em Aston University Research Archive


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Natural dolomitic rock has been investigated in the transesterification of C and C triglycerides and olive oil with a view to determining its viability as a solid base catalyst for use in biodiesel synthesis. XRD reveals that the dolomitic rock comprised 77% dolomite and 23% magnesian calcite. The generation of basic sites requires calcination at 900 °C, which increases the surface area and transforms the mineral into MgO nanocrystallites dispersed over CaO particles. Calcined dolomitic rock exhibits high activity towards the liquid phase transesterification of glyceryl tributyrate and trioctanoate, and even olive oil, with methanol for biodiesel production. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008.


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Templated, macroporous Mg-Al hydrotalcites synthesised via alkali-free co-precipitation exhibit superior performance in the transesterification of C4 -C18 triglycerides for biodiesel production, with rate-enhancement increasing with alkyl chain length. Promotion reflects improved diffusion of bulky triglycerides and accessibility of active sites within the hierarchical macropore-micropore architecture. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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The combination of dwindling oil reserves and growing concerns over carbon dioxide emissions and associated climate change is driving the urgent development of clean, sustainable energy supplies. Biodiesel is a non-toxic and biodegradable fuel, with the potential for closed CO2 cycles and thus vastly reduced carbon footprints compared with petroleum. However, current manufacturing routes employing soluble catalysts are very energy inefficient, with their removal necessitating an energy intensive separation to purify biodiesel, which in turn produces copious amounts of contaminated aqueous waste. The introduction of non-food based feedstocks and technical advances in heterogeneous catalyst and reactor design are required to ensure that biodiesel remains a key player in the renewable energy sector for the 21st century. Here we report on the development of tuneable solid acid and bases for biodiesel synthesis, which offer several process advantages by eliminating the quenching step and allowing operation in a continuous reactor. Significant progress has been made towards developing tuneable solid base catalysts for biodiesel synthesis, including Li/CaO [1], Mg-Al hydrotalcites [2] and calcined dolomite [3] which exhibit excellent activity for triglyceride transesterification. However, the effects of solid base strength on catalytic activity in biodiesel synthesis remains poorly understood, hampering material optimisation and commercial exploitation. To improve our understanding of factors influencing solid base catalysts for biodiesel synthesis, we have applied a simple spectroscopic method for the quantitative determination of surface basicity which is independent of adsorption probes. Such measurements reveal how the morphology and basicity of MgO nanocrystals correlate with their biodiesel synthesis activity [4]. While diverse solid acids and bases have been investigated for TAG transesterification, the micro and mesoporous nature of catalyst systems investigated to date are not optimal for the diffusion of bulky and viscous C16-C18 TAGs typical of plant oils. The final part of this presentation will address the benefits of designing porous networks comprising interconnected hierarchical macroporous and mesoporous channels (Figure 1) to enhance mass-transport properties of viscous plant oils during biodiesel synthesis [5]. References: [1] R.S. Watkins, A.F. Lee, K. Wilson, Green Chem., 2004, 6, 335. [2]D.G. Cantrell, L.J. Gillie, A.F. Lee and K. Wilson, Appl. Catal. A, 2005, 287,183. [3] C. Hardacre, A.F. Lee, J.M. Montero, L. Shellard, K.Wilson, Green Chem., 2008, 10, 654. [4] J.M. Montero, P.L. Gai, K. Wilson, A.F. Lee, Green Chem., 2009, 11, 265. [5] J. Dhainaut, J.-P. Dacquin, A.F. Lee, K. Wilson, Green Chem., 2010, 12, 296.


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Nanoparticulate gold has emerged as a promising catalyst for diverse mild and efficient selective aerobic oxidations. However, the mechanism of such atom-economical transformations, and synergy with functional supports, remains poorly understood. Alkali-free Mg-Al hydrotalcites are excellent solid base catalysts for the aerobic oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) to 2,5-furan dicarboxylic acid (FDCA), but only in concert with high concentrations of metallic gold nanoparticles. In the absence of soluble base, competitive adsorption between strongly-bound HMF and reactively-formed oxidation intermediates site-blocks gold. Aqueous NaOH dramatically promotes solution phase HMF activation, liberating free gold sites able to activate the alcohol function within the metastable 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furancarboxylic acid (HMFCA) reactive intermediate. Synergistic effects between moderate strength base sites within alkali-free hydrotalcites and high gold surface concentrations can afford highly selective and entirely heterogeneous catalysts for aqueous phase aldehyde and alcohol cascade oxidations pertinent to biomass transformation.


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Metakaolin (MK), a calcined clay, was included as a partial cement replacement material, at up to 20% by weight of binder, in cement pastes and concrete, and its influence on the resistance to chloride ingress investigated. Reductions in effective chloride diffusion coefficients through hardened cement paste were obtained for binary blends and by combining OPC, MK and a second cement replacement material of pulverised fuel ash or ground granulated blast furnace slag. Steady state oxygen diffusion measurements through hardened cement pastes measured using an electrochemical cell showed that the interaction between charged species and the pore surfaces is a major factor in determining chloride diffusion rate. Rheology of the binder, particularly at high MK replacement levels, was found to have a dramatic influence on the diffusion performance of cement pastes. It was concluded that plasticising admixtures are essential for adequate dispersion of MK in cement pastes. Chloride concentration profile analysis of the concrete cylinders, exposed to sodium chloride solution for one year, was employed to obtain apparent chloride diffusion coefficients for concrete specimens. MK was found to reduce the depth of chloride penetration into concrete when compared with that of unblended mixes. Corrosion rate and corrosion potential measurements were taken on steel bars embedded in concrete exposed to a saline environment under conditions of cyclic wetting and drying. The initiation time for corrosion was found to be significantly longer for MK blended mixes than for plain OPC systems. The aggregate-paste interfacial zone of MK blended systems was investigated by steady state diffusion of chloride ions through mortar containing glass beads as model aggregate. For the model aggregate specimens tested the work confirmed the hypothesis that properties of the bulk paste are the controlling factors in ionic diffusion through mortar.


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Mg-Al hydrotalcite coatings have been grown on alumina via a novel alkali- and nitrate-free impregnation route and subsequent calcination and hydrothermal treatment. The resulting Mg-HT/AlO catalysts significantly outperform conventional bulk hydrotalcites prepared via co-precipitation in the transesterification of C-C triglycerides for fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) production, with rate enhancements increasing with alkyl chain length. This promotion is attributed to improved accessibility of bulky triglycerides to active surface base sites over the higher area alumina support compared to conventional hydrotalcites wherein many active sites are confined within the micropores. © 2014 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Novel macroporous solid bases have been developed as alternative clean technologies to existing commercial homogeneous catalysts for the production of biodiesel from triglycerides; the latter suffer process disadvantages including complex separation and associated saponification and engine corrosion, and are unsuitable for continuous operation. To this end, tuneable macroporous MgAl hydrotalcites have been prepared by an alkali-free route and characterised by TGA, XRD, SEM and XPS. The macropore architecture improves diffusion of bulky triglyceride molecules to the active base sites, increasing activity. Lamellar and macroporous hydrotalcites will be compared for the transesterification of both model and plant oil feedstocks, and structure-reactivity relations identified.


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A series of CoFe2O4 nanoparticles have been prepared via co-precipitation and controlled thermal sintering, with tunable diameters spanning 7–50 nm. XRD confirms that the inverse spinel structure is adopted by all samples, while XPS shows their surface compositions depend on calcination temperature and associated particle size. Small (<20 nm) particles expose Fe3+ enriched surfaces, whereas larger (∼50 nm) particles formed at higher temperatures possess Co:Fe surface compositions close to the expected 1:2 bulk ratio. A model is proposed in which smaller crystallites expose predominately (1 1 1) facets, preferentially terminated in tetrahedral Fe3+ surface sites, while sintering favours (1 1 0) and (1 0 0) facets and Co:Fe surface compositions closer to the bulk inverse spinel phase. All materials were active towards the gas-phase methylation of phenol to o-cresol at temperatures as low as 300 °C. Under these conditions, materials calcined at 450 and 750 °C exhibit o-cresol selectivities of ∼90% and 80%, respectively. Increasing either particle size or reaction temperature promotes methanol decomposition and the evolution of gaseous reductants (principally CO and H2), which may play a role in CoFe2O4 reduction and the concomitant respective dehydroxylation of phenol to benzene. The degree of methanol decomposition, and consequent H2 or CO evolution, appears to correlate with surface Co2+ content: larger CoFe2O4 nanoparticles have more Co rich surfaces and are more active towards methanol decomposition than their smaller counterparts. Reduction of the inverse spinel surface thus switches catalysis from the regio- and chemo-selective methylation of phenol to o-cresol, towards methanol decomposition and phenol dehydroxylation to benzene. At 300 °C sub-20 nm CoFe2O4 nanoparticles are less active for methanol decomposition and become less susceptible to reduction than their 50 nm counterparts, favouring a high selectivity towards methylation.


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An in situ XPS study of water, methanol and methyl acetate adsorption over as-synthesised and calcined MgO nanocatalysts is reported with a view to gaining insight into the surface adsorption of key components relevant to fatty acid methyl esters (biodiesel) production during the transesterification of triglycerides with methanol. High temperature calcined NanoMgO-700 adsorbed all three species more readily than the parent material due to the higher density of electron-rich (111) and (110) facets exposed over the larger crystallites. Water and methanol chemisorb over the NanoMgO-700 through the conversion of surface O2 − sites to OH− and coincident creation of Mg-OH or Mg-OCH3 moieties respectively. A model is proposed in which the dissociative chemisorption of methanol occurs preferentially over defect and edge sites of NanoMgO-700, with higher methanol coverages resulting in physisorption over weakly basic (100) facets. Methyl acetate undergoes more complex surface chemistry over NanoMgO-700, with C–H dissociation and ester cleavage forming surface hydroxyl and acetate species even at extremely low coverages, indicative of preferential adsorption at defects. Comparison of C 1s spectra with spent catalysts from tributyrin transesterification suggest that ester hydrolysis plays a key factor in the deactivation of MgO catalysts for biodiesel production.


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A Ni-Mg-Al-Ca catalyst was prepared by a co-precipitation method for hydrogen production from polymeric materials. The prepared catalyst was designed for both the steam cracking of hydrocarbons and for the in situ absorption of CO2 via enhancement of the water-gas shift reaction. The influence of Ca content in the catalyst and catalyst calcination temperature in relation to the pyrolysis-gasification of a wood sawdust/polypropylene mixture was investigated. The highest hydrogen yield of 39.6molH2/g Ni with H2/CO ratio of 1.90 was obtained in the presence of the Ca containing catalyst of molar ratio Ni:Mg:Al:Ca=1:1:1:4, calcined at 500°C. In addition, thermogravimetric and morphology analyses of the reacted catalysts revealed that Ca introduction into the Ni-Mg-Al catalyst prevented the deposition of filamentous carbon on the catalyst surface. Furthermore, all metals were well dispersed in the catalyst after the pyrolysis-gasification process with 20-30nm of NiO sized particles observed after the gasification without significant aggregation.


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Tin oxide is considered to be one of the most promising semiconductor oxide materials for use as a gas sensor. However, a simple route for the controllable build-up of nanostructured, sufficiently pure and hierarchical SnO2 structures for gas sensor applications is still a challenge. In the current work, an aqueous SnO2 nanoparticulate precursor sol, which is free of organic contaminants and sorbed ions and is fully stable over time, was prepared in a highly reproducible manner from an alkoxide Sn(OR)4 just by mixing it with a large excess of pure neutral water. The precursor is formed as a separate liquid phase. The structure and purity of the precursor is revealed using XRD, SAXS, EXAFS, HRTEM imaging, FTIR, and XRF analysis. An unconventional approach for the estimation of the particle size based on the quantification of the Sn-Sn contacts in the structure was developed using EXAFS spectroscopy and verified using HRTEM. To construct sensors with a hierarchical 3D structure, we employed an unusual emulsification technique not involving any additives or surfactants, using simply the extraction of the liquid phase, water, with the help of dry butanol under ambient conditions. The originally generated crystalline but yet highly reactive nanoparticles form relatively uniform spheres through self-assembly and solidify instantly. The spheres floating in butanol were left to deposit on the surface of quartz plates bearing sputtered gold electrodes, producing ready-for-use gas sensors in the form of ca. 50 μm thick sphere-based-films. The films were dried for 24 h and calcined at 300°C in air before use. The gas sensitivity of the structures was tested in the temperature range of 150-400°C. The materials showed a very quickly emerging and reversible (20-30 times) increase in electrical conductivity as a response to exposure to air containing 100 ppm of H2 or CO and short (10 s) recovery times when the gas flow was stopped.


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Porosity development of mesostructured colloidal silica nanoparticles is related to the removal of the organic templates and co-templates which is often carried out by calcination at high temperatures, 500-600 °C. In this study a mild detemplation method based on the oxidative Fenton chemistry has been investigated. The Fenton reaction involves the generation of OH radicals following a redox Fe3+/Fe2+ cycle that is used as catalyst and H2O2 as oxidant source. Improved material properties are anticipated since the Fenton chemistry comprises milder conditions than calcination. However, the general application of this methodology is not straightforward due to limitations in the hydrothermal stability of the particular system under study. The objective of this work is three-fold: 1) reducing the residual Fe in the resulting solid as this can be detrimental for the application of the material, 2) shortening the reaction time by optimizing the reaction temperature to minimize possible particle agglomeration, and finally 3) investigating the structural and textural properties of the resulting material in comparison to the calcined counterparts. It appears that the Fenton detemplation can be optimized by shortening the reaction time significantly at low Fe concentration. The milder conditions of detemplation give rise to enhanced properties in terms of surface area, pore volume, structural preservation, low Fe residue and high degree of surface hydroxylation; the colloidal particles are stable during storage. A relative particle size increase, expressed as 0.11%·h-1, has been determined.


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MCM-41's limited hydrothermal stability has been often related to the hydrolysis of Si-O-Si bonds due to the low degree of condensation, its thin walls or a combination of them. In this work, evidence for an additional factor is provided; a physical effect that occurs during the drying of the hydrothermally treated calcined material due to the intense capillary stress exerted in water. Depending on both physical (i.e. mechanical) and chemical (i.e. hydrolysis) resistances, the structure undergoes differently. Three MCM-41 samples with different degree of condensation were investigated. The most remarkable results are found with un-aged TEOS based material, which gets fully disordered and shrunk for all applied hydrothermal temperatures in water. Comparison between water and a low-surface-tension-solvent drying revealed that capillarity is responsible for the loss of ordering (and shrinkage) at moderate hydrothermal temperatures. The material's structure is hexagonal and shrinkage-free under the low-surface-tension-solvent route. At a high hydrothermal temperature, hydrolysis is extensive and responsible for the loss of ordering. The other remarkable finding regards the aged MCM-41 mesostructure that maintains the hexagonal features at all applied temperatures in water, and it is more stable against capillarity at high temperature. The Na-metasilicate based material is mechanically very stable and gets disordered at high temperature due to hydrolysis.


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A mild template removal of microcrystalline beta zeolite, based on Fenton chemistry, was optimized. Fenton detemplation was studied in terms of applicability conditions window, reaction rate and scale up. TGA and CHN elemental analysis were used to evaluate the detemplation effectiveness, while ICP, XRD, LPHR-Ar physisorption, and 27Al MAS NMR were applied to characterize the structure and texture of the resulting materials. The material properties were compared to calcination. By understanding the interplay of relevant parameters of the Fenton chemistry, the process can be optimized in order to make it industrially attractive for scale-up. The H2O2 utilization can be minimized down to 15 mL H2O2/g (88 °C, 30 ppm Fe), implying a high solid concentration and low consumption of H2O2. When Fe concentration must be minimized, values as low as 5 ppm Fe can be applied (88 °C, 30 mL H2O2/g), to achieve full detemplation. The reaction time to completeness can be reduced to 5 h when combining a Fe-oxalate catalyst with UV radiation. The protocol was scaled up to 100 times larger its original recipe. In terms of the material's properties, the scaled material is structurally comparable to the calcined counterpart (comparable Si/Al and XRD patterns), while it displays benefits in terms of texture and Al-coordination, the latter with full preservation of the tetrahedral Al


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The phenomenon of microscopic hot-spots, during the calcination of MCM-41, was investigated by quantifying the magnitude of the temperature increase during the calcination of a soft MCM-41 mesophase using a SAXS comparative study. This was performed by thermally treating a soft material that was detemplated via Fenton chemistry followed by equilibrating and drying in a low-surface-tension solvent (n-butanol or N,N-dimethylformamide); these samples have limited structural shrinkage. The resulting samples were thermally treated at increasing temperatures, and the structural shrinkage was compared with that of the directly calcined material. By comparing the structural shrinkage, it was found that the microscopic temperature increase would fall between 190 and 250 C, as deduced from N,N-dimethyl-formamide and n-butanol. The order of magnitude of the temperature increase appears to be consistent with the well-known glow effect. It is, however, substantially higher than the experimentally determined macroscopic temperature increase. Several aspects are discussed to interpret this difference. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.