50 resultados para Dementia Of The Alzheimer Type
em Aston University Research Archive
The spatial arrangement patterns of senile plaques have been studied in 10 micron cresyl violet stained sections cut from embedded portions of 20 brain regions from SDAT brains. Two studies are reported: an initial study using the Poisson distribution and a subsequent study using pattern analysis. The initial study indicated that plaques are arranged in discrete clumps in all brain regions when examined at x100 and x400 – suggesting that both small and larger scale clumping may be present. The pattern analysis study was applied to 8 cortical regions. This technique allows a more detailed study of pattern to be made. In all regions the technique revealed that the basic pattern of plaque arrangement is the regularly spaced discrete clump – which may be present on both large and small scales.
We have studied the spatial distribution of plaques in coronal and tangential sections of the parahippocampal gyrus (PHG), the hippocampus, the frontal lobe and the temporal lobe of five SDAT patients. Sections were stained with cresyl violet and examined at two magnifications (x100 and x400). in all cases (and at both magnifications) statistical analysis using the Poisson distribution showed that the plaques were arranged in clumps (x100: V/M = 1.48 - 4.49; x400 V/M = 1.17 - 1.95). this indicates that both large scale and small scale clumping occurs. Application of the statistical techniques of pattern analysis to coronal sections of frontal and temporal cortex and PHG showed. furthermore, that both large (3200-6400 micron) and small scale (100 - 400 micron) clumps were arranged with a high degree of regularity in the tissue. This suggests that the clumps of plaques reflect underlying neural structure.
Numerous senile plaques are one of the most characteristic histological findings in SDAT brains. Large classical plaques may develop from smaller uncored forms. There is no strong evidence that, once formed, plaques disappear from the tissue. We have examined cresyl-violet stained sections of the parahippocampal gyrus (PHG), hippocampus, frontal lobe and temporal lobe of five SDAT patients. The frequency of various sizes of plaques were determined in each of these brain regions. Statistical analysis showed that the ratio of large plaques to small plaques was greater in the hippocampal formation (especially the PHG) than in the neocortex. One explanation of these results is that plaques grow more rapidly in the hippocampal formation than elsewhere. Alternatively, if the rate of plaque growth is much the same in different brain regions, the data suggest that plaques develop first in the hippocampal formation (especially the PHG) and only later spread to the neocortex. This interpretation is also consistent with the theory that the neuropathology of SDAT spreads from the olfactory cortex via the hippocampal formation to the neocortex. Further development of this technique may help identify the site of the primary lesion in SDAT.
Are there two distinct populations of cored senile plaques in senile dementia of the Alzheimer type?
The relationship between plaque diameter (PD) and core diameter (CD) was studied in four brains from each of four SDAT brains. The regions studied were parahippocampal gyrus (PHG), hippocampus, frontal and inferior temporal lobes. The largest diameters of 100 cored classical plaques and their cores were measured. CD was positively correlated with PD (Pearson's 'r' 0.4 - 0.95) in all region studied. Significant linear regressions of CD on PD with positive slopes (0.10 - 0.65) were found. Two distinct types of regression were found. Type A had a steep slope and a negative intercept on the ordinate whereas Type B had a shallow slope and a positive intercept. Both types can be found within the same brain but Type A or B predominate in a particular tissue. The data suggest that core development may occur either early or late in the development of the plaque. The two types of plaque may thus have different aetiologies. Such an interpretation is consistent with current ideas of plaque formation.
Tetrahydrobiopterin is the cofactor required for the biosynthesis of the neurotransmitters and neuromodulators dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin. The results show that in SDAT there is decreased conversion of dihydroneopterin triphosphate to tetrahydrobiopterin. Further measurements on strictly age-matched SDAT subjects and controls have confirmed the trends in this investigation.
The objective of this research was to investigate the effects of normal aging and the additional effects of chronic exposure to two experimental diets, one enriched in aluminium, the other enriched in lecithin, on aspects of the behaviour and brain histology of the female mouse. The aluminium diet was administered in an attempt to develop a rodent model of Dementia of the Alzheimer Type (DAT). With normal aging, almost all assessed aspects of behaviour were found to be impaired. As regards cognition, selective impairments of single-trial passive avoidance and Morris place learning were observed. While all aspects of open-field behaviour were impaired, the degree of impairment was directly related to the degree of motoric complexity. Deficits were also observed on non-visual sensorimotor coordination tasks and in olfactory discrimination. Histologically, neuron loss, gliosis, vacuolation and congophilic angiopathy were observed in several of the brain regions/fibre tracts believed to contribute to the control of some of the assessed behaviours. The aluminium treatment had very selective effects on both behaviour and brain histology, inducing several features observed in DAT. Behaviourally, the treatment induced impaired spatial reference memory; reduced ambulation; disturbed olfactory function and induced the premature development of the senile pattern of swimming. Histologically, significant neuron loss and gliosis were observed in the hippocampus, entorhinal cortex, amygdala, medial septum, pyriform and pr-frontal cortex. In addition, the brain distribution of congophilic angiopathy was significantly increased by the treatment. The lecithin treatment had effects on both non-cognitive and cognitive aspects of behaviour. The effects of aging on open-field ambulation and rearing were partially ameliorated by the treatment. A similar effect was observed for single-trial passive avoidance performance. Age-dependent improvements in acquisition/retention were observed in 17-23 month mice and Morris place task performance was improved in 11 and 17 month mice. Histologically, a partial sparing of neurons in the cerebellum, hippocampus, entorhinal cortex and subiculum was observed.
The pattern of senile plaques was investigated in various brain regions of six SDAT brains. In 91 pattern analyses, the regularly spaced clump was the most common pattern found in 64.8% of analyses. Clumping due to large aggregations of uncored plaques in sulci was also common. Regularly spaced clumps were equally common in the hippocampus and neocortex. The pattern of plaques varied in different tissue sections from the same brain region. Cored and uncored plaques presented a similar range of patterns but their pattern varied when they were both present in the same tissue section. Both clump diameter and the intensity of clumping were positively correlated with cored but unrelated to uncored plaque density. Plaques may develop in regular clumps on subcortical afferents and during development of the disease the clumps may spread laterally and ultimately coalesce.
Previous studies in man have shown that following dosing with L--3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) and cotrimoxazole, plasma biopterins were raised. By analogy with dihydropteridine reductase deficient children in whom plasma biopterins are greatly elevated and the observations that these preparations were dihydropteridine reductase inhibitors, it was assumed that these raised plasma levels were due to increased efflux from tissues which resulted in tissue depletion of biopterins. In some human disease states such as senile dementia of the Alzheimer type lowered plasma biopterins were observed; by analogy with tetrahydrobiopterin synthesis deficient children these reduced plasma biopterins were attributed to lowered tetrahydrobiopterin synthesis and concomitant low tissue biopterin levels. Because of ethical considerations it was not possible to measure directly the tissue biopterins changes in either case. The Wistar rat was used as a model for human tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism, since tissues not normally accessible for study in humans, such as the brain and liver, could be examined for their effects on tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism after administration of the various agents. Plasma total biopterins in normal conditions were found to be much higher than in healthy humans. The elevation of plasma total biopterins concentration following the administration of dihydropteridine reductase inhibitors to humans, such as L-DOPA and cotrimoxazole was not observed in the rat. However, the administration of inhibitors of de novo tetrahydrobiopterin biosynthesis, such as diaminohydroxypyrimidine (DAHP) and bromocriptine was shown to decrease plasma biopterins concentration. In general, hepatic biopterins were decreased after administration of both dihydropteridine reductase inhibitors and de novo biosynthesis inhibitors. Drugs which are direct (bromocriptine) or indirect (L-DOPA and Sinemet Plus) agonists at dopamine receptors were investigated and were shown to decrease hepatic total biopterins concentration, but had no effect on brain biopterins. Bromocriptine was demonstrated as a potent inhibitor of de novo tetrahydrobiopterin biosynthesis in vivo and in vitro. Cotrimoxazole decreased brain tetrahydrobiopterin concentration. DAHP was effective in causing hyperphenylalaninaemia due to tetrahydrobiopterin deficiency in the rat. p-hydroxyphenylacetate was shown to be an effective inhibitor of dihydropteridine reductase in vivo. Phenylacetate administration had no observable effect on tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism, but did cause tyrosinaemia. It is proposed that scopolamine reduces tetrahydrobiopterin turnover. Lead and aluminium exposure caused deranged tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism. Aluminium, but not lead decreased brain choline acetyltransferase activity. Phenylalanine loading in normal human subjects was followed by an elevation in plasma biopterins which was not observed after tyrosine loading. Plasma N : B ratios correlated well with VEP latencies after tyrosine loading, but not after phenylalanine loading in healthy subjects. The use of derived pterin measurements as an indicator of tetrahydrobiopterin turnover or tetrahydrofolate status is discussed in the text.
Disturbances of spatial orientation are an early clinical component of senile dementia of the Alzheimer type (SDAT). since it has been suggested that an elevated aluminium intake associated with chronic nutritional deficiencies of calcium and magnesium may play an important role in the aetiology of SDAT, we have investigated the effect of such a dietary regime on the spatial orientation abilities of female C57BL6 mice using the Morris swimming pool test. Statistical analysis of the performances of control and experimental groups indicate that the ability to orientate towards a submerged and thus invisible platform is conistently and markedly impaired in the experimental group. The ability to orientate towards a visible platform is also significantly impaired although to a lesser extent. Analysis of the performances of individual animals demonstrate that this impairment of orientation in the experimental group only occurs in a sub-group of animals: the remainder display normal orientational ability.
The aim of this study was to establish levels of the enzymes involved in tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) metabolism in human and rat brain preparations; to determine whether BH4 metabolism is altered in dementia, particularly in relation to senile dementia of the Alzheimer type (SDAT); and to examine the effect of aluminium on BH4 metabolism. Overall BH4 synthesis and dihydropteridine reductase (DHPR) activity were greater in the locus coeruleus than in the neocortex of elderly subjects. Sepiapterin reductase and DHPR activity showed a linear correlation with age in the temporal cortex. DHPR activity in the frontal cortex was relatively constant until the mid 60s and then fell with age. Overall BH4 synthesis showed a non-significant decline in temporal cortex and was significantly reduced in locus coeruleus preparations from SDAT subjects compared to control subjects. As DHPR, sepiapterin reductase and GTP cyclohydrolase activity were unaltered in SDAT we suggested that there is a lesion on the biosynthetic pathway between dihydroneopterin in triphosphate and BH4 in SDAT, possibly at the level of 6-pyruvoyl tetrahydropterin synthase. DHPR activity and BH4 synthesis capacity were unaltered in temporal cortex preparations from Huntingdon's disease subjects indicating that the defect in BH4 metabolism in SDAT is specific to the disease process and not a secondary consequence of dementia. The implications of altered BH4 metabolism in ageing and dementia are discussed. BH4 metabolism was examined in temporal and frontal cortex preparations from 4 subjects who had received peritoneal dialysis treatment. All patients had elevated serum aluminium levels. The data suggests that aluminium may inhibit DHPR activity in the frontal cortex resulting in diminished BH4 levels in the cells which leads to a compensatory increase in the activity of the biosynthetic pathway. Aluminium reversibly inhibited sepiapterin reductase activity in rat brain preparations but did not alter sepiapterin reductase activity in vivo. Overall BH4 synthesis and OTP cyclohydrolase activity were not affected by aluminium in vitro. The biosynthetic pathway was unaltered in rat brain preparations from animals receiving aluminium orally compared to control animals. DHPR activity was unaltered or increased in rat brain preparations from aluminium treated rats compared to the control group.
Separate physiological mechanisms which respond to spatial and temporal stimulation have been identified in the visual system. Some pathological conditions may selectively affect these mechanisms, offering a unique opportunity to investigate how psychophysical and electrophysiological tests reflect these visual processes, and thus enhance the use of the tests in clinical diagnosis. Amblyopia and optical blur were studied, representing spatial visual defects of neural and optical origin, respectively. Selective defects of the visual pathways were also studied - optic neuritis which affects the optic nerve, and dementia of the Alzheimer type in which the higher association areas are believed to be affected, but the primary projections spared. Seventy control subjects from 10 to 79 years of age were investigated. This provided material for an additional study of the effect of age on the psychophysical and electrophysiological responses. Spatial processing was measured by visual acuity, the contrast sensitivity function, or spatial modulation transfer function (MTF), and the pattern reversal and pattern onset-offset visual evoked potential (VEP). Temporal, or luminance, processing was measured by the de Lange curve, or temporal MTF, and the flash VEP. The pattern VEP was shown to reflect the integrity of the optic nerve, geniculo striate pathway and primary projections, and was related to high temporal frequency processing. The individual components of the flash VEP differed in their characteristics. The results suggested that the P2 component reflects the function of the higher association areas and is related to low temporal frequency processing, while the Pl component reflects the primary projection areas. The combination of a delayed flash P2 component and a normal latency pattern VEP appears to be specific to dementia of the Alzheimer type and represents an important diagnostic test for this condition.