8 resultados para CRITICAL REVIEWS

em Aston University Research Archive


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Exposure to the solar ultraviolet spectrum that penetrates the Earth's stratosphere (UVA and UVB) causes cellular DNA damage within skin cells. This damage is elicited directly through absorption of energy (UVB), and indirectly through intermediates such as sensitizer radicals and reactive oxygen species (UVA). DNA damage is detected as strand breaks or as base lesions, the most common lesions being 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8OHdG) from UVA exposure and cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers from UVB exposure. The presence of these products in the genome may cause misreading and misreplication. Cells are protected by free radical scavengers that remove potentially mutagenic radical intermediates. In addition, the glutathione-S-transferase family can catalyze the removal of epoxides and peroxides. An extensive repair capacity exists for removing (1) strand breaks, (2) small base modifications (8OHdG), and (3) bulky lesions (cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers). UV also stimulates the cell to produce early response genes that activate a cascade of signaling molecules (e.g., protein kinases) and protective enzymes (e.g., haem oxygenase). The cell cycle is restricted via p53-dependent and -independent pathways to facilitate repair processes prior to replication and division. Failure to rescue the cell from replication block will ultimately lead to cell death, and apoptosis may be induced. The implications for UV-induced genotoxicity in disease are considered.


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Targeting of drugs and therapies locally to the esophagus is an important objective in the development of new and more effective dosage forms. Therapies that are retained within the oral cavity for both local and systemic action have been utilized for many years, although delivery to the esophagus has been far less reported. Esophageal disease states, including infections, motility disorders, gastric reflux, and cancers, would all benefit from localized drug delivery. Therefore, research in this area provides significant opportunities. The key limitation to effective drug delivery within the esophagus is sufficient retention at this site coupled with activity profiles to correspond with these retention times; therefore, a suitable formulation needs to provide the drug in a ready-to-work form at the site of action during the rapid transit through this organ. A successfully designed esophageal-targeted system can overcome these obstacles. This review presents a range of dosage form approaches for targeting the esophagus, including bioadhesive liquids and orally retained lozenges, chewing gums, gels, and films, as well as endoscopically delivered therapeutics. The techniques used to measure efficacy both in vitro and in vivo are also discussed. Drug delivery is a growing driver within the pharmaceutical industry and offers benefits both in terms of clinical efficacy, as well as in market positioning, as a means of extending a drug's exclusivity and profitability. Emerging systems that can be used to target the esophagus are reported within this review, as well as the potential of alternative formulations that offer benefits in this exciting area.


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Powders for inhalation are traditionally prepared using a destructive micronization process such as jet milling to reduce the particle size of the drug to 2-5 μm. The resultant particles are typically highly cohesive and display poor aerosolization properties, necessitating the addition of a coarse carrier particle to the micronized drug to improve powder flowability. Spray-drying technology offers an alternative, constructive particle production technique to the traditional destructive approach, which may be particularly useful when processing biotechnology products that could be adversely affected by high-energy micronization processes. Advantages of spray drying include the ability to incorporate a wide range of excipients into the spray-drying feedstock, which could modify the aerosolization and stability characterizations of the resultant powders, as well as modify the drug release and absorption profiles following inhalation. This review discusses some of the reasons why pulmonary drug delivery is becoming an increasingly popular route of administration and describes the various investigations that have been undertaken in the preparation of spray-dried powders for pulmonary drug delivery. © 2007 by Begell House, Inc.


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This review focuses on the use of particulate delivery systems for the purposes of immunization. This includes poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA), ISCOMs, liposomes, niosomes, virosomes, chitosan, and other biodegradable polymers. These systems are evaluated in terms of their use as carriers for protein subunit and DNA vaccines. There is an extensive focus on recent literature, the understanding of biological interactions, and relation of this to our present understanding of immunological mechanisms of action. In addition, there is consideration of formulation techniques including emulsification, solvent diffusion, DNA complexation, and entrapment. The diversity of formulation strategies presented is a testament to the exponential growth and interest in the area of vaccine delivery systems. A case study for the application of particulate vaccine carriers is assessed in terms of vaccine development and recent insights into the possible design and application of vaccines against two of the most important pathogens that threaten mankind and for which there is a significant need: Mycobacterium tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus. This review addresses the rationale for the use of particulate delivery systems in vaccine design in the context of the diversity of carriers for DNA- and protein-based vaccines and their potential for application in terms of the critical need for effective vaccines. © 2005 by Begell House, Inc.


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Abstract Nutritional management of blood glucose levels is a strategic target in the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). To implement such an approach it is essential to understand the effect of food on glycaemic regulation and on the underlying metabolic derangements. This comprehensive review summarises the results from human dietary interventions exploring the impact of dietary components on blood glucose levels. Included are the major macronutrients; carbohydrate, protein and fat, micronutrient vitamins and minerals, non-nutrient phytochemicals and additional foods including low-calorie sweeteners, vinegar and alcohol. Based on the evidence presented in this review, it is clear that dietary components have significant and clinically relevant effects on blood glucose modulation. An integrated approach that includes reducing excess body weight, increased physical activity along with a dietary regime to regulate blood glucose levels will not only be advantages in T2DM management, but will benefit the health of the population and limit the increasing worldwide incidence of T2DM.


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Systematic review has developed as a specific methodology for searching for, appraising and synthesizing findings of primary studies, and has rapidly become a cornerstone of the evidence-based practice and policy movement. Qualitative research has traditionally been excluded from systematic reviews, and much effort is now being invested in resolving the daunting methodological and epistemological challenges associated with trying to move towards more inclusive forms of review. We describe our experiences, as a very diverse multidisciplinary group, in attempting to incorporate qualitative research in a systematic review of support for breastfeeding. We show how every stage of the review process, from asking the review question through to searching for and sampling the evidence, appraising the evidence and producing a synthesis, provoked profound questions about whether a review that includes qualitative research can remain consistent with the frame offered by current systematic review methodology. We conclude that more debate and dialogue between the different communities that wish to develop review methodology is needed, and that attempts to impose dominant views about the appropriate means of conducting reviews of qualitative research should be resisted so that innovation can be fostered. Copyright © 2006 SAGE Publications.


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Objective: Qualitative research is increasingly valued as part of the evidence for policy and practice, but how it should be appraised is contested. Various appraisal methods, including checklists and other structured approaches, have been proposed but rarely evaluated. We aimed to compare three methods for appraising qualitative research papers that were candidates for inclusion in a systematic review of evidence on support for breast-feeding. Method: A sample of 12 research papers on support for breast-feeding was appraised by six qualitative reviewers using three appraisal methods: unprompted judgement, based on expert opinion; a UK Cabinet Office quality framework; and CASP, a Critical Appraisal Skills Programme tool. Papers were assigned, following appraisals, to 1 of 5 categories, which were dichotomized to indicate whether or not papers should be included in a systematic review. Patterns of agreement in categorization of papers were assessed quantitatively using κ statistics, and qualitatively using cross-case analysis. Results: Agreement in categorizing papers across the three methods was slight (κ =0.13; 95% CI 0.06-0.24). Structured approaches did not appear to yield higher agreement than that by unprompted judgement. Qualitative analysis revealed reviewers' dilemmas in deciding between the potential impact of findings and the quality of the research execution or reporting practice. Structured instruments appeared to make reviewers more explicit about the reasons for their judgements. Conclusions: Structured approaches may not produce greater consistency of judgements about whether to include qualitative papers in a systematic review. Future research should address how appraisals of qualitative research should be incorporated in systematic reviews. © The Royal Society of Medicine Press Ltd 2007.


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This paper critically reviews the evolution of financial reporting in the banking sector with specific reference to the reporting of market risk and the growing use of the measure known as Value at Risk (VaR). The paper investigates the process by which VaR became 'institutionalised'. The analysis highlights a number of inherent limitations of VaR as a risk measure and questions the usefulness of published VaR disclosures, concluding that risk 'disclosure' might be more apparent than real. It also looks at some of the implications for risk reporting practice and the accounting profession more generally.