7 resultados para Alkaline phosphatase inhibitors
em Aston University Research Archive
Collagen, type I, is a highly abundant natural protein material which has been cross-linked by a variety of methods including chemical agents, physical heating and UV irradiation with the aim of enhancing its physical characteristics such as mechanical strength, thermal stability, resistance to proteolytic breakdown, thus increasing its overall biocompatibility. However, in view of the toxicity of residual cross-linking agents, or impracticability at large scales, it would be more useful if the collagen could be cross-linked by a milder, efficient and more practical means by using enzymes as biological catalysts. We demonstrate that on treating native collagen type I (from bovine skin) with both tissue transglutaminase (TG2; tTG) and microbial transglutaminase (mTG; Streptoverticillium mobaraense) leads to an enhancement in cell attachment, spreading and proliferation of human osteoblasts (HOB) and human foreskin dermal fibroblasts (HFDF) when compared to culture on native collagen. The transglutaminase-treated collagen substrates also showed a greater resistance to cell-mediated endogenous protease degradation than the native collagen. In addition, the HOB cells were shown to differentiate at a faster rate than on native collagen when assessed by measurement of alkaline phosphatase activity and osteopontin expression. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The passage number and origin of two populations of Caco-2 cells influence their enterocyte-like characteristics. Caco-2 cells of passage number >90 from Novartis pharmaceutical company possess higher levels of expression of alkaline phosphatase and P-glycoprotein and a greater cellular uptake of Gly-1.-Pro than those of passage number <40 from the American Type Tissue Culture collection. High P-gp expressing Caco-2 cells have been developed through stepwise selection of the cells with doxonibicin. This newly-developed cell line (hereafter referred to as Type I) possesses approximately twice as much P-gp protein than non-exposed cells, restricts the transepithelial transport of vincristine in the apical-to-basolateral direction whilst facilitating its transport in the reverse direction and accumulates less vincristine than non-exposed cells. There is no apparent evidence of the co-existence of the multidrug resistance protein (MIT) in Type I cells to account for the above-listed observations. Stopping the exposure for more than 28 days decreases the P-gp protein expression in previously doxorubicin-exposed Type I Caco-2 cells and reduces the magnitude of vincristine transepithelial fluxes in both directions to the levels that are almost similar to those of non-exposed cells. Exposing Caco-2 cells to 0.25 JAM la, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 induces their expression of cytochrome P450 3A4 protein to the level that is equivalent to that from isolated human jejunal cells. Under the same treatment, doxorubiein-exposed (Type I) cells metabolise naidazolam poorly and less extensively compared to non-exposed cells, suggesting that there is no such co-regulation of P-gp and CYP3A4 in Caco-2 cells. However, there is evidence which suggests CYP3A metabolises mida_zolam into 1- and 4-hydroxymidazolam, the latter may possibly be a P-gp substrate and is transported extracellularly by P-gp, supporting the hypothesis of P-gp-CYP3A4 synergistic roles in keeping xenobiotics out of the body. Doxoru.bicin-exposed (Type I) cells are less effective in translocating L-proline and glycyl-L-proline across the cell mono layers.
The HT-29 human colon adenocarcinoma cell line, like many epithelial cells, displays an undifferentiated phenotype when cultured on plastic substrata. Biochemical markers of differentiation, such as brush border associated enzymes and carcinoembryonic antigen were expressed at very low levels. The differentiation-inducing effects of the culture of HT-29 cells on collagen type I gels were evaluated, and were assessed by morphological appearance, brush border associated enzyme activities and the secretion of CEA. The effect that this more physiological environment had on their chemosensitivity to a panel of chemotherapeutic agents was determined, so as to indicate whether this system could be used to improve the selectivity of screening for novel anticancer agents. Initial studies were performed on HT-29 cells derived from cells seeded directly from plastic substrata onto the collagen gels (designated Non-PPC gels). Their time of exposure to the collagen was limited to the time course of a single experiment and the results suggested that a longer, more permanent exposure might produce a more pronounced differentiation. HT-29 cells were then passaged continuously on collagen gels for a minimum of 10 passages prior to experimentation (designated PPC gels). The same parameters were measured, and compared to those for the cells grown on plastic and on the non-passaged collagen gels (Non-PPC) from the original studies. Permanently passaged cells displayed a similar degree of morphological differentiation as the non-passaged cells, with both culture conditions resulting in a more pronounced differentiation than that achieved by culture on plastic. It was noted that the morphological differentiation observed was very heterogeneous, a situation also seen in xenografted tumours in vivo. The activity of alkaline phosphatase and the production of CEA was higher in the cells passaged on collagen (PPC) than the cells cultured on non-passaged collagen gel (Non-PPC) and plastic. The biochemical determination of aminopeptidase activity showed that collagen gel culture enhanced the activity in both non-passaged and passaged HT-29 cells above that of the cells cultured on plastic. However, immunocytochemical localization of aminopeptidase and sucrase-isomaltase of samples of cells grown on the various substrata for 7, 14, 21 and 28 days showed a reduction in both enzymes in the cells grown on collagen gels when compared to cells grown on plastic. The reason for the discrepancy between the two assays for aminopeptidase is at this stage unexplained. Although, there was evidence to suggest that the culture of HT-29 cells on collagen gels was capable of inducing morphological and biochemical markers of enterocytic differentiation, there were no differences in the chemosensitivity of the different cell groups to a panel of anticancer agents. Preliminary studies suggested that the ability of the cells to polarize by their culture on porous filter chambers without any exogenous ECM was sufficient to enhance HT-29 differentiation and the onset of differentiation was probably correlated with the production of ECM by the cells themselves.
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which generally activates Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), is expressed on commensal colonic bacteria. In a number of tissues, LPS can act directly on epithelial cells to increase paracellular permeability. Such an effect in the colon would have an important impact on the understanding of normal homeostasis and of pathology. Our aim was to use a novel primary culture of colonic epithelial cells grown on Transwells to investigate whether LPS, or Pam(3)CSK( 4), an activator of TLR2, affected paracellular permeability. Consequently, [(14)C]-mannitol transfer and transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) were measured. The preparation consisted primarily of cytokeratin-18 positive epithelial cells that produced superoxide, stained for mucus with periodic acid-Schiff reagent, exhibited alkaline phosphatase activity and expressed TLR2 and TLR4. Tight junctions and desmosomes were visible by transmission electron microscopy. Basally, but not apically, applied LPS from Escherichia coli increased the permeability to mannitol and to a 10-kDa dextran, and reduced TEER. The LPS from Helicobacter pylori increased paracellular permeability of gastric cells when applied either apically or basally, in contrast to colon cells, where this LPS was active only from the basal aspect. A pan-caspase inhibitor prevented the increase in caspase activity caused by basal E. coli LPS, and reduced the effects of LPS on paracellular permeability. Synthetic Pam(3)CSK(4) in the basal compartment prevented all effects of basal E. coli LPS. In conclusion, LPS applied to the base of the colonic epithelial cells increased paracellular permeability by a mechanism involving caspase activation, suggesting a process by which perturbation of the gut barrier could be exacerbated. Moreover, activation of TLR2 ameliorated such effects.
Transglutaminases (TGs) stabilize proteins by the formation of ε(γ-glutamyl)lysine cross-links. Here, we demonstrate that the cross-linking of collagen I (COL I) by tissue transglutaminase (TG2) causes an alteration in the morphology and rheological properties of the collagen fibers. Human osteoblasts (HOB) attach, spread, proliferate, differentiate and mineralize more rapidly on this cross-linked matrix compared to native collagen. When seeded on cross-linked COL I, HOB are more resistant to the loss of cell spreading by incubation with RGD containing peptides and with α1, α2 and β1 integrin blocking antibodies. Following adhesion on cross-linked collagen, HOB show increased phosphorylation of the focal adhesion kinase, and increased expression of β1 and β3 integrins. Addition of human bone morphogenetic protein to HOB seeded on TG2 cross-linked COL I enhanced the expression of the differentiation marker bone alkaline phosphatase when compared to cross-linked collagen alone. In summary, the use of TG2-modified COL I provides a promising new scaffold for promoting bone healing. © 2014 Springer-Verlag.
Tissue transglutaminase (tTG) has recently been established as a novel cell surface adhesion protein that binds with high affinity to fibronectin in the pericellular matrix. In this study, we have made use of this property to enhance the biocompatibility of poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL), a biomaterial currently used in bone repair. Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) discs were first coated with fibronectin and then tTG. The surface localisation of the two proteins was confirmed using ELISA and the tTG shown to be active on the surface by incorporation of biotin cadaverine into the fibronectin coating. When human osteoblasts (HOBs) were seeded onto the coated polymer surfaces in serum free medium, the surface coated with fibronectin and then tTG showed an increase in the spreading of the cells as compared to the surface coated with fibronectin alone, when analysed using environmental scanning electron microscopy. The presence of tTG had no effect on HOB cell differentiation when analysed by determining alkaline phosphatase activity. The use of tTG as a novel adhesion protein in this way may therefore have considerable potential in forming a stable tissue/biomaterial interface for application in medical devices.
The use of sodium carboxymethylcellulose (NaCMC) as a spray-drying excipient in the preparation of inhalable formulations of proteins was investigated, using alkaline phosphatase as a model functional protein. Two spray-dried powders were investigated: a control powder comprising 100% (w/w) alkaline phosphatase and a test powder comprising 67% (w/w) NaCMC and 33% (w/w) alkaline phosphatase. Following physicochemical characterisation, the powders were prepared as both dry powder inhaler (DPI) and pressurised metered dose inhaler (pMDI) formulations. The aerosolisation performance of the formulations was assessed using a Multi-Stage Liquid Impinger, both immediately after preparation and over a 16-week storage period. Formulating the control powder as a DPI resulted in a poor fine particle fraction (FPF: 10%), whereas the FPF of the NaCMC-modified DPI formulation was significantly greater (47%). When the powders were formulated as pMDI systems, the control and NaCMC-modified powders demonstrated FPFs of 52% and 55%, respectively. Following storage, reduced FPF was observed for all formulations except the NaCMC-modified pMDI system; the performance of this formulation following storage was statistically equivalent to that immediately following preparation. Co-spray-drying proteins and peptides with NaCMC may therefore offer an alternative method for the preparation of stable and respirable pMDI formulations for pulmonary delivery. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.