26 resultados para Aspects of the graduate program in Education at Marilia UNESP

em Aston University Research Archive


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The thesis investigates the relationship between the biomechanical properties of the anterior human sclera and cornea in vivo using Schiotz tonometry (ST), rebound tonometry (RBT, iCare) and the Ocular Response Analyser (ORA, Reichert). Significant differences in properties were found to occur between scleral quadrants. Structural correlates for the differences were examined using Partial Coherent Interferometry (IOLMaster, Zeiss), Optical Coherent tomography (Visante OCT), rotating Scheimpflug photography (Pentacam, Oculus) and 3-D Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Subject groups were employed that allowed investigation of variation pertaining to ethnicity and refractive error. One hundred thirty-five young adult subjects were drawn from three ethnic groups: British-White (BW), British-South-Asian (BSA) and Hong-Kong-Chinese (HKC) comprising non-myopes and myopes. Principal observations: ST demonstrated significant regional variation in scleral resistance a) with lowest levels at quadrant superior-temporal and highest at inferior-nasal; b) with distance from the limbus, anterior locations showing greater resistance. Variations in resistance using RBT were similar to those found with ST; however the predominantly myopic HKC group had a greater overall mean resistance when compared to the BW-BSA group. OCT-derived scleral thickness measurements indicated the sclera to be thinner superiorly than inferiorly. Thickness varied with distance from the corneolimbal junction, with a decline from 1 to 2 mm followed by a successive increase from 3 to 7 mm. ORA data varied with ethnicity and refractive status; whilst axial length (AL) was associated with corneal biometrics for BW-BSA individuals it was associated with IOP in the HKC individuals. Complex interrelationships were found between ORA Additional-Waveform-Parameters and biometric data provided by the Pentacam. OCT indicated ciliary muscle thickness to be greater in myopia and more directly linked to posterior ocular volume (from MRI) than AL. Temporal surface areas (SAs, from MRI) were significantly smaller than nasal SAs in myopic eyes; globe bulbosity (from MRI) was constant across quadrants.


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Computerised production control developments have concentrated on Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP II) systems. The literature suggests however, that despite the massive investment in hardware, software and management education, successful implementation of such systems in manufacturing industries has proved difficult. This thesis reviews the development of production planning and control systems, in particular, investigates the causes of failures in implementing MRP/MRP II systems in industrial environments and argues that the centralised and top-down planning structure, as well as the routine operational methodology of such systems, is inherently prone to failure. The thesis reviews the control benefits of cellular manufacturing systems but concludes that in more dynamic manufacturing environments, techniques such as Kanban are inappropriate. The basic shortcomings of MRP II systems are highlighted and a new enhanced operational methodology based on distributed planning and control principles is introduced. Distributed Manufacturing Resources Planning (DMRP), was developed as a capacity sensitive production planning and control solution for cellular manufacturing environments. The system utilises cell based, independently operated MRP II systems, integrated into a plant-wide control system through a Local Area Network. The potential benefits of adopting the system in industrial environments is discussed and the results of computer simulation experiments to compare the performance of the DMRP system against the conventional MRP II systems presented. DMRP methodology is shown to offer significant potential advantages which include ease of implementation, cost effectiveness, capacity sensitivity, shorter manufacturing lead times, lower working in progress levels and improved customer service.


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Objective. Evaluate the characteristics of a cohort of Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) students upon entry and examine any associations between entry qualifications, type of school attended, socioeconomic deprivation, age and academic performance in the MPharm programme. Methods. A retrospective cohort analysis of data recorded on Aston University’s central database for each individual exiting the MPharm programme during the five year period 2005-6 – 2009-10 (n=644). Results. Entrants were disproportionately drawn from socioeconomically deprived areas and independent (private) schools. Achievement prior to admission was related to the type of school attended but not to deprivation. Performance on the programme was not related to type of school or deprivation but was strongly correlated with prior achievements. Conclusions. Prior achievement is the most important predictor of performance on the MPharm programme but the superior prior achievement of independent school pupils is not seen at the point of graduation. This may have implications for admissions policies.


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Since the mid-1990s, automatic citizenship for children born in the Republic has been a source of growing debate against a backdrop of increasing immigration and the peace process. In June 2004, the debate culminated in a referendum, opening the way to a constitutional amendment that attaches residence qualifications to the hitherto unfettered entitlement to citizenship available through ius soli. Arguments for the amendment were couched in terms of a threat posed by Third World women having babies in Ireland to obtain residence, and a putative obligation to the EU to harmonise citizenship laws. This article explores how pregnant foreign women’s bodies became a site of perplexity about the borders of the twenty-first century Irish nation. It is therefore suggested that neither the ‘racial state’ theories nor feminist theories of the nation-state account fully for this. On closer inspection, the seemingly sui generis case of the Irish referendum is therefore fruitful in that it demands further reflection in terms of bridging gaps in the existing theory.


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Sodium formate, potassium acetate and a mixture of calcium and magnesium acetate (CMA) have all been identified as effective de-icing agents. In this project an attempt has been made to elucidate potentially deleterious effects of these substances on the durability of reinforced concrete. Aspects involving the corrosion behaviour of embedded steel along with the chemical and physical degradation of the cementitious matrix were studied. Ionic diffusion characteristics of deicer/pore solution systems in hardened cement paste were also studied since rates of ingress of deleterious agents into cement paste are commonly diffusion-controlled. It was found that all the compounds tested were generally non-corrosive to embedded steel, however, in a small number of cases potassium acetate did cause corrosion. Potassium acetate was also found to cause cracking in concrete and cement paste samples. CMA appeared to degrade hydrated cement paste although this was apparently less of a problem when commercial grade CMA was used in place of the reagent grade chemical. This was thought to be due to the insoluble material present in the commercial formulation forming a physical barrier between the concrete and the de-icing solution. With the test regimes used sodium formate was not seen to have any deleterious effect on the integrity of reinforced concrete. As a means of restoring the corrosion protective character of chloride-contaminated concrete the process of electrochemical chloride removal has been previously developed. Potential side-effects of this method and the effect of external electrolyte composition on chloride removal efficiency were investigated. It was seen that the composition of the external electrolyte has a significant effect on the amount of chloride removed. It was also found that, due to alterations to the composition of the C3A hydration reaction products, it was possible to remove bound chloride as well as that in the pore solution. The use of an external electrolyte containing lithium ions was also tried as a means of preventing cathodically-induced alkali-silica reaction in concretes containing potentially reactive aggregates. The results obtained were inconclusive and further practical development of this approach is needed.


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The limbal vascular response to extended contact lens wear was examined in a group comparative study initially intended to last eighteen months. After six months all patients wearing contact lenses had presented with micro-epithelial cysts. This unanticipated occurrence of the micro-epithelial-cysts necessitated termination of the study, and limited the quantity of data collected. However, sufficient results were available to allow a limited description ofthe vascular response to this form of contact lens wear. Interpretations of the date collected ore discussed in relation to suggested vasostimulating factors in the cornea. The micro-epithelial cysts observed after extended wear were classified and their rate of recovery recorded. A further clinical study was undertaken to observe cysts in both contact lens - and non contact lens-wearing eyes. Cysts were observed in every category of patient, although the characteristic patterns varied. These observations of micro-epithelial cysts are discussed with respect to the aetiopathogeneses of corneal epithelial cystic disorders. Subsequently, attempts were made to induce cysts in rabbit corneae by extended contact lens wear. Clinical observations revealed cyst-like appearances. Histological sections did not contain cysts but did exhibit signs characteristic •of cystic disorders of the corneal epithelium. In general, the results from the study indicate that extended wear is subjectively acceptable to contact lens wearers. However, the objective findings of significant vascular changes, micro-epithelial cysts and cases of acute red eye response cast considerable doubt on the recommendation of extended wear contact lenses for purely cosmetic applications.


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The socioeconomic context in the renaissance era in Oman has resulted in the development of new forms of discursive prastises and thus, in the introduction of new genres. One of these new genres is the business annual report, which in Oman exists in English and Arabic. This thesis examines the role of translation in the production of annual reports. This research makes a contribution to the field of Translation Studies by examining institutional translation in order to gain insights into translation agents, processes, practises and underlying policies with reference to national business institutions in their sociopolitical and historical and institutional contexts .Business reports are still largely under-researched as a genre in Translation Studies. The thesis starts with an overview of relevant aspects of Translation Studies to arrive at a theoretical framework which informs the analysis. The empirical analysis is based on sixty seven reports produced by different Oman-based companies which vary in size and organisational patterns. Annual reports are characterised as a genre in terms of function and structure at the macro-level as well as the micro-level. They have an informative and a persuasive function, as they are produced by different companies in their attempt to promote and fulfil their respective business interests and objectives.The thesis presents the sociocultural and political contexts of the production of the English and Arabic versions of the annual reports, focusing on the underlying functions and principles of institutions and agents. The next chapter illustrates the textual profiles of the English and the Arabic versions, identifying typical translation strategies. The discussion here operates within the framework of product-oriented Descriptive Translation Studies (Lambert and van Gorp 1985). It is argued that the two language versions reflect aspects of ideology, political affiliation and power relations at both the macro and micro- structural levels. These ideological aspects can be seen in particular in the addition, omission and change of specific expressions which refer to religious or interpersonal aspects. These strategies signal the aim to appeal to wider Arab readers and to fulfil the agendas of different agents (government, companies, chairpersons, directors, etc.). The description of the texts is followed by an account of these aspects in terms of sociopolitical and institutional conditions in the production of the translations. For this explanation, reference is made to sociological approaches to translation, mainly building on the work of Bourdieu (1991). This thesis emphasises that the translation of annual reports is a collective effort which takes place in a particular institutional context. Consequently, the translation strategies are regulated by the objectives of the institution within which translators and other agents operate. The translations are prepared in order to meet the expectations and needs of the intended Arabic language addressees; in addition, the generic features of the reports reveal a progression of transmission and development over the course of time in the spheres of business and economy in Oman. This thesis demonstrates that business companies too can be seen as institutions which contribute significantly to disseminating business terms and concepts and promoting investment opportunities domestically and internationally through translation work.


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Humic substances are the major organic constituents of soils and sediments. They are heterogeneous, polyfunctional, polydisperse, macromolecular and have no accurately known chemical structure. Their interactions with radionuclides are particularly important since they provide leaching mechanisms from disposal sites. The central theme to this research is the interaction of heavy metal actinide analogues with humic materials. Studies described focus on selected aspects of the characteristics and properties of humic substances. Some novel approaches to experiments and data analysis are pursued. Several humic substances are studied; all but one are humic acids, and those used most extensively were obtained commercially. Some routine characterisation techniques are applied to samples in the first instance. Humic substances are coloured, but their ultra-violet and visible absorption spectra are featureless. Yet, they fluoresce over a wide range of wavelengths. Enhanced fluorescence in the presence of luminescent europium(III) ions is explained by energy transfer from irradiated humic acid to the metal ion in a photophysical model. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is applied to the study of humic acids and their complexes with heavy metals. Proton and carbon-13 NMR provides some structural and functionality information; Paramagnetic lanthanide ions affect these spectra. Some heavy metals are studied as NMR nuclei, but measurements are restricted by their sensitivity. A humic acid is fractionated yielding a broad molecular weight distribution. Electrophoretic mobilities and particle radii determined by Laser Doppler Electrophoretic Light Scattering are sensitive to the conditions of the supporting media, and the concentration and particle size distribution of humic substances. In potentiometric titrations of humate dispersions, the organic matter responds slowly and the mineral acid addition is buffered. Proton concentration data is modelled and a mechanism is proposed involving two key stages, both resulting in proton release after some conformational changes.


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The present work is an empirical investigation into the lq`reference skills' of Pakistani learners and their language needs on semantic, phonetic, lexical and pragmatic levels in the dictionary. The introductory chapter discusses the relatively problematic nature of lexis in comparison with the other aspects in EFL learning and spells out the aim of this study. Chapter two provides an analytical survey of the various types of research undertaken in different contexts of the dictionary and explains the eclectic approach adopted in the present work. Chapter three studies the `reference skills' of this category of learners in the background of highly sophisticated information structure of learners' dictionaries under evaluation and suggests some measures for improvement in this context. Chapter four considers various criteria, eg. pedagogic, linguistic and sociolinguistic for determining the macro-structure of learner's dictionary with a focus on specific Ll speakers. Chapter five is concerned with various aspects of the semantic information provided in the dictionaries matched against the needs of Pakistani learners with regard to both comprehension and production. The type, scale and presentation of grammatical information in the dictionary is analysed in chapter six with the object of discovering their role and utility for the learner. Chapter seven explores the rationale for providing phonological information, the extent to which this guidance is vital and the problems of phonetic symbols employed in the dictionaries. Chapter eight brings into perspective the historical background of English-Urdu bilingual lexicography and evalutes the currently popular bilingual dictionaries among the student community, with the aim of discovering the extent to which they have taken account of the modern tents of lexicography and investigating their validity as a useful reference tool in the learning of English language. The final chapter concludes the findings of individual aspects in a coherent fashion to assess the viability of the original hypothesis that learners' dictionaries if compiled with a specific set of users in mind would be more useful.


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The study examines the contribution of the Greens to the changing nature of West Germany's local politics in the 1980s. The changes correspond broadly to the politicisation and parliamentarisation of a sphere of government traditionally perceived as being "unpolitical". Building upon theories of the New Politics, it is suggested that the varying pace of socio-economic change across the Federal Republic underlies the nonuniform development of its local party systems. The party systems of localities which have witnessed rapid social and economic change are found to be more susceptible to the emergence of a New Politics dimension than those of communities in which change has occurred less rapidly. The thesis continues by addressing aspects of the Greens' role in the development of local party systems across the Federal Republic. Despite the fact that marked differences in the Greens' approach to local political participation are registered in communities of varying socio-economic types, it is argued that the Greens are largely responsible for the introduction of a "New Local Politics" dimension into West Germany's local party systems. In a comprehensive study of the Greens' role in the Mainz party system, the conflicting styles and practices of the Greens and the established political parties in the city are depicted. The failure of the Green Party to form an alliance with the SPD in the city council is attributed to the cleavage between the Greens' New Politics and the SPD's Old Politics approaches. A detailed analysis of the parliamentary initiatives introduced by the four parties represented in the Mainz council between 1984 and 1987 also supports the contention that a New Politics dimension exists in the city's party system. This dimension is identified as representing a significant source of conflict during the period of analysis.


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The interaction of microorganisms with glass-reinforced polyester resins(GRP), both under laboratory and simulated operating conditions, has been examined following reports of severl! fungal biodeterioration. Although GRP was not previously associated with substantial microbial growth, small amounts of microbial activity would pose problems for products associated with comestible materials. The microbiology of the raw materials was investigated, two ingredients were supportive to microbial populations whilst five materials were biostatic or inhibitory in their action. Production laminate was not susceptible to microbial deterioration or inhibitory to microbes. Incorporation of zinc stearate, one of the supportive ingredients, at 300% manufacturing level or drastic undercuring produced laminate capable of supporting microbial growth but only after a non-biotic stage of degradation. Study of the long-term population dynamics of cisterns of GRP and competitive materials under conditions simulating in-service conditions, monitoring microbial numbers within the experimental vessels and comparing with the populations of the supply water, suggests that the performance of GRP cisterns is slightly superior to conventional competitive materials. An investigation of the biological performance of GRP cisterns in an isolated area of known microbiological hazard was conducted. Severe biodeterioration had been experienced with Preform GRP articles moulded using different production techniques, but substitution of current GRP articles resulted in no recurrence of the problem. All attempts to establish the fungal isolate responsible for the phenomena in cisterns under controlled conditions failed. Scanning Electron Microscopy of GRP surfaces showed that although differences exist between current and Preform laminates, these could not satisfactorily explain the differences in service behaviour. These results and the results of the British Plastics Federation Expert Working Group interlaboratory study are discussed in relation to the original report of gross fungal biodeterioration and, to the design of future testing programmes for the products of industrial concerns.


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Feeding behaviour of trained rainbow trout was investigated by the use of demand feeders, under different light conditions. The effects of the energy content of diet, and the size, colour and texture of feed pellets, on the feeding behaviour, were studied. An attempt was made to locate the assumed centres for feeding and satiety in the hypothalamus of brain by the intraperitoneal injections of goldthioglucose. Feeding under nine different constant photoperiods at 160 lux, at a temperature of 13.5°C, showed that trout exhibit a rhythmic pattern of feeding behaviour in all photoperiods except in continuous darkness.Feeding rhythms of trout attributable to the degree of gut distension were formed every eight to ten hours. Further studies by varying levels of light intensity revealed the interaction of light intensity and photoperiod. At shorter photoperiods lower levels of light intensity decreased the feeding activity in terms of food intake but by increasing the photoperiod the same feeding activity was accomplished as by the fish subject to a short photoperiod but under higher light intensity.Simulated effect of increasing and decreasing daylengths did not affect the overall food intake and growth performance. Trout are quite efficient in adjusting their food intake in terms of energy content. Colour, size and texture of feed pellets affect the feeding responses and elicit preferential food selection behaviour in trout. Goldthioglucose induced some reversable toxic effects upon general physiology of trout and did not produce any lesions in the assumed areas of feeding and satiety centres in the brain.  It was concluded that the feeding behaviour of trout exhibited selective preferences according to the physical nature of food items and those preferences could be further influenced by the biotic and abiotic factors, light being one of the most important abiotic factors.


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A thorough investigation of the recommended colorimetric method for the determination of malathion (an organophosphorus pesticide) has led to the identification of the major cause of all the problems with which the method suffers. The method, which involves the extraction of the copper (II) complex or the hydrolysis product of malathion from aqueous solution into immiscible organic solvents, has many drawbacks. For example, the colour of the organic extract fades very quickly and a slight increase in the contact time of the hydrolysis product and the copper reagent within the aqueous solution, results in a decrease in the ab-solute absorbance. Also, the presence of any reducing agents can be a significant source of error. In the present work, it has been shown that the basic cause of all these problems is the ability of copper (II) ion to be reduced to copper (I) ion. It has further been shown that these problems can be resolved by re-placing copper (II) by bismuth (III). This has led to the development of a modified colorimetric method for the determination. of malathion, which has distinct advantages over all other existing methods in terms of reagents required, ease in application, avoidance of interferences and stability of colour for extended periods of time. The modified colorimetric method described above has been further improved by making use of a ligand exchange reaction involving dithizone. The resulting final organic extract in this case is bright orange in colour, the absorbance of which can be measured even with simple photometers. The usefulness of the modified colorimetric method has been demonstrated by determining malathion in technical products, and in aqueous solution containing the compound down to sub ppm levels. The scope and applicability of atomic absorption spectrophotometry has been extended by demonstrating for the first time that the technique can be used for the indirect determination of malathion. Almost all of the work described above has been accepted for publication by international journals and considerable interest in the work has been shown by chemists working in the field of pesticide analysis and research.