10 resultados para Automatic control -- Congresses

em Aston University Research Archive


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This thesis describes the investigation of an adaptive method of attenuation control for digital speech signals in an analogue-digital environment and its effects on the transmission performance of a national telecommunication network. The first part gives the design of a digital automatic gain control, able to operate upon a P.C.M. signal in its companded form and whose operation is based upon the counting of peaks of the digital speech signal above certain threshold levels. A study was ma.de of a digital automatic gain control (d.a.g.c.) in open-loop configuration and closed-loop configuration. The former was adopted as the means for carrying out the automatic control of attenuation. It was simulated and tested, both objectively and subjectively. The final part is the assessment of the effects on telephone connections of a d.a.g.c. that introduces gains of 6 dB or 12 dB. This work used a Telephone Connection Assessment Model developed at The University of Aston in Birmingham. The subjective tests showed that the d.a.g.c. gives advantage for listeners when the speech level is very low. The benefit is not great when speech is only a little quieter than preferred. The assessment showed that, when a standard British Telecom earphone is used, insertion of gain is desirable if speech voltage across the earphone terminals is below an upper limit of -38 dBV. People commented upon the presence of an adaptive-like effect during the tests. This could be the reason why they voted against the insertion of gain at level only little quieter than preferred, when they may otherwise have judged it to be desirable. A telephone connection with a d.a.g.c. in has a degree of difficulty less than half of that without it. The score Excellent plus Good is 10-30% greater.


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An ultrasonic thermometer has been developed for high temperature measurement over a wide temperature range. It is particularly suitable for use in measuring nuclear fuel rod centerline temperatures in advanced liquid metal and high flux nuclear reactors. The thermometer which was designed to determine fuel temperature up to the fuel melting point, utilizes the temperature dependence of the ultrasonic propagation velocity (related to the elastic modulus} in a thin rod sensor as the temperature transducing mechanism. A pulse excitation technique has been used, where the mechanical resonator at the remote end of the acoustic·line is madto vibrate. Its natural frequency is proportional to the ultrasonic velocity in the material. This is measured by the electronic instrumentation and enables a frequency­ temperature or period-temperature calibration to be obtained. A completely digital automatic instrument has been designed, constructed and tested to track the resonance frequency of the temperature sensors. It operates smoothly over a frequency range of about 30%, more than the maximum working range of most probe materials. The control uses the basic property of a resonator that the stored energy decays exponentially at the natural frequency of the resonator.The operation of the electronic system is based on a digital multichannel transmitter that is capable of operating with a predefined number of cycles in the burst. this overcomes a basic defect in the previous deslgn where the analogue time-delayed circuits failed to hold synchronization and hence automatic control could be lost. Development of a particular type of temperature probe, that is small enough to fit into a standard 2 mm reactor tube has made the ultrasonic thermometer a practicable device for measuring fuel temperature. The bulkiness of previous probes has been overcome, the new design consists of a tuning fork, integral with a 1mm line, while maintaining a frequency of no more than 100 kHz. A magnetostrictive rod, acoustically matched to the probe is used to launch and receive the acoustic oscillations. This requires a magnetic bias and the previously used bulky magnets have been replaced by a direct current coil. The probe is supported by terminating the launcher with a short heavy isolating rod which can be secured to the reactor structure. This support, the bias and launching coil and the launcher are made up into a single compact unit. On the material side an extensive study of a wide range of refractory materials identified molybdenum, iridium, rhenium and tungsten as satisfactory for a number of applications but mostly exhibiting to some degree a calibration drift with thermal cycling. When attention was directed to ceramic materials, Sapphire (single crystal alumina) was found to have numerous advantages, particularly in respect of stability of calibration which remained with ±2°C after many cycles to 1800oC. Tungsten and thoriated tungsten (W - 2% Tho2) were also found to be quite satisfactory to 1600oC, the specification for a Euratom application.


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Rotating fluidised Beds offer the potential for high intensity combustion, large turndown and extended range of fluidising velocity due to the imposition of an artificial gravitational field. Low thermal capacity should also allow rapid response to load changes. This thesis describes investigations of the validity of these potential virtues. Experiments, at atmospheric pressure, were conducted in flow visualisation rigs and a combustor designed to accommodate a distributor 200mm diameter and 80mm axial length. Ancillary experiments were conducted in a 6" diameter conventional fluidised bed. The investigations encompassed assessment of; fluidisation and elutriation, coal feed requirements, start-up and steady-state combustion using premixed propane and air, transition from propane to coal combustion and mechanical design. Assessments were made of an elutriation model and some effects of particle size on the combustion of premixed fuel gas and air. The findings were: a) more reliable start-up and control methods must be developed. Combustion of premixed propane and air led to severe mechanical and operating problems. Manual control of coal combustion was inadequate. b) Design criteria must encompass pressure loss, mechanical strength and high temperature resistance. The flow characteristics of ancillaries and the distributor must be matcheo. c) Fluidisation of a range of particle sizes was investigated. New correlations for minimum fluidisation and fully supported velocities are proposed. Some effects on elutriation of particle size and the distance between the bed surface and exhaust port have been identified. A conic distributor did not aid initial bed distribution. Furthermore, airflow instability was encountered with this distributor shape. Future use of conic distributors is not recommended. Axial solids mixing was found to be poor. A coal feeder was developed which produced uniform fuel distribution throughout the bed. The report concludes that small scale inhibits development of mechanical design and exploration of performance. future research requires larger combustors and automatic control.


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This paper describes a model designed to recommend solutions to an organisation's e-business needs. It is designed to produce objective results based on perceived characteristics, unbiased by prejudice on the part of the person using the model. The model also includes a way of encapsulating the potential management concerns that may change for good or ill the likely relevance and probability of success of such solutions. The model has been tested on 13 case studies in small, medium and large organizations. © IFAC.


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This thesis addresses the viability of automatic speech recognition for control room systems; with careful system design, automatic speech recognition (ASR) devices can be useful means for human computer interaction in specific types of task. These tasks can be defined as complex verbal activities, such as command and control, and can be paired with spatial tasks, such as monitoring, without detriment. It is suggested that ASR use be confined to routine plant operation, as opposed the critical incidents, due to possible problems of stress on the operators' speech.  It is proposed that using ASR will require operators to adapt a commonly used skill to cater for a novel use of speech. Before using the ASR device, new operators will require some form of training. It is shown that a demonstration by an experienced user of the device can lead to superior performance than instructions. Thus, a relatively cheap and very efficient form of operator training can be supplied by demonstration by experienced ASR operators. From a series of studies into speech based interaction with computers, it is concluded that the interaction be designed to capitalise upon the tendency of operators to use short, succinct, task specific styles of speech. From studies comparing different types of feedback, it is concluded that operators be given screen based feedback, rather than auditory feedback, for control room operation. Feedback will take two forms: the use of the ASR device will require recognition feedback, which will be best supplied using text; the performance of a process control task will require task feedback integrated into the mimic display. This latter feedback can be either textual or symbolic, but it is suggested that symbolic feedback will be more beneficial. Related to both interaction style and feedback is the issue of handling recognition errors. These should be corrected by simple command repetition practices, rather than use error handling dialogues. This method of error correction is held to be non intrusive to primary command and control operations. This thesis also addresses some of the problems of user error in ASR use, and provides a number of recommendations for its reduction.


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The automatic interpolation of environmental monitoring network data such as air quality or radiation levels in real-time setting poses a number of practical and theoretical questions. Among the problems found are (i) dealing and communicating uncertainty of predictions, (ii) automatic (hyper)parameter estimation, (iii) monitoring network heterogeneity, (iv) dealing with outlying extremes, and (v) quality control. In this paper we discuss these issues, in light of the spatial interpolation comparison exercise held in 2004.


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This thesis reviews the existing manufacturing control techniques and identifies their practical drawbacks when applied in a high variety, low and medium volume environment. It advocates that the significant drawbacks inherent in such systems, could impair their applications under such manufacturing environment. The key weaknesses identified in the system were: capacity insensitive nature of Material Requirements Planning (MRP); the centralised approach to planning and control applied in Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP IT); the fact that Kanban can only be used in repetitive environments; Optimised Productivity Techniques's (OPT) inability to deal with transient bottlenecks, etc. On the other hand, cellular systems offer advantages in simplifying the control problems of manufacturing and the thesis reviews systems designed for cellular manufacturing including Distributed Manufacturing Resources Planning (DMRP) and Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) controllers. It advocates that a newly developed cellular manufacturing control methodology, which is fully automatic, capacity sensitive and responsive, has the potential to resolve the core manufacturing control problems discussed above. It's development is envisaged within the framework of a DMRP environment, in which each cell is provided with its own MRP II system and decision making capability. It is a cellular based closed loop control system, which revolves on single level Bill-Of-Materials (BOM) structure and hence provides better linkage between shop level scheduling activities and relevant entries in the MPS. This provides a better prospect of undertaking rapid response to changes in the status of manufacturing resources and incoming enquiries. Moreover, it also permits automatic evaluation of capacity and due date constraints and hence facilitates the automation of MPS within such system. A prototype cellular manufacturing control model, was developed to demonstrate the underlying principles and operational logic of the cellular manufacturing control methodology, based on the above concept. This was shown to offer significant advantages from the prospective of operational planning and control. Results of relevant tests proved that the model is capable of producing reasonable due date and undertake automation of MPS. The overall performance of the model proved satisfactory and acceptable.


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Over the past decade, several experienced Operational Researchers have advanced the view that the theoretical aspects of model building have raced ahead of the ability of people to use them. Consequently, the impact of Operational Research on commercial organisations and the public sector is limited, and many systems fail to achieve their anticipated benefits in full. The primary objective of this study is to examine a complex interactive Stock Control system, and identify the reasons for the differences between the theoretical expectations and the operational performance. The methodology used is to hypothesise all the possible factors which could cause a divergence between theory and practice, and to evaluate numerically the effect each of these factors has on two main control indices - Service Level and Average Stock Value. Both analytical and empirical methods are used, and simulation is employed extensively. The factors are divided into two main categories for analysis - theoretical imperfections in the model, and the usage of the system by Buyers. No evidence could be found in the literature of any previous attempts to place the differences between theory and practice in a system in quantitative perspective nor, more specifically, to study the effects of Buyer/computer interaction in a Stock Control system. The study reveals that, in general, the human factors influencing performance are of a much higher order of magnitude than the theoretical factors, thus providing objective evidence to support the original premise. The most important finding is that, by judicious intervention into an automatic stock control algorithm, it is possible for Buyers to produce results which not only attain but surpass the algorithmic predictions. However, the complexity and behavioural recalcitrance of these systems are such that an innately numerate, enquiring type of Buyer needs to be inducted to realise the performance potential of the overall man/computer system.


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Flexible Assembly Systems (FASs) are normally associated with the automatic, or robotic, assembly of products, supported by automated material handling systems. However, manual assembly operations are still prevalent within many industries, where the complexity and variety of products prohibit the development of suitable automated assembly equipment. This article presents a generic model for incorporating flexibility into the design and control of assembly operations concerned with high variety/low volume manufacture, drawing on the principles for Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) and Just-in-Time (JIT) delivery. It is based on work being undertaken in an electronics company where the assembly operations have been overhauled and restructured in response to a need for greater flexibility, shorter cycle times and reduced inventory levels. The principles employed are in themselves not original. However, the way they have been combined and tailored has created a total manufacturing control system which represents a new concept for responding to demands placed on market driven firms operating in an uncertain environment.