 0.05 mm. The measurement of accommodation and pupil size were affected by eccentricity of viewing and instrument focusing inaccuracies. CONCLUSIONS. The small size of the instrument together with its resolution and temporal properties and ability to measure through a 2 mm pupil make it useful for the measurement of dynamic accommodation and pupil responses in confined environments, although good eye alignment is important. Copyright © 2006 American Academy of Optometry.
The internal optics of the recent models of the Shin-Nippon SRW-5000 autorefractor (also marketed as the Grand Seiko WV-500) have been modified by the manufacturer so that the infrared measurement ring has been replaced by pairs of horizontal and vertical infrared bars, on either side of fixation. The binocular, open field-of-view, allowing the accommodative state to be objectively monitored while a natural environment is viewed, has made the SRW-5000 a valuable tool in further understanding the nature of the oculomotor response. It is shown that the root-mean-square of model eye measures was least (0.017 ± 0.002D) when the separation of the horizontal measurement bars were averaged twice. The separation of the horizontal bars changes by 3.59 pixels/dioptre (r2 = 0.99), allowing continuous on-line analysis of the refractive state at up to 60 Hz temporal resolution to an accuracy of <0.001D, with pupils >3 mm. The pupil edge is not obscured in the diagonal axis by the measurement bars, unlike the ring of the original optics, so in the newer model pupil size can be measured simultaneously at the same rate with a resolution of <0.001 mm. The measurements of accommodation and pupil size are relatively unaffected by eccentricity of viewing up to ±10° from the visual axis and instrument focusing inaccuracies over a range of 10 mm towards the eye and 5 mm away from the eye. The resolution and temporal properties of the analysis are therefore ideal for the simultaneous measurement of dynamic accommodation and pupil responses. © 2004 The College of Optometrists.
Anisotropic characterization of crack growth in the tertiary flow of asphalt mixtures in compression
Asphalt mixtures exhibit primary, secondary, and tertiary stages in sequence during a rutting deterioration. Many field asphalt pavements are still in service even when the asphalt layer is in the tertiary stage, and rehabilitation is not performed until a significant amount of rutting accompanied by numerous macrocracks is observed. The objective of this study was to provide a mechanistic method to model the anisotropic cracking of the asphalt mixtures in compression during the tertiary stage of rutting. Laboratory tests including nondestructive and destructive tests were performed to obtain the viscoelastic and viscofracture properties of the asphalt mixtures. Each of the measured axial and radial total strains in the destructive tests were decomposed into elastic, plastic, viscoelastic, viscoplastic, and viscofracture strains using the pseudostrain method in an extended elastic-viscoelastic correspondence principle. The viscofracture strains are caused by the crack growth, which is primarily signaled by the increase of phase angle in the tertiary flow. The viscofracture properties are characterized using the anisotropic damage densities (i.e., the ratio of the lost area caused by cracks to the original total area in orthogonal directions). Using the decomposed axial and radial viscofracture strains, the axial and radial damage densities were determined by using a dissipated pseudostrain energy balance principle and a geometric analysis of the cracks, respectively. Anisotropic pseudo J-integral Paris' laws in terms of damage densities were used to characterize the evolution of the cracks in compression. The material constants in the Paris' law are determined and found to be highly correlated. These tests, analysis, and modeling were performed on different asphalt mixtures with two binders, two air void contents, and three aging periods. Consistent results were obtained; for instance, a stiffer asphalt mixture is demonstrated to have a higher modulus, a lower phase angle, a greater flow number, and a larger n1 value (exponent of Paris' law). The calculation of the orientation of cracks demonstrates that the asphalt mixture with 4% air voids has a brittle fracture and a splitting crack mode, whereas the asphalt mixture with 7% air voids tends to have a ductile fracture and a diagonal sliding crack mode. Cracks of the asphalt mixtures in compression are inclined to propagate along the direction of the external compressive load. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
The integrability of the nonlinear Schräodinger equation (NLSE) by the inverse scattering transform shown in a seminal work [1] gave an interesting opportunity to treat the corresponding nonlinear channel similar to a linear one by using the nonlinear Fourier transform. Integrability of the NLSE is in the background of the old idea of eigenvalue communications [2] that was resurrected in recent works [3{7]. In [6, 7] the new method for the coherent optical transmission employing the continuous nonlinear spectral data | nonlinear inverse synthesis was introduced. It assumes the modulation and detection of data using directly the continuous part of nonlinear spectrum associated with an integrable transmission channel (the NLSE in the case considered). Although such a transmission method is inherently free from nonlinear impairments, the noisy signal corruptions, arising due to the ampli¯er spontaneous emission, inevitably degrade the optical system performance. We study properties of the noise-corrupted channel model in the nonlinear spectral domain attributed to NLSE. We derive the general stochastic equations governing the signal evolution inside the nonlinear spectral domain and elucidate the properties of the emerging nonlinear spectral noise using well-established methods of perturbation theory based on inverse scattering transform [8]. It is shown that in the presence of small noise the communication channel in the nonlinear domain is the additive Gaussian channel with memory and signal-dependent correlation matrix. We demonstrate that the effective spectral noise acquires colouring", its autocorrelation function becomes slow decaying and non-diagonal as a function of \frequencies", and the noise loses its circular symmetry, becoming elliptically polarized. Then we derive a low bound for the spectral effiency for such a channel. Our main result is that by using the nonlinear spectral techniques one can significantly increase the achievable spectral effiency compared to the currently available methods [9]. REFERENCES 1. Zakharov, V. E. and A. B. Shabat, Sov. Phys. JETP, Vol. 34, 62{69, 1972. 2. Hasegawa, A. and T. Nyu, J. Lightwave Technol., Vol. 11, 395{399, 1993. 3. Yousefi, M. I. and F. R. Kschischang, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, Vol. 60, 4312{4328, 2014. 4. Yousefi, M. I. and F. R. Kschischang, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, Vol. 60, 4329{4345 2014. 5. Yousefi, M. I. and F. R. Kschischang, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, Vol. 60, 4346{4369, 2014. 6. Prilepsky, J. E., S. A. Derevyanko, K. J. Blow, I. Gabitov, and S. K. Turitsyn, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 113, 013901, 2014. 7. Le, S. T., J. E. Prilepsky, and S. K. Turitsyn, Opt. Express, Vol. 22, 26720{26741, 2014. 8. Kaup, D. J. and A. C. Newell, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, Vol. 361, 413{446, 1978. 9. Essiambre, R.-J., G. Kramer, P. J. Winzer, G. J. Foschini, and B. Goebel, J. Lightwave Technol., Vol. 28, 662{701, 2010.
Due to the limitation of the lens effect of the optical fibre and the inhomogeneity of the laser fluence on different cores, it is still challenging to controllably inscribe different fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) in multicore fibres. In this article, we reported the FBG inscription in four core fibres (FCFs), whose cores are arranged in the corners of a square lattice. By investigating the influence of different inscription conditions during inscription, different results, such as simultaneous inscription of all cores, selectively inscription of individual or two cores, and even double scanning in perpendicular core couples by diagonal, are achieved. The phase mask scanning method, consisting of a 244nm Argon-ion frequencydoubled laser, air-bearing linear transfer stage and cylindrical lens and mirror setup, is used to precisely control the grating inscription in FCFs. The influence of three factors is systematically investigated to overcome the limitations, and they are the defocusing length between the cylindrical lens and the bare fibre, the rotation geometry of the fibre to the irritation beam, and the relative position of the fibre in the vertical direction of the laser beam.