2 resultados para Clitic pronoun
em Aston University Research Archive
This paper considers three features of Floating Quantifiers FQ) in French. FQs comprise a larger class of items than is usually recognised; criterial distribution within the verb phrase and adjoined to a relative pronoun apply not only to the equivalents of all and each, but also to only, them both, one another and related items. This extension leads to the question of what properties may be defining the class. The semantic property is that of commenting on the relation between the individual entities and the set of the noun they belong to. Akin to focus particles in this respect, FQs are optional complements. These complements relating semantically to a nominal argument belong to the category of attributive complements. The dissociation between the QF and the noun referred to is the syntactic property of the class. An attributive function with a semantic commentary on the make-up of the nominal set in question defines Floating Quantifiers.
This paper presents novel data that challenge the traditional categorial understanding of the nominal phrase. The established use of an indefinite pronoun with a determiner in French (ce quelqu'un, du n'importe quoi, un je ne sais quoi) contravenes assumptions both about pronouns, which should not be embedded, and nominal phrases, which should be headed by a noun. Analysed here for the first time, the embedding of a pronoun under a determiner is shown to find its justification in the semantic import of the construction. The anaphoric role guaranteeing referential continuity is promoted by a strong determiner; weak determiners typically contribute to constructing a designative use of the pronoun when a more precise characterisation cannot or will not be provided. How this construction would be analysed in the Minimalist Programme is presented to suggest that the phrase satisfies semantic requirements, which resolves the paradoxes of its traditional definition