9 resultados para Amplitude measurement

em Aston University Research Archive


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PURPOSE: To determine whether letter sequences and/or lens-presentation order should be randomized when measuring defocus curves and to assess the most appropriate criterion for calculating the subjective amplitude of accommodation (AoA) from defocus curves. SETTING: Eye Clinic, School of Life & Health Sciences, Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom. METHODS: Defocus curves (from +3.00 diopters [D] to -3.00 D in 0.50 D steps) for 6 possible combinations of randomized or nonrandomized letter sequences and/or lens-presentation order were measured in a random order in 20 presbyopic subjects. Subjective AoA was calculated from the defocus curves by curve fitting using various published criteria, and each was correlated to subjective push-up AoA. Objective AoA was measured for comparison of blur tolerance and pupil size. RESULTS: Randomization of lens-presentation order and/or letter sequences, or lack of, did not affect the measured defocus curves (P>.05, analysis of variance). The range of defocus that maintains highest achievable visual acuity (allowing for variability of repeated measurement) was better correlated to (r = 0.84) and agreed best with ( 0.50 D) subjective push-up AoA than any other relative or absolute acuity criterion used in previous studies. CONCLUSIONS: Nonrandomized letters and lens presentation on their own did not affect subjective AoA measured by defocus curves, although their combination should be avoided. Quantification of subjective AoA from defocus curves should be standardized to the range of defocus that maintains the best achievable visual acuity.


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In this paper, we propose and demonstrate a novel scheme for simultaneous measurement of liquid level and temperature based on a simple uniform fiber Bragg grating (FBG) by monitoring both the short-wavelength-loss peaks and its Bragg resonance. The liquid level can be measured from the amplitude changes of the short-wavelength-loss peaks, while temperature can be measured from the wavelength shift of the Bragg resonance. Both theoretical simulation results and experimental results are presented. Such a scheme has some advantages including robustness, simplicity, flexibility in choosing sensitivity and simultaneous temperature measurement capability.


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A report is presented on the interesting bending effect of cladding mode resonances in fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs). It is observed that a serial of new cladding mode resonances can arise under bending and the new and the original cladding mode resonances have opposite trends in amplitude change and wavelength shift when the curvature varies. The discovery provides an effective new way to discriminate between bend and strain or bend and temperature when using only a single uniform FBG.


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Background: The aim was to investigate the effect on the measured amplitude of accommodation and repeatability of using the minus lens technique with the target at distance or near. Methods: Forty-three students (average age: 21.17 ± 1.50 years, 35 female) had their amplitude of accommodation measured with minus lenses on top of their distance correction in a trial frame with the target at far (6.0m) or near (0.4m). The minus lens power was gradually added with steps of 0.25D. Measurements were taken on two occasions at each distance, which were separated by a time interval of at least 24 hours. Results: The measured amplitude at six metres was significantly lower than that with the target at 40cm, by 1.56 ± 1.17D (p < 0.001) and this varied between individuals (r = 0.716, intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.439). With either target distance, repeated measurement was highly correlated (r > 0.9) but the agreement was better at 6.0m (±0.74D) than at 40cm (± 0.92D). Conclusion: The measurements of the amplitude of accommodation with the minus lens technique using targets at far or near are not comparable and the difference between the target distances may provide clinically relevant information. © 2013 Optometrists Association Australia.


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A report is presented on the interesting bending effect of cladding mode resonances in fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs). It is observed that a serial of new cladding mode resonances can arise under bending and the new and the original cladding mode resonances have opposite trends in amplitude change and wavelength shift when the curvature varies. The discovery provides an effective new way to discriminate between bend and strain or bend and temperature when using only a single uniform FBG.


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In this paper, we propose and demonstrate a novel scheme for simultaneous measurement of liquid level and temperature based on a simple uniform fiber Bragg grating (FBG) by monitoring both the short-wavelength-loss peaks and its Bragg resonance. The liquid level can be measured from the amplitude changes of the short-wavelength-loss peaks, while temperature can be measured from the wavelength shift of the Bragg resonance. Both theoretical simulation results and experimental results are presented. Such a scheme has some advantages including robustness, simplicity, flexibility in choosing sensitivity and simultaneous temperature measurement capability.


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Mechanical physiological pulsations are movements of a body surface incited by the movements of muscles in organs inside the body. Here we demonstrate the use of long-period grating sensors in the detection of cardio-vascular pulsations (CVP), in particular apex and carotid pulsations. To calibrate the sensors, we use a mechanical tool designed specifically to measure the sensor response to a localized perturbation at different grating curvatures as working points. From the data we infer the amplitude of the CVP. Together with the electrophysiological signals, the CVP signals obtained from the sensors can provide significant information on heart function which is inaccessible to the electrocardiogram. The low cost and easy handling of the fibre sensors increase their prospects to become the sensors of choice for novel diagnostic devices. © 2013 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.


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PURPOSE. To compare the objective accommodative amplitude and dynamics of eyes implanted with the one-compartment-unit (1CU; HumanOptics AG, Erlangen, Germany) accommodative intraocular lenses (IOLs) with that measured subjectively. METHODS. Twenty eyes with a 1CU accommodative IOL implanted were refracted and distance and near acuity measured with a logMAR (logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution) chart. The objective accommodative stimulus-response curve for static targets between 0.17 and 4.00 D accommodative demand was measured with the SRW-5000 (Shin-Nippon Commerce Inc., Tokyo, Japan) and PowerRefractor (PlusOptiX, Nürnberg, Germany) autorefractors. Continuous objective recording of dynamic accommodation was measured with the SRW-5000, with the subject viewing a target moving from 0 to 2.50 D at 0.3 Hz through a Badal lens system. Wavefront aberrometry measures (Zywave; Bausch & Lomb, Rochester, NY) were made through undilated pupils. Subjective amplitude of accommodation was measured with the RAF (Royal Air Force accommodation and vergence measurement) rule. RESULTS. Four months after implantation best-corrected acuity was -0.01 ± 0.16 logMAR at distance and 0.60 ± 0.09 logMAR at near. Objectively, the static amplitude of accommodation was 0.72 ± 0.38 D. The average dynamic amplitude of accommodation was 0.71 ± 0.47 D, with a lag behind the target of 0.50 ± 0.48 seconds. Aberrometry showed a decrease in power of the lens-eye combination from the center to the periphery in all subjects (on average, -0.38 ± 0.28 D/mm). Subjective amplitude of accommodation was 2.24 ± 0.42 D. Two years after 1CU implantation, refractive error and distance visual acuity remained relatively stable, but near visual acuity, and the subjective and objective amplitudes of accommodation decreased. CONCLUSIONS. The objective accommodating effects of the 1CU lens appear to be limited, although patients are able to track a moving target. Subjective and objective accommodation was reduced at the 2-year follow-up. The greater subjective amplitude of accommodation is likely to result from the eye's depth of focus of and the aspheric nature of the IOL. Copyright © Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.


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The ability to hear a target signal over background noise is an important aspect of efficient hearing in everyday situations. This mechanism depends on binaural hearing whenever there are differences in the inter-aural timing of inputs from the noise and the signal. Impairments in binaural hearing may underlie some auditory processing disorders, for example temporal-lobe epilepsies. The binaural masking level difference (BMLD) measures the advantage in detecting a tone whose inter-aural phase differs from that of the masking noise. BMLD’s are typically estimated psychophysically, but this is challenging in children or those with cognitive impairments. The aim of this doctorate is to design a passive measure of BMLD using magnetoencephalography (MEG) and test this in adults, children and patients with different types of epilepsy. The stimulus consists of Gaussian background noise with 500-Hz tones presented binaurally either in-phase or 180° out-of-phase between the ears. Source modelling provides the N1m amplitude for the in-phase and out-of-phase tones, representing the extent of signal perception over background noise. The passive BMLD stimulus is successfully used as a measure of binaural hearing capabilities in participants who would otherwise be unable to undertake a psychophysical task.