18 resultados para Concrete, Reinforced.
em Aston University Research Archive
This thesis focuses on the investigation of the abrasion resistance of fibre reinforced concrete floors at both the macro and micro levels. A literature review of the available literature concerning subjects allied to the current project is included. This highlights themes relevant to wear mechanisms and the factors influencing it: factors that affect the abrasion resistance of concrete and several test methods for assessing it; and the historical development of fibres and the properties of different fibre types and their influence on concrete. Three accelerated abrasion testers were compared and critically discussed for their suitability for assessing the abrasion resistance of concrete floors. Based on the experimental findings one accelerated abrasion apparatus was selected as more appropriate to be used for carrying out the main investigations. The laboratory programme that followed was undertaken to investigate the influence of various material and construction factors on abrasion resistance. These included mix variations (w/c ratio), fibre reinforcement, geometry, type and volume, curing method and superplasticizing agents. The results clearly show that these factors significantly affected abrasion resistance and several mechanisms were presumed to explain and better understand these observations. To verify and understand these mechanisms that are accountable for the breakdown of concrete slabs, the same concrete specimens that were used for the macro-study, were also subjected to microstructutural investigations using techniques such as Microhardness examination, Mercury intrusion porosimetry and Petrographic examination. It has been found that the abrasion resistance of concrete is primarily dependent on the microstructure and porosity of the concrete nearest to the surface. The feasibility of predicting the abrasion resistance of fibre reinforced concrete floors by indirect and non-destructive methods was investigated using five methods that have frequently been used for assessing the quality of concrete. They included the initial surface absorption test, the impact test, ball cratering, the scratch test and the base hardness test. The impact resistance (BRE screed tester) and scratch resistance (Base hardness tester) were found to be the most sensitive to factors affecting abrasion resistance and hence are considered to be the most appropriate testing techniques. In an attempt to develop an appropriate method for assessing the abrasion resistance of heavy-duty industrial concrete floors, it was found that the presence of curing/sealing compound on the concrete surface at the time of accelerated abrasion testing produces inappropriate results. A preliminary investigation in the direction of modifying the Aston accelerated abrasion tester has been carried out and a more aggressive head has been developed and is pending future research towards standardisation.
Four corrosion inhibitors namely sodium nitrite, sodium monofluorophosphate, ethanolamine and an alkanolamine-based mixture were studied by immersing mild steel bars for 42 days in model electrolytes of varied pH and chloride concentration which were intended to simulate the pore solution phase present within carbonated and/or chloride-contaminated concrete. Site trials were carried out on sodium monofluorophosphate and the alkanolamine-based inhibitor to study their depth of penetration into concrete. The influence of various carbonating atmospheres on the pore solution chemistry and microstructure of hydrated cement paste was investigated. Physical realkalisation of carbonated cement paste and a calcium nitrite-based corrosion rehabilitation system for chloride-contaminated cement paste were investigated by monitoring ionic transport within the pore solution phase of laboratory specimens. The main findings were as follows: 1,Sodium nitrite, sodium monofluorophosphate, ethanolamine and the alkanolamine-based mixture all behaved as passivating anodic inhibitors of steel corrosion in air-saturated aqueous solutions of varied pH and chloride concentration. 2,Sodium monofluorophosphate failed to penetrate significantly into partially carbonated site concrete when applied as recommended by the supplier. Phosphate and fluoride penetrated 5mm into partially carbonated site concrete treated with sodium monofluorophosphate. 3,The ethanolamine component of the alkanolamine-based inhibitor was found to have penetrated significant depths into partially carbonated site concrete. 4,Carbonating hydrated cement paste over saturated solutions of sodium nitrite resulted in significant concentrations of nitrite in the pore solution of the carbonated paste. Saturated solutions of sodium chloride, ammonium nitrate, magnesium nitrate and sodium dichromate were investigated and identified as alternatives for controlling the relative humidity of the carbonating environment. 5,Hardened carbonated cement paste can by physically realkalised to a limited extent due to the diffusion of hydroxyl ions under saturated conditions. A substantial proportion of the hydroxyl ions that diffused into the carbonated cement paste however, became bound into the cement matrix. Hydroxyl ion concentrations remained below 5mmol/l within the pore solution of the realkalised cement paste. 6, Nitrite ions penetrated significant distances by diffusion within the pore solution of saturated uncarbonated hydrated cement paste.
Presented in this thesis are original theoretical solutions for the determination of the ultimate strength in bending and torsion for: a) Plain concrete members. (b) Concrete members reinforced with longitudinal steel only. (c) Concrete members reinforced with longitudinal and transverse steel at yield. (d) Concrete members reinforced with longitudinal and transverse steel, where partial yielding and non yielding occurs. The theories are compared with available experimental results and show reasonable agreement.
This thesis is concerned with the experimental and theoretical investigation into the compression bond of column longitudinal reinforcement in the transference of axial load from a reinforced concrete column to a base. Experimental work includes twelve tests with square twisted bars and twenty four tests with ribbed bars. The effects of bar size, anchorage length in the base, plan area of the base, provision of bae tensile reinforcement, links around the column bars in the base, plan area of column and concrete compressive strength were investigated in the tests. The tests indicated that the strength of the compression anchorage of deformed reinforcing steel in the concrete was primarily dependent on the concrete strength and the resistance to bursting, which may be available within the anchorage . It was shown in the tests without concreted columns that due to a large containment over the bars in the foundation, failure occurred due to the breakdown of bond followed by the slip of the column bars along the anchorage length. The experimental work showed that the bar size , the stress in the bar, the anchorage length, provision of the transverse steel and the concrete compressive strength significantly affect the bond stress at failure. The ultimate bond stress decreases as the anchorage length is increased, while the ultimate bond stress increases with increasing each of the remainder parameters. Tests with concreted columns also indicated that a section of the column contributed to the bond length in the foundation by acting as an extra anchorage length. The theoretical work is based on the Mindlin equation( 3), an analytical method used in conjunction with finite difference calculus. The theory is used to plot the distribution of bond stress in the elastic and the elastic-plastic stage of behaviour. The theory is also used to plot the load-vertical displacement relationship of the column bars in the anchorage length, and also to determine the theoretical failure load of foundation. The theoretical solutions are in good agreement with the experimental results and the distribution of bond stress is shown to be significantly influenced by the bar stiffness factor K. A comparison of the experimental results with the current codes shows that the bond stresses currently used are low and in particular, CPIlO(56) specifies very conservative design bond stresses .
The research concerns the development and application of an analytical computer program, SAFE-ROC, that models material behaviour and structural behaviour of a slender reinforced concrete column that is part of an overall structure and is subjected to elevated temperatures as a result of exposure to fire. The analysis approach used in SAFE-RCC is non-linear. Computer calculations are used that take account of restraint and continuity, and the interaction of the column with the surrounding structure during the fire. Within a given time step an iterative approach is used to find a deformed shape for the column which results in equilibrium between the forces associated with the external loads and internal stresses and degradation. Non-linear geometric effects are taken into account by updating the geometry of the structure during deformation. The structural response program SAFE-ROC includes a total strain model which takes account of the compatibility of strain due to temperature and loading. The total strain model represents a constitutive law that governs the material behaviour for concrete and steel. The material behaviour models employed for concrete and steel take account of the dimensional changes caused by the temperature differentials and changes in the material mechanical properties with changes in temperature. Non-linear stress-strain laws are used that take account of loading to a strain greater than that corresponding to the peak stress of the concrete stress-strain relation, and model the inelastic deformation associated with unloading of the steel stress-strain relation. The cross section temperatures caused by the fire environment are obtained by a preceding non-linear thermal analysis, a computer program FIRES-T.
A number of factors relating to various methods of repair for chloride initiated corrosion damage of reinforced concrete have been studied. A novel methodology has been developed to facilitate the measurement of macro and micro-cell corrosion rates for steel electrodes embedded in mortar prisms containing a chloride gradient. The galvanic bar specimen comprised electrically isolatable segmental mild steel electrodes and was constructed such that macro-cell corrosion currents were determinable for a number of electrode combinations. From this, the conditions giving rise to an incipient anode were established. The influence of several reinforcement and substrate primer systems upon macro-cell corrosion, arising from an incipient anode, within a patch repair have been investigated. Measurements of electrochemical noise were made in order to investigate the suitability of the technique as an on-site means of assessing corrosion activity within chloride contaminated reinforced concrete. For this purpose the standard deviation of potential noise was compared to macro-cell galvanic current data and micro-cell corrosion intensity determined by linear polarisation. Hydroxyl ion pore solution analyses were carried out on mortar taken from cathodically protected specimens. These specimens, containing sodium chloride, were cathodically protected over a range of polarisation potentials. Measurement of the hydroxyl ion concentrations were made in order to examine the possibility of alkali-silica reactions initiated by cathodic protection of reinfored concrete. A range of mortars containing a variety of generic type additives were examined in order to establish their resistances to chloride ion diffusion. The effect of surfactant addition rate was investigated within a cement paste containing various dosages of naphthalene sulphonate.
The research is concerned with the application of the computer simulation technique to study the performance of reinforced concrete columns in a fire environment. The effect of three different concrete constitutive models incorporated in the computer simulation on the structural response of reinforced concrete columns exposed to fire is investigated. The material models differed mainly in respect to the formulation of the mechanical properties of concrete. The results from the simulation have clearly illustrated that a more realistic response of a reinforced concrete column exposed to fire is given by a constitutive model with transient creep or appropriate strain effect The assessment of the relative effect of the three concrete material models is considered from the analysis by adopting the approach of a parametric study, carried out using the results from a series of analyses on columns heated on three sides which produce substantial thermal gradients. Three different loading conditions were used on the column; axial loading and eccentric loading both to induce moments in the same sense and opposite sense to those induced by the thermal gradient. An axially loaded column heated on four sides was also considered. The computer modelling technique adopted separated the thermal and structural responses into two distinct computer programs. A finite element heat transfer analysis was used to determine the thermal response of the reinforced concrete columns when exposed to the ISO 834 furnace environment. The temperature distribution histories obtained were then used in conjunction with a structural response program. The effect of the occurrence of spalling on the structural behaviour of reinforced concrete column is also investigated. There is general recognition of the potential problems of spalling but no real investigation into what effect spalling has on the fire resistance of reinforced concrete members. In an attempt to address the situation, a method has been developed to model concrete columns exposed to fire which incorporates the effect of spalling. A total of 224 computer simulations were undertaken by varying the amounts of concrete lost during a specified period of exposure to fire. An array of six percentages of spalling were chosen for one range of simulation while a two stage progressive spalling regime was used for a second range. The quantification of the reduction in fire resistance of the columns against the amount of spalling, heating and loading patterns, and the time at which the concrete spalls appears to indicate that it is the amount of spalling which is the most significant variable in the reduction of fire resistance.
The nature and kinetics of electrode reactions and processes occurring for four lightweight anode systems which have been utilised in reinforced concrete cathodic protection systems have been studied. The anodes investigated were flame sprayed zinc, conductive paint and two activated titanium meshes. The electrochemical properties of each material were investigated in rapidly stirred de-oxygenated electrolytes using anodic potentiodynamic polarisation. Conductive coating electrodes were formed on glass microscope slides, whilst mesh strands were immersed directly. Oxygen evolution occurred preferentially for both mesh anodes in saturated Ca (OH)2/CaC12 solutions but was severely inhibited in less alkaline solutions and significant current only passed in chloride solutions. The main reactions for conductive paint was based on oxygen evolution in all electrolytes, although chlorides increased the electrical activity. Self-corrosion of zinc was controlled by electrolyte composition and the experimental set-up, chlorides increasing the electrical activity. Impressed current cathodic protection was applied to 25 externally exposed concrete slabs over a period of 18 months to investigate anode degradation mechanisms at normal and high current densities. Specimen chloride content, curing and reinforcement depth were also variables. Several destructive and non-destructive methods for assessing the performance of anodes were evaluated including a site instrument for quantitative "instant-off- potential measurements. The impact of cathodic protection on the concrete substrate was determined for a number of specimens using appropriate methods. Anodic degradation rates were primarily influenced by current density, followed by cemendtious alkalinity, chloride levels and by current distribution. Degradation of cementitious overlays and conductive paint substrates proceeded by sequential neutralisation of cement phases, with some evidence of paint binder oxidation. Sprayed zinc progressively formed an insulating layer of hydroxide complexes, which underwent pitting_ attack in the presence of sufficient chlorides, whilst substrate degradation was minimal. Adhesion of all anode systems decreased with increasing current density. The influence of anode material on the ionic gradients which can develop during cathodic protection was investigated. A constant current was passed through saturated cement paste prisms containing calcium chloride to central cathodes via anodes applied or embedded at each end. Pore solution was obtained from successive cut paste slices for anion and cation analyses. Various experimental errors reduced the value of the results. Characteristic S-shaped profiles were not observed and chloride ion profiles were ambiguous. Mesh anode specimens were significantly more durable than the conductive coatings in the high humidity environment. Limited results suggested zinc ion migration to the cathode region. Electrical data from each investigation clearly indicated a decreasing order of anode efficiency by specific anode material.
This thesis examines experimentally and theoretically the behaviour and ultimate strength of rectangular reinforced concrete members under combined torsion, shear and bending. The experimental investigation consists of the test results of 38 longitudinally and transversely reinforced concrete beams subjected to combined loads, ten beams of which were tested under pure torsion and self-weight. The behaviour of each test beam from application of the first increment of load until failure is presented. The effects of concrete strength, spacing of the stirrups, the amount of longitudinal steel and the breadth of the section on the ultimate torsional capacity are investigated. Based on the skew-bending mechanism, compatibility, and linear stress-strain relationship for the concrete and the steel, simple rational equations are derived for the three principal modes of failure for the following four types of failure observed in the tests: TYPE I Yielding the reinforcement, at failure, before crushing the concrete. TYPE II Yielding of the web steel only, at failure, before crushing the concrete. TYPE III Yielding of the longitudinal steel only, at failure, before crushing the concrete. TYPE IV Crushing of the concrete, at failure, before yielding of any of the reinforcement.