7 resultados para Blind, Periodicals for the

em Aston University Research Archive


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Background: Age-related macular disease is the leading cause of blind registration in the developed world. One aetiological hypothesis involves oxidation, and the intrinsic vulnerability of the retina to damage via this process. This has prompted interest in the role of antioxidants, particularly the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, in the prevention and treatment of this eye disease. Methods: The aim of this randomised controlled trial is to determine the effect of a nutritional supplement containing lutein, vitamins A, C and E, zinc, and copper on measures of visual function in people with and without age-related macular disease. Outcome measures are distance and near visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, colour vision, macular visual field, glare recovery, and fundus photography. Randomisation is achieved via a random number generator, and masking achieved by third party coding of the active and placebo containers. Data collection will take place at nine and 18 months, and statistical analysis will employ Student's t test. Discussion: A paucity of treatment modalities for age-related macular disease has prompted research into the development of prevention strategies. A positive effect on normals may be indicative of a role of nutritional supplementation in preventing or delaying onset of the condition. An observed benefit in the age-related macular disease group may indicate a potential role of supplementation in prevention of progression, or even a degree reversal of the visual effects caused by this condition.


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Monocyte recruitment and retention in the vasculature is influenced by oxidative stress and is involved in cardiovascular disease (CVD). Individuals with low plasma ascorbate are at elevated risk of CVD. It is unknown whether vitamin C supplementation affects monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells (ECs) in healthy non-smokers. In a randomised double-blind crossover study the effect of vitamin C supplementation (six weeks, 250 mg/day) was determined in subjects with normal (HIC) and below average (LOC) plasma vitamin C concentration at baseline (mean = 67μM, n = 20, mean = 32μM, n = 20, respectively). LOC subjects showed 30% greater monocyte adhesion to ECs. This was significantly reduced by 37% (P < 0.02) following vitamin C supplementation to levels of HIC monocyte adhesion. No differences in plasma malondialdehyde concentrations were observed between groups or after supplementation. In conclusion, vitamin C supplementation normalises monocyte adhesion in subjects with low plasma vitamin C (LOC). This process may be related to a direct effect on monocytes, independent of lipid peroxidation. © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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Bilateral corneal blindness represents a quarter of the total blind, world-wide. The artificial cornea in assorted forms, was developed to replace opaque non-functional corneas and to return sight in otherwise hopeless cases that were not amenable to corneal grafts; believed to be 2% of corneal blind. Despite technological advances in materials design and tissue engineering no artificial cornea has provided absolute, long-term success. Formidable problems exist, due to a combination of unpredictable wound healing and unmanageable pathology. To have a solid guarantee of reliable success an artificial cornea must possess three attributes: an optical window to replace the opaque cornea; a strong, long term union to surrounding ocular tissue; and the ability to induce desired host responses. A unique artificial cornea possesses all three functional attributes- the Osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (OOKP). The OOKP has a high success rate and can survive for up to twenty years, but it is complicated both in structure and in surgical procedure; it is expensive and not universally available. The aim of this project was to develop a synthetic substitute for the OOKP, based upon key features of the tooth and bone structure. In doing so, surgical complexity and biological complications would be reduced. Analysis of the biological effectiveness of the OOKP showed that the structure of bone was the most crucial component for implant retention. An experimental semi-rigid hydroxyapatite framework was fabricated with a complex bone-like architecture, which could be fused to the optical window. The first method for making such a framework, was pressing and sintering of hydroxyapatite powders; however, it was not possible to fabricate a void architecture with the correct sizes and uniformity of pores. Ceramers were synthesised using alternative pore forming methods, providing for improved mechanical properties and stronger attachment to the plastic optical window. Naturally occurring skeletal structures closely match the structural features of all forms of natural bone. Synthetic casts were fabricated using the replamineform process, of desirable natural artifacts, such as coral and sponges. The final method of construction by-passed ceramic fabrication in favour of pre-formed coral derivatives and focused on methods for polymer infiltration, adhesion and fabrication. Prototypes were constructed and evaluated; a fully penetrative synthetic OOKP analogue was fabricated according to the dimensions of the OOKP. Fabrication of the cornea shaped OOKP synthetic analogue was also attempted.


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The effect of growth conditions on both the appearance and the antigenic profile of cells of Enterococcus faecalis was investigated using electron micrographs of ruthenium red stained and sectioned cells and SDS-PAGE and blotting techniques respectively. Three specific antigens of molecular weights 73, 40 and 37 kdaltons were of particular interest being expressed most strongly after growth in serum. This medium was deemed to most closely mimic jn vjvo growth conditions reflecting an environment similar to that which the microorganisms would encounter during bacteraemia, preceding the colonisation of the endocardium and the development of infective endocarditis. The 40 and 37 kdalton antigens were shown by immunoqold labelling to be exposed on the surface of the cells although they did not appear to be connected with the fimbriae shown to exist on some of the E. faecalis cells examined by negative staining. The 73, 40 and 37 kdalton antigens were crudely purified using sarkosyl and ammonium sulphate precipitation, and used as the basis of a serodiagnostic test for E. faecalis endocarditis using an ELISA system. This was tested in a blind trial and the success rates were 94% for positives, 90% for negatives with endocarditis caused by other organisms and 80% for E. faecalis infections other than endocarditis. The binding of E.faecalis cells to the serum proteins fibronectin and albumin was investigated using 125I labelled proteins, followed by Scatchard analysis. This showed that· E.faecalis cells do loosely bind large amounts of both of these proteins, thus surely affecting the way in which the host's immune system perceives the cells. The E.faecalis receptor for fibronectin was partially characterised and appeared to involve protein and/or carbohydrate containing components. but did not involve LTA or the 40 and 37 kdalton species specific antigens.


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Aims: To compare the efficacy and safety of either continuing or discontinuing rosiglitazone + metformin fixed-dose combination when starting insulin therapy in people with Type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled on oral therapy. Methods: In this 24-week double-blind study, 324 individuals with Type 2 diabetes inadequately controlled on maximum dose rosiglitazone + metformin therapy were randomly assigned to twice-daily premix insulin therapy (target pre-breakfast and pre-evening meal glucose ≤ 6.5 mmol/l) in addition to either rosiglitazone + metformin (8/2000 mg) or placebo. Results: Insulin dose at week 24 was significantly lower with rosiglitazone + metformin (33.5 ± 1.5 U/day, mean ± se) compared with placebo [59.0 ± 3.0 U/day; model-adjusted difference -26.6 (95% CI -37.7, -15,5) U/day, P < 0.001]. Despite this, there was greater improvement in glycaemic control [HbA 1c rosiglitazone + metformin vs. placebo 6.8 ± 0.1 vs. 7.5 ± 0.1%; difference -0.7 (-0.8, -0.5)%, P < 0.001] and more individuals achieved glycaemic targets (HbA1c < 7.0% 70 vs. 34%, P < 0.001). The proportion of individuals reporting at least one hypoglycaemic event during the last 12 weeks of treatment was similar in the two groups (rosiglitazone + metformin vs. placebo 25 vs. 27%). People receiving rosiglitazone + metformin in addition to insulin reported greater treatment satisfaction than those receiving insulin alone. Both treatment regimens were well tolerated but more participants had oedema [12 (7%) vs. 4 (3%)] and there was more weight gain [3.7 vs. 2.6 kg; difference 1.1 (0.2, 2.1) kg, P = 0.02] with rosiglitazone + metformin. Conclusions: Addition of insulin to rosiglitazone + metformin enabled more people to reach glycaemic targets with less insulin, and was generally well tolerated. © 2007 The Authors.