20 resultados para Cement and Concrete

em Aston University Research Archive


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Metakaolin (MK), a calcined clay, was included as a partial cement replacement material, at up to 20% by weight of binder, in cement pastes and concrete, and its influence on the resistance to chloride ingress investigated. Reductions in effective chloride diffusion coefficients through hardened cement paste were obtained for binary blends and by combining OPC, MK and a second cement replacement material of pulverised fuel ash or ground granulated blast furnace slag. Steady state oxygen diffusion measurements through hardened cement pastes measured using an electrochemical cell showed that the interaction between charged species and the pore surfaces is a major factor in determining chloride diffusion rate. Rheology of the binder, particularly at high MK replacement levels, was found to have a dramatic influence on the diffusion performance of cement pastes. It was concluded that plasticising admixtures are essential for adequate dispersion of MK in cement pastes. Chloride concentration profile analysis of the concrete cylinders, exposed to sodium chloride solution for one year, was employed to obtain apparent chloride diffusion coefficients for concrete specimens. MK was found to reduce the depth of chloride penetration into concrete when compared with that of unblended mixes. Corrosion rate and corrosion potential measurements were taken on steel bars embedded in concrete exposed to a saline environment under conditions of cyclic wetting and drying. The initiation time for corrosion was found to be significantly longer for MK blended mixes than for plain OPC systems. The aggregate-paste interfacial zone of MK blended systems was investigated by steady state diffusion of chloride ions through mortar containing glass beads as model aggregate. For the model aggregate specimens tested the work confirmed the hypothesis that properties of the bulk paste are the controlling factors in ionic diffusion through mortar.


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This paper reports the effect of curing on the susceptibility of cementitious composites to carbonation using supercritical carbon dioxide. Samples made using a compression moulding technique were cured in water before and/or after carbonation and the effect on porosity, microstructure, solid phase assemblage and flexural strength was determined. In terms of development of mechanical strength, no benefit was gained from any period of pre- or post-carbonation curing regime. Yet samples cured prior to carbonation underwent minimal chemical reaction between supercritical carbon dioxide and calcium hydroxide, unhydrated cement or C-S-H. Thus there was no correlation between chemical degree of reaction and strength development. The effects responsible for the marked strength gain in supercritically carbonated samples must involve subtle changes in the microstructure of the C-S-H gel, not simple pore filling by calcium carbonate as is often postulated. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.\.


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This work combined compression moulding with subsequent super-critical carbonation treatment (100 bar, 60 °C, 24 h) to fabricate cement and/or lime based ceramic composites with various aggregates. Composites were examined using mechanical testing, XRD, He pycnometry and thin-section petrography. Composites with lime-only binders were significantly weaker than those with cement-lime binders regardless of the degree of carbonation. Flexural strengths in excess of >10 MPa were routinely achieved in large (>100 mm) specimens. Aggregate type (calcareous vs. siliceous) had a significant effect on the microstructure and properties of the composites. Calcareous aggregates appear to augment the strength enhancement effected during super-critical carbonation by encouraging preferential precipitation of calcite at the binder-aggregate interface.


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Several of OPC paste and concrete specimens, with different mix proportions, were cast against CPF and impermeable formwork (IF) and the profiles of pore structure, microhardness and scratch hardness of the cover zone were established. The chloride ingress and the depth of carbonation of the surface zone of concrete cast against CPF and IF were investigated. The main mechanisms controlling the ECR processes and the factors affecting such treatment were critically reviewed. Subsequently, as a means of restoring passivation of steel embedded in carbonated concrete, such HCP specimens were subjected to ECR. The influence of ECR on the chemistry of the pore solution and the microstructure of the surface and the steel/cement past interface zones were also studied. The main findings of this investigation were as follows: (a) The thickness of the microstructure gradient of cover concrete is significantly decreased with increasing period of water curing but is relatively unaffected by curing temperature, w/e ratio and the use of cement replacement materials. (b) The scratch hardness technique was shown to be potentially useful for characterising the microstructure and microhardness gradients of the surface zone. (c) A relationship between the microstructure gradient and mass transport properties of the surface zone was established. (d) The use of CPF resulted in a significant reduction in porosity of both the cement paste matrix and the aggregate/cement paste transition zone, and a marked improvement in the resistance of the surface zone to carbonation and the ingress of chloride ions. (e) The ECR treatment resulted in a marked densification of the pore structure and in changes to the pore solution chemistry and the cement phases of near-surface and steel/cement paste transition zones. This effect was more pronounced with current density, period of treatment and particularly with the use of sodium phosphate as an electrolyte.


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Organic substances, particularly polymers, are finding increasing use in modifying the properties of cements and concrete. Although a significant amount of research has been conducted into the modification of the mechanical properties of cements by polymers, little is known about the nature of the interface and interactions taking place between the two phases. This thesis addresses the problem of elucidating such interactions. Relevant literature is reviewed, covering the general use of polymers with cements, the chemistry of cements and polymers, adhesion and known interactions between polymers and both cements and related minerals. Although several polymer systems were studied, two in particular were selected, as being well characterized. These were: - 1) polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), the polymer derived from methyl methacrylate (MMA), and 2) an amine-cured epoxy resin system. By this approach, a methodology was developed for the examination of other polymer/cement interactions. Experiments were conducted in five main areas:- 1) polymer-cement adhesion and the feasibility of revealing interfacial regions mechanically, 2) chemical reactions between polymers and cements, 3) characterization of cement adhesion surfaces, 4) interactions affecting overall polymerisation rates, and 5) studies of polymer impregnated cements. The following conclusions were reached:- 1) The PMMA/cement interface contains calcium methacrylate as an interfacial reaction product, water being a reactant. Calcium methacrylate is detrimental to the properties of PMMA/cement composites, being highly water-soluble. 2) The pore surface of cement accelerates the polymerisation of MMA, leading to an increased molecular weight compared to polymerisation of pure MMA, minerals in hydrated cement powders having the opposite effect. 3) The investigation of reaction products presents a number of experimental problems, selection of appropriate techniques depending upon the system studied. For the two systems examined in detail, ion chromatography proved particularly useful; DTA, IRS and XPS indicated reactions, though the data was hard to interpret; XRD proving inconclusive. 4) It is impractical to reveal interfacial regions mechanically, but may be accomplished by chemical means.


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A study of several chemical and electrochemical factors which affect the behaviour of embedded steel in cement pastes and concrete has been made. The effects of internal and external sources of chloride ions on the pore solution chemistry of Portland cement pastes, with and without additions of anodic corrosion inhibitors, have been studied using a pore solution expression device which has enabled samples of pore solution to be expressed from hardened cement pastes and analysed for various ionic species. Samples of pure alite and tricalcium aluminate have been prepared and characterised with respect to morphology, free lime content and fineness. Kinetics of diffusion of chloride ions in hardened pastes of alite and alite blended with tricalcium aluminate have been investigated and an activation energy obtained for the diffusion process in alite. The pore structures of the hardened pastes and the chloride ion binding capacity of alite have also been determined. Concrete cylinders containing embedded steel with four different surface conditions were exposed to various environments. The electrochemical behaviour of the steel was monitored during the period of exposure by means of rest potential measurements and the steel corrosion products analysed before and after being embedded. An examination was made of the nature of the interfacial zones produced between the embedded steel and cement. Rest potential measurements were monitored for steel embedded in alite paste in the presence of chloride ions and cement paste containing various levels of inhibitors in combination with chloride ions. In the latter case the results were supported by polarisation resistance determinations.


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The aim of this project was to carry out a fundamental study to assess the potential of colour image analysis for use in investigations of fire damaged concrete. This involved:(a) Quantification (rather than purely visual assessment) of colour change as an indicator of the thermal history of concrete.(b) Quantification of the nature and intensity of crack development as an indication of the thermal history of concrete, supporting and in addition to, colour change observations.(c) Further understanding of changes in the physical and chemical properties of aggregate and mortar matrix after heating.(d) An indication of the relationship between cracking and non-destructive methods of testing e.g. UPV or Schmidt hammer. Results showed that colour image analysis could be used to quantify the colour changes found when concrete is heated. Development of red colour coincided with significant reduction in compressive strength. Such measurements may be used to determine the thermal history of concrete by providing information regarding the temperature distribution that existed at the height of a fire. The actual colours observed depended on the types of cement and aggregate that were used to make the concrete. With some aggregates it may be more appropriate to only analyse the mortar matrix. Petrographic techniques may also be used to determine the nature and density of cracks developing at elevated temperatures and values of crack density correlate well with measurements of residual compressive strength. Small differences in crack density were observed with different cements and aggregates, although good correlations were always found with the residual compressive strength. Taken together these two techniques can provide further useful information for the evaluation of fire damaged concrete. This is especially so since petrographic analysis can also provide information on the quality of the original concrete such as cement content and water / cement ratio. Concretes made with blended cements tended to produce small differences in physical and chemical properties compared to those made with unblended cements. There is some evidence to suggest that a coarsening of pore structure in blended cements may lead to onset of cracking at lower temperatures. The use of DTA/TGA was of little use in assessing the thermal history of concrete made with blended cements. Corner spalling and sloughing off, as observed in columns, was effectively reproduced in tests on small scale specimens and the crack distributions measured. Relationships between compressive strength/cracking and non-destructive methods of testing are discussed and an outline procedure for site investigations of fire damaged concrete is described.


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Three types of crushed rock aggregate were appraised, these being Carboniferous Sandstone, Magnesian Limestone and Jurassic Limestone. A comprehensive aggregate testing programme assessed the properties of these materials. Two series of specimen slabs were cast and power finished using recognised site procedures to assess firstly the influence of these aggregates as the coarse fraction, and secondly as the fine fraction. Each specimen slab was tested at 28 days under three regimes to simulate 2-body abrasion, 3-body abrasion and the effect of water on the abrasion of concrete. The abrasion resistance was measured using a recognised accelerated abrasion testing apparatus employing rotating steel wheels. Relationships between the aggregate and concrete properties and the abrasion resistance have been developed with the following properties being particularly important - Los Angeles Abrasion and grading of the coarse aggregate, hardness of the fine aggregate and water-cement ratio of the concrete. The sole use of cube strength as a measure of abrasion resistance has been shown to be unreliable by this work. A graphical method for predicting the potential abrasion resistance of concrete using various aggregate and concrete properties has been proposed. The effect of varying the proportion of low-grade aggregate in the mix has also been investigated. Possible mechanisms involved during abrasion have been discussed, including localised crushing and failure of the aggregate/paste bond. Aggregates from each of the groups were found to satisfy current specifications for direct finished concrete floors. This work strengthens the case for the increased use of low-grade aggregates in the future.


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The objectives of this study were to investigate: (1) whether foliose lichen thalli could be transplanted from one substrate to another and (2) whether such transplants could be used to study the influence of the substrate on growth. Hence, six saxicolous lichens, with contrasting distributions on lime-rich and lime-poor substrates in South Gwynedd, Wales, were transplanted onto slate, granite, asbestos and cement. Fragments of the perimeters of thalli were glued to the different substrates using Bostic adhesive. Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.)Ach. and Parmelia saxatilis (L.)Ach., fragments increased in area over 15 months on slate and granite but decreased in area or did not survive on asbestos and cement. Fragments of Xanthoria parietina (L.)Th.Fr. and Physcia tenella (Scop.)DC. em Bitt. did not survive on slate and granite while some fragments survived but grew poorly on asbestos and cement. Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa (Fr. ex Duby)Laund. fragments decreased in area on all substrates and especially on cement and asbestos while Physcia orbicularis (Neck.)Poetsch fragments increased in area on granite and cement, decreased on asbestos and did not change significantly on slate. The results suggested that the distribution of P. conspersa and P. saxatilis was determined primarily by physico-chemical properties of the substrate. By contrast, P. glabratula ssp. fuliginosa may have responded to the transplant procedure while X. parietina, Ph. tenella and Ph. orbicularis may require nutrient enrichment to grow successfully on a substrate.


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It has been previously established that alkali silica reaction (ASR) in concrete may be controlled by blending Portland cement with suitable hydraulic or pozzolanic materials. The controlling mechanism has been attributed to the dilution of the cement's alkali content and reduced mobility of ions in concrete's pore solution. In this project an attempt has been made to identify the factors which influence the relative importance of each mechanism in the overall suppression of the reaction by the use of blended cements. The relationship between the pore solution alkalinity and ASR was explored by the use of expansive mortar bars submerged in alkaline solutions of varying concentration. This technique enabled the blended cement's control over expansion to be assessed at given `pore solution' alkali concentrations. It was established that the cement blend, the concentration and quantity of alkali present in the pore solution were the factors which determined the rate and extent of ASR. The release of alkalis into solution by Portland cements of various alkali content was studied by analysis of pore solution samples expressed from mature specimens. The specification for avoiding ASR by alkali limitation, both by alkali content of cement and the total quantity of alkali were considered. The effect on the pore solution alkalinity when a range of Portland cements were blended with various replacement materials was measured. It was found that the relationship between the type of replacement material, its alkali content and that of the cement were the factors which primarily determined the extent of the pore solution alkali dilution effect. It was confirmed that salts of alkali metals of the kinds found as common concrete contaminants were able to increase the pore solution hydroxyl ion concentration significantly. The increase was limited by the finite anion complexing ability of the cement.


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Software development methodologies are becoming increasingly abstract, progressing from low level assembly and implementation languages such as C and Ada, to component based approaches that can be used to assemble applications using technologies such as JavaBeans and the .NET framework. Meanwhile, model driven approaches emphasise the role of higher level models and notations, and embody a process of automatically deriving lower level representations and concrete software implementations. The relationship between data and software is also evolving. Modern data formats are becoming increasingly standardised, open and empowered in order to support a growing need to share data in both academia and industry. Many contemporary data formats, most notably those based on XML, are self-describing, able to specify valid data structure and content, and can also describe data manipulations and transformations. Furthermore, while applications of the past have made extensive use of data, the runtime behaviour of future applications may be driven by data, as demonstrated by the field of dynamic data driven application systems. The combination of empowered data formats and high level software development methodologies forms the basis of modern game development technologies, which drive software capabilities and runtime behaviour using empowered data formats describing game content. While low level libraries provide optimised runtime execution, content data is used to drive a wide variety of interactive and immersive experiences. This thesis describes the Fluid project, which combines component based software development and game development technologies in order to define novel component technologies for the description of data driven component based applications. The thesis makes explicit contributions to the fields of component based software development and visualisation of spatiotemporal scenes, and also describes potential implications for game development technologies. The thesis also proposes a number of developments in dynamic data driven application systems in order to further empower the role of data in this field.


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This thesis is concerned with the experimental and theoretical investigation into the compression bond of column longitudinal reinforcement in the transference of axial load from a reinforced concrete column to a base. Experimental work includes twelve tests with square twisted bars and twenty four tests with ribbed bars. The effects of bar size, anchorage length in the base, plan area of the base, provision of bae tensile reinforcement, links around the column bars in the base, plan area of column and concrete compressive strength were investigated in the tests. The tests indicated that the strength of the compression anchorage of deformed reinforcing steel in the concrete was primarily dependent on the concrete strength and the resistance to bursting, which may be available within the anchorage . It was shown in the tests without concreted columns that due to a large containment over the bars in the foundation, failure occurred due to the breakdown of bond followed by the slip of the column bars along the anchorage length. The experimental work showed that the bar size , the stress in the bar, the anchorage length, provision of the transverse steel and the concrete compressive strength significantly affect the bond stress at failure. The ultimate bond stress decreases as the anchorage length is increased, while the ultimate bond stress increases with increasing each of the remainder parameters. Tests with concreted columns also indicated that a section of the column contributed to the bond length in the foundation by acting as an extra anchorage length. The theoretical work is based on the Mindlin equation( 3), an analytical method used in conjunction with finite difference calculus. The theory is used to plot the distribution of bond stress in the elastic and the elastic-plastic stage of behaviour. The theory is also used to plot the load-vertical displacement relationship of the column bars in the anchorage length, and also to determine the theoretical failure load of foundation. The theoretical solutions are in good agreement with the experimental results and the distribution of bond stress is shown to be significantly influenced by the bar stiffness factor K. A comparison of the experimental results with the current codes shows that the bond stresses currently used are low and in particular, CPIlO(56) specifies very conservative design bond stresses .


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The demand for road making materials continues to pressurise the supply of traditional good quality aggregates. Over the years, therefore, consideration has been given to alternative materials including industrial wastes. This thesis is concerned with potential use of Minestone, the by-product of coal mining, for the lower structural layers of pavement construction. Because of their clay like nature, Minestones do not merit consideration for such applications in an unbound state and, therefore, some form of stabilisation is necessary. Previous research has demonstrated that certain cement bound minestones, containing between 5 and 10 per cent cement, satisfy current Department of Transport requirements for use in pavement construction and, furthermore, they are not frost susceptible. However, doubts concerning the durability of cement bound minestones still remain. The thesis includes a review of both the cement and lime stabilisation techniques and also traces the origin and development of the methods used to assess the quality and durability of stabilised materials. An experimental study is described in which cement bound minestone specimens were subjected to a programme of tests which examined compressive strength, resistance to immersion, and resistance to freezing and thawing. The results of the tests were related to the properties of the raw materials. It was discovered that the response to cement stabilisation was governed mainly by the source of the minestone and, to a lesser degree, the cement content. It was also found that resistance in the durability tests was generally improved when the initial moisture content was raised above the optimum value. The result suggest that current methods for assessing cement stabilised materials are not appropriate to cement bound minestones. Alternative methods and criteria, based on volume change and retained strength following immersion and freeze-thaw tests, have been proposed. It is believed that these methods and criteria should also apply to other cement bound materials.


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The occurrence of spalling is a major factor in determining the fire resistance of concrete constructions. The apparently random occurrence of spalling has limited the development and application of fire resistance modelling for concrete structures. This Thesis describes an experimental investigation into the spalling of concrete on exposure to elevated temperatures. It has been shown that spalling may be categorised into four distinct types, aggregate spalling, corner spalling, surface spalling and explosive spalling. Aggregate spalling has been found to be a form of shear failure of aggregates local to the heated surface. The susceptibility of any particular concrete to aggregate spalling can be quantified from parameters which include the coefficients of thermal expansion of both the aggregate and the surrounding mortar, the size and thermal diffusivity of the aggregate and the rate of heating. Corner spalling, which is particularly significant for the fire resistance of concrete columns, is a result of concrete losing its tensile strength at elevated temperatures. Surface spalling is the result of excessive pore pressures within heated concrete. An empirical model has been developed to allow quantification of the pore pressures and a material failure model proposed. The dominant parameters are rate of heating, pore saturation and concrete permeability. Surface spalling may be alleviated by limiting pore pressure development and a number of methods to this end have been evaluated. Explosive spalling involves the catastrophic failure of a concrete element and may be caused by either of two distinct mechanisms. In the first instance, excessive pore pressures can cause explosive spalling, although the effect is limited principally to unloaded or relatively small specimens. A second cause of explosive spalling is where the superimposition of thermally induced stresses on applied load stresses exceed the concrete's strength.


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Polymer modified cements and mortars have become popular for use as patch repair materials. General evidence suggests that these materials offer considerable improvements compared to traditional mortars although the mechanisms for this are not fully understood. This work elucidates the factors which govern some properties and performance of different polymer systems. In view of the wide range of commercial systems available, investigations concentrated on the use of three of the most commonly available groups of polymers. These were: (1) Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR), (2) Acrylics and, (3) Ethylene Vinyl Acetates (EVA). The later two were in the form of both emulsions and redispersible powders. Experiments concentrated on: (1) Rheological behaviour of polymer modified cement pastes; (2) Workability of polymer modified mortars; (3) Influence of curing conditions on the pore size distribution and diffusion of chloride ions; (4) Bond strength of polymer modified cement and mortar patches; and (5) Microscopic examination and semi-quantitative analyses of the bulk and interfacial microstructures. The following main conclusions were reached: (1) The addition of polymer emulsions have a considerable influence on the workability of fresh cement pastes, the extent of this depending on the type of system used. (2) The rheological parameters of fresh polymer modified mortars can be established using a two-point workability test which may be used when comparing the properties of different systems at constant workability. (3) Curing conditions affect the properties of polymer modified systems and a wet/dry curing regime was essential for good adhesion of these materials to mortar substrates. (4) In contrast, the wet/dry curing regime resulted in a curing affected zone at the surface of patch materials. This can result in a much coarser pore structure and enhanced diffusion of e.g. chloride ions. (5) The microstructure of polymer modified systems was very different compared with the unmodified cement/mortar and varied depending on curing conditions.