4 resultados para Censals (Catalan mortgage loan)
em Aston University Research Archive
De nombreuses langues du monde grammaticalisent les formes lexicales itive (aller) et ventive (venir) en auxiliaires temporels. Si ce fait a été abondamment décrit dans des langues particulières, on ne dispose pas d’une étude contrastive des deux tours, ce que nous proposons d’entreprendre dans la présente communication, sur quelques langues, A partir des premiers constats suivants : - la forme itive est plus fréquemment grammaticalisée que la forme ventive : en anglais p. ex. seul go est grammaticalisé ; - si le plus souvent l’itif s’est grammaticalisé dans l’expression de l’imminence-ultériorité (le train va partir) et le ventif dans celle de la récence (le train vient de partir), ce n’est pas toujours le cas : en catalan, anar + inf. est un prétérit (el tren va marchar : ‘le train est parti’), et actualise donc le procès non comme ultérieur mais comme antérieur ; - certaines langues, comme le français, ont développé sur ces auxiliaires, outre les effets de sens temporel d’imminence-ultériorité pour l’itif et de récence pour le ventif, un effet de sens d’extraordinaire, qui peut être signifié aussi bien par l’un que par l’autre tour (il va pas / vient pas me dire) - l’imminence-ultériorité sur l’itif et la récence sur le ventif souffrent des restrictions temporelles, plus accusées pour le premier : en francais p. ex., aller, dans cet effet de sens, se conjugue aux seuls présent et imparfait (le train va / allait / * irait / *est allé partir) ; venir admet en plus le futur et le conditionnel (le train vient/ venait/viendra/ viendrait/ *est venu de partir). On se propose (i) d’expliciter les différents éléments de l’asymétrie dans la grammaticalisation des deux formes itive et ventive dans les langues retenues (anglais, catalan, espagnol, français, italien, portugais), et (ii) de formuler une hypothèse explicative de ces faits hétérogènes.
Prior research has shown that loan loss provisions are primarily used as a tool for earnings management and capital management by listed banks. Effective 2005 all listed companies in the European Union (EU) are required to comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Adherence to IFRS, it is claimed, should enhance transparency of reporting practices relative to local General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The overall objective of this paper is to examine the impact of the implementation of IFRS on the use of loan loss provisions (LLPs) to manage earnings and capital. We use a sample of 91 EU listed commercial banks covering a period of 10 years (before and after implementation of IFRS). Since early adopters may have different incentives and motivations relative to those who adopt mandatorily, we dichotomize our sample into early and late adopters. Overall, we find that earnings management (using loan loss provisions) for both early and late adopters while significant over the estimation window is significantly reduced after implementation of IFRS. We also find that, for risky banks, earnings management behavior is more pronounced when compared to the less risky banks, but is significantly reduced in the post IFRS period. Capital management behavior by bank managers is not significant in both pre and post IFRS regimes. Overall, we conclude that the implementation of IFRS in the EU appears to have improved earnings quality by mitigating the tendency of bank managers of listed commercial banks to engage in earnings management using loan loss provisions.
This study investigates the use of reported loan loss provisions (LLP) by investors in their valuations of banks within the Middle East and North Africa region between the years 2006 and 2011. We decompose LLP into discretionary and non-discretionary components to test for differential valuations in the two banking sectors. We use alternative criteria to define the components of LLP in banks: loan quality/size and earnings management/ manipulation incentives. We employ a price-level valuation model estimated using two-stage analyses. We find that LLP has positive value relevance to investors in both banking sectors. Investors in Islamic banks price the discretionary component relatively lower than their conventional counterparts. We attribute this result to differences in product and governance structures as well as to the religious perception of Islamic banking. In both banking sectors, investors construe an increase in the non-discretionary component as irrelevant valuation information. Our results are relevant to bank regulators in showing the signalling effect of LLP to bank value and stability.
This study investigates the use of reported loan loss provisions (LLP) by investors in their valuations of banks within the Middle East and North Africa region between the years 2006 and 2011. We decompose LLP into discretionary and non-discretionary components to test for differential valuations in the two banking sectors. We use alternative criteria to define the components of LLP in banks: loan quality/size and earnings management/manipulation incentives. We employ a price-level valuation model estimated using two-stage analyses. We find that LLP has positive value relevance to investors in both banking sectors. Investors in Islamic banks price the discretionary component relatively lower than their conventional counterparts. We attribute this result to differences in product and governance structures as well as to the religious perception of Islamic banking. In both banking sectors, investors construe an increase in the non-discretionary component as irrelevant valuation information. Our results are relevant to bank regulators in showing the signalling effect of LLP to bank value and stability. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.