32 resultados para CYLINDRICAL-SHELL
em Aston University Research Archive
This work presents pressure distributions and fluid flow patterns on the shellside of a cylindrical shell-and-tube heat exchanger. The apparatus used was constructed from glass enabling direct observation of the flow using a dye release technique and had ten traversable pressure instrumented tubes permitting detailed pressure distributions to be obtained. The `exchanger' had a large tube bundle (278 tubes) and main flow areas typical of practical designs. Six geometries were studied: three baffle spacings both with and without baffle leakage. Results are also presented of three-dimensional modelling of shellside flows using the Harwell Laboratory's FLOW3D code. Flow visualisation provided flow patterns in the central plane of the bundle and adjacent to the shell wall. Comparison of these high-lighted significant radial flow variations. In particular, separated regions, originating from the baffle tips, were observed. The size of these regions was small in the bundle central plane but large adjacent to the shell wall and extended into the bypass lane. This appeared to reduce the bypass flow area and hence the bypass flow fraction. The three-dimensional flow modelling results were presented as velocity vector and isobar maps. The vector maps illustrated regions of high and low velocity which could be prone to tube vibration and fouling. Separated regions were also in evidence. A non-uniform crossflow was discovered with, in general, higher velocities in the central plane of the bundle than near the shell wall._The form of the isobar maps calculated by FLOW3D was in good agreement with experimental results. In particular, larger pressure drops occurred across the inlet than outlet of a crossflow region and were higher near the upstream than downstream baffle face. The effect of baffle spacing and baffle leakage on crossflow and window pressure drop measurements was identified. Agreement between the current measurements, previously obtained data and commonly used design correlations/models was, in general, poor. This was explained in terms of the increased understanding of shellside flow. The bulk of previous data, which dervies from small-scale rigs with few tubes, have been shown to be unrepresentative of typical commerical units. The Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Service design program TASC provided the best predictions of the current pressure drop results. However, a number of simple one-dimensional models in TASC are, individually, questionable. Some revised models have been proposed.
Glass reinforced plastic (GRP) is now an established material for the fabrication of sonar windows. Its good mechanical strength, light weight, resistance to corrosion and acoustic transparency, are all properties which fit it for this application. This thesis describes a study, undertaken at the Royal Naval Engineering College, Plymouth, into the mechanical behaviour of a circular cylindrical sonar panel. This particular type of panel would be used to cover a flank array sonar in a ship or submarine. The case considered is that of a panel with all of its edges mechanically clamped and subject to pressure loading on its convex surface. A comprehensive program of testing, to determine the orthotropic elastic properties of the laminated composite panel material is described, together with a series of pressure tests on 1:5 scale sonar panels. These pressure tests were carried out in a purpose designed test rig, using air pressure to provide simulated hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loading. Details of all instrumentation used in the experimental work are given in the thesis. The experimental results from the panel testing are compared with predictions of panel behaviour obtained from both the Galerkin solution of Flugge's cylindrical shell equations (orthotropic case), and finite element modelling of the panels using PAFEC. A variety of appropriate panel boundary conditions are considered in each case. A parametric study, intended to be of use as a preliminary design tool, and based on the above Galerkin solution, is also presented. This parametric study considers cases of boundary conditions, material properties, and panel geometry, outside of those investigated in the experimental work Final conclusions are drawn and recommendations made regarding possible improvements to the procedures for design, manufacture and fixing of sonar panels in the Royal Navy.
This thesis describes an analytical and experimental study to determine the mechanical characteristics of the pump mounting, bell housing type. For numerical purposes, the mount was modelled as a thin circular cylindrical shell with cutouts, stiffened with rings and stringers; the boundary conditions were considered to be either clamped-free or clamped-supporting rigid heavy mass. The theoretical study was concerned with both the static response and the free vibration characteristics of the mount. The approach was based on the Rayleigh-Ritz approximation technique using beam characteristic (axial) and trigonometric (Circumferential) functions in the displacement series, in association with the Love - Timoshenko thin shell theory. Studies were carried out to determine the effect of the supported heavy mass on the static response, frequencies and mode shapes; in addition, the effects of stringers, rings and cutouts on vibration characteristics were investigated. The static and dynamic formulations were both implemented on the Hewlett Packard 9845 computer. The experimental study was conducted to evaluate the results of the natural frequencies and mode shapes, predicted numerically. In the experimental part, a digital computer was used as an experiment controller, which allowed accurate and quick results. The following observations were made: 1. Good agreements were obtained with the results of other investigators. 2. Satisfactory agreement was achieved between the theoretical and experimental results. 3. Rings coupled the axial modal functions of the plain cylinder and tended to increase frequencies, except for the torsion modes where frequencies were reduced. Stringers coupled the circumferential modal functions and tended to decrease frequencies. The effect of rings was stronger than that of stringers. 4. Cutouts tended to reduce frequencies; in general, but this depends on the location of the cutouts; if they are near the free edge then an increase in frequencies is obtained. Cutouts coupled both axial and circumferential modal functions. 5. The supported heavy mass had similar effects to those of the rings, but in an exaggerated manner, particularly in the reduction of torsion frequencies. 6. The method of analysis was found to be a convenient analytical tool for estimating the overall behaviour of the shell with cutouts.
Local mass transfer coefficients were determined by using the electrochemical technique. A simple model of a heat exchanger with segmental nickel tube joined to p.v.c. rods replaced the exchanger tubes. Measurements were made for both no-Ieakage, semi-leakage and total leakage configurations. Baffle-spacings of 47.6 mm, 66.6 mm, 97 mm and 149.2 mm wer studied. Also studied were the overall exchanger pressure drops for each configuration. The comparison of the heat transfer data with this work showed good agreement at high flow rates for the no-leakage case, but the agreement became poor for lower flow rates and leakage configurations. This disagreement was explained by non-analogous driving forces existing in the two systems. The no-leakage data showed length-wise variation of transfer coefficients along the exchanger length. The end compartments showing transfer coefficients inferior by up to 26% compared to tbe internal compartments, depending on Reynolds number. With the introduction of leakage streams this variation however became smaller than the experimental accuracy. A model is outlined to show the characteristic behaviour of individual electrode segments within the compartment. This was able to discriminate between cross and window zones for the no- leakage case, but no such distinction could be made for the leakage case. A flow area was found which, when incorporated in the Reynolds number, enabled the correlation of baffle-cut and baffle-spacing parameters for the no-leakage case . This area is the free flow area determined at the baffle edge. Addition of the leakage area to this flow area resulted in correlation of all commercial leakage geometrical parameters. The procedures used to correlate the pressure drop data from a total of eighteen different configurations on a single curve are also outlined.
A diffusion-controlled electrochemical mass transfer technique has been employed in making local measurements of shell-side coefficients in segmentally baffled shell and tube heat exchangers. Corresponding heat transfer data are predicted through the Chilton and Colburn heat and mass transfer analogy. Mass transfer coefficients were measured for baffle spacing lengths of individual tubes in an internal baffle compartment. Shell-side pressure measurements were also made. Baffle compartment average coefficients derived from individual tube coefficients are shown to be in good agreement with reported experimental bundle average heat transfer data for a heat exchanger model of similar geometry. Mass transfer coefficients of individual tubes compare favourably with those obtained previously by another mass transfer technique. Experimental data are reported for a variety of segmental baffle configurations over the shell-side Reynolds number range 100 to 42 000. Baffles with zero clearances were studied at three baffle cuts and two baffle spacings. Baffle geometry is shown to have a large effect on the distribution of tube coefficients within the baffle compartment. Fluid "jetting" is identified with some baffle configurations. No simple characteristic velocity is found to correlate zonal or baffle compartment average mass transfer data for the effect of both baffle cut and baffle spacing. Experiments with baffle clearances typical of commercial heat exchangers are also reported. The effect of leakage streams associated with these baffles is identified. Investigations were extended to double segmental baffles for which no data had previously been published. The similarity in the shell-side characteristics of this baffle arrangement and two parallel single segmental baffle arrangements is demonstrated. A general relationship between the shell-side mass transfer performance and pressure drop was indicated by the data for all the baffle configurations examined.
The structure of wurtzite and zinc blende InAs-GaAs (001) core-shell nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs (001) substrates has been investigated by transmission electron microscopy. Heterowires with InAs core radii exceeding 11 nm, strain relax through the generation of misfit dislocations, given a GaAs shell thickness greater than 2.5 nm. Strain relaxation is larger in radial directions than axial, particularly for shell thicknesses greater than 5.0 nm, consistent with molecular statics calculations that predict a large shear stress concentration at each interface corner. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.
Local shell side coefficient measurements in the end conpartments of a model shell and tube heat exchanger have been made using an electrochemical technique. Limited data are also reported far the second compartment. The end compartment average coefficients have been found to be smaller than reported data for a corresponding internal conpartment. The second compartment data. have been shown to lie between those for the end compartments and the reported internal compartment data. Experimental data are reported fcr two port types and two baffle orientations. with data for the case of an inlet compartment impingement baffle also being given . Port type is shown to have a small effect on compartment coefficients, these being largely unaffected. Likewise, the outlet compartment average coefficients are slightly snaller than those for the inlet compartment, with the distribution of individual tube coefficients being similar. Baffle orientation has been shown to have no effect on average coefficients, but the distribution of the data is substantially affected. The use of an impingement baffle in the inlet compartment lessens the efect of baffle orientation on distribution . Recommendations are made for future work.
Accurate prediction of shellside pressure drop in a baffled shell-and-tube heat exchanger is very difficult because of the complicated shellside geometry. Ideally, all the shellside fluid should be alternately deflected across the tube bundle as it traverses from inlet to outlet. In practice, up to 60% of the shellside fluid may bypass the tube bundle or leak through the baffles. This short-circuiting of the main flow reduces the efficiency of the exchanger. Of the various shellside methods, it is shown that only the multi-stream methods, which attempt to obtain the shellside flow distribution, predict the pressure drop with any degree of accuracy, the various predictions ranging from -30% to +70%, generally overpredicting. It is shown that the inaccuracies are mainly due to the manner in which baffle leakage is modelled. The present multi-stream methods do not allow for interactions of the various flowstreams, and yet it is shown that three main effects are identified, a) there is a strong interaction between the main cross flow and the baffle leakage streams, enhancing the crossflow pressure drop, b) there is a further short-circuit not considered previously i.e. leakage in the window, and c) the crossflow does not penetrate as far, on average, as previously supposed. Models are developed for each of these three effects, along with a new windowflow pressure drop model, and it is shown that the effect of baffle leakage in the window is the most significant. These models developed to allow for various interactions, lead to an improved multi-stream method, named the "STREAM-INTERACTION" method. The overall method is shown to be consistently more accurate than previous methods, with virtually all the available shellside data being predicted to within ±30% and over 60% being within ±20%. The method is, thus, strongly recommended for use as a design method.