28 resultados para Brain energy metabolism

em Aston University Research Archive


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The dipeptide carnosine (β-alanyl-L-histidine) has contrasting but beneficial effects on cellular activity. It delays cellular senescence and rejuvenates cultured senescent mammalian cells. However, it also inhibits the growth of cultured tumour cells. Based on studies in several organisms, we speculate that carnosine exerts these apparently opposing actions by affecting energy metabolism and/or protein homeostasis (proteostasis). Specific effects on energy metabolism include the dipeptide's influence on cellular ATP concentrations. Carnosine's ability to reduce the formation of altered proteins (typically adducts of methylglyoxal) and enhance proteolysis of aberrant polypeptides is indicative of its influence on proteostasis. Furthermore these dual actions might provide a rationale for the use of carnosine in the treatment or prevention of diverse age-related conditions where energy metabolism or proteostasis are compromised. These include cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and the complications of type-2 diabetes (nephropathy, cataracts, stroke and pain), which might all benefit from knowledge of carnosine's mode of action on human cells. © 2013 Hipkiss et al.; licensee Chemistry Central Ltd.


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Various neurotoxins were investigated to assess their suitability for developing an animal model to study partial brain BH4 deficiency, neurotransmitters and behavioural alterations. Acute dosing with lead, diethylstilboestrol (DES), amphetamine and scopolamine produced no significant changes in rat brain BH4 metabolism though total biopterins in the liver were significantly reduced by lead and DES. Acute starvation of adult rats decreased brain biopterins. This loss of biopterins may be due to enhanced oxidative catabolism of the active cofactor caused by glutathione depletion. Dietary administration of a BH4 biosynthesis inhibitor, DAHP, consistently decreased brain total biopterins in weaner rats but did not alter the levels of DA, NA, 5-HT or metabolites. However the DAHP diet also induced a marked reduction in food intake. Rats subjected to an equivalent degree of food restriction without inhibitor showed significant but less severe reductions in brain biopterins and again no effect on transmitter levels. DAHP produced a significant decrease in locomotor activity and rearing. This could not be ascribed to reduction in food intake as animals subjected to just dietary restriction showed an increase in these activities. As gross brain levels of DA, NA and 5-HT were unaltered by DAHP the behavioural changes associated with the induced deficiency in brain total biopterins might not have been mediated through the action of these compounds. Although localised changes in neurotransmitter levels may have been obscured by gross analysis it is also possible that the behaviour changes were mediated by a role of BH4 not yet elucidated. Long-term administration of a high aluminium low calcium diet to mice produced no effect on gross brain total biopterins, catecholamines, serotonin or choline acetyltransferase activity though significant behavioural changes were observed.


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Blood cholesterol levels are not consistently elevated in subjectswith age-related cognitive decline, although epidemiological studies suggest that Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular diseases share common risk factors. These include the presence of an unusual genetic variant, the APOE4 (apolipoprotein E4) allele, which modulates LDL (low-density lipoproteins) metabolism, increases free radical formation and reduces plasma antioxidant concentrations. Together, these risk factors support a mechanism for increased LDL circulation time and free radical modification of LDL. Plasma oxycholesterols, hydroxylated metabolites of cholesterol, are carried by oxidized LDL, and elevated lipids in mid-life are associated with increased longterm risk of dementia. Although brain cholesterol metabolism is segregated from the systemic circulation, during oxidative stress, plasma oxycholesterols could have damaging effects on BBB (blood-brain barrier) function and consequently on neuronal cells. Cholesterol-lowering drugs such as statins may prevent the modifications to LDL in mid-life and might show beneficial effects in later life. © The Authors Journal compilation © 2014 Biochemical Society.


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Many pesticides are used increasingly in combinations during crop protection and their stability ensures the presence of such combinations in foodstuffs. The effects of three fungicides, pyrimethanil, cyprodinil and fludioxonil, were investigated together and separately on U251 and SH-SY5Y cells, which can be representative of human CNS glial and neuronal cells respectively. Over 48h, all three agents showed significant reductions in cellular ATP, at concentrations that were more than tenfold lower than those which significantly impaired cellular viability. The effects on energy metabolism were reflected in their marked toxic effects on mitochondrial membrane potential. In addition, evidence of oxidative stress was seen in terms of a fall in cellular thiols coupled with increases in the expression of enzymes associated with reactive species formation, such as GSH peroxidase and superoxide dismutase. The glial cell line showed significant responsiveness to the toxin challenge in terms of changes in antioxidant gene expression, although the neuronal SH-SY5Y line exhibited greater vulnerability to toxicity, which was reflected in significant increases in caspase-3 expression, which is indicative of the initiation of apoptosis. Cyprodinil was the most toxic agent individually, although oxidative stress-related enzyme gene expression increases appeared to demonstrate some degree of synergy in the presence of the combination of agents. This report suggests that the impact of some pesticides, both individually and in combinations, merits further study in terms of their impact on human cellular health.


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Full editorial: A recent study evaluating the long-term (2 yr) weight reducing efficacy of different types of diets – high or low in carbohydrates (CHOs), protein or fat - confirmed that it is calorie deficit not dietary composition that determines the loss and maintenance of body weight.1 Is there any advantage in following a specific weight loss diet? Short-term use of nutritionally complete commercially available (very) low calorie diets has benefited people with diabetes when  supported by education programmes.2 Initial weight loss has been encouraging with some fad diets eg the Atkins and the South Beach diets, but these diets are difficult to maintain and there are safety issues regarding their short- and long-term use – especially in people with diabetes.3 The types of macronutrients consumed can have a considerable impact on glycaemic control and energy metabolism. Although a low CHO diet additionally enhances initial weight loss by reducing cellular water content, if fat is not proportionally reduced the diet may not benefit the lipid profile for vascular disease risk. High fat and high protein diets – which are simultaneously low in CHOs – increase vulnerability to hypoglycaemia in people taking insulin secretagogues or on insulin therapy, and may promote excess fat metabolism and ketogenesis, particularly in people vulnerable to lack of insulin. Very low protein diets are not recommended as lean body mass tends to be reduced in diabetes. Altering the macronutrient balance has implications for the micronutrient mix: deficiencies are higher if more foods are excluded and conversely specific micronutrient excess can occur with some fad diets. The altered nutrient mix affects intestinal fauna and flora, and gut motility and glycaemic control are influenced by the quantity and type of fibre consumed. Support programmes help individuals achieve long term weight loss and there is mounting evidence that community schemes which educate and promote lifestyle changes may stem the rising tide of obesity and consequent type 2 diabetes.4 Consuming smaller portions of a balanced diet (and adjusting antidiabetic medications accordingly) will create an energy deficit to promote healthy weight loss. Increased movement/exercise will enhance this energy deficit. Knowledge (eg 1g fat has 2.25 times more energy than 1g CHO) allows sensible food choices and compensation for inclusion of small volumes of  ‘naughty but nice’ foods. Ultimately weight control requires self control. References 1. Sacks FM, Bray GA, Carey VJ et al. Comparison of weight-loss diets with different compositions of fat, protein, and carbohydrates. N Engl J Med 2009;360:859–73. 2. Bennett P. Obesity, diabetes and VLCD. Br J Diabetes Vasc Dis 2004;4:328–30. 3. Baldwin EJ. Fad diets in diabetes. Br J Diabetes Vasc DIs 2004;4:333–7. 4. Romon M, Lommoz A, Tafflet M et al. Downward trends in the prevalence of childhood overweight in the setting of 12-year school- and community-based programmes. Public Health Nutr 2008; Dec 28, 1–8 [Epub ahead of print].


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Metformin is an anti-hyperglycaemic agent widely used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. It counters insulin resistance through insulin-dependent and -independent effects on cellular nutrient and energy metabolism, improving glycaemic control without weight gain and without increasing the risk of hypoglycaemia. Metformin can also benefit several risk factors for vascular disease independently of glycaemic control. In subjects with metabolic syndrome, metformin improves prognosis. It decreases progression of impaired glucose tolerance to type 2 diabetes, assists weight reduction especially in conjunction with lifestyle management and exerts other potentially favourable cardiovascular effects. For example, metformin can modestly improve the lipid profile in some dyslipidaemic individuals, reduce pro-inflammatory cytokines and monocyte adhesion molecules and decrease advanced glycation end products. Metformin can also improve parameters of endothelial function in the macro- and micro-vasculature, indicating lower athero-thrombotic risk, but it does not appear to reduce blood pressure. In normoglycaemic individuals with risk factors for diabetes and in women with polycystic ovary syndrome there is evidence that metformin can defer or prevent the development of diabetes. Thus, metformin offers beneficial effects to delay the onset and reverse or reduce the progression of many of the metabolic features and cardiovascular risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome.


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To investigate the neurotoxic effects of aluminium (Al) Al was administered: 1) in the diet of the rat (30 mg Al/kg body weight for 6 weeks); 2) as a suspension of aluminium acetate in drinking water of the rat for 3 months and 3) in a long-term study in the mouse in which aluminosilicates were incorporated into a pelleted diet (1035 mg/kg of food over 23 months). In the latter treatment, increased Al was combined with a reduction in calcium and magnesium; a treatment designed to increase absorption of Al into the body. Administration of Al in the drinking water significantly reduced total brain biopterins and BH4 synthesis. However, no significant affect of Al in the diet on total biopterins or BH4 synthesis was found either in the rat or in the long-term study in the mouse. In addition, in the mouse no significant effects of the Al diet on levels of noradrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, 5-HIAA or CAT could be demonstrated. Hence, the occurrence of brain alterations may depend on the Al species present and the method of administration. Al salts in drinking water may increase brain tissue levels compared with the administration of a more insoluble species. Since alterations in biopterin metabolism are also a feature of Alzheimer's disease (AD) these results support the hypothesis that Al in the water supply may be a factor in AD.


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This multi-modal investigation aimed to refine analytic tools including proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) and fatty acid gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis, for use with adult and paediatric populations, to investigate potential biochemical underpinnings of cognition (Chapter 1). Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are vital for the normal development and function of neural cells. There is increasing evidence of behavioural impairments arising from dietary deprivation of EFAs and their long-chain fatty acid metabolites (Chapter 2). Paediatric liver disease was used as a deficiency model to examine the relationships between EFA status and cognitive outcomes. Age-appropriate Wechsler assessments measured Full-scale IQ (FSIQ) and Information Processing Speed (IPS) in clinical and healthy cohorts; GC-MS quantified surrogate markers of EFA status in erythrocyte membranes; and 1H-MRS quantified neurometabolite markers of neuronal viability and function in cortical tissue (Chapter 3). Post-transplant children with early-onset liver disease demonstrated specific deficits in IPS compared to age-matched acute liver failure transplant patients and sibling controls, suggesting that the time-course of the illness is a key factor (Chapter 4). No signs of EFA deficiency were observed in the clinical cohort, suggesting that EFA metabolism was not significantly impacted by liver disease. A strong, negative correlation was observed between omega-6 fatty acids and FSIQ, independent of disease diagnosis (Chapter 5). In a study of healthy adults, effect sizes for the relationship between 1H-MRS- detectable neurometabolites and cognition fell within the range of previous work, but were not statistically significant. Based on these findings, recommendations are made emphasising the need for hypothesis-driven enquiry and greater subtlety of data analysis (Chapter 6). Consistency of metabolite values between paediatric clinical cohorts and controls indicate normal neurodevelopment, but the lack of normative, age-matched data makes it difficult to assess the true strength of liver disease-associated metabolite changes (Chapter 7). Converging methods offer a challenging but promising and novel approach to exploring brain-behaviour relationships from micro- to macroscopic levels of analysis (Chapter 8).


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To investigate the neurotoxic effects of aluminium (Al) three studies were carried out in which Al was administered: 1) in the diet, 2) as a suspension of aluminium acetate in drinking water and 3) a long-term study in which aluminosilicates were incorporated into a pelleted diet. Admistration of Al in the drinking water significantly reduced total brain biopterin. However, no significant affect of Al in the diet on total bipterins or BH4 synthesis was found.


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This thesis provides the first detailed study of maximal oxygen consumption of turbot on a fish farm over a range of fish sizes and temperatures. Also provided is a study of the diets used in turbot farming and the development of a diet that contains no fresh fish. A detailed study of previous research on flatfish nutrition, identified fresh fish, sprat in particular, as the optimum diet for turbot farming. A series of experiments was undertaken that confirmed this and also identified one possible explanation for the optimum performance of sprat, as a function of high non-protein energy ratios in sprat. This factor was exploited in the production of a diet containing no fresh fish and which produced superior results to diets containing fresh fish; the optimum level of lipid in the diet was determined as 18%. The study of oxygen consumption was on fully-fed fish so that maximum demand could be quantified. Continuous monitoring of tank water oxygen levels enabled the calculation of the Specific Dynamic Action (SDA) effect in turbot and the relation of it to dietary energy. Variation of SDA with the dietary energy profile was identified as a contributing factor to differential fish growth on various diets. Finally, the implications of this work to fish farming were considered. Economic appraisal and comparison of the diets routinely used in turbot farming identified that the diet developed as a result of this work, ie the diet containing no fresh fish protein, was more cost effective on the basis of the production of one tonne of turbot. The study of oxygen consumption enables water supply to be calculated for any fish size between 1g and 1000g between the temperatures of 7® C and 16® C. The quantification of SDA enables correct adjustment of oxygen flows according to the feeding status of the fish.


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Previous studies in man have shown that following dosing with L--3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) and cotrimoxazole, plasma biopterins were raised. By analogy with dihydropteridine reductase deficient children in whom plasma biopterins are greatly elevated and the observations that these preparations were dihydropteridine reductase inhibitors, it was assumed that these raised plasma levels were due to increased efflux from tissues which resulted in tissue depletion of biopterins. In some human disease states such as senile dementia of the Alzheimer type lowered plasma biopterins were observed; by analogy with tetrahydrobiopterin synthesis deficient children these reduced plasma biopterins were attributed to lowered tetrahydrobiopterin synthesis and concomitant low tissue biopterin levels. Because of ethical considerations it was not possible to measure directly the tissue biopterins changes in either case. The Wistar rat was used as a model for human tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism, since tissues not normally accessible for study in humans, such as the brain and liver, could be examined for their effects on tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism after administration of the various agents. Plasma total biopterins in normal conditions were found to be much higher than in healthy humans. The elevation of plasma total biopterins concentration following the administration of dihydropteridine reductase inhibitors to humans, such as L-DOPA and cotrimoxazole was not observed in the rat. However, the administration of inhibitors of de novo tetrahydrobiopterin biosynthesis, such as diaminohydroxypyrimidine (DAHP) and bromocriptine was shown to decrease plasma biopterins concentration. In general, hepatic biopterins were decreased after administration of both dihydropteridine reductase inhibitors and de novo biosynthesis inhibitors. Drugs which are direct (bromocriptine) or indirect (L-DOPA and Sinemet Plus) agonists at dopamine receptors were investigated and were shown to decrease hepatic total biopterins concentration, but had no effect on brain biopterins. Bromocriptine was demonstrated as a potent inhibitor of de novo tetrahydrobiopterin biosynthesis in vivo and in vitro. Cotrimoxazole decreased brain tetrahydrobiopterin concentration. DAHP was effective in causing hyperphenylalaninaemia due to tetrahydrobiopterin deficiency in the rat. p-hydroxyphenylacetate was shown to be an effective inhibitor of dihydropteridine reductase in vivo. Phenylacetate administration had no observable effect on tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism, but did cause tyrosinaemia. It is proposed that scopolamine reduces tetrahydrobiopterin turnover. Lead and aluminium exposure caused deranged tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism. Aluminium, but not lead decreased brain choline acetyltransferase activity. Phenylalanine loading in normal human subjects was followed by an elevation in plasma biopterins which was not observed after tyrosine loading. Plasma N : B ratios correlated well with VEP latencies after tyrosine loading, but not after phenylalanine loading in healthy subjects. The use of derived pterin measurements as an indicator of tetrahydrobiopterin turnover or tetrahydrofolate status is discussed in the text.


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Tetrahydrobiopterin is the cofactor for the hydroxylation of phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan and is therefore essential for the production of monoamine neurotransmitters. Neopterin, a biosynthetic precusor of tetrahydrobiopterin, and biopterin appear in urine. In normal subjects the urinary neopterin to biopterin ratio has been found to be about 1.00. In patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease, Down's syndrome and depression the urinary neopterin to biopterin ratio has been found to be elevated. In some Alzheimer's and depressed patients the increased urinary neopterin to biopterin ratio is proportional to the severity of the disease. Folates were found not to increase tetrahydrobiopterin biosynthesis in the rat as previously thought. Methotrexate was found to reduce liver biopterin levels and increas_ urinary biopterin levels in the rat. Methotrexate also reduced brain pterin levels but had no influence on liver pterin. Urinary isoxanthopterin, found in some patients, was found to be derived from biopterin and neopterin in the rat. Isoxanthopterin is proposed as an indicator of the levels of tetrahydrobiopterin turnover.