7 resultados para BH4

em Aston University Research Archive


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To investigate the neurotoxic effects of aluminium (Al) Al was administered: 1) in the diet of the rat (30 mg Al/kg body weight for 6 weeks); 2) as a suspension of aluminium acetate in drinking water of the rat for 3 months and 3) in a long-term study in the mouse in which aluminosilicates were incorporated into a pelleted diet (1035 mg/kg of food over 23 months). In the latter treatment, increased Al was combined with a reduction in calcium and magnesium; a treatment designed to increase absorption of Al into the body. Administration of Al in the drinking water significantly reduced total brain biopterins and BH4 synthesis. However, no significant affect of Al in the diet on total biopterins or BH4 synthesis was found either in the rat or in the long-term study in the mouse. In addition, in the mouse no significant effects of the Al diet on levels of noradrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, 5-HIAA or CAT could be demonstrated. Hence, the occurrence of brain alterations may depend on the Al species present and the method of administration. Al salts in drinking water may increase brain tissue levels compared with the administration of a more insoluble species. Since alterations in biopterin metabolism are also a feature of Alzheimer's disease (AD) these results support the hypothesis that Al in the water supply may be a factor in AD.


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Total biopterin, neopterin and creatinine were measured in spot urine samples from affective disorder patients on lithium therapy and control subjects. Folic acid was also measured in plasma in a sample of the patients. The mean neopterin: biopterin ratio was significantly higher in the 76 patients (3.2 +/- 0.5) than in the 61 controls (1.8 +/- 0.1). In female patients biopterin levels were significantly lower than in controls. In the control groups there was a significant correlation between the molar concentration of neopterin and biopterin. No such correlation was found in the patients. These data indicate that tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) biosynthesis is reduced in this group. A significant positive correlation was found between plasma folate and urinary biopterin. It is suggested that folate deficiency may impair the synthesis of BH4, a cofactor essential for the synthesis of 5-HT and other monoamines that are involved in the pathogenesis of affective disorders.


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To investigate the neurotoxic effects of aluminium (Al) three studies were carried out in which Al was administered: 1) in the diet, 2) as a suspension of aluminium acetate in drinking water and 3) a long-term study in which aluminosilicates were incorporated into a pelleted diet. Admistration of Al in the drinking water significantly reduced total brain biopterin. However, no significant affect of Al in the diet on total bipterins or BH4 synthesis was found.


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Changes in DHPR activity in those aged 12 and under with a variety of mental disorders were investigated using dried blood spots on Guthrie cards. DHPR activity was found to be lowered in autism and Rett's syndrome. DHPR activity was unaffected in non specific mental retardation suggesting that the deficit seen in autism and Rett's syndrome does not arise secondary to the mental dysfunction. In Down's syndrome blood biopterin levels correlated with blood spot DHPR activity. Human brain BH4 synthetic activity was investigated in aging and senile dementia of the Alzheimer type (SDAT). BH4 synthetic activity and DHPR activity decline with age in non-demented controls. In SDAT, decreases in BH4 synthetic activity were seen in temporal and visual cortices and locus coeruleus. The site of the defect is probably at 6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin synthase. Aluminium inhibits human brain BH4 synthesis in vitro and produces an `Alzheimeresque' pattern of abnormalities in rats chronically exposed to the acetate salt in drinking water. Aluminium appears to chiefly affect enzymes requiring a metal ion cofactor. Aluminium induced inhibition of BH4 synthesis can be reversed by treatment with transferrin, an aluminium chelator. Transferrin treatment improves BH4 synthetic activity in SDAT brains whilst having no effect on controls, further implicating aluminium as the key neurotoxin in SDAT. Lithium inhibits human brain BH4 synthesis in vitro and lowers rat brain total biopterins and inhibits rat brain BH4 synthesis on chronic exposure to the carbonate salt in drinking water. A possible mechanism for the anti-manic actions of lithium is suggested. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors decrease human brain BH4 synthetic activity in vitro. 5-methyl-tetrahydrofolate had no effect on human brain BH4 synthesis in vitro but methionine increased BH4 synthesis in vitro. Oxotremorine is a potent inhibitor of BH4 synthesis in man and the rat. This may prove useful as a tool for modelling BH4 deficiency.


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Various neurotoxins were investigated to assess their suitability for developing an animal model to study partial brain BH4 deficiency, neurotransmitters and behavioural alterations. Acute dosing with lead, diethylstilboestrol (DES), amphetamine and scopolamine produced no significant changes in rat brain BH4 metabolism though total biopterins in the liver were significantly reduced by lead and DES. Acute starvation of adult rats decreased brain biopterins. This loss of biopterins may be due to enhanced oxidative catabolism of the active cofactor caused by glutathione depletion. Dietary administration of a BH4 biosynthesis inhibitor, DAHP, consistently decreased brain total biopterins in weaner rats but did not alter the levels of DA, NA, 5-HT or metabolites. However the DAHP diet also induced a marked reduction in food intake. Rats subjected to an equivalent degree of food restriction without inhibitor showed significant but less severe reductions in brain biopterins and again no effect on transmitter levels. DAHP produced a significant decrease in locomotor activity and rearing. This could not be ascribed to reduction in food intake as animals subjected to just dietary restriction showed an increase in these activities. As gross brain levels of DA, NA and 5-HT were unaltered by DAHP the behavioural changes associated with the induced deficiency in brain total biopterins might not have been mediated through the action of these compounds. Although localised changes in neurotransmitter levels may have been obscured by gross analysis it is also possible that the behaviour changes were mediated by a role of BH4 not yet elucidated. Long-term administration of a high aluminium low calcium diet to mice produced no effect on gross brain total biopterins, catecholamines, serotonin or choline acetyltransferase activity though significant behavioural changes were observed.


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The susceptibility of tetrahydropterins to oxidation was investigated in vitro and related to in vivo metabolism. At physiological pH, tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) was oxidized, with considerable loss of the biopterin skeleton, by molecular oxygen. The hydroxyl radical (.OH) was found to increase this oxidation and degradation, whilst physiological concentrations of glutathione (GSH) retarded both the dioxygen and .OH mediated oxidation. Nitrite, at acid pH, oxidized BH4 to biopterin and tetrahydrofolates to products devoid of folate structure. Loss of dietary folates, from the stomach, due to nitrite mediated catabolism is suggested. The in vivo response of BH4 metabolism to oxidising conditions was examined in the rat brain and liver. Acute starvation depressed brain biopterins and transiently BH4 biosynthetic and salvage (dihydropteridine reductase, DHPR) pathways. Loss of biopterins, in starvation, is suggested to arise primarily from catabolism, due to oxygen radical formation and GSH depletion. L-cysteine administration to starving rats was found to elevate tissue biopterins, whilst depletion of GSH in feeding rats, by L-buthionine sulfoximine, decreased biopterins. An in vivo role for GSH to protect tetrahydropterins from oxidation is suggested. The in vivo effect of phenelzine dosing was investigated. Administration lowered brain biopterins, in the presence of dietary tyrosine. This loss is considered to arise from p-tyramine generation and subsequent DHPR inhibition. Observed elevations in plasma biopterins were in line with this mechanism. In conditions other than gross inhibition of DHPR or BH4 biosynthesis, plasma total biopterins were seen to be poor indicators of tissue BH4 metabolism. Evidence is presented indicating that the pterin formed in tissue samples by acid iodine oxidation originates from the tetrahydrofolate pool and 7,8-dihydropterin derived from BH4 oxidation. The observed reduction in this pterin by prior in vivo nitrous oxide exposure and elevation by starvation and phenelzine administration is discussed in this light. The biochemical importance of the changes in tetrahydropterin metabolism observed in this thesis are discussed with extrapolation to the situation in man, where appropriate. An additional role for BH4 as a tissue antioxidant and reductant is also considered.


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The aim of this study was to establish levels of the enzymes involved in tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) metabolism in human and rat brain preparations; to determine whether BH4 metabolism is altered in dementia, particularly in relation to senile dementia of the Alzheimer type (SDAT); and to examine the effect of aluminium on BH4 metabolism. Overall BH4 synthesis and dihydropteridine reductase (DHPR) activity were greater in the locus coeruleus than in the neocortex of elderly subjects. Sepiapterin reductase and DHPR activity showed a linear correlation with age in the temporal cortex. DHPR activity in the frontal cortex was relatively constant until the mid 60s and then fell with age. Overall BH4 synthesis showed a non-significant decline in temporal cortex and was significantly reduced in locus coeruleus preparations from SDAT subjects compared to control subjects. As DHPR, sepiapterin reductase and GTP cyclohydrolase activity were unaltered in SDAT we suggested that there is a lesion on the biosynthetic pathway between dihydroneopterin in triphosphate and BH4 in SDAT, possibly at the level of 6-pyruvoyl tetrahydropterin synthase. DHPR activity and BH4 synthesis capacity were unaltered in temporal cortex preparations from Huntingdon's disease subjects indicating that the defect in BH4 metabolism in SDAT is specific to the disease process and not a secondary consequence of dementia. The implications of altered BH4 metabolism in ageing and dementia are discussed. BH4 metabolism was examined in temporal and frontal cortex preparations from 4 subjects who had received peritoneal dialysis treatment. All patients had elevated serum aluminium levels. The data suggests that aluminium may inhibit DHPR activity in the frontal cortex resulting in diminished BH4 levels in the cells which leads to a compensatory increase in the activity of the biosynthetic pathway. Aluminium reversibly inhibited sepiapterin reductase activity in rat brain preparations but did not alter sepiapterin reductase activity in vivo. Overall BH4 synthesis and OTP cyclohydrolase activity were not affected by aluminium in vitro. The biosynthetic pathway was unaltered in rat brain preparations from animals receiving aluminium orally compared to control animals. DHPR activity was unaltered or increased in rat brain preparations from aluminium treated rats compared to the control group.