5 resultados para Asbestos, poisoning
em Aston University Research Archive
The objectives of this study were to investigate: (1) whether foliose lichen thalli could be transplanted from one substrate to another and (2) whether such transplants could be used to study the influence of the substrate on growth. Hence, six saxicolous lichens, with contrasting distributions on lime-rich and lime-poor substrates in South Gwynedd, Wales, were transplanted onto slate, granite, asbestos and cement. Fragments of the perimeters of thalli were glued to the different substrates using Bostic adhesive. Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.)Ach. and Parmelia saxatilis (L.)Ach., fragments increased in area over 15 months on slate and granite but decreased in area or did not survive on asbestos and cement. Fragments of Xanthoria parietina (L.)Th.Fr. and Physcia tenella (Scop.)DC. em Bitt. did not survive on slate and granite while some fragments survived but grew poorly on asbestos and cement. Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa (Fr. ex Duby)Laund. fragments decreased in area on all substrates and especially on cement and asbestos while Physcia orbicularis (Neck.)Poetsch fragments increased in area on granite and cement, decreased on asbestos and did not change significantly on slate. The results suggested that the distribution of P. conspersa and P. saxatilis was determined primarily by physico-chemical properties of the substrate. By contrast, P. glabratula ssp. fuliginosa may have responded to the transplant procedure while X. parietina, Ph. tenella and Ph. orbicularis may require nutrient enrichment to grow successfully on a substrate.
Automotive catalysts are the most effective short-term answer to air pollution from automobiles. Since strict control of exhaust emissions is, or will be,covered by legislation in most developed countries in the world, catalytic devices will be increasingly fitted to cars. There is consequently an urgent need for the development of catalysts that will not compete for scarce precious metal resources. A number of problems have already been identified in connection with base metal catalysts but quantitative investigations are lacking. The base metal reduction catalysts developed by Imperial Chemical Industries Limited, catalysts and Chemical Group, in collaboration with the Air Pollution Control Laboratory, B L Cars Limited for automotive emission control, are susceptible to de-activation by three major mechanisms. These are: physical loss of the wash-coat (a high surface area coating which supports the active species), aggregation of the active species and poisoning by fuel and engine oil additives. This thesis is especially concerned with the first two of these and attempts to indicate the relative magnitude .of their effect on the activity of. the catalysts. Aggregation of the active species or sintering, as it is loosely called, was studied by using impregnated granules to overcome effects due to the loss of the wash-coat. Samples were aged in a synthetic exhaust gas, free from poisons, and metal crystallite sizes were measured by scanning-electron microscopy. The increase in particle size was correlated with the loss in catalytic activity. In order to maintain a link with the real conditions of service a number of monolithic catalysts were tested in an engine-dynamometer and several previously tested endurance catalysts were examined. A mechanism is proposed for the break-up and subsequent 10s.5 of the wash-coat and suggestions for improved resistance to loss of the' coating and active species are proposed.
Government regulation of industrial hazards is examined in the context of the economic and technical processes of industrial development. Technical problems and costs of control are considered as factors in both the formation and impact of regulation. This thesis focuses on an historical case-study of the regulation of the hazard to painting workers from the use of lead pigments in paint. A regulatory strategy based on the prohibition of lead paints gained initial acceptance within the British state in 1911, but was subsequently rejected in favour of a strategy that allowed continued use of lead paint subject to hygiene precautions. The development of paint technology and its determinants, including concern about health hazards, are analysed, focusing on the innovation and diffusion into the paint industry of the major white pigments: white lead (PbC03 .PB(OH)2)and its substitutes. The process of regulatory development is examined, and the protracted and polarised regulatory d~bate contrasted to the prevailing 'consensual' methods of workplace regulation. The rejection of prohibition is analysed in terms of the different political and technical resources of those groups in conflict over this policy. This highlights the problems of consensus formation around such a strategy, and demonstrates certain constraints on state regulatory activity, particularly regarding industrial development. Member-states of the International Labour Organisation agreed to introduce partial prohibition of lead paint in 1921. Whether this was implemented is related to the economic importance of lead and non-lead metal and pigment industries to a nation. An analysis is made of the control of lead poisoning. The rate of control is related to the economic and technological trajectory of the regulated industry. Technical and organisational characteristics are considered as well as regulatory factors which range from voluntary compliance and informal pressures to direct legal requirements. The implications of this case-study for the analysis of the development and impacts of regulation are assessed.
Biofuels and chemicals from biomass mean the gasification of biogenic feedstocks and the synthesis via methanol, dimethylester (DME) or Fischer-Tropsch products. To prevent the sensitive synthesis catalysts from poisoning the syngas must be free of tar and particulates. The trace concentrations of S-, C1-, N-species, alkali and heavy metals must be of the order of a few ppb. Moreover maximum conversion efficiency will be achieved performing the gas cleaning above the synthesis conditions. The concept of an innovative dry HTHP syngas cleaning is presented. Based on the HT particle filtration and suitable sorption and catalysis processes for the relevant contaminants a total concept will be derived, which leads to a syngas quality required for synthesis catalysts in only 2 combined stages. The experimental setup for the HT gas cleaning behind the 60 kWtherm entrained flow gasifier REGA of the institute is described. Results from HT filter experiments in pilot scale are presented. The performance of 2 natural minerals for HC1 and H2S sorption is discussed with respect to the parameters temperature, surface and residence time. Results from lab scale investigations on low temperature tar catalysts' performance (commercial and proprietary development) are discussed finally.
Arenesulfonic-acid functionalized SBA-15 materials have been used in the production of biodiesel from low grade oleaginous feedstock. These materials display an outstanding catalytic activity, being able to promote the transformation of crude palm oil with methanol into fatty acid methyl esters with high yield (85%) under mild reaction conditions. However, high sensitivity of the catalyst against poisoning by different substances has also been detected. Thus, alkaline metal cations, such as sodium or potassium exert a negative influence on the catalytic activity of these materials, being necessary amounts around 500 ppm of sodium in the reaction media to decrease the catalytic activity of these materials to a half of its initial value in just two reaction runs. The deactivation of arenesulfonic acid functionalized SBA-15 materials seems to occur in this case by ion exchange of the acid protons at the sulfonic groups. Organic unsaponifiable compounds like lecithin or retinol also induce a negative influence in the catalytic activity of these sulfonic acid-based materials, though not so intense as in the case of alkaline metals. The deactivating mechanism associated to the influence of the organic compounds seems to be linked to the adsorption of such substances onto the catalytic acid sites as well as on the silica surface. The accumulation of lecithin in the surface of catalyst, observed by means of thermogravimetric analysis, suggest the creation of a strong interaction, probably by ion pair, between this compound and the sulfonic acid group.