14 resultados para Cattle -- Feeding and feeds
em Aston University Research Archive
Childhood obesity is a major health issue with associated ill-health consequences during childhood and into later adolescence and adulthood. Given that eating behaviors are formed during early childhood, it is important to evaluate the relationships between early life feeding practices and later child adiposity. This review describes and evaluates recent literature exploring associations between child weight and the mode of milk feeding, the age of introducing solid foods and caregivers’ solid feeding practices. There are many inconsistencies in the literature linking early life feeding to later obesity risk and discrepancies may be related to inconsistent definitions, or a lack of control for confounding variables. This review summarizes the literature in this area and identifies the need for large scale longitudinal studies to effectively explore how early life feeding experiences may interact with each other and with nutritional provision during later childhood to predict obesity risk.
This study explored the reasons why young women from low income areas are among those least likely to breastfeed. Focus groups were conducted with 15 health professionals and 11 young, first time mothers were interviewed. Health professionals participating believed that white communities endorsed bottle feeding while Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities, although they accepted breastfeeding more readily, were likely to give prelacteal feeds of non-breast milk and to delay weaning. The interviews with mothers revealed a belief that 'breast is best' but factors intervened in a detrimental way resulting in the decision not to breastfeed or in early cessation. Participating mothers expected breastfeeding to be painful and were preoccupied with feeding and weight gain. The desire to have 'fat bonnie babies' demonstrated the mothers' moral attempts to be perceived as 'good mothers' although their actions went against the knowledge that 'breast is best'. Recommendations include educating health professionals about subcultures in their communities and reversing the misconception that breast milk is insufficient for a baby's healthy development. Promoting breastfeeding must include the crucial message that breast milk contains all the nourishment a baby needs.
This paper explores whether breast-feeding, mediated by lower maternal use of controlling strategies, predicts more positive mealtime interactions between mothers and their 1 year old infants. Eighty-seven women completed questionnaires regarding breast-feeding, assessing their control over child feeding and mealtime negativity at 1 year of infant age. Seventy-four of these women were also observed feeding their infants solid food at 1 year. Mediation analyses demonstrated that the experience of breast-feeding, mediated by lower reported maternal control over child feeding, predicted maternal reports of less negative mealtime interactions. The experience of breast-feeding also predicted observations of less conflict at mealtimes, mediated by observations of maternal sensitivity during feeding interactions. The implications of these findings are discussed.
Objective: The current study examined the contribution of prenatal and postnatal maternal core beliefs, self-esteem, psychopathologic symptoms, and postnatal infant temperament to the prediction of infant feeding difficulties. Method: Ninety-nine women completed questionnaires assessing their core beliefs, psychopathology, and self-esteem during pregnancy and at 6 months postpartum. At 6 months, mothers also rated their infant's temperament and feeding, and were observed feeding their infants. Results: Maternal reports of child feeding difficulties were predicted by higher levels of emotional deprivation and entitlement core beliefs and lower levels of self-sacrifice and enmeshment core beliefs during pregnancy. Postnatal social isolation core beliefs, lower maternal self-esteem, and more difficult infant temperament added significantly to the variance explained by prenatal factors. Maternal core beliefs, self-esteem, psychopathology, and infant temperament failed to significantly predict independent observations of child food refusal. Conclusion: Maternal cognitions are implicated in the development of maternal reports of feeding difficulty.
A two-factor no-arbitrage model is used to provide a theoretical link between stock and bond market volatility. While this model suggests that short-term interest rate volatility may, at least in part, drive both stock and bond market volatility, the empirical evidence suggests that past bond market volatility affects both markets and feeds back into short-term yield volatility. The empirical modelling goes on to examine the (time-varying) correlation structure between volatility in the stock and bond markets and finds that the sign of this correlation has reversed over the last 20 years. This has important implications far portfolio selection in financial markets. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Feeding behaviour of trained rainbow trout was investigated by the use of demand feeders, under different light conditions. The effects of the energy content of diet, and the size, colour and texture of feed pellets, on the feeding behaviour, were studied. An attempt was made to locate the assumed centres for feeding and satiety in the hypothalamus of brain by the intraperitoneal injections of goldthioglucose. Feeding under nine different constant photoperiods at 160 lux, at a temperature of 13.5°C, showed that trout exhibit a rhythmic pattern of feeding behaviour in all photoperiods except in continuous darkness.Feeding rhythms of trout attributable to the degree of gut distension were formed every eight to ten hours. Further studies by varying levels of light intensity revealed the interaction of light intensity and photoperiod. At shorter photoperiods lower levels of light intensity decreased the feeding activity in terms of food intake but by increasing the photoperiod the same feeding activity was accomplished as by the fish subject to a short photoperiod but under higher light intensity.Simulated effect of increasing and decreasing daylengths did not affect the overall food intake and growth performance. Trout are quite efficient in adjusting their food intake in terms of energy content. Colour, size and texture of feed pellets affect the feeding responses and elicit preferential food selection behaviour in trout. Goldthioglucose induced some reversable toxic effects upon general physiology of trout and did not produce any lesions in the assumed areas of feeding and satiety centres in the brain. It was concluded that the feeding behaviour of trout exhibited selective preferences according to the physical nature of food items and those preferences could be further influenced by the biotic and abiotic factors, light being one of the most important abiotic factors.
Lithofacies distribution indicates that the Much Wenlock Limestone Formation of England and South Wales was desposited on a shelf which was flat and gently subsiding in the north, but topographically variable in the south. Limestone deposition in the north began with 12m of alga-rich limestone, which formed an upward shoaling sequence. Deepening then led to deposition of calcareous silty mudstones on the northern shelf. The remainder of the formation in this area formed during a shelf-wide regression, culminating in the production of an E to W younging sandbody. Lithofacies distribution on the southern shelf was primarily controlled by local subsidence. Six bedded lithofacies are recognised which contain 14 brachiopod/bryozoan dominated assemblages, of which 11 are in situ and three consist of reworked fossils. Microfacies analysis is necessary to distinguish assemblages which reflect original communities from those which reflect sedimentary processes. Turbulence, substrate-type, ease of feeding and other organisms in the environment controlled faunal distribution. Reefs were built dominantly by corals, stromatoporoids, algae and crinoids. Coral/stromatoporoid (Type A) reefs are common, particularly on the northern shelf, where they formed in response to shallowing, ultimately growing in front of the advancing carbonate sandbody. Algae dominate Type B and Type C reefs, reflecting growth in areas of poor water circulation. Lithification of the formation began in the marine-phreatic environment with precipitation of aragonite and high Mg calcite, which was subsequently altered to turbid low Mg calcite. Younger clear spars post-date secondary void formation. The pre-compactional clear spars have features which resemble the products of meteoric water diagenesis, but freshwater did not enter the formation at this time. The pre-compactional spars were precipitated by waters forced from the surrounding silty mudstones at shallow burial depths. Late diagenetic products are stylolites, compaction fractures and burial cements.
BACKGROUND: Retinal vessel oxygenation saturation measurements have been the focus of much attention in recent years as a potential diagnostic parameter in a number of ocular and systemic pathologies. This interest has been heightened by the ability to measure oxygen saturation in vivo using a photographic technique. METHODS: Retinal vessel oxygenation in venules and arterioles of 279 retinal vessels of 12 healthy Caucasian participants (mean age: 30 SD (+/- 6) years) were measured consecutively three times to evaluate short-term variation in oxygen saturation and regional variability of retinal vessel oxygen saturation using dual-wavelength technology (Oxymetry Modul, Imedos, Germany). All subjects underwent standard optometric assessment including non-contact intra-ocular pressure assessment as well as having their systemic blood pressure measured. RESULTS: Vessels were grouped as either near-macula or peripheral, depending on their location. Peripheral arterioles and venules exhibited significantly lower oxygen saturation compared to their near-macula counterparts (arterioles: 94.7% (SD 3.9) vs. 99.7% (SD 3.2); venules: 65.1% (SD 7.2) vs. 90.3% (SD 6.7)). Both arterioles and venules, main branches, and those feeding and draining the retina near the macula and periphery showed low short-term variability of oxygen saturation (arterioles: COV 1.2-1.8%; venules: COV 2.9-4.9%). CONCLUSIONS: Retinal arterioles and venules exhibit low short-term variation of oxygen saturation in healthy subjects. Regional differences in oxygen saturation could be a potential useful marker for risk stratification and diagnostic purposes of area-specific retinal pathology such as age-related macula degeneration and diabetic maculopathy.
Parental reports suggest that difficulties related to child-feeding and children's eating behaviour are extremely common. While 'fussy eating' does not pose an immediate threat to health, over the long-term, consumption of a poor diet can contribute to the development of a range of otherwise preventable diseases. In addition, the stress and anxiety that can surround difficult mealtimes can have a detrimental impact upon both child and parental psychological wellbeing. Since parents have a great influence over what, when, and how much food is offered, feeding difficulties may be preventable by better parental awareness. The aim of this review is to describe how parental factors contribute to the development of common feeding problems, and to discuss the merits of existing interventions aimed at parents/primary caregivers to improve child-feeding and children's eating behaviour. The potential for different technologies to be harnessed in order to deliver interventions in new ways will also be discussed. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
Objective: To investigate the relationship between maternal psychopathological symptomatology during pregnancy and at 6 and 12 months postnatally and maternal use of controlling and restrictive feeding practices at 1 year. Research Methods and Procedures: Eighty-seven women completed a measure of psychological distress during pregnancy and at 6 and 12 months postpartum, and at 12 months postnatally these women reported their usage of controlling and restrictive feeding practices and were observed feeding their infants. Results: General psychological distress, particularly anxious psychopathology, during pregnancy and at 6 and 12 months postnatally was significantly associated with maternal use of restrictive feeding practices at 1 year, even when controlling for length of breast-feeding and the infants' weights at 1 year. Contrary to expectations, depression and eating psychopathology as measured by the SCOFF eating disorder measure during pregnancy or at 6 or 12 months postnatally were not associated with the use of controlling or restrictive feeding practices at 1 year. Discussion: These findings indicate that anxious maternal psychopathology may partially explain the development of maternal use of restriction when feeding. Copyright © 2005 NAASO.
This study evaluates the antidiabetic potential of an enzyme-resistant analog, (Val8)GLP-1. The effects of daily administration of a novel dipeptidyl peptidase IV-resistant glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analog, (Val8)GLP-1, on glucose tolerance and pancreatic β-cell function were examined in obese-diabetic (ob/ob) mice. Acute intraperitoneal administration of (Val8)GLP-1 (6.25-25 nmol/kg) with glucose increased the insulin response and reduced the glycemic excursion in a dose-dependent manner. The effects of (Val8)GLP-1 were greater and longer lasting than native GLP-1. Once-daily subcutaneous administration of (Val8)GLP-1 (25 nmol/kg) for 21 days reduced plasma glucose concentrations, increased plasma insulin, and reduced body weight more than native GLP-1 without a significant change in daily food intake. Furthermore, (Val8)GLP-1 improved glucose tolerance, reduced the glycemic excursion after feeding, increased the plasma insulin response to glucose and feeding, and improved insulin sensitivity. These effects were consistently greater with (Val8)GLP-1 than with native GLP-1, and both peptides retained or increased their acute efficacy compared with initial administration. (Val8)GLP-1 treatment increased average islet area 1.2-fold without changing the number of islets, resulting in an increased number of larger islets. These data demonstrate that (Val8)GLP-1 is more effective and longer acting than native GLP-1 in obese-diabetic ob/ob mice.
Western Yiddish, the spoken language of the traditional Jewish society in the German- and Dutch-speaking countries, was abandoned by its speakers at the end of the 18th in favour of the emerging standard varieties: Dutch and German, respectively. Remnants of Western Yiddish varieties, however, remained a medium of discourse in remote provinces and could be found well into the 19th and sometimes the 20th century in some South-western areas of Germany and Switzerland, the Alsace, some areas of the Netherlands and in parts of the German province of Westphalia. It appears that rural Jewish communities sometimes preserved in-group vernaculars, which were based on Western Yiddish. Sources discovered in 2004 in the town of Aurich prove that Jews living in East Frisia, a Low-German speaking peninsula in the North-west of Germany, used a variety based on Western Yiddish until the Second World War. It appears that until the Holocaust a number of small, close-knit Jewish communities East Frisia, which depended economically mainly on cattle-trading and butchery, kept certain specific cultural features, among them the vernacular which they spoke alongside Low German and Standard German. The sources consist of two amateur theatre plays, a memoir and two word lists written in 1902, 1928 and the 1980s, respectively. In the monograph these sources are documented and annotated as well as analyzed linguistically against the background of rural Jewish life in Northern Germany. The study focuses on traces of language contact with Low German, processes of language change and on the question of the function of the variety in day-to-day life in a rural Jewish community.
A fluidized bed process development unit of 0.8 m internal diameter was designed on basis of results obtained from a bench scale laboratory unit. For the scaling up empirical models from the literature were used. The process development unit and peripheral equipment were constructed, assembled and commissioned, and instruments were provided for data acquisition. The fluidization characteristics of the reactor were determined and were compared to the design data. An experimental programme was then carried out and mass and energy balances were made for all the runs. The results showed that the most important independent experimental parameter was the air factor, with an optimum at 0.3. The optimum higher heating value of the gas produced was 6.5 MJ/Nm3, while the thermal efficiency was 70%. Reasonably good agreement was found between the experimental results, theoretical results from a thermodynamic model and data from the literature. It was found that the attainment of steady state was very sensitive to a continuous and constant feedstock flowrate, since the slightest variation in feed flow resulted in fluctuations of the gas quality. On the basis of the results a set of empirical relationships was developed, which constitutes an empirical model for the prediction of the performance of fluidized bed gasifiers. This empirical model was supplemented by a design procedure by which fluidized bed gasifiers can be designed and constructed. The design procedure was then extended to cover feedstock feeding and gas cleaning in a conceptual design of a fluidized bed gasification facility. The conceptual design was finally used to perform an economic evaluation of a proposed gasification facility. The economics of this plant (retrofit application) were favourable.
The microbial demand for iron is often met by the elaboration of siderophores into the surrounding medium and expression of cognate outer membrane receptors for the ferric siderophore complexes. Conditions of iron limitation, such as those encountered in vivo, cause Pseudomonas aeruginosa to express two high-affinity iron-uptake systems based on pyoverdin and pyochelin. These systems will operate both in the organism's natural habitat, soil and water, where the solubility of iron at neutral pH is extremely low, and in the human host where the availability of free iron is too low to sustain bacterial growth due to the iron-binding glycoproteins transferrin and lactoferrin. Cross-feeding and radiolabelled iron uptake experiments demonstrated that pyoverdin biosynthesis and uptake were highly heterogeneous amongst P.aeruginosa strains, that growth either in the presence of pyoverdin or pyochelin resulted in induction of specific IROMPs, and that induction of iron uptake is siderophore-specific. The P.aeruginosa Tn5 mutant PH1 is deficient in ferripyoverdin uptake and resistant to pyocin Sa, suggesting that the site of interaction of pyocin Sa is a ferripyoverdin receptor. Additional Tn5 mutants appeared to exploit different strategies to achieve pyocin Sa-resistance, involving modifications in expression of pyoverdin-mediated iron uptake, indicating that complex regulatory systems exist to enable these organisms to compete effectively for iron. Modulation of expression of IROMPs prompted a study of the mechanism of uptake of a semi-synthetic C(7) α-formamido substituted cephalosporin BRL 41897A. Sensitivity to this agent correlated with expression of the 75 kDa ferri-pyochelin receptor and demonstrated the potential of high-affinity iron uptake systems for targeting of novel antibiotics. Studies with ferri-pyoverdin uptake-deficient mutant PH1 indicated that expression of outer membrane protein G (OprG), which is usually expressed under iron-rich conditions and repressed under iron-deficient conditions, was perturbed. Attempts were made to clone the oprG gene using a degenerate probe based on the N-terminal amino acid sequence. A strongly hybridising HindIll restriction fragment was cloned and sequenced, but failed to reveal an open reading frame correspondmg to OprG. However, there appears to be good evidence that a part of the gene codmg for the hydrophilic membrane-associated ATP-binding component of a hitherto uncharacterised periplasmic- binding-protein-dependent transport system has been isolated. The full organisation and sequence of the operon, and substrate for this putative transport system, are yet: to be elucidated,