em Aston University Research Archive
In previous Statnotes, many of the statistical tests described rely on the assumption that the data are a random sample from a normal or Gaussian distribution. These include most of the tests in common usage such as the ‘t’ test ), the various types of analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Pearson’s correlation coefficient (‘r’) . In microbiology research, however, not all variables can be assumed to follow a normal distribution. Yeast populations, for example, are a notable feature of freshwater habitats, representatives of over 100 genera having been recorded . Most common are the ‘red yeasts’ such as Rhodotorula, Rhodosporidium, and Sporobolomyces and ‘black yeasts’ such as Aurobasidium pelculans, together with species of Candida. Despite the abundance of genera and species, the overall density of an individual species in freshwater is likely to be low and hence, samples taken from such a population will contain very low numbers of cells. A rare organism living in an aquatic environment may be distributed more or less at random in a volume of water and therefore, samples taken from such an environment may result in counts which are more likely to be distributed according to the Poisson than the normal distribution. The Poisson distribution was named after the French mathematician Siméon Poisson (1781-1840) and has many applications in biology, especially in describing rare or randomly distributed events, e.g., the number of mutations in a given sequence of DNA after exposure to a fixed amount of radiation or the number of cells infected by a virus given a fixed level of exposure. This Statnote describes how to fit the Poisson distribution to counts of yeast cells in samples taken from a freshwater lake.
The factors determining the size of individual β-amyloid (A,8) deposits and their size frequency distribution in tissue from Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients have not been established. In 23/25 cortical tissues from 10 AD patients, the frequency of Aβ deposits declined exponentially with increasing size. In a random sample of 400 Aβ deposits, 88% were closely associated with one or more neuronal cell bodies. The frequency distribution of (Aβ) deposits which were associated with 0,1,2,...,n neuronal cell bodies deviated significantly from a Poisson distribution, suggesting a degree of clustering of the neuronal cell bodies. In addition, the frequency of Aβ deposits declined exponentially as the number of associated neuronal cell bodies increased. Aβ deposit area was positively correlated with the frequency of associated neuronal cell bodies, the degree of correlation being greater for pyramidal cells than smaller neurons. These data suggested: (1) the number of closely adjacent neuronal cell bodies which simultaneously secrete Aβ was an important factor determining the size of an Aβ deposit and (2) the exponential decline in larger Aβ deposits reflects the low probability that larger numbers of adjacent neurons will secrete Aβ simultaneously to form a deposit. © 1995.
An organism living in water, and present at low density, may be distributed at random and therefore, samples taken from the water are likely to be distributed according to the Poisson distribution. The distribution of many organisms, however, is not random, individuals being either aggregated into clusters or more uniformly distributed. By fitting a Poisson distribution to data, it is only possible to test the hypothesis that an observed set of frequencies does not deviate significantly from an expected random pattern. Significant deviations from random, either as a result of increasing uniformity or aggregation, may be recognized by either rejection of the random hypothesis or by examining the variance/mean (V/M) ratio of the data. Hence, a V/M ratio not significantly different from unity indicates a random distribution, greater than unity a clustered distribution, and less then unity a regular or uniform distribution . If individual cells are clustered, however, the negative binomial distribution should provide a better description of the data. In addition, a parameter of this distribution, viz., the binomial exponent (k), may be used as a measure of the ‘intensity’ of aggregation present. Hence, this Statnote describes how to fit the negative binomial distribution to counts of a microorganism in samples taken from a freshwater environment.