8 resultados para Anisotropic magnetoresistance

em Aston University Research Archive


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We study the strong coupling (SC) limit of the anisotropic Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) model. A systematic mapping of the continuum model to its lattice equivalent shows that in the SC limit, anisotropic perturbations destroy all spatial correlations but retain a temporal scaling which shows a remarkable crossover along one of the two spatial directions, the choice of direction depending on the relative strength of anisotropicity. The results agree with exact numerics and are expected to settle the long-standing SC problem of a KPZ model in the infinite range limit. © 2007 The American Physical Society.


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The wettability of the (001), (100), and (011) crystallographic facets of macroscopic aspirin crystals has been experimentally investigated using a sessile drop contact angle (θ) method. θ for a nonpolar liquid was very similar for all three facets, though significant θ differences were observed for three polar probe liquids. The observed hydrophobicity of the (001) and (100) facets is ascribed to a reduced hydrogen bonding potential at these surfaces, whilst the observed hydrophilicity of facet (011) may be attributed to presence of surface carboxylic functionalities as confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The dispersive component of the surface free energy (γ) was similar for all three facets (35 ± 2 mJ/m). The total surface energy, γs varied between 46 and 60 mJ/m due to significant variations in the polar/acid-base components of γ for all facets. Surface polarity as determined by γ measurements and XPS data were in good agreement, linking the variations in wettability to the concentration of oxygen containing surface functional groups. In conclusion, the wettability and the surface energy of a crystalline organic solid, such as aspirin, was found to be anisotropic and facet dependant, and in this case, related to the presence of surface carboxylic functionalities. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association.


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Advancing (θA) and receding (θR) contact angles were measured with several probe liquids on the external facets (201), (001), (011), and (110) of macroscopic form I paracetamol crystals as well as the cleaved (internal) facet (010). For the external crystal facets, dispersive surface energies γd calculated from the contact angles were found to be similar (34 ± 1 mJ/m2), while the polar components varied significantly. Cleaving the crystals exposed a more apolar (010) surface with very different surface properties, including γd = 45 ± 1 mJ/m2. The relative surface polarity (γp/γ) of the facets in decreasing order was (001) > (011) > (201) > (110) > (010), which agreed with the fraction of exposed polar hydroxyl groups as determined from C and O 1s X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) spectra, and could be correlated with the number of non-hydrogen-bonded hydroxyl groups per unit area present for each crystal facet, based on the known crystal structures. In conclusion, all facets of form I paracetamol crystals examined exhibited anisotropic wetting behavior and surface energetics that correlated to the presence of surface hydroxyl groups.  © 2006 American Chemical Society.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of elastic anisotropy on nanoindentation measurements in human tibial cortical bone. Nanoindentation was conducted in 12 different directions in three principal planes for both osteonic and interstitial lamellae. The experimental indentation modulus was found to vary with indentation direction and showed obvious anisotropy (oneway analysis of variance test, P < 0.0001). Because experimental indentation modulus in a specific direction is determined by all of the elastic constants of cortical bone, a complex theoretical model is required to analyze the experimental results. A recently developed analysis of indentation for the properties of anisotropic materials was used to quantitatively predict indentation modulus by using the stiffness matrix of human tibial cortical bone, which was obtained from previous ultrasound studies. After allowing for the effects of specimen preparation (dehydrated specimens in nanoindentation tests vs. moist specimens in ultrasound tests) and the structural properties of bone (different microcomponents with different mechanical properties), there were no statistically significant differences between the corrected experimental indentation modulus (Mexp) values and corresponding predicted indentation modulus (Mpre) values (two-tailed unpaired t-test, P < 0.5). The variation of Mpre values was found to exhibit the same trends as the corrected Mexp data. These results show that the effects of anisotropy on nanoindentation measurements can be quantitatively evaluated. © 2002 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Indentation of ceramic materials with smooth indenters such as parabolae of revolution and spheres can be conducted in the elastic regime to relatively high loads. Ceramic single crystals thus provide excellent calibration media for load-and depth-sensing indentation testing; however, they are generally anisotropic and a complete elastic analysis is cumbersome. This study presents a simplified procedure for the determination of the stiffness of contact for the indentation of an anisotropic half-space by a rigid frictionless parabola of revolution which, to first order, approximates spherical indentation. Using a similar approach, a new procedure is developed for analysing conical indentation of anisotropic elastic media. For both indenter shapes, the contact is found to be elliptical, and equations are determined for the size, shape and orientation of the ellipse and the indentation modulus.


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Asphalt mixtures exhibit primary, secondary, and tertiary stages in sequence during a rutting deterioration. Many field asphalt pavements are still in service even when the asphalt layer is in the tertiary stage, and rehabilitation is not performed until a significant amount of rutting accompanied by numerous macrocracks is observed. The objective of this study was to provide a mechanistic method to model the anisotropic cracking of the asphalt mixtures in compression during the tertiary stage of rutting. Laboratory tests including nondestructive and destructive tests were performed to obtain the viscoelastic and viscofracture properties of the asphalt mixtures. Each of the measured axial and radial total strains in the destructive tests were decomposed into elastic, plastic, viscoelastic, viscoplastic, and viscofracture strains using the pseudostrain method in an extended elastic-viscoelastic correspondence principle. The viscofracture strains are caused by the crack growth, which is primarily signaled by the increase of phase angle in the tertiary flow. The viscofracture properties are characterized using the anisotropic damage densities (i.e., the ratio of the lost area caused by cracks to the original total area in orthogonal directions). Using the decomposed axial and radial viscofracture strains, the axial and radial damage densities were determined by using a dissipated pseudostrain energy balance principle and a geometric analysis of the cracks, respectively. Anisotropic pseudo J-integral Paris' laws in terms of damage densities were used to characterize the evolution of the cracks in compression. The material constants in the Paris' law are determined and found to be highly correlated. These tests, analysis, and modeling were performed on different asphalt mixtures with two binders, two air void contents, and three aging periods. Consistent results were obtained; for instance, a stiffer asphalt mixture is demonstrated to have a higher modulus, a lower phase angle, a greater flow number, and a larger n1 value (exponent of Paris' law). The calculation of the orientation of cracks demonstrates that the asphalt mixture with 4% air voids has a brittle fracture and a splitting crack mode, whereas the asphalt mixture with 7% air voids tends to have a ductile fracture and a diagonal sliding crack mode. Cracks of the asphalt mixtures in compression are inclined to propagate along the direction of the external compressive load. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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A test protocol and a data analysis method are developed in this paper on the basis of linear viscoelastic theory to characterize the anisotropic viscoelastic properties of undamaged asphalt mixtures. The test protocol includes three nondestructive tests: (1) uniaxial compressive creep test, (2) indirect tensile creep test, and (3) the uniaxial tensile creep test. All three tests are conducted on asphalt mixture specimens at three temperatures (10, 20, and 30°C) to determine the tensile and compressive properties at each temperature and then to construct the master curve of each property. The determined properties include magnitude and phase angle of the compressive complex modulus in the vertical direction, magnitude and phase angle of the tensile complex modulus, and the magnitude and phase angle of the compressive complex modulus in the horizontal plane. The test results indicate that all tested asphalt mixtures have significantly different tensile properties from compressive properties. The peak value of the master curve of the tensile complex modulus phase angle is within a range from 65 to 85°, whereas the peak value of the compressive moduli phase angle in both directions ranges from 35 to 55°. In addition, the undamaged asphalt mixtures exhibit distinctively anisotropic properties in compression. The magnitude of the compressive modulus in the vertical direction is approximately 1.2 to ̃2 times of the magnitude of the compressive modulus in the horizontal plane. Dynamic modulus tests are performed to verify the results of the proposed test protocol. The test results from the proposed test protocol match well with those from the dynamic tests. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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We consider the process of opinion formation in a society of interacting agents, where there is a set B of socially accepted rules. In this scenario, we observed that agents, represented by simple feed-forward, adaptive neural networks, may have a conservative attitude (mostly in agreement with B) or liberal attitude (mostly in agreement with neighboring agents) depending on how much their opinions are influenced by their peers. The topology of the network representing the interaction of the society's members is determined by a graph, where the agents' properties are defined over the vertexes and the interagent interactions are defined over the bonds. The adaptability of the agents allows us to model the formation of opinions as an online learning process, where agents learn continuously as new information becomes available to the whole society (online learning). Through the application of statistical mechanics techniques we deduced a set of differential equations describing the dynamics of the system. We observed that by slowly varying the average peer influence in such a way that the agents attitude changes from conservative to liberal and back, the average social opinion develops a hysteresis cycle. Such hysteretic behavior disappears when the variance of the social influence distribution is large enough. In all the cases studied, the change from conservative to liberal behavior is characterized by the emergence of conservative clusters, i.e., a closed knitted set of society members that follow a leader who agrees with the social status quo when the rule B is challenged.