2 resultados para CENTRAL NUCLEUS

em Aston University Research Archive


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In accordance with its central role in basal ganglia circuitry, changes in the rate of action potential firing and pattern of activity in the globus pallidus (GP)-subthalamic nucleus (STN) network are apparent in movement disorders. In this study we have developed a mouse brain slice preparation that maintains the functional connectivity between the GP and STN in order to assess its role in shaping and modulating bursting activity promoted by pharmacological manipulations. Fibre-tract tracing studies indicated that a parasagittal slice cut 20 deg to the midline best preserved connectivity between the GP and the STN. IPSCs and EPSCs elicited by electrical stimulation confirmed connectivity from GP to STN in 44/59 slices and from STN to GP in 22/33 slices, respectively. In control slices, 74/76 (97%) of STN cells fired tonically at a rate of 10.3 ± 1.3 Hz. This rate and pattern of single spiking activity was unaffected by bath application of the GABAA antagonist picrotoxin (50 μM, n = 9) or the glutamate receptor antagonist (6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2, 3-dione (CNQX) 10 μM, n = 8). Bursting activity in STN neurones could be induced pharmacologically by application of NMDA alone (20 μM, 3/18 cells, 17%) but was more robust if NMDA was applied in conjunction with apamin (20-100 nM, 34/77 cells, 44%). Once again, neither picrotoxin (50 μM, n = 5) nor CNQX (10 μM, n = 5) had any effect on the frequency or pattern of the STN neurone activity while paired STN and GP recordings of tonic and bursting activity show no evidence of coherent activity. Thus, in a mouse brain slice preparation where functional GP-STN connectivity is preserved, no regenerative synaptically mediated activity indicative of a dynamic network is evident, either in the resting state or when neuronal bursting in both the GP and STN is generated by application of NMDA/apamin. This difference from the brain in Parkinson's disease may be attributed either to insufficient preservation of cortico-striato-pallidal or cortico-subthalamic circuitry, and/or an essential requirement for adaptive changes resulting from dopamine depletion for the expression of network activity within this tissue complex. © The Physiological Society 2005.


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The in vivo and in vitro characteristics of the I2 binding site were probed using the technique of drug discrimination and receptor autoradiography. Data presented in this thesis indicates the I2 ligand 2-BFI generates a cue in drug discrimination. Further studies indicated agmatine, a proposed endogenous imidazoline ligand, and a number of imidazoline and imidazole analogues of 2-BFI substitute significantly for 2-BFI. In addition to specific I2 ligands the administration of NRl's (noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors), the sympathomimetic d-amphetamine, the α1-adrenoceptor agonist methoxamine, but not the β1 agonist dobutamine or the β2 agonist salbutamol, gave rise to significant levels of substitution for the 2-BFI cue. The administration of the α1-adrenoceptor antagonist WB4101, prior to 2- BFI itself significantly reduced levels of 2-BFI appropriate responding. Administration of the reversible MAO-A inhibitors moclobemide and Ro41-1049, but not the reversible MAO-B inhibitors lazabemide and Ro16-6491, gave rise to potent dose dependent levels of substitution for the 2-BFI cue. Further studies indicated the administration of a number of β-carbolines and the structurally related indole alkaloid ibogaine also gave rise to dose dependent significant levels of substitution. Due to the relationship of indole alkaloids to serotonin the 5-HT releaser fenfluramine and a number of SSRI's (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) were also administered and these compounds gave rise to significant partial (20-80% responses to the 2-BFI lever) levels of substitution. The autoradiographical studies reported here indicate [3H]2-BFI labels I2 sites within the rat arcuate nucleus, area postrema, pineal gland, interpeduncular nucleus and subfornical organ. Subsequent experiments confirmed that the drug discrimination dosing schedule significantly increases levels of [3H]2-BFI 12 binding within two of these nuclei. However, levels of [3H]2-BFI specific binding were significantly reduced within four of these nuclei after chronic treatment with the irreversible MAO inhibitors deprenyl and tranylcypromine but not pargyline, which only reduced levels significantly in two. Further autoradiographical studies indicated that the distribution of [3H]2-BFI within the C57/B mouse compares favourably to that within the rat. Comparison of these levels of binding to those from transgenic mice who over-express MAO-B indicates two possibly distinct populations of [3H]2-BFI 12 sites exist in mouse brain. The data presented here indicates the 2-BFI cue is associated with the selective activation of α1-adrenoceptors and possibly 5-HT receptors. 2-BFI trained rats recognise reversible MAO-A but not MAO-B inhibitors. However, data within this thesis indicates the autoradiographical distribution of I2 sites bears a closer resemblance to that of MAO-B not MAO-A and further studies using transgenic mice that over-express MAO-B suggests a non-MAO-B I2 site exists in mouse brain.