6 resultados para Colloids

em Aston University Research Archive


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Oligo(ethylene glycol) (OEG) thiol self-assembled monolayer (SAM) decorated gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) have potential applications in bionanotechnology due to their unique property of preventing the nonspecific absorption of protein on the colloidal surface. For colloid-protein mixtures, a previous study (Zhang et al. J. Phys. Chem. A 2007, 111, 12229) has shown that the OEG SAM-coated AuNPs become unstable upon addition of proteins (BSA) above a critical concentration, c*. This has been explained as a depletion effect in the two-component system. Adding salt (NaCl) can reduce the value of c*; that is, reduce the stability of the mixture. In the present work, we study the influence of the nature of the added salt on the stability of this two-component colloid-protein system. It is shown that the addition of various salts does not change the stability of either protein or colloid in solution in the experimental conditions of this work, except that sodium sulfate can destabilize the colloidal solutions. In the binary mixtures, however, the stability of colloid-protein mixtures shows significant dependence on the nature of the salt: chaotropic salts (NaSCN, NaClO4, NaNO3, MgCl2) stabilize the system with increasing salt concentration, while kosmotropic salts (NaCl, Na2SO4, NH4Cl) lead to the aggregation of colloids with increasing salt concentration. These observations indicate that the Hofmeister effect can be enhanced in two-component systems; that is, the modification of the colloidal interface by ions changes significantly the effective depletive interaction via proteins. Real time SAXS measurements confirm in all cases that the aggregates are in an amorphous state.


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We demonstrate a single-step method for the generation of collagen and poly-l-Lysine (PLL) micropatterns on a poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) functionalized glass surface for cell based assays. The method involves establishing a reliable silanization method to create an effective non-adhesive PEG layer on glass that inhibits cell attachment, followed by the spotting of collagen or PLL solutions using non-contact piezoelectric printing. We show for the first time that the spotted protein micropatterns remain stable on the PEG surface even after extensive washing, thus significantly simplifying protein pattern formation. We found that adherence and spreading of NIH-3T3 fibroblasts was confined to PLL and collagen areas of the micropatterns. In contrast, primary rat hepatocytes adhered and spread only on collagen micropatterns, where they formed uniform, well defined functionally active cell arrays. The differing affinity of hepatocytes and NIH-3T3 fibroblasts for collagen and PLL patterns was used to develop a simple technique for creating a co-culture of the two cell types. This has the potential to form structured arrays that mimic the in vivo hepatic environment and is easily integrated within a miniaturized analytical platform for developing high throughput toxicity analysis in vitro.


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We have studied the kinetics of the phase-separation process of mixtures of colloid and protein in solutions by real-time UV-vis spectroscopy. Complementary small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) was employed to determine the structures involved. The colloids used are gold nanoparticles functionalized with protein resistant oligo(ethylene glycol) (OEG) thiol, HS(CH(2))(11)(OCH(2)CH(2))(6)OMe (EG6OMe). After mixing with protein solution above a critical concentration, c*, SAXS measurements show that a scattering maximum appears after a short induction time at q = 0.0322 angstrom(-1) stop, which increases its intensity with time but the peak position does not change with time, protein concentration and salt addition. The peak corresponds to the distance of the nearest neighbor in the aggregates. The upturn of scattering intensities in the low q-range developed with time indicating the formation of aggregates. No Bragg peaks corresponding to the formation of colloidal crystallites could be observed before the clusters dropped out from the solution. The growth kinetics of aggregates is followed in detail by real-time UV-vis spectroscopy, using the flocculation parameter defined as the integral of the absorption in the range of 600-800 nm wavelengths. At low salt addition (<0.5 M), a kinetic crossover from reaction-limited cluster aggregation (RLCA) to diffusion-limited cluster aggregation (DLCA) growth model is observed, and interpreted as being due to the effective repulsive interaction barrier between colloids within the depletion potential. Above 0.5 M NaCl, the surface charge of proteins is screened significantly, and the repulsive potential barrier disappeared, thus the growth kinetics can be described by a DLCA model only.


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There is currently significant interest in particle-stabilized emulsions for a variety of applications and as precursors to other materials such as micro-capsules or colloidosomes. A prerequisite for many applications is the ability to produce stable droplets with a well-controlled size. The preparation of oil-in-water (o/w) emulsions stabilized by silica colloids has been demonstrated here using membrane ulsification techniques. Emulsions were produced using both a cross-flow membrane device and a rotating membrane reactor. Under the correct conditions, highly stable emulsions with very narrow droplet size distributions can be produced. Investigations into the effects of changing the cross-flow shear rate at a fixed droplet production rate illustrate the fine control over mean droplet size that is possible with these emulsification techniques. Evidence for the importance of particle adsorption kinetics onto growing droplets prior to detachment from the membrane surface was obtained by varying the droplet production rate under fixed shear conditions. The presence of a critical surface coverage by the stabilizing particles to prevent droplet coalescence was clearly seen. Comparison with samples produced using conventional high-shear homogenization highlights the improved control over size distribution available from these membrane techniques.


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The interactions between proteins and gold colloids functionalized with protein-resistant oligo(ethylene glycol) (OEG) thiol, HS(CH(2))(11) (OCH(2)CH(2))(6)OMe (EG(6)OMe), in aqueous solution have been studied by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and UV-vis spectroscopy. The mean size, 2R, and the size distribution of the decorated gold colloids have been characterized by SAXS. The monolayer-protected gold colloids have no correlations due to the low volume fraction in solution and are stable in a wide range of temperatures (5-70 degrees C, pH (1.3-12.4), and ionic strength (0-1.0 M). In contrast, protein (bovine serum albumin) solutions with concentrations in the range of 60-200 mg/mL (4.6-14.5 vol show a pronounced correlation peak in SAXS, which results from the repulsive electrostatic interaction between charged proteins. These protein interactions show significant dependence on ionic strength, as would be expected for an electrostatic interaction (Zhang et al. J. Phys. Chem. B 2007, 111, 251). For a mixture of proteins and gold colloids, the protein-protein interaction changes little upon mixing with OEG-decorated gold colloids. In contrast, the colloid-colloid interaction is found to be strongly dependent on the protein concentration and the size of the colloid itself. Adding protein to a colloidal solution results in an attractive depletion interaction between functionalized gold colloids, and above a critical protein concentration, c*, the colloids form aggregates and flocculate. Adding salt to such mixtures enhances the depletion effect and decreases the critical protein concentration. The aggregation is a reversible process (i.e., diluting the solution leads to dissolution of aggregates). The results also indicate that the charge of the OEG self-assembled monolayer at a curved interface has a rather limited effect on the colloidal stabilization and the repulsive interaction with proteins.


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Reaction conditions facilitating the site-selective direct aryl functionalisation at the C-8 position of adenine nucleosides have been identified. Many different aromatic components may be effectively cross-coupled to provide a diverse array of arylated adenine nucleoside products without the need for ribose or adenine protecting groups. The optimal palladium catalyst loading lies between 0.5 and 5 mol %. Addition of excess mercury to the reaction had a negligible affect on catalysis, suggesting the involvement of a homogeneous catalytic species. A study by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) shows that metal containing nanoparticles, ca. 3 nm with good uniformity, are formed during the latter stages of the reaction. Stabilised PVP palladium colloids (PVP=N-polyvinylpyrrolidone) are catalytically active in the direct arylation process, releasing homogenous palladium into solution. The effect of various substituted 2-pyridine ligand additives has been investigated. A mechanism for the site-selective arylation of adenosine is proposed. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.