41 resultados para Conway

em Aston University Research Archive


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This study evaluated a model of skin permeation to determine the depth of delivery of chlorhexidine into full-thickness excised human skin following topical application of 2% (wt/vol) aqueous chlorhexidine digluconate. Skin permeation studies were performed on full-thickness human skin using Franz diffusion cells with exposure to chlorhexidine for 2 min, 30 min, and 24 h. The concentration of chlorhexidine extracted from skin sections was determined to a depth of 1,500 µm following serial sectioning of the skin using a microtome and analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography. Poor penetration of chlorhexidine into skin following 2-min and 30-min exposures to chlorhexidine was observed (0.157 ± 0.047 and 0.077 ± 0.015 µg/mg tissue within the top 100 µm), and levels of chlorhexidine were minimal at deeper skin depths (less than 0.002 µg/mg tissue below 300 µm). After 24 h of exposure, there was more chlorhexidine within the upper 100-µm sections (7.88 ± 1.37 µg/mg tissue); however, the levels remained low (less than 1 µg/mg tissue) at depths below 300 µm. There was no detectable penetration through the full-thickness skin. The model presented in this study can be used to assess the permeation of antiseptic agents through various layers of skin in vitro. Aqueous chlorhexidine demonstrated poor permeation into the deeper layers of the skin, which may restrict the efficacy of skin antisepsis with this agent. This study lays the foundation for further research in adopting alternative strategies for enhanced skin antisepsis in clinical practice.


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Targeting of drugs and therapies locally to the esophagus is an important objective in the development of new and more effective dosage forms. Therapies that are retained within the oral cavity for both local and systemic action have been utilized for many years, although delivery to the esophagus has been far less reported. Esophageal disease states, including infections, motility disorders, gastric reflux, and cancers, would all benefit from localized drug delivery. Therefore, research in this area provides significant opportunities. The key limitation to effective drug delivery within the esophagus is sufficient retention at this site coupled with activity profiles to correspond with these retention times; therefore, a suitable formulation needs to provide the drug in a ready-to-work form at the site of action during the rapid transit through this organ. A successfully designed esophageal-targeted system can overcome these obstacles. This review presents a range of dosage form approaches for targeting the esophagus, including bioadhesive liquids and orally retained lozenges, chewing gums, gels, and films, as well as endoscopically delivered therapeutics. The techniques used to measure efficacy both in vitro and in vivo are also discussed. Drug delivery is a growing driver within the pharmaceutical industry and offers benefits both in terms of clinical efficacy, as well as in market positioning, as a means of extending a drug's exclusivity and profitability. Emerging systems that can be used to target the esophagus are reported within this review, as well as the potential of alternative formulations that offer benefits in this exciting area.


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A prodrug, temozolomide acid hexyl ester (TMZA-HE), was identified as a skin-deliverable congener for temozolomide (TMZ) to treat skin cancers. Poor solubility and instability of TMZA-HE rendered a serious challenge for formulation of a topical preparation. Microemulsions (ME) were chosen as a potential vehicle for TMZA-HE topical preparations. ME systems were constructed with either oleic acid (OA) or isopropyl myristate (IPM) as the oil phase and tocopheryl (vitamin E) polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate (VE-TPGS) as a surfactant. Topical formulations of OA and IPM ME systems demonstrated beneficial solubilising ability and provided a stable environment for the prodrug, TMZA-HE. Significant differences between the microstructures of OA and IPM ME systems were revealed by freeze fracture electron microscopy (FFEM) and different loading abilities and permeation potencies between the two systems were also identified. In permeation studies, IPM ME systems, with inclusion of isopropyl alcohol (IPA) as a co-surfactant, significantly increased TMZA-HE permeation through silicon membranes and rat skin resulting in less drug retention within the skin, while OA ME systems demonstrated higher solubilising ability and a higher concentration of TMZA-HE retained within the skin. Therefore IPM ME systems are promising for transdermal delivery of TMZA-HE and OA ME systems may be a suitable choice for a topical formulation of TMZA-HE. © 2007 The Authors.


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We report the formation and structural properties of co-crystals containing gemfibrozil and hydroxy derivatives of t-butylamine H2NC(CH3)3-n(CH2OH)n, with n=0, 1, 2 and 3. In each case, a 1:1 co-crystal is formed, with transfer of a proton from the carboxylic acid group of gemfibrozil to the amino group of the t-butylamine derivative. All of the co-crystal materials prepared are polycrystalline powders, and do not contain single crystals of suitable size and/or quality for single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. Structure determination of these materials has been carried out directly from powder X-ray diffraction data, using the direct-space Genetic Algorithm technique for structure solution followed by Rietveld refinement. The structural chemistry of this series of co-crystal materials reveals well-defined structural trends within the first three members of the family (n=0, 1, 2), but significantly contrasting structural properties for the member with n=3. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Clinical trials have shown temozolomide to be an effective agent for treatment of malignant melanoma. In order to investigate its suitability for delivery via the skin, a series of temozolomide esters was synthesized as prodrugs. In vitro assays demonstrated temozolomide, temozolomide acid and the hexyl ester equi-effective against selected cancer cell lines. The susceptibility of the esters to enzyme hydrolysis and their effectiveness for application to the skin were investigated. The esters effectively diffuse through rat skin and the hexyl ester demonstrated profound potency for penetrating through skin. Topical application of 5% (w/v) hexyl ester in DMSO solution on a mouse model demonstrated a significant inhibition of tumor growth. These results suggest that temozolomide esters could be an effective alternative to temozolomide in the treatment of skin cancer. © 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conventional differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) techniques are commonly used to quantify the solubility of drugs within polymeric-controlled delivery systems. However, the nature of the DSC experiment, and in particular the relatively slow heating rates employed, limit its use to the measurement of drug solubility at the drug's melting temperature. Here, we describe the application of hyper-DSC (HDSC), a variant of DSC involving extremely rapid heating rates, to the calculation of the solubility of a model drug, metronidazole, in silicone elastomer, and demonstrate that the faster heating rates permit the solubility to be calculated under non-equilibrium conditions such that the solubility better approximates that at the temperature of use. At a heating rate of 400°C/min (HDSC), metronidazole solubility was calculated to be 2.16 mg/g compared with 6.16 mg/g at 20°C/min. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this investigation was to study the dissolution behavior of paracetamol and ibuprofen in the presence of a range of selected potential excipients. First, a pH-solubility profile was generated for both drugs, and the effect of changing hydrodynamic conditions on the intrinsic dissolution rate was investigated. It was established that both drugs dissolved according to the diffusion-layer model. Paracetamol solubility (approximately 20.3 mg mL -1) did not vary from pH 1.2-8.0, corresponding to the in vivo range in the gastrointestinal tract. Ibuprofen had an intrinsic solubility of approximately 0.06 mg mL-1, and pKa was calculated as 4.4. Second, the effects of selected potential excipients (lactose, potassium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, and tartaric acid) were evaluated by measuring the effect of the inclusion of each additive in the dissolution medium on drug solubility, drug intrinsic dissolution rate, and solution viscosity. The results were evaluated using the diffusion-layer model, and it was determined that for paracetamol, the collected data fitted the model for all the excipients studied. For ibuprofen, it was found that there were differences between the excipients that raised the solution pH above the pK a to those that did not. For the excipients raising the pH above the pKa, the effect on intrinsic dissolution rate was not as high as that expected from the change in drug solubility. It was postulated that this might be due to lack of penetration of the excipient into the drug boundary layer microenvironment. Formulators may calculate the effect of adding an excipient based on solubility increases but may not find the dissolution rate improvement expected. Copyright © 2005 Taylor & Francis Inc.


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Solid dispersions can be used to improve dissolution of poorly soluble drugs and PVP is a common polymeric carrier in such systems. The mechanisms controlling release of drug from solid dispersions are not fully understood and proposed theories are dependent on an understanding of the dissolution behaviour of both components of the dispersion. This study uses microviscometry to measure small changes in the viscosity of the dissolution medium as the polymer dissolves from ibuprofen-PVP solid dispersions. The microviscometer determines the dynamic and kinematic viscosity of liquids based on the rolling/falling ball principle. Using a standard USP dissolution apparatus, the dissolution of the polymer from the solid dispersion was easily measured alongside drug release. Drug release was found to closely follow polymer dissolution at the molecular weights and ratios used. The combination of sensitivity and ease of use make microviscometry a valuable technique for the elucidation of mechanisms governing drug release from polymeric delivery systems. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to examine the diffusion of commonly administered analgesics, ibuprofen and paracetamol, through gastric mucus. As ibuprofen and paracetamol are often formulated with alkalising excipients, or are commonly co-administered with antacids that have been demonstrated to alter their absorption, diffusion was also studied in the presence of a range of soluble and insoluble antacids or buffering agents. The effect of pH, which has been demonstrated to modify the properties of mucus, was also studied. Mucus was a significant barrier to diffusion for both drugs, compared to an unstirred aqueous layer with diffusion rates significantly lower in the presence of a mucus barrier for both drugs; ibuprofen diffusion also demonstrated a significant increase in the lag time. Paracetamol diffusion was not significantly affected by addition of any antacid, whereas ibuprofen rates were affected and the diffusion lag time for ibuprofen was significantly reduced in all cases. Isolated increases in pH increased the rate and reduced the lag time for ibuprofen diffusion. It was shown that mucus acts as a passive barrier in the case of paracetamol diffusion, and an interactive barrier to ibuprofen diffusion. Changes in mucus viscosity at different pH values may be responsible for the observed changes in ibuprofen diffusion rate. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Helicobacter pylori is one of the most common pathogenic bacterial infections, colonising an estimated half of all humans. It is associated with the development of serious gastroduodenal disease - including peptic ulcers, gastric lymphoma and acute chronic gastritis. Current recommended regimes are not wholly effective and patient compliance, side-effects and bacterial resistance can be problematic. Drug delivery to the site of residence in the gastric mucosa may improve efficacy of the current and emerging treatments. Gastric retentive delivery systems potentially allow increased penetration of the mucus layer and therefore increased drug concentration at the site of action. Proposed gastric retentive systems for the enhancement of local drug delivery include floating systems, expandable or swellable systems and bioadhesive systems. Generally, problems with these formulations are lack of specificity, limited to mucus turnover or failure to persist in the stomach. Gastric mucoadhesive systems are hailed as a promising technology to address this issue, penetrating the mucus layer and prolonging activity at the mucus-epithelial interface. This review appraises gastroretentive delivery strategies specifically with regard to their application as a delivery system to target Helicobacter. As drug-resistant strains emerge, the development of a vaccine to eradicate and prevent reinfection is an attractive proposition. Proposed prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines have been delivered using a number of mucosal routes using viral and non-viral vectors. The delivery form, inclusion of adjuvants, and delivery regime will influence the immune response generated. © 2005 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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A novel dissolution method was developed, suitable for powder mixtures, based on the USP basket apparatus. The baskets were modified such that the powder mixtures were retained within the baskets and not dispersed, a potential difficulty that may arise when using conventional USP basket and paddle apparatus. The advantages of this method were that the components of the mixtures were maintained in close proximity, maximizing any drug:excipient interaction and leading to more linear dissolution profiles. Two weakly acidic model drugs, ibuprofen and acetaminophen, and a selection of pharmaceutical excipients, including potential dissolution-enhancing alkalizing agents, were chosen for investigation. Dissolution profiles were obtained for simple physical mixtures. The f1 fit factor values, calculated using pure drug as the reference material, demonstrated a trend in line with expectations, with several dissolution enhancers apparent for both drugs. Also, the dissolution rates were linear over substantial parts of the profiles. For both drugs, a rank order comparison between the f1 fit factor and calculated dissolution rate, obtained from the linear section of the dissolution profile, demonstrated a correlation using a significance level of P=0.05. The method was proven to be suitable for discriminating between the effects of excipients on the dissolution of the model drugs. The method design produced dissolution profiles where the dissolution rate was linear for a substantial time, allowing determination of the dissolution rate without mathematical transformation of the data. This method may be suitable as a preliminary excipient-screening tool in the drug formulation development process.


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The objective of this study was to compare the in vitro dissolution profile of a new rapidly absorbed paracetamol tablet containing sodium bicarbonate (PS) with that of a conventional paracetamol tablet (P), and to relate these by deconvolution and mapping to in vivo release. The dissolution methods used include the standard procedure described in the USP monograph for paracetamol tablets, employing buffer at pH5.8 or 0.05 M HCl at stirrer speeds between 10 and 50 rpm. The mapping process was developed and implemented in Microsoft Excel® worksheets that iteratively calculated the optimal values of scale and shape factors which linked in vivo time to in vitro time. The in vitro-in vivo correlation (IVIVC) was carried out simultaneously for both formulations to produce common mapping factors. The USP method, using buffer at pH5.8, demonstrated no difference between the two products. However, using an acidic medium the rate of dissolution of P but not of PS decreased with decreasing stirrer speed. A significant correlation (r=0.773; p<.00001) was established between in vivo release and in vitro dissolution using the profiles obtained with 0.05 M HCl and a stirrer speed of 30 rpm. The scale factor for optimal simultaneous IVIVC in the fasting state was 2.54 and the shape factor was 0.16; corresponding values for mapping in the fed state were 3.37 and 0.13 (implying a larger in vitro-in vivo time difference but reduced shape difference in the fed state). The current IVIVC explains, in part, the observed in vivo variability of the two products. The approach to mapping may also be extended to different batches of these products, to predict the impact of any changes of in vitro dissolution on in vivo release and plasma drug concentration-time profiles.


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The coordination of the functional activities of intestinal CYP3A4 and P-gp in limiting the absorption of xenobiotics in Caco-2 cells was investigated. Growing Caco-2 cells were exposed to increasing concentrations of doxorubicin (1-2 μM) in plastic flasks to encourage a subpopulation of cells, that displayed an intrinsically higher multidrug resistance (mdr) phenotype than the parent cells, to survive and grow. Doxorubicin-exposed (hereinafter referred to as type I cells) and nonexposed Caco-2 cells (parent cells) on collagen-coated inserts were also treated with either 0 (control) or 0.25 μM 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 to promote cellular CYP3A4 expression. Increased P-gp protein expression, as detected by Western blotting, was noted in type I cells (213±54.35%) compared to that of parent cells (100±6.05%). Furthermore, they retained significantly less [3H]vincristine sulphate (p<0.05), a P-gp substrate, after efflux (272.89±11.86 fmol/mg protein) than the parent cells (381.39±61.82 fmol/mg protein). The expression of CYP3A4 in parental cells after 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 treatment was quantified to be 76.2±7.6 pmol/mg protein and comparable with that found in human jejunal enterocytes (70.0±20.0 pmol/mg protein). Type I cells, however, expressed a very low quantity of CYP3A4 both before and after the treatment that was beyond the minimum detection limit of Western blotting. Functionally, the rates of 1-hydroxylation of midazolam by CYP3A for both cell types ranged from 257.0±20.0 to 1057.0±46.0 pmol/min/mg protein. Type I cells, although having a higher P-gp expression and activity comparatively, metabolized midazolam less extensively than the parent cells. The results suggested that there were noncoordinated functional activities of intestinal CYP3A4 and P-gp in Caco-2 cells, although they both functioned independently to minimize intestinal epithelial absorption of xenobiotics. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmaceutical Association.