5 resultados para Catenin

em Aston University Research Archive


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Craniopharyngiomas and pituitary adenomas are both tumors of the hypothalamic and pituitary region, respectively that are frequently associated with endocrine defects either because of direct involvement of hormone producing cells (most pituitary tumors) or because of secondary defects due to disturbance of hypothalamic function (some pituitary tumors and craniopharyngiomas). Some studies suggest that mutant β-catenin gene cells in craniopharyngiomas and pituitary adenomas contribute to their tumorigenesis. DNA was extracted from 73 cranial tumors and subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with previously described primers encompassing glycogen synthase kinase-3β phosphorylation sites of the β-catenin gene. Sequenced PCR products for possible β-catenin gene mutations showed a total of 7/43 alterations in adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma-derived DNA samples. Two previously described β-catenin mutations in codon 33 TCT(Ser) > TGT(Cys) and codon 37 TCT(Ser) > TTT(Phe), whereas three novel mutations in codon 41 ACC(Thr) > ATC(Ile), codon 33 TCT(Ser) > TAT(Tyr) and codon 32 GAC(Asp) > AAC(Asn) were observed. None of the 22 pituitary adenomas and the eight papillary craniopharyngiomas analyzed presented any sequence alterations. These findings demonstrate an association between β-catenin gene alterations and craniopharyngiomas of the adamantinomatous type. Since this gene product is involved with development, these results suggest that β-catenin mutations may contribute to the initiation and subsequent growth of congenital craniopharyngiomas. © Springer 2005.


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Raf kinase inhibitory protein (RKIP) is a physiologic inhibitor of c-RAF kinase and nuclear factor ?B signaling that represses tumor invasion and metastasis. Glycogen synthase kinase-3ß (GSK3ß) suppresses tumor progression by downregulating multiple oncogenic pathways including Wnt signaling and cyclin D1 activation. Here, we show that RKIP binds GSK3 proteins and maintains GSK3ß protein levels and its active form. Depletion of RKIP augments oxidative stress-mediated activation of the p38 mitogen activated protein kinase, which, in turn, inactivates GSK3ß by phosphorylating it at the inhibitory T390 residue. This pathway de-represses GSK3ß inhibition of oncogenic substrates causing stabilization of cyclin D, which induces cell-cycle progression and ß-catenin, SNAIL, and SLUG, which promote epithelial to mesenchymal transition. RKIP levels in human colorectal cancer positively correlate with GSK3ß expression. These findings reveal the RKIP/GSK3 axis as both a potential therapeutic target and a prognosis-based predictor of cancer progression.


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ßElucidating some molecular mechanisms and biochemistry of brain tumours is an important step towards the development of adjuvant medical therapies. The present study concentrates on cholecystokinin (CCK), a gut-brain peptide that has been described to be able to induce mitosis of rat gliomas as well as hormone secretion by the anterior pituitary, via the CCK-B receptor. The significance of a polymorphism in the growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) receptor (GHRH-R) gene was also determined. Finally, defects in the ß-catenin gene, an important component of the developmental pathway, in a sub-set of craniopharyngiomas were investigated. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), restriction digestion analysis and direct sequencing demonstrated expression of CCK peptide itself and its A and B receptors by human gliomas, meningiomas and pituitary tumours. CCK peptides stimulated growth of cultured gliomas and meningiomas as well as in vitro hormone secretion [growth hormone (GH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)] by human pituitary tumours. These biological effects were reduced or abolished by CCK antagonists. In addition, an antibody to CCK reduced mitosis by gliomas and meningiomas, and the same antibody inhibited hormone secretion by cultured human pituitary tumours. CCK peptides stimulated phosphatidylinositol (PI) hydrolysis, indicating coupling of the CCK receptors to phopsholipase C. Cyclic AMP was unaffected. In addition, caspase-3 activity was significantly and markedly increased, whilst proteasome activity was decreased. Taken together, these results may indicate an autocrine/paracrine role of CCK in the control of growth and/or functioning of gliomas, meningiomas and pituitary tumours. Primer induced restriction analysis (PIRA) of a rarer and alternative polymorphism in the GHRH-R receptor, in which Thr replaces Ala at codon 57, in human GH-secreting pituitary tumours was investigated. Whilst the rarer form correlated with an increased response of the pituitary cells to GHRH in vitro, allele distribution studies revealed that it is unlikely that the polymorphism contributes to increased risk of developing GH-secreting tumours and therefore acromegaly. Further findings of this study, using PCR and direct sequencing, were the demonstration of an association between b-catenin gene alterations and craniopharyngiomas of the adamantinomatous type. Since this gene product is involved with development, these results suggest that p-catenin mutations may contribute to the initiation and subsequent growth of congenital adamantinomatous craniopharyngiomas.


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Tissue Transglutaminase (TG2) and FXIIIa, members of the transglutaminase (TG) family, catalyses a transamidating reaction and form covalent bond between or within proteins. In bone development, both enzymes expressions correlate with the initial of the mineralisation process by osteoblasts and chondrocytes. Exogenous TG2 also promotes maturation of chondrocytes and mineralisation in pre-osteoblasts. To understand the role of endogenous TG2 in osteoblast mineralisation, the TG2 expression was examined during the human osteoblast (HOB) mineralisation. The expression of the endogenous TG2 increased during the mineralisation, yet, its expression was not essential for mineral deposition due to the compensation effect by other members in the TG family. The extracellular transamidating activity of HOBs was found increased during mineralisation and a shift from FXIIIa dominant- to TG2-dominant crosslinking activity was suggested after differentiation. However, the transamidating activity of both TG2 and FXIIIa were not critical for cell mineralisation. On the other hand, Exogenous TG2 was found to enhance wild type HOB and TG2 knockdown HOB mineral deposition. The transamidating activity of TG2 was not required but most likely a close conformation was essential for this enhancement. Results also demonstrated that exogenous TG2 may activate the ß-catenin pathway through LRP5 receptor thus contribute in cell mineralisation. This enhancement could be abolished by addition of ß-catenin inhibitors. Finally, using of TG2 crosslinked collagen gel for bone and cornea repair was evaluated. Crosslinked collagen gel showed promising results in improving HOB mineralisation, human corneal fibroblast (hCF) proliferation and migration. These effects might be resulted from the trapped TG2 within the collagen matrix and the alteration of matrix topography by TG2.


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Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are initiating cells in colorectal cancer (CRC). Colorectal tumours undergo epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)-like processes at the invasive front, enabling invasion and metastasis, and recent studies have linked this process to the acquisition of stem cell-like properties. It is of fundamental importance to understand the molecular events leading to the establishment of cancer initiating cells and how these mechanisms relate to cellular transitions during tumourigenesis. We use an in vitro system to recapitulate changes in CRC cells at the invasive front (mesenchymal-like cells) and central mass (epithelial-like cells) of tumours. We show that the mesoderm inducer BRACHYURY is expressed in a subpopulation of CRC cells that resemble invasive front mesenchymal-like cells, where it acts to impose characteristics of CSCs in a fully reversible manner, suggesting reversible formation and modulation of such cells. BRACHYURY, itself regulated by the oncogene β-catenin, influences NANOG and other 'stemness' markers including a panel of markers defining CRC-CSC whose presence has been linked to poor patient prognosis. Similar regulation of NANOG through BRACHYURY was observed in other cells lines, suggesting this might be a pathway common to cancer cells undergoing mesenchymal transition. We suggest that BRACHYURY may regulate NANOG in mesenchymal-like CRC cells to impose a 'plastic-state', allowing competence of cells to respond to signals prompting invasion or metastasis. Copyright © 2011 UICC.