19 resultados para Cerebellar ataxia
em Aston University Research Archive
The binding of [3H]inositol hexakisphosphate ([3H] InsP6) to rat cerebellar membranes has been characterized with the objective of establishing the role, if any, of a membrane protein receptor. In the presence of EDTA, we have previously identified an InsP6-binding site with a capacity of approximately 20 pmol/mg protein (Hawkins, P. T., Reynolds, D. J. M., Poyner, D. R., and Hanley, M. R. (1990) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 167, 819-827). However, in the presence of 1 mM Mg2+, the capacity of [3H]InsP6 binding to membranes was increased approximately 9-fold. This enhancing effect of Mg2+ was reversed by addition of 10 microM of several cation chelators, suggesting that the increased binding required trace quantities of other metal cations. This is supported by experiments where it was possible to saturate binding by addition of excess membranes, despite not significantly depleting radioligand, pointing to removal of some other factor. Removal of endogenous cations from the binding assay by pretreatment with chelex resin also prevents the Mg(2+)-induced potentiation. Consideration of the specificity of the chelators able to abolish this potentiation suggested involvement of Fe3+ or Al3+. Both these ions (but not several others) were able to increase [3H]InsP6 binding to chelex-pretreated membranes at concentrations of 1 microM. It is possible to demonstrate synergy between Fe3+ and Mg2+ under these conditions. We propose that [3H]InsP6 may interact with membranes through non-protein recognition possibly via phospholipids, in a manner dependent upon trace metals. The implications of this for InsP6 biology are considered.
[3H]Inositol hexakisphosphate (InsP6) binds with a heterogeneous distribution to frozen sections of unfixed rat brain and is displaced by unlabelled InsP6. The pattern of binding correlates with binding to neuronal cell bodies. [3H]InsP6 binding to cerebellar membranes has been further characterised, is reversible, and saturable, and exhibits high specificity for inositol polyphosphates. The IC50 for competition by unlabelled InsP6 is approximately 100nM, whereas inositol 1,3,4,5,6 pentakisphosphate (Ins(13456)P5), inositol 1,3,4,5 tetrakisphosphate (Ins(1345)P4), and inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate (Ins(145)P3) bind with an affinity at least one order of magnitude lower. [3H]InsP6 binding is clearly distinct from previously characterised Ins(145)P3 (ref. 1, 2) and Ins(1345)P4 (ref. 3) binding, both in terms of pharmacology and brain distribution.
The spatial patterns of the vacuolation ("spongiform change"), surviving cells, and prion protein (PrP) deposition were studied in the various cell laminae of the cerebellar cortex in 11 cases of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD). Clustering of the histological features, with the clusters regularly distributed along the folia, was evident in all cell laminae. In the molecular layer, clusters of vacuoles coincided with the surviving Purkinje cells. In the granule cell layer, however, the spatial relationship between the vacuoles and surviving cells was more complex and varied between cases. PrP deposition was not spatially correlated with either the vacuoles or the surviving cells in any of the cerebellar laminae in the majority of cases. In some cases, there were spatial relationships between th histological features in the molecular and granule cell layers. The data suggest that degeneration of the cerebellar cortex in sCJD may occur in a topographic pattern consistent with the spread of prion pathology along anatomical pathways. The development of the vacuolation may be an early stage of the pathology in the cerebellum preceding the appearance of the PrP deposits. In addition, there is evidence that the pathological changes may spread across the different laminae of the cerebellar cortex.
The direction of synaptic plasticity at the connection between parallel fibres (PFs) and Purkinje cells can be modified by PF stimulation alone. Strong activation (Hartell, 1996) or high frequency stimulation (Schreurs and Alkon, 1993) of PFs induced a long-term depression (LTD) of PF-mediated excitatory postsynaptic currents. Brief raised frequency molecular layer stimulation produced a cAMP-dependent long-temi potentiation (LTP) of field potential (FP) responses (Salin et al., 1998). Thin slices of cerebellar vermis were prepared from 14-21 day old male Wistar rats decapitated under Halothane anaesthesia. FP's were recorded from the Purkinje cell layer in response to alternate 0.2Hz activation of stimulating electrodes placed in the molecular layer. In the presence of picrotoxin, FPs displayed two tetrodotoxin-sensitive, negative-going components termed N1 and N2. EPs were graded responses with paired pulse facilitation and were selectively blocked by 101AM 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dicne (CNQX) an antagonist at iy,-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate-type ionotropic glutamate receptors (AMPAR) suggesting that they were primarily PE-mediated. The effects of raised stimulus intensity (RS) and/or increased frequency (IF) activation of the molecular layer on FP responses were examined. In sagittai and transverse slices combined RS and IF molecular layer activation induced a LTD of the N2 component of FP responses. RSIF stimulation produced fewer incidences of LTD in sagittal slices when an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), guanylate cyclase (GC), protein kinase G (PKG) or the GABAB receptor antagonist CGP62349 was included into the perfusion medium. Application of a nitric oxide (NO) donor, a cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) analogue or a phosphodiesterase (PDE) type V inhibitor to prevent cGMP breakdown paired with IF stimulation produced an acute depression, Raised frequency (RF) molecular layer stimulation produced a slowly emerging LTD of N2 in sagittal slices that was largely blocked in the presence of NOS, cGMP or PKG inhibitors. In transverse slices RE stimulation produced a LTP of the N2 component that was prevented by an inhibitor of protein kinase A or NOS. Inhibition of cGMP-signalling frequently revealed an underlying potentiation suggesting that cGMP activity might mask the effects of cAMP. In sagittal slices RE stimulation resulted in a potentiation of FPs when the cAMP-specific PDE type IV inhibitor rolipram was incorporated into the perfusion medium. In summary, raised levels of PE stimulation can alter the synaptic efficacy at PF-Purkinje cell synapses. The results provide support for a role of NO/cGMP/PKG signalling in the induction of LTD in the cerebellar cortex and suggest that activation of GABAa receptors might also be important. The level of cyclic nucleotide-specific PDE activities may be crucial in determining the level of cGMP and CAMP activity and hence the direction of synaptic plasticity.
In the cerebellar cortex, forms of both long-term depression (LTD) and long-term potentiation (LTP) can be observed at parallel fibre (PF) - Purkinje cell (PC) synapses. A presynaptic variant of cerebellar LTP can be evoked in PCs by raised frequency stimulation (RFS) of parallel fibre at 4-16Hz for 15s. This form of LTP is dependent on protein kinase A (PKA) and nitric oxide (NO), and can spread to distant synapses. Application of an extracellular NO scavenger, cPTIO, was found to prevent the spread of LTP to distant PF synapses in rat cerebellar slices. G-substrate may be an important mediator of the NO-dependent pathway for LTD. 8-16Hz RFS of PFs without a high concentration of calcium chelator in the postsynaptic cell evokes LTD. In cerebellar slices from wild-type and transgenic, G-substrate knockout mice, 8Hz RFS was applied to PFs, with a low concentration of postsynaptic calcium chelator. In PCs from wild-type mice, LTD predominated, whereas in those from transgenic mice LTP predominated. The ascending axon (AA) segment of the granule cell axon forms synapses with PCs as well as the PF segment. PPF and fluctuation analysis of EPSCs in rat PCs confirmed that the release sites of AA synapses have a greater probability of transmitter release than PF synapses. Furthermore, AA release sites have greater mean quantal amplitude than PF synapses, which is not due to a different type of postsynaptic receptor. AA synapses were found to have limited capacity to undergo the presynaptic variant of LTP, and were potentiated less than PF synapses in the presence of the PKA activator, forskolin. AA synapses also did not undergo the postsynaptic form of LTP, nor LTD induced by conjunctive stimulation of climbing fibre and PF.
Changes in the strength of signalling between neurones are thought to provide a cellular substrate for learning and memory. In the cerebellar cortex, raising the frequency and the strength of parallel fibre (PF) stimulation leads to a long-term depression (LTD) of the strength of signalling at the synapse between PFs and Purkinje cells (PCs), which spreads to distant synapses to the same cell via a nitric oxide (NO) dependent mechanism. At the same synapse, but under conditions of reduced post-synaptic calcium activity, raised frequency stimulation (RFS) of PFs triggers a long-term potentiation of synaptic transmission. The aims of the work described in this thesis were to investigate the conditions necessary for LTD and LTP at this synapse following RFS and to identify the origins and second messenger cascades involved in the induction and spread of LTP and LTD. In thin, parasagittal cerebellar slices whole cell patch clamp recordings were made from PCs and the effects of RFS of one of two, independent PF inputs to the same PC were examined under a range of experimental conditions. Under conditions designed to reduce post-synaptic calcium activity, RFS to a single PF input led to LTP and a decreases in paired pulse facilitation (PPF) in both pathways. This heterosynaptic potentiation was prevented by inhibition of protein kinase A (PKA) or by inhibition of NO synthase with either 7-nitroindazole (7-NI) or NG Nitro-L-argenine methyl ester. Inhibition of guanylate cyclase (GC) or protein kinase G (PKG) had no effect. A similar potentiation was observed upon application of the adenylyl cyclase (AC) activator forskolin or the NO donor spermine NONOate. Both of these treatments also resulted in an increase in the frequency of mEPSCs, which provides further evidence for a presynaptic origin of LTP. Forskolin induced potentiation and the increase in mEPSC frequency were blocked by 7-NI. The styryl dye FM1-43, a fluorescent reporter of endo- and exocytosis, was also used to further examine the possible pre-synaptic origins of LTP. RFS or forskolin application enhanced FM1-43 de-staining and NOS inhibitors blocked this effect. Application of NONOate also enhanced FM1-43 de-staining. When post-synaptic calcium activity was less strictly buffered, RFS to a single PF input led to a transient potentiation that was succeeded by LTD in both pathways. This LTD, which resembled previously described forms, was prevented by inhibition of the NO/cGMP/PKG cascade. Modification of the AC/cAMP/PKA cascade had no effect. In summary, the direction of synaptic plasticity at the PF-PC synapse in response to RFS depends largely on the level of post-synaptic calcium activity. LTP and LTD were non-input specific and both forms of plasticity were dependent on NOS activity. Induction of LTP was mediated by a presynaptic mechanism and depended on NO and cAMP production. LTD on the other hand was a post-synaptic process and required activity of the NO/cGMP/PKG signalling cascade.
Recent evidence has suggested cerebellar anomalies in developmental dyslexia. Therefore, we investigated cerebellar morphology in subjects with documented reading disabilities. We obtained T1-weighted magnetic resonance images in the coronal and sagittal planes from 11 males with prior histories of developmental dyslexia, and nine similarly-aged male controls. Proton magnetic resonance spectra (TE=136 ms, TR=2.4 s) were obtained bilaterally in the cerebellum. Phonological decoding skill was measured using non-word reading. Handedness was assessed using both the Annett questionnaire of hand preference and Annett’s peg moving task. Cerebellar symmetry was observed in the dyslexics but there was significant asymmetry (right grey matter>left grey matter) in controls. The interpretation of these results depended whether a motor- or questionnaire-based method was used to determine handedness. The degree of cerebellar symmetry was correlated with the severity of dyslexics’ phonological decoding deficit. Those with more symmetric cerebella made more errors on a nonsense word reading measure of phonological decoding ability. Left cerebellar metabolite ratios were shown to correlate significantly with the degree of cerebellar asymmetry (P<0.05) in controls. This relationship was absent in developmental dyslexics. Cerebellar morphology reflects the higher degree of symmetry found previously in the temporal and parietal cortex of dyslexics. The relationship of cerebellar asymmetry to phonological decoding ability and handedness, together with our previous finding of altered metabolite ratios in the cerebellum of dyslexics, lead us to suggest that there are alterations in the neurological organisation of the cerebellum which relate to phonological decoding skills, in addition to motor skills and handedness.
Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rare neurodegenerative disorder associated with parkinsonism, ataxia, and autonomic dysfunction. Its pathology is primarily subcortical comprising vacuolation, neuronal loss, gliosis, and α-synuclein-immunoreactive glial cytoplasmic inclusions (GO). To quantify cerebellar pathology in MSA, the density and spatial pattern of the pathological changes were studied in α-synuclein-immunolabelled sections of the cerebellar hemisphere in 10 MSA and 10 control cases. In MSA, densities of Purkinje cells (PC) were decreased and vacuoles in the granule cell layer (GL) increased compared with controls. In six MSA cases, GCI were present in cerebellar white matter. In the molecular layer (ML) and GL of MSA, vacuoles were clustered, the clusters exhibiting a regular distribution parallel to the edge of the folia. Purkinje cells were randomly or regularly distributed with large gaps between surviving cells. Densities of glial cells and surviving neurons in the ML and surviving cells and vacuoles in the GL were negatively correlated consistent with gliosis and vacuolation in response to neuronal loss. Principal components analysis (PCA) suggested vacuole densities in the ML and vacuole density and cell losses in the GL were the main source of neuropathological variation among cases. The data suggest that: (1) cell losses and vacuolation of the GCL and loss of PC were the most significant pathological changes in the cases studied, (2) pathological changes were topographically distributed, and (3) cerebellar pathology could influence cerebral function in MSA via the cerebello-dentato-thalamic tract.
Aims: To determine in the cerebellum in variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (vCJD): (i) whether the pathology affected all laminae; (ii) the spatial topography of the pathology along the folia; (iii) spatial correlations between the pathological changes; and (iv) whether the pathology was similar to that of the common methionine/methionine Type 1 subtype of sporadic CJD. Methods: Sequential cerebellar sections of 15 cases of vCJD were stained with haematoxylin and eosin, or immunolabelled with monoclonal antibody 12F10 against prion protein (PrP) and studied using spatial pattern analysis. Results: Loss of Purkinje cells was evident compared with control cases. Densities of the vacuolation and the protease-resistant form of prion protein (PrPSc) (diffuse and florid plaques) were greater in the granule cell layer (GL) than the molecular layer (ML). In the ML, vacuoles and PrPSc plaques occurred in clusters regularly distributed along the folia with larger clusters of vacuoles and diffuse plaques in the GL. There was a negative spatial correlation between the vacuoles and the surviving Purkinje cells in the ML. There was a positive spatial correlation between the vacuoles and diffuse PrPSc plaques in the ML and GL. Conclusions: (i) all laminae were affected by the pathology, the GL more severely than the ML; (ii) the pathology was topographically distributed along the folia especially in the Purkinje cell layer and ML; (iii) pathological spread may occur in relation to the loop of anatomical connections involving the cerebellum, thalamus, cerebral cortex and pons; and (iv) there were pathological differences compared with methionine/methionine Type 1 sporadic CJD.
The density and spatial distribution of the vacuoles, glial cell nuclei and glial cytoplasmic inclusions (GCI) were studied in the white matter of various cortical and subcortical areas in 10 cases of multiple system atrophy (MSA). Vacuolation was more prevalent in subcortical than cortical areas and especially in the central tegmental tract. Glial cell nuclei widespread in all areas of the white matter studied; overall densities of glial cell nuclei being significantly greater in the central tegmental tract and frontal cortex compared with areas of the pons. The GCI were present most consistently in the external and internal capsules, the central tegmental tract and the white matter of the cerebellar cortex. The density of the vacuoles was greater in the MSA brains than in the control brains but glial cell density was similar in both groups. In the majority of areas, the pathological changes were distributed across the white matter randomly, uniformly, or in large diffuse clusters. In most areas, there were no spatial correlations between the vacuoles, glial cell nuclei and GCI. These results suggest: (i) there is significant degeneration of the white matter in MSA characterized by vacuolation and GCI; (ii) the central tegmental tract is affected significantly more than the cortical tracts; (iii) pathological changes are diffusely rather than topographically distributed across the white matter; and (iv) the development of the vacuoles and GCI appear to be unrelated phenomena. © 2007 Japanese Society of Neuropathology.
Objective: To determine whether in cases of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), the florid-type plaques are derived from the diffuse plaques or whether the 2 plaque types develop independently. Material: Blocks of frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal neocortex and cerebellar cortex from 11 cases of vCJD. Method: The density, distribution and spatial pattern of the florid and diffuse plaques were determined in each brain region using spatial pattern analysis. Results: The density of the diffuse plaques was significantly greater than that of the florid plaques in most areas. The ratio of the diffuse to florid plaques varied between brain regions and was maximal in the molecular layer of the cerebellum. The densities of the florid and diffuse plaques were positively correlated in the parietal cortex, occipital cortex, the inferior temporal gyrus and the dentate gyrus. Plaque densities were not related to disease duration. In the cerebral cortex, the diffuse plaques were more commonly evenly distributed or occurred in large clusters along the cortex parallel to the pia mater compared with the florid plaques which occurred more frequently in regularly distributed clusters. Conclusion: The florid plaques may not be derived from the diffuse plaques, the 2 plaque types appearing to develop independently with unique factors involved in their pathogenesis.
The spatial pattern of the prion protein (PrP) deposits was studied in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum in 10 patients with sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD). In all patients the PrP deposits were aggregated into clusters and, in 90% of cortical areas and in 50% of cerebellar sections, the clusters exhibited a regular periodicity parallel to the tissue boundary; a spatial pattern also exhibited by ß-amyloid (Aß) deposits in Alzheimer's disease (AD). In the cerebral cortex, the incidence of regular clustering of the PrP deposits was similar in the upper and lower cortical laminae. The sizes of the PrP clusters in the upper and lower cortex were uncorrelated. No significant differences in mean cluster size of the PrP deposits were observed between brain regions. The size, location and distribution of the PrP deposit clusters suggest that PrP deposition occurs in relation to specific anatomical pathways and supports the hypothesis that prion pathology spreads through the brain via such pathways. In addition, the data suggest that there are similarities in the pathogenesis of extracellular protein deposits in prion disease and in AD.
The region of tenascin-C containing only alternately spliced fibronectin type-III repeat D (fnD) increases neurite outgrowth by itself and also as part of tenascin-C. We previously localized the active site within fnD to an eight amino acid sequence unique to tenascin-C, VFDNFVLK, and showed that the amino acids FD and FV are required for activity. The purpose of this study was to identify the neuronal receptor that interacts with VFDNFVLK and to investigate the hypothesis that FD and FV are important for receptor binding. Function-blocking antibodies against both alpha7 and beta1 integrin subunits were found to abolish VFDNFVLK-mediated process extension from cerebellar granule neurons. VFDNFVLK but not its mutant, VSPNGSLK, induced clustering of neuronal beta1 integrin immunoreactivity. This strongly implicates FD and FV as important structural elements for receptor activation. Moreover, biochemical experiments revealed an association of the alpha7beta1 integrin with tenascin-C peptides containing the VFDNFVLK sequence but not with peptides with alterations in FD and/or FV. These findings are the first to provide evidence that the alpha7beta1 integrin mediates a response to tenascin-C and the first to demonstrate a functional role for the alpha7beta1 integrin receptor in CNS neurons.
Neurons in the developing brain die via apoptosis after DNA damage, while neurons in the adult brain are generally resistant to these insults. The basis for this resistance is a matter of conjecture. We report here that cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs) in culture lose their competence to die in response to DNA damage as a function of time in culture. CGNs at either 1 day in vitro (DIV) or 7 DIV were treated with the DNA damaging agents camptothecin, UV or gamma-irradiation and neuronal survival measured. The younger neurons were effectively killed by these agents, while the older neurons displayed a significant resistance to killing. Neuronal survival did not change with time in culture when cells were treated with C2-ceramide or staurosporine, agents which do not target DNA. The resistance to UV irradiation developed over time in culture and was not due to changes in mitotic rate. Increases in DNA strand breakage, up-regulation of the levels of both p53 and its phosphorylated form and nuclear translocation of p53 were equivalent in both older and younger neurons, indicating a comparable p53 stress response. In addition, we show that treatment of older neurons with pharmacological inhibitors of distinct components of the DNA repair machinery promotes the accumulation of DNA damage and sensitizes these cells to the toxic effects of UV exposure. These data demonstrate that older neurons appear to be more proficient in DNA repair in comparison to their younger counterparts, and that this leads to increased survival after DNA damage.
The aims of this study were to examine the binding characteristics of the rat CGRP receptor and to further the classification of CGRP and amylin receptors in guinea-pig tissue preparations. Binding characteristics of CGRP were investigated on rat splenic, cerebellar and liver membrane preparations. Human-α-CGRP, rat-α-CGRP and the CGRP receptor analogues Tyrº -CGRPC28-37) and [Cys (ACM)2,7 ]-human CGRP and the CGRP receptor antagonist CGRPC8-37) were utilised in competitive radioligand binding experiments to identify possible CGRP receptor subtypes in these tissues. There appeared to be no significant differences between the rat CGRP receptors examined. A panel of monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) raised against CGRP were employed to investigate the structure-activity relationships of CGRP and its receptor. No differences between the tissue receptors were observed using this panel of Mabs. The effects of human-α, human-β, rat-α-CGRP, human and rat amylin and adrenomedullin(13-52) were examined on the spontaneously beating right atria and on electrically evoked twitch contractions of isolated guinea-pig ileum, vas deferens and left atria. All of the peptides caused concentration-dependent inhibition of twitch amplitude in the ileum and vas deferens. CGRP produced positive inotropic effects in the right and left atria and positive chronotropic effects in the right atria. A variety of CGRP receptor antagonists and putative amylin receptor antagonists were used to antagonise these effects. CGRP(8-37) is currently used as a basis for CGRP receptor classification (Dennis, et al., 1989). Based upon results obtained using CGRP(8-37) it has been shown that the guinea-pig ileum contains mainly CGRP 1 receptors and the vas deferens contain CGRP2 receptors. Amylin was shown to act at receptors distinct from those for CGRP and it is postulated that amylin has its own receptors in these preparations. Experiments using CGRP (19-37) and Tyrº -CGRP(28-37) indicate that human and rat CGRP act at distinct receptors in guinea-pig ileum and vas deferens. The amylin receptor antagonist amylin(8-37) and the putative antagonist AC187 provide evidence to suggest human and rat amylin also act at receptors able to distinguish between the two types of amylin.