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The management of sleep is embedded within the social context of individuals' lives. This article is based on an exploratory study using focus groups of the sleep problems encountered by 17 women survivors of domestic violence. It argues that fear becomes the organizing framework for the management of sleep and illustrates how this takes place both while living with the perpetrators of violence and after the women have been rehoused. It argues that sleep deprivation is a method used by the perpetrators to exert control over women and that this has long-term implications for women's physical and mental health. © 2007 Sage Publication.
Purpose - The purpose of the work discussed in this paper is to understand, analyse and benchmark the "Packing and Filling" processes within BASF. A benchmarking project is described in detail which aimed to cover sites in different countries that supplied many different variants of finished goods in order to establish best practice and then to generate some options for their implementation. Design/methodology/approach - The project used an adaptation of accepted benchmarking methodology combined with other techniques (such as rich picture generation, and cluster analysis) to maximise the insight generated. Findings - The findings of the research showed that one of the main factors effecting the process was how third parties were used (e.g. extent and nature of out-sourcing, and its degree of centralisation). Research limitations/ implications - The exercise was challenged by the selection of suitably similar benchmarking candidates because the environment was complex and highly varied; the paper explains practical solutions for dealing with this challenge. Practical limitations - Strategic and tactical options are outlined at the end of the paper and will have applicability to other organisations and industries that are looking to find the answers to frequently asked questions about how to successfully implement an internal process benchmarking project in a large complex organisation that has high variety in end products and delivery methods. Originality/value - The methodology described in this paper is of a proprietary and unique nature. The paper is structured around some key questions commonly asked of benchmarking, and the answers are provided via a real in-depth case study from BASF that spans 4 sites in 3 countries using 15 different filling lines. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Very little empirical work exists on cyberstalking. The current study analysed detailed questionnaires completed by 1051 self-defined stalking victims. Almost half (47.5%) reported harassment via the Internet, but only 7.2% of the sample was judged to have been cyberstalked. Ordinal regression analyses of four groups of victims, categorized according to degree of cyber involvement in their victimization, revealed a general picture of similarity between the groups in terms of the stalking process, responses to being stalked, and the effects on victims and third parties. It was concluded that cyberstalking does not fundamentally differ from traditional, proximal stalking, that online harassment does not necessarily hold broad appeal to stalkers, and that those who target ex-intimates remain the most populous stalker type.
In this paper we summarise key elements of retail change in Britain over a twenty-year period. The time period is that covered by a funded study into long-term change in grocery shopping habits in Portsmouth, England. The major empirical findings—to which we briefly allude—are reported elsewhere: the present task is to assess the wider context underlying that change. For example, it has frequently been stated that retailing in the UK is not as competitive as in other leading economies. As a result, the issue of consumer choice has become increasingly important politically. Concerns over concentration in the industry, new format development and market definition have been expressed by local planners, competition regulators and consumer groups. Macro level changes over time have also created market inequality in consumer opportunities at a local level—hence our decision to attempt a local-level study. Situational factors affecting consumer experiences over time at the local level involve the changing store choice sets available to particular consumers. Using actual consumer experiences thus becomes a yardstick for assessing the practical effectiveness of policy making. The paper demonstrates that choice at local level is driven by store use and that different levels of provision reflect real choice at the local level. Macro-level policy and ‘one size fits all’ approaches to regulation, it is argued, do not reflect the changing reality of grocery shopping. Accordingly, arguments for a more local and regional approach to regulation are made.
A series of antioxidants was used to explore the cytotoxicity of one particularly toxic antimycobacterial 2-pyridylcarboxamidrazone anti-tuberculosis agent against human mononuclear leucocytes (MNL), in comparison with isoniazid (INH) to aid future compound design. INH caused a significant reduction of nearly 40% in cell recovery compared with control (P < 0.0001), although the co-incubation with either glutathione (GSH, 1 mM) or (NAC, 1 mM) showed abolition of INH toxicity. In contrast, the addition of GSH or NAC 1 h after INH failed to protect the cells from INH toxicity (P < 0.0001). The 2-pyridyl-carboxamidrazone 'Compound 1' caused a 50% reduction in cell recovery compared with control (P < 0.001), although this was abolished by the presence of either GSH or NAC. A 1 h post incubation with either NAC or GSH after Compound 1 addition failed to protect the cells from toxicity (P < 0.001). Co-administration of lipoic acid (LA) abolished Compound 1-mediated toxicity, although again, this effect did not occur after LA addition 1 h post incubation with Compound 1 (P < 0.001). However, co-administration of dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA) prevented Compound 1-mediated cell death when incubated with the compound and also after 1 h of Compound 1 alone. Pre-treatment with GSH, then removal of the antioxidant resulted in abolition of Compound 1 toxicity (vehicle control, 63.6 ± 16.7 versus Compound 1 alone 26.1 ± 13.6% versus GSH pre-treatment, 65.7 ± 7.3%). In a cell-free incubation, NMR analysis revealed that GSH does not react with Compound 1, indicating that this agent is not likely to directly deplete membrane thiols. Compound 1's MNL toxicity is more likely to be linked with changes in cell membrane conformation, which may induce consequent thiol depletion that is reversible by exogenous thiols. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In the final part of this article, the writers consider the interrelation between contractual termination and the various statutory provisions governing forfeiture and termination of a business tenancy under Pt II of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954. The article concludes by suggesting that termination by acceptance of a repudiatory breach is not only a welcome, but necessary incursion into leasehold law in order to provide tenants with the ability to end the lease in cases of serious landlord default.
In the last few decades, the world has witnessed an enormous growth in the volume of foreign direct investment (FDI). The global stock of FDI reached US$ 7.5 trillion in 2003 and accounted for 11% of world Gross Domestic Product, up from 7% in 1990. The sales of multinational enterprises at around US$ 19 trillion were more than double the level of world exports. Substantial FDI inflows went into transition countries. Inflows into one of the region's largest recipient, the Russian Federation, almost doubled, enabling Russia to become one of the five top FDI destinations in 2005-2006. FDI inflows in Russia have increased almost threefold from 13.6% in 2003 to 35% in 2007. In 2003, these flows were twice greater than those into China; whilst in 2007 they were six times larger. Russia's FDI inflows were also about 2.5 times greater than those of Brazil. Efficient government institutions are argued by many economists to foster FDI and growth as a result. However, the magnitude of this effect has yet to be measured. This thesis takes a Political Economy approach to explore, empirically, the potential impact of malfunctioning governmental institutions, proxied by three indices of perceived corruption, on FDI stocks accumulation/distribution within Russia over the period of 2002-2004. Using a regional data-set it concentrates on three areas relating to FDI. Firstly, it considers the significance, the size and the sign of the impact of perceived corruption on accumulation of FDI stocks within Russia. Secondly, it quantifies the impact of perceived corruption on the volume of FDI stocks simultaneously estimating the impact of the investment in public capital such as telecommunications and transportation networks on FDI in the presence of corruption. In particular, it addresses the question whether more corrupt regions in Russia are also those that could have accumulated more of FDI stocks, and investigates whether those 'more corrupt' regions would have had lower level of public capital investment. Finally, it examines whether decentralisation increases or decreases corruption and whether a larger extent of decentralisation has a positive or negative impact on FDI (stocks). The results of three studies are as follows. Firstly, along with market potential, corruption is found to be one of the key factors in explaining FDI distribution within Russia between 2002 and 2004. Secondly, corruption on average is found to be related to FDI positively suggesting that it may act as speed money: to save their time foreign direct investors might be willing to bribe the regional authorities so to move in front of the bureaucratic lines. Thirdly, although when corruption is controlled for, the impact of the latter on unobservable FDI is found to be on average positive, no association between FDI and public investment is observed with the only exception of transportation infrastructure (i.e., railway). The results might suggest therefore that it is possible that not only regions with high levels of perceived corruption attract more FDI but also that expansions in public capital investments are not accompanied by an increase of the volume of FDI (stocks) in regions with high levels of corruption. This casts some doubt on the productivity of the investment in public capital in these regions as it might be that bureaucrats may prefer to use these infrastructural projects for rent extraction. Finally, we find decentralisation to have a significant and positive impact on both FDI stock accumulation and corruption, suggesting that local governments may spend more on public goods to make the area more attractive to foreign investors but at the same time they may be interested into extracting rents from foreign investors. These results support the idea that the regulation of FDI is associated with and facilitated by a larger public sector, which distorts competition and introduces opportunities for rent-seeking by particular economic and political factors.
To help understand how sugar interactions with proteins stabilise biomolecular structures, we compare the three main hypotheses for the phenomenon with the results of long molecular dynamics simulations on lysozyme in aqueous trehalose solution (0.75 M). We show that the water replacement and water entrapment hypotheses need not be mutually exclusive, because the trehalose molecules assemble in distinctive clusters on the surface of the protein. The flexibility of the protein backbone is reduced under the sugar patches supporting earlier findings that link reduced flexibility of the protein with its higher stability. The results explain the apparent contradiction between different experimental and theoretical results for trehalose effects on proteins.
The performance of direct workers has a significant impact on the competitiveness of many manufacturing systems. Unfortunately, system designers are ill equipped to assess this impact during the design process. An opportunity exists to assist designers by expanding the capabilities of popular simulation modelling tools, and using them as a vehicle to better consider human factors during the process of system design manufacture. To support this requirement, this paper reports on an extensive review of literature that develops a theoretical framework, which summarizes the principal factors and relationships that such a modelling tool should incorporate.
Price knowledge as a construct has been one of the top behavioral pricing themes in the last four decades, especially in the Anglo-American literature. In Germany, scientists have paid relatively little attention to this topic during the last 15 years – with some notable exceptions. Therefore, this study analyzes German consumers' price knowledge and, by doing so, replicates and extends existing international work. After reviewing earlier attempts at assessing the construct, a measure is developed for the price estimation error “PEE”, based on explicit price knowledge stored in long-term memory. Results, including data from about 1,000 consumers on 69 products from a German retail chain, indicate that price knowledge in Germany is relatively low. Based on that observation, implications for the management are discussed.
Discovering the function of an unknown protein, particularly one with neither structural nor functional correlates, is a daunting task. Interaction analyses determine binding partners, whereas DNA transfection, either transient or stable, leads to intracellular expression, though not necessarily at physiologically relevant levels. In theory, direct intracellular protein delivery (protein transduction) provides a conceptually simpler alternative, but in practice the approach is problematic. Domains such as HIV TAT protein are valuable, but their effectiveness is protein specific. Similarly, the delivery of intact proteins via endocytic pathways (e.g. using liposomes) is problematic for functional analysis because of the potential for protein degradation in the endosomes/lysosomes. Consequently, recent reports that microspheres can deliver bio-cargoes into cells via a non-endocytic, energy-independent pathway offer an exciting and promising alternative for in vitro delivery of functional protein. In order for such promise to be fully exploited, microspheres are required that (i) are stably linked to proteins, (ii) can deliver those proteins with good efficiency, (iii) release functional protein once inside the cells, and (iv) permit concomitant tracking. Herein, we report the application of microspheres to successfully address all of these criteria simultaneously, for the first time. After cellular uptake, protein release was autocatalyzed by the reducing cytoplasmic environment. Outside of cells, the covalent microsphere-protein linkage was stable for ≥90 h at 37°C. Using conservative methods of estimation, 74.3% ± 5.6% of cells were shown to take up these microspheres after 24 h of incubation, with the whole process of delivery and intracellular protein release occurring within 36 h. Intended for in vitro functional protein research, this approach will enable study of the consequences of protein delivery at physiologically relevant levels, without recourse to nucleic acids, and offers a useful alternative to commercial protein transfection reagents such as Chariot™. We also provide clear immunostaining evidence to resolve residual controversy surrounding FACS-based assessment of microsphere uptake. © 2014 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Inc.
The detrimental effects of a hydrogen atmosphere on the fatigue resistance of BS 4360 steel have been assessed by a comparison of crack growth rates in air and hydrogen at a low cycling frequency (0.1Hz), and at a number of temperature (25, 50 and 80 °C). The crack propagation rates in air are almost independent of temperature over this range, but those measured in hydrogen differ by more than an order of magnitude between 25 and 80 °C. The greatest enhancement is seen at 25 °C and at high values of ΔK, the maximum occurring between 40–45 MPa √m at each temperature. There is little hydrogen contribution to crack growth at values of ΔK below 20 MPa √m for R = 0.1. The enhancement of crack growth rates is reflected by the presence of ‘quasi-cleavage’ facets on the fatigue fracture surfaces of specimens tested in hydrogen. These are most apparent where the greatest increases in growth rate are recorded. The facets show linear markings, which run both parallel and perpendicular to the direction of crack growth. The former are analogous to the ‘river’ lines noted on brittle cleavage facets, and reflect the propagation direction. The latter are more unusual, and indicate that facet formation by hydrogen embrittlement during fatigue is a step-wise process.