9 resultados para Data-fusion
em Aston University Research Archive
We address the question of how to obtain effective fusion of identification information such that it is robust to the quality of this information. As well as technical issues data fusion is encumbered with a collection of (potentially confusing) practical considerations. These considerations are described during the early chapters in which a framework for data fusion is developed. Following this process of diversification it becomes clear that the original question is not well posed and requires more precise specification. We use the framework to focus on some of the technical issues relevant to the question being addressed. We show that fusion of hard decisions through use of an adaptive version of the maximum a posteriori decision rule yields acceptable performance. Better performance is possible using probability level fusion as long as the probabilities are accurate. Of particular interest is the prevalence of overconfidence and the effect it has on fused performance. The production of accurate probabilities from poor quality data forms the latter part of the thesis. Two approaches are taken. Firstly the probabilities may be moderated at source (either analytically or numerically). Secondly, the probabilities may be transformed at the fusion centre. In each case an improvement in fused performance is demonstrated. We therefore conclude that in order to obtain robust fusion care should be taken to model the probabilities accurately; either at the source or centrally.
Recently within the machine learning and spatial statistics communities many papers have explored the potential of reduced rank representations of the covariance matrix, often referred to as projected or fixed rank approaches. In such methods the covariance function of the posterior process is represented by a reduced rank approximation which is chosen such that there is minimal information loss. In this paper a sequential framework for inference in such projected processes is presented, where the observations are considered one at a time. We introduce a C++ library for carrying out such projected, sequential estimation which adds several novel features. In particular we have incorporated the ability to use a generic observation operator, or sensor model, to permit data fusion. We can also cope with a range of observation error characteristics, including non-Gaussian observation errors. Inference for the variogram parameters is based on maximum likelihood estimation. We illustrate the projected sequential method in application to synthetic and real data sets. We discuss the software implementation and suggest possible future extensions.
Heterogeneous datasets arise naturally in most applications due to the use of a variety of sensors and measuring platforms. Such datasets can be heterogeneous in terms of the error characteristics and sensor models. Treating such data is most naturally accomplished using a Bayesian or model-based geostatistical approach; however, such methods generally scale rather badly with the size of dataset, and require computationally expensive Monte Carlo based inference. Recently within the machine learning and spatial statistics communities many papers have explored the potential of reduced rank representations of the covariance matrix, often referred to as projected or fixed rank approaches. In such methods the covariance function of the posterior process is represented by a reduced rank approximation which is chosen such that there is minimal information loss. In this paper a sequential Bayesian framework for inference in such projected processes is presented. The observations are considered one at a time which avoids the need for high dimensional integrals typically required in a Bayesian approach. A C++ library, gptk, which is part of the INTAMAP web service, is introduced which implements projected, sequential estimation and adds several novel features. In particular the library includes the ability to use a generic observation operator, or sensor model, to permit data fusion. It is also possible to cope with a range of observation error characteristics, including non-Gaussian observation errors. Inference for the covariance parameters is explored, including the impact of the projected process approximation on likelihood profiles. We illustrate the projected sequential method in application to synthetic and real datasets. Limitations and extensions are discussed. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
In the present work the neutron emission spectra from a graphite cube, and from natural uranium, lithium fluoride, graphite, lead and steel slabs bombarded with 14.1 MeV neutrons were measured to test nuclear data and calculational methods for D - T fusion reactor neutronics. The neutron spectra measured were performed by an organic scintillator using a pulse shape discrimination technique based on a charge comparison method to reject the gamma rays counts. A computer programme was used to analyse the experimental data by the differentiation unfolding method. The 14.1 MeV neutron source was obtained from T(d,n)4He reaction by the bombardment of T - Ti target with a deuteron beam of energy 130 KeV. The total neutron yield was monitored by the associated particle method using a silicon surface barrier detector. The numerical calculations were performed using the one-dimensional discrete-ordinate neutron transport code ANISN with the ZZ-FEWG 1/ 31-1F cross section library. A computer programme based on Gaussian smoothing function was used to smooth the calculated data and to match the experimental data. There was general agreement between measured and calculated spectra for the range of materials studied. The ANISN calculations carried out with P3 - S8 calculations together with representation of the slab assemblies by a hollow sphere with no reflection at the internal boundary were adequate to model the experimental data and hence it appears that the cross section set is satisfactory and for the materials tested needs no modification in the range 14.1 MeV to 2 MeV. Also it would be possible to carry out a study on fusion reactor blankets, using cylindrical geometry and including a series of concentric cylindrical shells to represent the torus wall, possible neutron converter and breeder regions, and reflector and shielding regions.
In this work, the angular distributions for elastic and. inelastic scattering of fast neutrons in fusion .reactor materials have been studied. Lithium and lead material are likely to be common components of fusion reactor wall configuration design. The measurements were performed using an associated particle time-of- flight technique. The 14 and 14.44 Mev neutrons were produced by the T(d,n} 4He reaction with deuterons being accelerated in a 150kev SAMES type J accelerator at ASTON and in.the 3. Mev DYNAMITRON at the Joint Radiation Centre, Birmingham respectively. The associated alpha-particles and fast. neutrons were detected.by means of a plastic scintillator mounted on a fast focused photomultiplier tube. The samples used were extended flat plates of thicknesses up to 0.9 mean-free-path for Lithium and 1.562 mean-free-path for Lead. The differential elastic scattering cross-sections were measured for 14 Mev neutrons for various thicknesses of Lithium and Lead in the angular range from zero to; 90º. In addition, the angular distributions of elastically scattered 14,.44 Mev .neutrons from Lithium samples were studied in the same angular range. Inelastic scattering to the 4.63 Mev state in 7Li and the 2.6 Mev state, and 4.1 Mev state in 208Pb have:been :measured.The results are compared to ENDF/B-IV data files and to previous measurements. For the Lead samples the differential neutron scattering:cross-sections for discrete 3 Mev ranges and the angular distributions were measured. The increase in effective cross-section due to multiple scattering effects,as the sample thickness increased:was found to be predicted by the empirical .relation ....... A good fit to the exoerimental data was obtained using the universal constant............ The differential elastic scattering cross-section data for thin samples of Lithium and Lead were analyzed in terms of optical model calculations using the. computer code. RAROMP. Parameter search procedures produced good fits to the·cross-sections. For the case of thick samples of Lithium and Lead, the measured angular distributions of :the scattered neutrons were compared to the predictions of the continuous slowing down model.
The gamma-rays produced by the inelastic scattering of 14 MeV neutrons. in fusion reactor materials have been studied using a gamma-ray spectrometer employing a sodium iodide scintillation detector. The source neutrons are produced by the T(d,n)4He reaction using the SAMES accelerator at the University of Aston in Birmingham. In order to eliminate the large gamma-ray background and neutron signal due to the sensitivity of the sodium iodide detector to neutrons, the gamma-ray detector is heavily shielded and is used together with a particle time of flight discrimination system based on the associated particle time of flight method. The instant of production of a source neutron is determined by detecting the associated alpha-particle enabling discrimination between the neutrons and gamma-rays by their different time of flight times. The electronic system used for measuring the time of flight of the neutrons and gamrna-rays over the fixed flight path is described. The materials studied in this work were Lithium and Lead because of their importance as fuel breeding and shielding materials in conceptual fusion reactor designs. Several sample thicknesses were studied to determine the multiple scattering effects. The observed gamma-ray spectra from each sample at several scattering angles in the angular range Oº - 90° enabled absolute differential gamma-ray production cross-sections and angular distributions of the resolved gamma-rays from Lithium to be measured and compared with published data. For the Lead sample, the absolute differential gamma-ray production cross-sections for discrete 1 MeV ranges and the angular distributions were measured. The measured angular distributions of the present work and those on Iron from previous work are compared to the predictions of the Monte Carlo programme M.O.R.S.E. Good agreement was obtained between the experimental results and the theoretical predictions. In addition an empirical relation has been constructed which describes the multiple scattering effects by a single parameter and is capable of predicting the gamma-ray production cross-sections for the materials to an accuracy of ± 25%.
Linked Data semantic sources, in particular DBpedia, can be used to answer many user queries. PowerAqua is an open multi-ontology Question Answering (QA) system for the Semantic Web (SW). However, the emergence of Linked Data, characterized by its openness, heterogeneity and scale, introduces a new dimension to the Semantic Web scenario, in which exploiting the relevant information to extract answers for Natural Language (NL) user queries is a major challenge. In this paper we discuss the issues and lessons learned from our experience of integrating PowerAqua as a front-end for DBpedia and a subset of Linked Data sources. As such, we go one step beyond the state of the art on end-users interfaces for Linked Data by introducing mapping and fusion techniques needed to translate a user query by means of multiple sources. Our first informal experiments probe whether, in fact, it is feasible to obtain answers to user queries by composing information across semantic sources and Linked Data, even in its current form, where the strength of Linked Data is more a by-product of its size than its quality. We believe our experiences can be extrapolated to a variety of end-user applications that wish to scale, open up, exploit and re-use what possibly is the greatest wealth of data about everything in the history of Artificial Intelligence. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.
Purpose: (1) To devise a model-based method for estimating the probabilities of binocular fusion, interocular suppression and diplopia from psychophysical judgements, (2) To map out the way fusion, suppression and diplopia vary with binocular disparity and blur of single edges shown to each eye, (3) To compare the binocular interactions found for edges of the same vs opposite contrast polarity. Methods: Test images were single, horizontal, Gaussian-blurred edges, with blur B = 1-32 min arc, and vertical disparity 0-8.B, shown for 200 ms. In the main experiment, observers reported whether they saw one central edge, one offset edge, or two edges. We argue that the relation between these three response categories and the three perceptual states (fusion, suppression, diplopia) is indirect and likely to be distorted by positional noise and criterion effects, and so we developed a descriptive, probabilistic model to estimate both the perceptual states and the noise/criterion parameters from the data. Results: (1) Using simulated data, we validated the model-based method by showing that it recovered fairly accurately the disparity ranges for fusion and suppression, (2) The disparity range for fusion (Panum's limit) increased greatly with blur, in line with previous studies. The disparity range for suppression was similar to the fusion limit at large blurs, but two or three times the fusion limit at small blurs. This meant that diplopia was much more prevalent at larger blurs, (3) Diplopia was much more frequent when the two edges had opposite contrast polarity. A formal comparison of models indicated that fusion occurs for same, but not opposite, polarities. Probability of suppression was greater for unequal contrasts, and it was always the lower-contrast edge that was suppressed. Conclusions: Our model-based data analysis offers a useful tool for probing binocular fusion and suppression psychophysically. The disparity range for fusion increased with edge blur but fell short of complete scale-invariance. The disparity range for suppression also increased with blur but was not close to scale-invariance. Single vision occurs through fusion, but also beyond the fusion range, through suppression. Thus suppression can serve as a mechanism for extending single vision to larger disparities, but mainly for sharper edges where the fusion range is small (5-10 min arc). For large blurs the fusion range is so much larger that no such extension may be needed. © 2014 The College of Optometrists.
Purpose: Traditionally, it has been thought that no binocular combination occurs in amblyopia. However, there is a growing body of evidence that there are intact binocular mechanisms in amblyopia rendered inactive under normal viewing conditions due to imbalanced monocular inputs. Georgeson and Wallis (2014) recently introduced a novel method to investigate fusion, suppression and diplopia in normal population. We have modified this method to assess binocular interactions in amblyopia. Methods: Ten amblyopic and ten control subjects viewed briefly-presented (200 ms) pairs of dichoptically separated horizontal Gaussian blurred edges. Subjects reported one central edge, one offset edge, or a double edge as the vertical disparity was manipulated. The experiment was conducted at a range of spatial scales (blur widths of 4, 8, 16, and 32 arc min) and contrasts. Our model, based Georgeson and Wallis (2014), converted subjects’ responses into probabilities of fusion, suppression, and diplopia. Results: When the normal participants were presented equal contrast to each eye the probability of fusion gradually decreased with increasing disparity, as the probability of diplopia gradually increased. In only a small proportion of the trials, normal participants experienced suppression. The pattern was consistent across all edge blurs. Interestingly, the majority of amblyopes had a comparable pattern of fusion, i.e. decreasing probability with increasing disparity. However, with increasing disparity the amblyopes tended to suppress the amblyopic eye, experiencing diplopia only in a small proportion of trials particularly at large blurs. Increasing the interocular contrast offset favouring the amblyopic eye normalized the pattern of data in a way similar to normal participants. There were some interesting exceptions: strong suppressors for which our contrast range was inadequate and one case in which diplopia dominated. Conclusions: This task is suitable for assessing binocular interactions in amblyopic participants and providing a way to quantify the relationship between fusion, suppression and diplopia. In agreement with previous studies, our data indicate the presence of binocular mechanisms in amblyopia. A contrast offset favouring the amblyopic eye normalizes the measured binocular interactions in the amblyopic visual system.