25 resultados para Attentive first-aid care

em Aston University Research Archive


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Background: Anti-psychotics, prescribed to people with dementia, are associated with approximately 1,800 excess annual deaths in the UK. A key public health objective is to limit such prescribing of anti-psychotics. Methods: This project was conducted within primary care in Medway Primary Care Trust (PCT) in the UK. There were 2 stages for the intervention. First, primary care information systems including the dementia register were searched by a pharmacy technician to identify people with dementia prescribed anti-psychotics. Second, a trained specialist pharmacist conducted targeted clinical medication reviews in people with dementia initiated on anti-psychotics by primary care, identified by the data search. Results: Data were collected from 59 practices. One hundred and sixty-one (15.3%) of 1051 people on the dementia register were receiving low-dose anti-psychotics. People with dementia living in residential homes were nearly 3.5 times more likely to receive an anti-psychotic [25.5% of care home residents (118/462) vs. 7.3% of people living at home (43/589)] than people living in their own homes (p?care mental health services or Learning Disability Teams. Of the remaining 70 patients the anti-psychotic was either withdrawn, or the dosage was reduced, in 43 instances (61.4%) following the pharmacy-led medication review. Conclusions: In total 15.3% of people on the dementia register were receiving a low-dose anti-psychotic. However, such data, including the recent national audit may under-estimate the usage of anti-psychotics in people with dementia. Anti-psychotics were used more commonly within care home settings. The pharmacist-led medication review successfully limited the prescribing of anti-psychotics to people with dementia.


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In India, more than one third of the population do not currently have access to modern energy services. Biomass to energy, known as bioenergy, has immense potential for addressing India’s energy poverty. Small scale decentralised bioenergy systems require low investment compared to other renewable technologies and have environmental and social benefits over fossil fuels. Though they have historically been promoted in India through favourable policies, many studies argue that the sector’s potential is underutilised due to sustainable supply chain barriers. Moreover, a significant research gap exists. This research addresses the gap by analysing the potential sustainable supply chain risks of decentralised small scale bioenergy projects. This was achieved through four research objectives, using various research methods along with multiple data collection techniques. Firstly, a conceptual framework was developed to identify and analyse these risks. The framework is founded on existing literature and gathered inputs from practitioners and experts. Following this, sustainability and supply chain issues within the sector were explored. Sustainability issues were collated into 27 objectives, and supply chain issues were categorised according to related processes. Finally, the framework was validated against an actual bioenergy development in Jodhpur, India. Applying the framework to the action research project had some significant impacts upon the project’s design. These include the development of water conservation arrangements, the insertion of auxiliary arrangements, measures to increase upstream supply chain resilience, and the development of a first aid action plan. More widely, the developed framework and identified issues will help practitioners to take necessary precautionary measures and address them quickly and cost effectively. The framework contributes to the bioenergy decision support system literature and the sustainable supply chain management field by incorporating risk analysis and introducing the concept of global and organisational sustainability in supply chains. The sustainability issues identified contribute to existing knowledge through the exploration of a small scale and developing country context. The analysis gives new insights into potential risks affecting the whole bioenergy supply chain.


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This paper analyses the impact of FDI on the employment, productivity, profitability and survival performance of urban SOEs in China, with the aid of a rich panel data set over the period 1999–2005. Our estimation strategy controls for the endogeneity of a number of regressors and accounts for firm-level unobserved heterogeneity. Four key results emerge from the analysis: (i) Firmlevel foreign finance enhances the employment and productivity growth of SOEs, as well as their survival prospects; (ii) Competition from sectoral FDI has a deleterious impact on the growth and survival probability of SOEs without access to any foreign capital; (iii) Export-oriented FDI in downstream sectors has negative performance ramifications; and (iv) There are no discernible spillover effects that can be attributed to FDI in upstream sectors, suggesting limited linkages between multinational firms and SOEs.


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Fathers in the United Kingdom (UK) usually attend the birth and immediate care of their baby. They also have an increasing presence during complicated and preterm childbirth, newborn resuscitation and early neonatal unit(NNU) care. However, there is limited evidence about the effect of these experiences on them. The aim of this study was to gain an understanding of the experiences of fathers encountering these situations. The study consisted of three phases and was undertaken in one National Health Service trust in the UK. Qualitative semi-structured interviews using a phenomenological approach were undertaken with 20 first-time fathers present at the delivery, resuscitation and/or admission of their baby to the NNU. Direct observations were made of 22 normal and complicated deliveries and initial newborn care and qualitative semi-structured interviews using the critical incident approach were undertaken with 37 health care professionals (HCPs). The study generated qualitative and quantitative data that were analysed accordingly. The findings show that most fathers were involved for at least some of the time and often spontaneously initiated their involvement. Their most important need was for information. They were usually more concerned about their partner, irrespective of the baby?s need for resuscitation and NNU care. To facilitate their involvement, fathers needed guidance and support from HCPs, particularly delivery suite midwives. Most HCPs recognised the needs of fathers and ways in which they could be helped to connect with their experience. However, these needs were not always met, usually because of inadequate staffing levels, a lack of resources or a mother-centred philosophy of care. The findings suggest the service often determines the extent to which fathers are involved. It is anticipated that these findings will inform HCP education and training and the development of both policy and health education thereby enhancing the quality of care provision for fathers.


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The use of antibiotics was investigated in twelve acute hospitals in England. Data was collected electronically and by questionnaire for the financial years 2001/2, 2002/3 and 2003/4. Hospitals were selected on the basis of their Medicines Management Self-Assessment Scores (MMAS) and included a cohort of three hospitals with integrated electronic prescribing systems. The total sample size was 6.65% of English NHS activity for 2001/2 based on Finished Consultant Episode (FCE) numbers. Data collected included all antibiotics dispensed (ATC category J01), hospital activity FCE's and beddays, Medicines Management Self-assessment scores, Antibiotic Medicines Management scores (AMS), Primary Care Trust (PCT) of origin of referral populations, PCT antibiotic prescribing rates, Index of Multiple Deprivation for each PCT. The DDD/FCE (Defined Daily Dose/FCE) was found to correlate with the DDD 100beddays (r = 0.74 pcare antibiotic prescribing rates but not between primary and secondary care antibiotic prescribing rates for the same referral population or between the weighted mean IMD 2000 for each hospital's referral population and the hospital antibiotic prescribing rate.


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Paediatric intensive care is an expanding specialty that has been shown to improve the quality of care provided to critically ill children. An important aspect of the management of critically ill children includes the provision of effective sedation to reduce stress and anxiety during their stay in intensive care. However, to achieve effective and safe sedation in these children, is recognised as a challenge that is not without risk. Often children receive too much or too little sedation resulting in over sedation or under sedation respectively. These problems have arisen owing to a lack of information regarding altered pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of medicines administered to critically ill children. In addition there are few validated sedation scoring systems in practice with which to monitor level of sedation and titrate medication appropriately. This study consisted of two stages. Stage 1 investigated the reproducibility and practicality of two observational sedation assessment scales for use in critically ill children. The two scales were different in design, the first being simple in design requiring a single assessment of the patient. The second was more complex in design requiring assessment of five patient parameters to obtain an overall sedation score. Both scales were found to achieve good reproducibility (kappa values 0.50 and 0.62 respectively). Practicality of each sedation scale was undertaken by obtaining nursing staff opinion about both scales using questionnaire and interview technique. It was established that nursing staff preferred the second, more complex sedation scale mainly because it was perceived to give a more accurate assessment of level of sedation and anxiety rather than merely level of sedation. Stage 2 investigated the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of midazolam in critically ill children. 52 children, aged between 0 and 18 years were recruited to the study and 303 blood samples taken to analyse midazolam and its metabolites, I-hydroxyrnidazolam (I-OR) and 4-hydroxymidazolam (4-0H). Analysis of plasma was undertaken using high performance liquid chromatography. A significant correlation was found between midazolam plasma concentration and sedative effect (r=0.598, p=O.OI). It was found that a midazolam plasma concentration of 223ng/ml (±31.9) achieved a satisfactory level of sedation. Only a poor correlation was found between dose of midazolam and plasma concentration of midazolam. Similarly only a poor correlation was found between sedative effect and dose of midazolam. Clearance of midazolam was found to be 6.3mllkglmin (±0.36), which is lower than that reported in healthy children (9.Il-13.3mllkg/min). Age related differences in midazolam clearance were observed in the study. Neonates produced the lowest clearance values (l.63mllkg/min), compared to children aged 1 to 12 months (8.52mllkg/min) who achieved the highest clearance values. Clearance was found to decrease after the age of 12 months to values of 5.34mllkglmin in children aged 7 years and above. Patients with renal (n=5) and liver impairment (n~4) were found to have reduced midazolam clearance (1.37 and 0.74ml/kg/min respectively). Plasma concentrations of I-OH and 4-0H ranged from 0-5 1 89nglml and 0-27 Inglml respectively. All children were found to be capable of producing both metabolites irrespective of age, although no trend was established between age and extent of production of either metabolite. Disease state was found to affect production of l-OH. Patients with renal impairment (n=5) produced the lowest I-OH midazolam plasma ratio (0.059) compared to patients with head injury (0.858). Patients with severe liver impairment were found to be capable of manufacturing both metabolites despite having a severely damaged liver.


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This study covers two areas of contribution to the knowledge, firstly it tried to investigate rigourously the relationships of a number of factors believed that they may affect the climate perception, classified into three types to arrive to prove a hypothesis of the important role that qualification and personal factors play in shaping the climate perception, this is in contrast with situational factors. Secondly, the study tries to recluster the items of a wide-range applied scale for the measurement of climate named HAY in order to overcome the cross-cultural differences between the Kuwaiti and the American society, and to achieve a modified dimensions of climate for a civil service organisation in Kuwait. Furthermore, the study attempts to carry out a diagnostic test for the climate of the Ministry of Public Health in Kuwait, aiming to diagnose the perceived characteristics of the MoPH organisation, and suggests a number of areas to be given attention if an improvement is to be introduced. The study used extensively the statistical and the computer facilities to make the analysis more representing the field data, on the other hand this study is characterised by the very highly responsive rate of the main survey which would affect the findings reliability. Three main field studies are included, the first one was to conduct the main questionnaire where the second was to measure the "should be" climate by the experts of MoPH using the DELPHI technique, and the third was to conduct an extensive meeting with the very top management team in MoPH. Results of the first stage were subject to CLUSTER analysis for the reconstruction of the HAY tool, whereas comparative analysis was carried on between the results of the second and third stages on one side, the first from the other.


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This research sets out to compare the values in British and German political discourse, especially the discourse of social policy, and to analyse their relationship to political culture through an analysis of the values of health care reform. The work proceeds from the hypothesis that the known differences in political culture between the two countries will be reflected in the values of political discourse, and takes a comparison of two major recent legislative debates on health care reform as a case study. The starting point in the first chapter is a brief comparative survey of the post-war political cultures of the two countries, including a brief account of the historical background to their development and an overview of explanatory theoretical models. From this are developed the expected contrasts in values in accordance with the hypothesis. The second chapter explains the basis for selecting the corpus texts and the contextual information which needs to be recorded to make a comparative analysis, including the context and content of the reform proposals which comprise the case study. It examines any contextual factors which may need to be taken into account in the analysis. The third and fourth chapters explain the analytical method, which is centred on the use of definition-based taxonomies of value items and value appeal methods to identify, on a sentence-by-sentence basis, the value items in the corpus texts and the methods used to make appeals to those value items. The third chapter is concerned with the classification and analysis of values, the fourth with the classification and analysis of value appeal methods. The fifth chapter will present and explain the results of the analysis, and the sixth will summarize the conclusions and make suggestions for further research.


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This study is toe first documented account in the British Isles of an evaluation of the effectiveness of client-centred counselling with young offenders in secure residential care. It is a test of Rogers' (1957) position on the 'necessary and sufficient' conditions of therapeutic personality change within a counselling relationship. Forty teenage male offenders, the subjects of Training School Orders, were randomly allocated in equal numbers to either an experimental or control group. Boys in the experimental group received weekly individual sessions of client-centred counselling over a seven month period. Boys in the control group received no formal counselling but were shown to have similar intellectual, personality, socio-economic and criminal backgrounds to those in the experimental group. It was hypothesised that counselled subjects would show more positive outcomes than control subjects over a range of measures relating to criminal behaviour and self-conception. The results indicated that the counselled subjects had a significantly lower rate of offending and a srnaller range of offences over a mean follow-up period of 2.5 years. They were also licensed from the institution significantly earlier and spent less time in custody during a one year follow-up after counselling was completed. Self-conception measures gave less clear-cut results. The direction of change towards better adjustment favoured the counselled subjects but the magnitude was often small. Those counselled subjects with most positive behaviour change tended to have significantly improved self-evaluation, less self/ideal self discrepancy and more variation on 'actual' self concept compared to pre-counselling. The results are discussed in the context of client-centred theory, methodological adequacy of the experimental design, and their application to the future treatment of young offenders in secure residential care.


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This thesis examines the present provisions for pre-conception care and the views of the providers of services. Pre-conception care is seen by some clinicians and health educators as a means of making any necessary changes in life style, corrections to imbalances in the nutritional status of the prospective mother (and father) and the assessment of any medical problems, thus maximizing the likelihood of the normal development of the baby. Pre-conception care may be described as a service to bridge the gap between the family planning clinic and the first ante-natal booking appointment. There were three separate foci for the empirical research - the Foresight organisation (a charity which has pioneered pre-conception care in Britain); the pre-conception care clinic at the West London Hospital, Hammersmith; and the West Midlands Regional Health Authority. The six main sources of data were: twenty five clinicians operating Foresight pre-conception clinics, couples attending pre-conception clinics, committee members of the Foresight organisation, staff of the West London Hospital pre-conception clinic, Hammersmith, District Health Education Officers working in the West Midlands Regional Health Authority and the members of the Ante-Natal Care Action Group, a sub-group of the Regional Health Advisory Group on Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine. A range of research methods were adopted. These were as follows: questionnaires and report forms used in co-operation with the Foresight clinicians, interviews, participant observation discussions and informal meetings and, finally, literature and official documentation. The research findings illustrated that pre-conception care services provided at the predominantly private Foresight clinics were of a rather `ad hoc' nature. The type of provision varied considerably and clearly reflected the views held by its providers. The protocol which had been developed to assist in the standardization of results was not followed by the clinicians. The pre-conception service provided at the West London Hospital shared some similarities in its approach with the Foresight provision; a major difference was that it did not advocate the use of routine hair trace metal analysis. Interviews with District Health Education Officers and with members of the Ante Natal Care Action Group revealed a tentative and cautious approach to pre-conception care generally and to the Foresight approach in particular. The thesis concludes with a consideration of the future of pre-conception care and the prospects for the establishment of a comprehensive pre-conception care service.


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Manufacturing system design is an ongoing activity within industry. Modelling tools based on Discrete Event Simulation are often used by practitioners during this design cycle. However, such tools do not adequately model the behaviour of 'direct' workers in manufacturing environments. There is an important need to expand the capability of modelling to include the relationships between human centred factors (demography, attitudes, beliefs, etc), their working environment (physical and organizational), and their subsequent performance in terms of productive routines. Therefore, this paper describes research that has formed a pilot modelling methodology that is an important first step in providing such a capability.


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This paper examines the 'ideological grip' of personalization. It does so empirically, tracking the trajectory of personalization through austerity budgeting in one English local authority. In this case, personalization continued to signify hope and liberation even though the most draconian cuts in the Council's history effectively rendered personalization a practical impossibility. This requires critical theorization. Two bodies of theory are interrogated. First Boltanski's sociology of critique, and, in particular, his notion of managerial domination illuminate the way in which change imperatives and crises come to cement ideological formations. Here it is argued that the articulation of personalization with transformation lends itself to managerial domination. It is further argued, though, that while institutional actors may be able to manipulate the symbolic to evade, what Boltanski terms, deconstructionist critique, this cannot entirely explain the hold of this particular discourse. Here, the Lacanian concept of enjoyment is deployed to interrogate its extra-symbolic function and fantasmatic form. Finally, the paper explores the political implications of such affective attachment and, in particular, the guarantee that personalization offers in a period of welfare state decline. © The Author(s) 2012.


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Objectives: This paper highlights the importance of analysing patient transportation in Nordic circumpolar areas. The research questions we asked are as follows: How many Finnish patients have been transferred to special care intra-country and inter-country in 2009? Does it make any difference to health care policymakers if patients are transferred inter-country? Study design: We analysed the differences in distances from health care centres to special care services within Finland, Sweden and Norway and considered the health care policy implica tions. Methods: An analysis of the time required to drive between service providers using the "Google distance meter" (http://maps.google.com/); conducting interviews with key Finnish stakeholders; and undertaking a quantitative analyses of referral data from the Lapland Hospital District. Results: Finnish patients are generally not transferred for health care services across national borders even if the distances are shorter. Conclusion: Finnish patients have limited access to health care services in circumpolar are as across the Nordic countries for 2 reasons. First, health professionals in Norway and Sweden do not speak Finnish, which presents a language problem. Second, The Social Insurance Institution of Finland does not cover the expenditures of travel or the costs of medicine. In addition, it seems that in circumpolar areas the density of Finnish service providers is greater than Swedish ones, causing many Swedish citizens to transfer to Finnish health care providers every year. However, future research is needed to determine the precise reasons for this.


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Background: The prevalence of hearing loss is considerably higher in individuals in residential care than in people within the community-dwelling population, and yet hearing aids and hearing services are relatively underused. Care staff have a key role in supporting access to services. Objectives: This study identifies staff perspectives on hearing loss and their views about potential hearing service improvements. Study design: A four-stage mixed methods study was used, made up of qualitative interviews, observation, a survey and a stakeholder involvement meeting. Results: The qualitative stages indicated that staff were concerned about their levels of interaction with residents. Staff considered maximizing communication as part of their professional role. The quantitative survey indicated that these views were widely held by staff, and the stakeholder stage identified the need for social support and dedicated staff training opportunities. Conclusion: Care home staff regard communication as a shared issue. Future interventions could enhance access to hearing services and provide care home staff with training in hearing loss and hearing aid management. © 2013 Informa Healthcare.