27 resultados para Bearing currents
em Aston University Research Archive
Magnetic levitation bearings eliminate friction, wear and the need for lubrication and so have high speed capability and potential for vibration control. One noteworthy development in the realm of magnetic levitation is the self-bearing or bearingless motor - an electromagnetic machine that supports its own rotor by way of magnetic forces generated by windings on its stator. Accordingly, various winding schemes have been proposed to accomplish the task of force production. This thesis proposes a novel concept of winding based on a bridge connection for polyphase self-bearing rotating electrical machines with the following advantages: • the connection uses a single set of windings and thus power loss is relatively low when compared with self-bearing motors with conventional dual set of windings. • the motor and levitation controls are segregated such that only one motor inverter is required for the normal torque production and levitation forces are produced by using auxiliary power supplies of relatively low current and voltage rating. The usual way of controlling the motor is retained. • there are many variant winding schemes to meet special needs. • independent power supplies for levitation control offer redundancy for fault tolerance. This thesis dwells specifically on the conceptual design and implementation of the proposed single set of windings scheme. The new connection has been verified to exhibit characteristics of a self-bearing motor via coupled-field finite element analysis: results are crosschecked analytically. Power loss and other aspects such as cost, design implementation are compared to support the newly proposed connection as a potential alternative to present designs.
Resistin, a product of white adipose tissue, is postulated to induce insulin resistance in obesity and regulate adipocyte differentiation. The aim of this study was to examine resistin gene expression in adipose tissue from mice bearing the MAC16 adenocarcinoma, which induces cancer cachexia with marked wasting of adipose tissue and skeletal muscle mass. MAC16-bearing mice lost weight progressively over the period following tumour transplantation, while the weight of control mice remained stable. Leptin mRNA in gonadal fat was 50% lower in MAC16 mice than in controls (p<0.05). Plasma insulin concentrations were also significantly lower in the MAC16 group (p<0.05). However, resistin mRNA level in gonadal fat in MAC16 mice was similar to controls (94% of controls). Thus, despite severe weight loss and significant falls in leptin expression and insulin concentration, resistin gene expression appears unchanged in white adipose tissue of mice with MAC16 tumour. Maintenance of resistin production may help inhibit the formation of new adipocytes in cancer cachexia.
A systematic survey of the possible methods of chemical extraction of iron by chloride formation has been presented and supported by a comparable study of :feedstocks, products and markets. The generation and evaluation of alternative processes was carried out by the technique of morphological analysis vihich was exploited by way of a computer program. The final choice was related to technical feasibility and economic viability, particularly capital cost requirements and developments were made in an estimating procedure for hydrometallurgjcal processes which have general applications. The systematic exploration included the compilation of relevant data, and this indicated a need.to investigate precipitative hydrolysis or aqueous ferric chloride. Arising from this study, two novel hydrometallurgical processes for manufacturing iron powder are proposed and experimental work was undertaken in the following .areas to demonstrate feasibility and obtain basic data for design purposes: (1) Precipitative hydrolysis of aqueous ferric chloride. (2) Gaseous chloridation of metallic iron, and oxidation of resultant ferrous chloride. (3) Reduction of gaseous ferric chloride with hydrogen. (4) Aqueous acid leaching of low grade iron ore. (5) Aqueous acid leaching of metallic iron. The experimentation was supported by theoretical analyses dealing with: (1) Thermodynamics of hydrolysis. (2) Kinetics of ore leaching. (3) Kinetics of metallic iron leaching. (4) Crystallisation of ferrous chloride. (5) Oxidation of anhydrous ferrous chloride. (6) Reduction of ferric chloride. Conceptual designs are suggested fbr both the processes mentioned. These draw attention to areas where further work is necessary, which are listed. Economic analyses have been performed which isolate significant cost areas, und indicate total production costs. Comparisons are mode with previous and analogous proposals for the production of iron powder.
Recent developments in aerostatic thrust bearings have included: (a) the porous aerostatic thrust bearing containing a porous pad and (b) the inherently compensated compliant surface aerostatic thrust bearing containing a thin elastomer layer. Both these developments have been reported to improve the bearing load capacity compared to conventional aerostatic thrust bearings with rigid surfaces. This development is carried one stage further in a porous and compliant aerostatic thrust bearing incorporating both a porous pad and an opposing compliant surface. The thin elastomer layer forming the compliant surface is bonded to a rigid backing and is of a soft rubber like material. Such a bearing is studied experimentally and theoretically under steady state operating conditions. A mathematical model is presented to predict the bearing performance. In this model is a simplified solution to the elasticity equations for deflections of the compliant surface. Account is also taken of deflections in the porous pad due to the pressure difference across its thickness. The lubrication equations for flow in the porous pad and bearing clearance are solved by numerical finite difference methods. An iteration procedure is used to couple deflections of the compliant surface and porous pad with solutions to the lubrication equations. Comparisons between experimental results and theoretically predicted bearing performance are in good agreement. However these results show that the porous and compliant aerostatic thrust bearing performance is lower than that of a porous aerostatic thrust bearing with a rigid surface in place of the compliant surface. This discovery is accounted to the recess formed in the bearing clearance by deflections of the compliant surface and its effect on flow through the porous pad.
There is some evidence to suggest that nitriding of alloy steels, in particular high speed tool steels, under carefully controlled conditions might sharply increase rolling contact fatigue resistance. However, the subsurface shear stresses developed in aerospace bearing applications tend to occur at depths greater than the usual case depths currently produced by nitriding. Additionally, case development must be limited with certain materials due to case spalling and may not always be sufficient to achieve the current theoretical depths necessary to ensure that peak stresses occur within the case. It was the aim of' this work to establish suitable to overcome this problem by plasma nitriding. To assist this development a study has been made of prior hardening treatment, case development, residual stress and case cracking tendency. M2 in the underhardened, undertempered and fully hardened and tempered conditions all responded similarly to plasma nitriding - maximum surface hardening being achieved by plasma nitriding at 450°C. Case development varied linearly with increasing treatment temperature and also with the square root of the treatment time. Maximum surface hardness of M5O and Tl steels was achieved by plasma nitriding in 15% nitrogen/85% hydrogen and varied logarithmically with atmosphere nitrogen content. The case-cracking contact stress varied linearly with nitriding temperature for M2. Tl and M5O supported higher stresses after nitriding in low nitrogen plasma atmospheres. Unidirectional bending fatigue of M2 has been improved up to three times the strength of the fully hardened and tempered condition by plasma nitriding for 16hrs at 400°C. Fatigue strengths of Tl and M5O have been improved by up to 30% by plasma nitriding for 16hrs at 450°C in a 75% hydrogen/25% nitrogen atmosphere.
It is well established that hydrodynamic journal bearings are responsible for self-excited vibrations and have the effect of lowering the critical speeds of rotor systems. The forces within the oil film wedge, generated by the vibrating journal, may be represented by displacement and velocity coefficient~ thus allowing the dynamical behaviour of the rotor to be analysed both for stability purposes and for anticipating the response to unbalance. However, information describing these coefficients is sparse, misleading, and very often not applicable to industrial type bearings. Results of a combined analytical and experimental investigation into the hydrodynamic oil film coefficients operating in the laminar region are therefore presented, the analysis being applied to a 120 degree partial journal bearing having a 5.0 in diameter journal and a LID ratio of 1.0. The theoretical analysis shows that for this type of popular bearing, the eight linearized coefficients do not accurately describe the behaviour of the vibrating journal based on the theory of small perturbations, due to them being masked by the presence of nonlinearity. A method is developed using the second order terms of Taylor expansion whereby design charts are provided which predict the twentyeight force coefficients for both aligned, and for varying amounts of journal misalignment. The resulting non-linear equations of motion are solved using a modified Newton-Raphson method whereby the whirl trajectories are obtained, thus providing a physical appreciation of the bearing characteristics under dynamically loaded conditions.
The turbocharging of diesel engines has led to increase in temperature, load and corrosive attack of plain bearings. To meet these requirements, overlay plated aluminium alloys are now preferred. Currently, lead-tin alloys are deposited using a zincate layer and nickel strike, as intermediate stages in the process. The nickel has undesirable seizure characteristics and the zincate can given rise to corrosion problems. Consequently, brush plating allows the possible elimination of these stages and a decrease in process together with greater automation. The effect of mode application, on the formation of zincate films, using film growth weight measurements, potential-time studies, peel adhesion testing and Scanning Electron Microscopy was studied, for both SIC and AS15 aluminium alloys. The direct plating of aluminium was also successfully achieved. The results obtained indicate that generally, although lower adhesion resulted when a brush technique was used, satisfactory adhesion for fatigue testing was achieved. Both lead-tin and tin-cobalt overlays were examined and a study of the parameters governing brush plating were carried out using various electrolytes. An experimentally developed small scale rig, was used to produce overlay plated bearings that were fatigue tested until failure. The bearings were then examined and an analysis of the failure mechanisms undertaken. The results indicated that both alloy systems are of the regular codeposition type. Tin-cobalt overlays were superior to conventional lead-tin overlays and remained in good condition, although the lining (substrate) failed. Brush plated lead-tin was unsatisfactory. Sufficient understanding has now been gained, to enable a larger scale automated plant to be produced. This will allow a further study of the technique to be carried out, on equipment that more closely resembles that of a full scale production process.
In this study some common types of Rolling Bearing vibrations are analysed in depth both theoretically and experimentally. The study is restricted to vibrations in the radial direction of bearings having pure radial load and a positive radial clearance. The general vibrational behaviour of such bearings has been investigated with respect to the effects of varying compliance, manufacturing tolerances and the interaction between the bearing and the machine structure into which it is fitted. The equations of motion for a rotor supported by a bearing in which the stiffness varies with cage position has been set up and examples of solutions,obtained by digital simulation. is given. A method to calculate amplitudes and frequencies of vibration components due to out of roundness of the inner ring and varying roller diameters has been developed. The results from these investigations have been combined with a theory for bearing/machine frame interaction using mechanical impedance technique, thereby facilitating prediction of the vibrational behaviour of the whole set up. Finally. the effects of bearing fatigue and wear have been studied with particular emphasis on the use of vibration analysis for condition monitoring purposes. A number of monitoring methods have been tried and their effectiveness discussed. The experimental investigation was carried out using two purpose built rigs. For the purpose of analysis of the experimental measurements a digital mini computer was adapted for signal processing and a suite of programs was written. The program package performs several of the commonly used signal analysis processes and :include all necessary input and output functions.
Tne object of this research was to investigate the behaviour of birdcage scaffolding as used in falsework structures, assess the suitability of existing design methods and make recommendations for a set of design rules. Since excessive deflection is as undesirable in a structure as total collapse, the project was divided into two sections. These were to determine the ultimate vertical and horizontal load-carrying capacity and also the deflection characteristics of any falsework. So theoretical analyses were developed to ascertain the ability of both the individual standards to resist vertical load, and of the bracing to resist horizontal load.Furthermore a model was evolved which would predict the horizontal deflection of a scaffold under load using strain energy methods. These models were checked by three series of experiments. The first was on individual standards under vertical load only. The second series was carried out on full scale falsework structures loading vertically and horizontally to failure. Finally experiments were conducted on scaffold couplers to provide additional verification of the method of predicting deflections. This thesis gives the history of the project and an introduction into the field of scaffolding. It details both the experiments conducted and the theories developed and the correlation between theory and experiment. Finally it makes recommendations for a design method to be employed by scaffolding designers.
Modern electron optical techniques together with X-ray and mineralogical examination have been used to study the occurrence and form of phosphorus bearing minerals in iron ores. Three ores have been studied - Bahariya and Aswan from Egypt and Frodingham ironstone from U.K. The iron in the Bahariya iron ore is mainly as hematite and goethite. The gangue minerals are halite, gypsum, barytes, quartz and calcite. Iron content is between 49.8 to 63.2% and phosphorus 0.14 to 0.34%. The phosphorus occurs as very fine particles of apatite which are distributed throughout the ore. Removal of the phosphorus would require very fine grinding followed by acid leaching. Aswan iron ore is an oolitic iron ore; the iron content between 41-57% and phosphorus content 0.1 to 2.9%. It is mainly hematitic with variable quantities of quartz, apatite and small amount of clay minerals. In the oolitic iron ore beds, apatite occurs in the hematite matrix; filling in the pores of the oolithic surfaces, or as matrix cementing the ooliths with the hematite grains. In sandstone claybeds the distribution of the apatite is mainly in the matrix. It is suggested that the liberation size for the apatite would be -80 m and flotation concentration could be applied for the removal of apatite from Aswan ore. Frodingham ironstone occurs in the lower Jurassic bed of the South Humberside area. The average iron content is 25% and the phosphorus is 0.32%. Seven mineral phases were identified by X-ray; calcite, quartz, chamosite, hematite, siderite, apatite, and chlorite. Apatite occurs as very fine grains in the hematite and chamosite ooliths; as matrix of fine grains intergrown with chamosite and calcite grains; and as anhedral and sub rounded grains in the ooliths (8-28 m). It is suggested that two processes are possible for the dephosphorisation; the Flox process or a reduction roast followed by fine grinding, magnetic separation, and acid leaching.